Chapter 40: Internal Turmoil
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It was morning. Moonshine run had been silent on the inside, all that stirred was the Night Witch leader, Julie Cassandra Faith Stonehart. She was up early, even if she was still on her break from duty. As always, a trip to make morning coffee. But this time there was a surprise waiting for her. In fact, she wasn't the only one awake so early. Infact Jack was too. And he was training hard in the training grounds. Julie leaves her station by the coffee machine and heads outside. The sun had just begun rising, so the sky was still rather a deep shade of blue with colors of red, orange, and yellow around the rising sun. A beautiful, cloud spotted dawn. Jack had been training hard as it seems. He was topless and wearing his guild outfit pants, training his aim with kunai and throwing stars, as well as leading from ranged to melee back to ranged. The Yanjung Ninja was pushing his body to the limit. Julie stood a few feet behind Jack and just watched.

“Jack,” Julie said. “What are ya doin out here? Its 5 in the mornin.”

Jack slashes at the training dummy with his small sword, looking at Julie after the attack. His expression quickly switches from a serious one to an embarrassed and nervous one. He didn't expect Julie to notice him training. He also didn't expect to still be training. When he looks around it clicks that it's dawn. The large dark skinned woman takes note of Jack's reactions.

“I uhh.. I've been training since 11 last night.”
“Ya’ve been out here for 6 hours!?” Julie shouted and looked at Jack with shock. Jack rubs the back of his head nervously. Time had been completely lost on him while training. The blue eyed man walks toward Julie and hugs her gently.
“Sorry Mama. Must have gotten lost in it.” Jack says with a nervous chuckle. 

It was clear and apparent to Julie that something was going on with Jack, this was abnormal behavior for him. Training so hard, losing track of time. His words and hug were all in character for him, but something just felt off. Her mother-like senses were blaring.

“Jack what's wrong?” Julie asked in a sweet, motherly tone as she hugged the man back.

The topless man sighs and looks at the ground, pulling away from the hug. He knew all too well that Julie would already know something is wrong. It's how it always goes. Can't hide anything from Julie Stonehart. After a short time he looks up at her. The expression becomes a saddened one. Julie rubs the side of his shoulders and smiles at him softly.

“Ya dont gotta talk if ya dont wanna Jack. Just know that ah am here for ya.”

Jack nods at Julie. She gets the hint that he doesn't want to talk and remains silent, pulling him into a tight hug. Jack returns the hug and eases his tensed muscles with Juie rubbing his back. The hug continues for a short moment before Jack breaks it and looks around.

“Im… not okay mom.” Jack said, slowly admitting his pain.
“Let's go in the house sweetheart. Before ya get sick”

Jack nods and follows Julie into the house, thinking to himself. The situation from last night had been on his mind since it happened. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. He had been in his mind so much that Jack failed to even realize that he had ignored everyone when he came home. Julie was thinking about what could’ve happened, but currently was waiting to see if Jack would speak up about it. After all she did drive herself into a hole by saying he didn't have to talk about it. But on the other hand, seeing him so down hurts her.
Julie makes her coffee and continues to wait for Jack to speak up. Nothing, She puts in the milk, nothing. She puts in the copious amounts of sugar, nothing. Once done she takes a sip and turns to Jack, holding the mug.

“What is it?” She asked. Jack looks over confused for a bit but he knows he can't feign ignorance with Julie, she knows everything.
“I saw Lisa yesterday”
“Ya usually happy after that”
“I… I broke up with her mama. I thought it was the right thing to do.”

Julie looked at Jack rather confused, she didn't understand exactly what he meant. It was just a few days ago they talked about him seeing her, he seemed happy enough. Then for this to happen so suddenly? “What changed so quickly? Did they fight?” she thought to herself. Then it suddenly hit her, it's been so long between visits to Lisa, she hadn't realized before.

“Jack.. you should go back to her, take the next month off. I'll be sure ta give ya more breaks, ah didn't realize before.”
“It’s already done. It can't be fixed mama.”
“Jack, Ah know ya love her. Ya gotta go explain yaself so she understands what's wrong, maybe ya’ll can-”
“I can't.” Jack interrupted.

Julie sighs and sips her coffee, she can tell Jack was trying to change. Trying to be less cowardly, less afraid. But in the end it was exactly what he was doing. She can tell he was afraid to face Lisa again. No amount of convincing would work. The decision was made and he was going to stick to it.

“Breakfast?” Julie offers, gathering a pan out of a cabinet.
“Please Mama.”

