Chapter 39: Delivery
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Beatrix and Celeste continue walking on their delivery commission. They had reached the town where they had to bring the cake to, Dravencore. Celeste carries the cake while Beatrix looks at the addresses to each building they pass and the paper to figure out where to go. 

“We are headed in the right way,” The Raven says, looking around. “Close by actually”

Celeste nods and looks at the box with the cake inside. She still wonders what the cake looks like.

“Need me to take that Celeste? Too heavy yet?” Beatrix asked.
Celeste simply shakes her head and looks around, Beatrix doing the same and looking for the address of the house still. After a while of walking, they come up to the house. The Aviarian stops and turns to the dark wood house.

“Here,” Beatrix said, stopping Celeste.

The Bunisarian with brown fur looks at Beatrix and then at the house, nodding. The house has decorations all over it and kids' voices of excitement can be heard in the back of the house. Presumably it's a child's birthday. The Duo walk over to the house and head to the back yard where they find the commissioners they met. Braun and Carrie were the names of the Mother and Father of the birthday child. Bru was a big burly man with a great beard, Goxian in race as can be seen by the pale skin and red hairs. Carie was Arintarrian with her brown hair and air skin as well, though it's clear she does lots of gardening work, assumed by the flowers in the yard and the slight tan she has. Celeste hands the cake over to Braun while Beatrix and Carrie speak.

“The journey was nice and all, no hiccups happened, cake should be in good cognition, Ma’am,” Beatrix chirped happily, a great big smile across her beak.
“That's great, I'm glad I could count on someone like you two in these times. Everyone seems so mad lately.” Carrie says with a bittersweet tone.
”It's quite understandable, the Night Witches assassinate the king of Arintarr and now everyones either for them taking over or against them.” 

Celeste was with Braun, looking over the large man's shoulders, wanting to see what the cake looks like. A little girl runs over and looks at Celeste for a moment, smiling at her after a moment and then follows the example. Watching the cake be taken out. Braun looks over and chuckles.

“I'm damn curious what the thing looks like too, I ‘nly told ‘em what we wanted. Whaddaya say we take ‘er out the box?” Braun said, looking at Celeste with a big smile.

The brown bunny nods quickly, her ears flopping slightly with the movements of her head. The Girl next to Celeste and she looks over at the child, who had a cute braid in her blonde hair and a nice little dress on. The Night Witch rabbit pats the girl's head with a smile and looks back at the box as Braun takes it out. The cake was decorated in beautiful frosting and had the Night Witches symbol inscribed on it. It was a beastly skull with four horns and the bottom jaw cracked in half, four holes on the side for eyes as well. Celeste was rather shocked. “Do they support the Night Witches?” She wondered.

“Haha! It's amazing!” Braun said excitedly as he turns to Celeste. “Look, I understand if you’re none too happy with us for being supporters. But please don't take it out on my kid's birthday?”

Celeste quickly shakes her head and looks at Beatrix, the Raven looks at Celeste and clears her throat. She then glances at Lisa and looks at Braun.

“You support the Night Witches?” The Aviarian asked.
“Oh, yeah we are.” Carrie said, walking past and hugging braun. “Braun here had a brother that died in the Mad Lord’s War. The Black Widow gave his death justice by killing Dolland.”

The two secret witches look at each other, they contemplate revealing that they are night witches to the family. Perhaps it would make the child’s birthday more interesting. Beatrix nods, after a few seconds of hesitation, Celeste does too. Both agreed to go out with the secret.

“I will need you both and everyone here to keep this a big secret. If not, we both will b e in a lot of trouble.” Beatrix said, Celeste nodding with her big fluffy ears flopping behind her.
“Are you a supporter?” Braun asks, his dad like joy shining through as the burly man smiles.
“If so, those like us have to stick together! Of course we wouldn't tell anyone,” Carrie answered after.

“No, no. We aren't just supporters,” Beatrix stated.
“We are members of the Night Witches,” Celeste says as she smiles, looking at the birthday girl.

Beatrix was shocked that Celeste even spoke at all, then she looked at everyone's reactions. They all seemed….. Elated. Joyful. The Night Witches have delivered them a cake for the party! The chances of this happening, honor the family and those present feel. Visited by their hero!

“You're…” Braun speaks before going silent with shock.
“We will never tell a soul,” Carrie says with a determined smile. “And thank you for fighting for making this country better when no one else would.”

Celeste and Beatrix nod, smiling happily. A short respite from constantly feeling hated and hunted by the world, even if they are new members. This family has provided a slight moment of safety to them.