Julie nods and gets cooking. Eggs, Bacon and Sausage. She smiles as she moves around the kitchen, staying silent. She can tell Jack is taking the time to think to himself. She knew how he was thinking, in most cases She knows Jack more than he knows himself. “It also helps that I can break the fourth wall occasionally” Julie thought. Though she didn't know exactly what he’s thinking, it was more of an assumption. “Because you aren't explaining. I’d like to know please” She thinks again. The Malenterian mother continues cooking, letting Jack think to himself. Though what she would do is do what any good mother would do for their child or someone they see as their own.

“It’ll be alright Jack,” Julie said as she slid a plate to the black haired ninja. She spoke in a soft and caring voice. That once statement gave Jack a small glimmer of hope that in the end he will be fine. A shiny seashell in a gray and depressing beach of despair. With more motivation Jack eats his breakfast and prepares to take on the day, tired and determined.

The Night Witch Leader then makes her own plate of breakfast and hears the small pitter patter of feet. Who else but Rose comes up behind Julie and hugs her tightly.

“Morning mama!” She said in her cute stuffed up voice.
“Good morning Rose, go sit on a chair and I will get ya some breakfast.”

Rose quickly runs over to a chair and climbs up, ready to start the day. Jack thinks to himself more on what he did. He's beginning to think he might regret it, but as he said before there's no going back.


Days pass and the guild operates as usual, the commissions taken being ones that the guild can undertake outside of their guild uniform. The only time they work within their guild outfits is when they are patrolling the towns under their control, of which the patrolls are often attacked or chastised. One such an event was Shane having to be patched up after a woman attacked him with a knife unexpectedly. Celeste too was a victim, she was ganged up on by a group of civilians, though she came out on top and unharmed. Arrintar was a scary place in modern times. This era already had a name coined to it as well: The Conflicts.
It was a cool September now, September 1st. Julie has decided she's had her break long enough and feels it's time for the Black Widow to return to the world. With Rose having had a lot of time with her mother recently, she's happy as well. Rose also knows about the long journey she will take. At first the small child was rather hesitant but over time during the break, Rose came to not mind her mothers undertaking. Julie tells Rose that she believes it's time to return to being the guild leader. Rose nods and smiles, giving her mother a hug knowing that it will be a bit before she sees her mom again. Julie then calls everyone to the meeting room and announces her return and the first thing she will do back. Head to the tower she learned about some days ago; Get a wish from the demon in the tower. Jack, and oddly enough Sav’akk offered to attend. And with that, the three prepare for their new mission. The early morning was filled with preparation, and around 11 is when they say their goodbyes and mount their horses. As they ride Julie turns to Jack. 

“If ya ain't ready for this, turn around now. This is gonna take a few days,” The Witch Leader warned.
“I'll be fine, I'm not going back.” The Yanjung said with determination in his voice.

Julie nods. She wore an orange gambeson with blue trim and black pants. Jak wore dark brown leather armor with forearm guards and khaki pants. Sav’akk had on dark brown pants with a royal blue padded top. All three of them rode their horses off toward the direction of the Demon Tower. Their goal: Obtain a wish from the demon. Everyone had their mind set on the goal ahead, Jack however was fearful as usual but prepared for what must be done. This was going to be the day he decides to no longer be a slave to his fears. This was his story.


Two days later, They reached a town farther from the base, Agental. The travels had been nice and safe, though Sav’akk had been acting out of character. Nicer, more silent.   The three Night Witches decide to stick around here for a day to rest and recuperate. The three walk their horses off to an inn where Sav’akk pays for three rooms. Looking around the lobby Jack crosses his arms, after a moment he looks at Julie and smiles.

“Mama, why don't we do a few odd jobs around here? I'm sure it could help with money along the way,”
“Sounds good Jack, ya go on ahead. Mama’s tired. If ya need me though just yell out”

Jack seemed confused by Julie’s statement. He turns to his mother figure quizzically and questions her.

“Mama, how will you get to me if you aren't around me when I yell out for you?”
“Ah’ll just know, Jack. Motherly Instincts and-”
“Woman's Intuition?” Jack interrupts.

Julie chuckles and nods, walking toward the black haired man and giving him a nice warm hug. He was unsure why, but Jack felt suddenly very calm as he always did when hugging Julie. Sure she was his mother figure, but even before then her embrace always had a gentle motherly touch.

“Just if ya stay out somewhere be back early, we gotta get ta the tower quickly.”
“I know,” Jack says as he lets go of the hug and smiles. “I'll only do a few anyway then come back.”

Julie nods and Jack heads off. Braving the fears he has. He moves forward no matter how badly he wants to run back and say he changes his mind, yet he continues forward. Julie and Sav’akk stay in the inn and relax in the lobby and relax. Julie looks over at Sav’akk and thinks about how she has been acting strangely nice for the past few days. After a moment of thinking, the Witch Leader speaks up.

“Sav’akk, why did ya wanna come?” She asked

Sav’akk looks over at Julie and smiles. It seems a bit forced and Julie can tell in more ways than one.

“What do you mean, boss?” The large yellow scaled lizard woman asked.

“Ya acting too nice. Ya way too silent. Ya up ta something and ah know it. Ya can't hide it from me.” Julie stated, crossing her arms under her breasts, her legs following. She gives off a presence of dominating authority. It may be just a small situation, but I matter how big or small she seems to have control over it. The dark skinned woman raises an eyebrow and waits, her glasses glaring from sunlight emanating from a nearby window, giving her a more fierce look. 

Sav’akk’s expression sours as she realizes there is no way to hide. She glanced at the ground for a moment, contemplating if she should lie or not.

“Just trying to change. A bit, boss.” She says.
“Don't lie to me.” The black haired woman said as she fixed how her glasses sat on her face. Sav’akk looks around nervously, but other than wandering eyes, keeps a straight poker face.
“I'm not,” Sav’akk reiterated.

Julie didn't trust this exactly, but she also felt like it could have been in her head. After all, Jack too was acting rather out of character as well. He was trying to get better, why couldn't Sav’akk suddenly do the same? 

“Ah’m glad. Ya doing good so far. Sorry for thinkin somethin was up. Ah guess Ah’m a bit more paranoid since my break.”
“it's fine. It happens,” Sav'akk falls silent for a moment, thinking hard about something. The Guild Boss watches, wondering what it was but failing to come up with an answer before Sav'akk had looked back at Julie with a question. “You trust Shane to be at the base with what he's done in the past?”
“Ah do.” She said with confidence. “He may have said and done some shit, but ah know he won't try it on anyone that ain't me. Plus, ah think he's gotten better. Ah can say hello without him givin me a strange look” 

Sav’akk chuckles slightly and nods.

“That’s true, I've seen it. Its nice to see his attitude change,” She said with a chuckle.
“It ain't changed fully. Ah can tell he still thinks his people were in the right.”
“He might never change that perspective, especially being a damn Goxian. Only decent one I've seen in recent times is that Eli character you brought around to the Rally against the castle.”

Julie thinks back to Eli. She remembers his face while he saw the death around him at the Raid on the castle. Come to think of it, despite the level of prodigal magic control he had, he never killed a single person in that fight.

“Ah think he feels bad for the lives lost durin that, but ah ain't sure. Didn’t ask him last ah saw him”
“Either way he helped us. Good. He's fighting on the right side of history”

Julie is silent and thinks to herself. Sav’akk looks around the lobby for any sign of alcohol, sadly for her there was none. The large turtle-like woman sighs and crosses her arms. Both of them could easily go out and do some missions for a little extra money, however they were in need and were trying to save energy for the road ahead.

Over by Jack, The Yanjung had been walking around Agental. Enjoying the walk as he looks for a short job to pass the time. Out of a tavern, a blond haired man in everyday clothes rushes out looking rather afraid and slightly startled. Soon after an obviously intoxicated man follows, a couple friends follow. Jack watches from where he was, about a good 50 feet away. The man grabs the person's arm and he rips it out from his grasp and begins trying to flee again. The drunken man, who was in a jacket, jeans and had greasy like black hair pulls a knife out and his friends surround the fearful man. The scene strikes fear into Jack as he watches. But the young man takes a single step forward and forces himself to break out of his shock, fighting against his natural instinct to flee.

“What are you doing!?” Jack yells out in the scared man's defense.

The men look over at Jack. It was at this moment Jack realized he may have made a mistake. The aggressive men turn and look at the Yanjung man with a rather annoyed expression. The main aggressor stands and starts walking over.

“Why should I listen to you?” The drunken man stumbles, pushing through a few hiccups as he talks. Jack was unsure what to do, he watched as the man slowly approached. The other men followed the first in approaching Jack. 

The men approach looking rather hostile. Jack had not brought any weapons with him on this search for a quick job, he left them with Julie and Sav’akk. Regretting that very decision, and the one he made to get involved with this, Jack's mind races for anything to help, it seems to him the only option to do is to fight. The main man would be easy to take down, he was drunk and barely able to stand. The other two would be an issue. The first drunken man swings at Jack. He was too much in his mind to react and get hit. The 3 men began attacking Jack ruthlessly, the scared man he had defended running off. Jack’s mind races with regret every time he's hit by the group, rushing with trying to find a way out. In desperation he remembers what he heard earlier and yells out.


The moment Jack had finished yelling, one of the men got flung back from a hard punch to the side of the face. The two men stop and look over. Standing there was Julie, patting her bicep with her left arm and her right hand balled up in a fist and held up.

“It's gettin late boys, time ta head home for supper”