Jack and Lisa lay beside each other, holding one another. They cuddled the other happily, however Jack was in his mint. On the wrong side. The thoughts of being unfit for this relationship flooded his mind. Lisa on the other hand was simply happy to have her partner back in her arms and close to her. Lisa tucks her head into the nook of Jack's neck. The Yanjung Ninja rubs Lisa's head softly and slightly smiles.

“I love you,” She said in her soft and delicate tone. A tone that always made Jack's heart melt, but for some reason it no longer did. It scared him. “I missed you so much”

Jack had to think for a moment. “Did I miss her? Am I losing love?” Jack thought to himself. “No, I can't. I do love her. But why do I feel so empty now?”The young man couldn't wrap his brain around the why. The lack of emotional reaction to Lisa’s “I love you” Only made him think more how he was no longer ready for this relationship. Poor Jack's mind was an endless spiral of depressive self image. But he forced himself to answer.

“I love you too.”

Lisa kisses Jack's cheek and sits up, looking down at him. The black haired man looks back at his blonde haired lover and smiles ever so slightly. Her smiling face caused some sort of emotional reaction. Confirmation to him that the love is still there, but why isn't he uncontrollably smiling. Still concerned but slightly subsided with this realization, Jack admires his girlfriend. Another thing the man realizes, he's afraid. Not saying how he feels out of cowardice. 

“Hungry Jacky? I'll cook for you!” Lisa said with excitement. She seemed so happy to do anything for him.
“Just a little, I didn't eat before I left,” Jack said, looking into Lisa's eyes and sitting up against the backboard of the bed. Lisa seems a little bothered by Jack's lack of feeding himself.
“And why don't you tell me that earlier,” She places her hands on her hips.
“I.. I don't know.” Another moment of Jack giving in rather than explaining himself out of fear. Truth was he'd only been here for 10 minutes, he didn't want to bother her with something like that so early in his visit, especially if he hadn't seen her in so long. 

Lisa heads off into the kitchen to make food for Jack, meanwhile Jack doesn't move an inch. Truthfully, Lisa did care about the time she serpent away from Jack. It always bothered her. But she understood what it meant to him as well. She felt horrible to give him an ultimatum, even though it was the best option for them both. In the end, she knows the real reason why she didn't. She truly loved the Yanjung. Her thoughts dwelled on this topic internally as she cooked him a tasty lunch, a simple grilled cheese and tomato soup. Simple but effective. As the time goes on, her thoughts arrive at the idea of joining the Night Witches so that she is with Jack more. They can work together, they'd be around one another more,and Lisa will be supporting Jack and his beliefs. It’s a win win! “I’ll get accepted and surprise him” Lisa thought to herself as she head snack upstairs to hand her boyfriend the simple lunch she's made.

“Thank you,” Jack said with an empty tone. It was clear on his face that something bothers him. Lisa takes note and sits by him, kissing his cheek.
“Jackson, what's wrong?”

Jack looks over at Lisa when she uses his full first name. He was rather unexpecting of that. But it certainly set the mood and grabbed his attention.

“What is the matter,” Lisa asked seriously, looking into the Yanjungs' brown eyes.

Jack hesitates to speak, he can notice his cowardice taking over. He does his best to break out of it though, not wanting to be useless anymore. He takes a deep breath, sighs and begins talking.

“Lisa, I feel horrible with how things have been between us. I rarely see you and I'm sure it strains you badly. And I'm beginning to think that it's best if we broke things off with each other. If we break up. You can find someone that is actually here for you, and I don't have to feel like I have to choose between you or my job.”

Lisa was awestruck at her boyfriend’s suggestion. She didn't want to end things at all. She grabs Jack’s hand and holds it.

“Jack, hold on, let's not be hasty,” She said in a sweet, slightly desperate tone.
“There isn't any other option to make both our lives better. I've tried thinking, Lisa. I truly do love you, but if I want what is best for you I think I have to go.”
“Jack…” Lisa said, unable to find the words to tell him at this moment, her mind racing, but rather than a mountain of words to say it was a field of nothing. The desperation becomes despair. Jack takes his hand away from Lisa’s and stands, not facing his girlfriend.
“I'm sorry Lisa, I really am.”

And with that, Jack exits the house quickly, leaving Lisa to desperately run after him.

“Jackson, wait!!” Lisa calls out as she runs after the Yanjung. But her pleas and cries fall on deaf ears. Jack exits the house and quickly walks off. The blonde haired woman is left in her front doorway watching as her lover leaves her behind. Heartbroken. But she has her plan. Join the Night Witches. It just all the more apparent what she has to do. But first, to heal from this event.