Chapter 38: Jack Within
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Jack was outside with Anzyu, still keeping an eye on them when Emarru walks up and places a hand on Jack’s shoulder.

“Hey, you go. I’ll watch her,” The Swinovo ninja s                                                                                        aid, offering a smile that stretched across the tan woman's face. “Jack, you should see your Girlfriend. It's been a long while.”

The statement kicks the thought into Jack’s head. It had been almost 4 months since he last saw his girlfriend. He'd been quite busy lately, and hadn't thought of her either. This realization makes Jack’s heart drops as he now believes himself to be not so good a boyfriend. He felt guilty about leaving her so alone and being forgetful so often each time she'd pop up in his mind. Emarru could feel and see the disappointment on Jack's face.

“Jack, Shed understand. She always does”
“I know, I know. But I think she could… or at least should find someone more present, more around for her.”

Emarru chuckles slightly and crosses her arms, the standing collar of her outfit covering her chin and mouth as her single strand of hair waves in the gentle cool breeze.

“For a coward, you sure are mature for your age, Jack. But also, rather foolish with it.”
“Eh? What do you mean, Emarru?” The Yanjung looked up, genuinely confused.

Emarru just chuckles and gently pushes Jack, nudging him to leave.

“Just go see her.”
“Fine, fine. I will,” Jack said, sighing as he walked off.

Emarru watches, taking note of Jack’s posture as he walks. He seems to be saddened, and she knows she couldn't help much with it. Anzyu floats over, hovering her head beside Emarru’s.

“He feels he doesn't deserve her.” Anzyu says.
“I know. But he doesn't see that she doesn't care how long she has to wait to see him.” Emarru said after glancing at Anzyu.
“It's hard to see that side of things when all you think about is your negative impacts.” 



In a pass beside a hill, a bit ways away from the forest Moonshine Run rests. The dark feathered Aviarian, Beatrix, and the brown furred Bunnisarian,Celeste, are on a trail to a commission. Celeste looks at the commission, it was a retrieval. Their target was a box, a special cake for a birthday! Celeste looks at Beatrix with a nod. The Raven looks back with a gentle smile and nods as well before speaking.

“It’s good to know we don't only do things like murder and whatnot.”

Celeste nods in agreement, happy to hear about the child's birthday and happy with their commission. They decided to do this commission unmasked and out of uniform to not pull unwanted attention to them.Soon enough, they arrive at the bakery for the cake and head to the counter, Celeste slides over the commission so that the lady at the bakery can see,She looks it over and nods as she heads to the back.

“Helping a child get an amazing birthday present. I’m excited,” Beatrix said looking around the pink painted bakery.

The walls were pastel pink with white accents and hints of blue coming from the tables. Its name was “Sweet Treads and Big Breads” THe smell of brownies hung in the air, must be some in the back being freshly made. The sound of an oven opening and the sliding oc metal against metal is heard as the smell wafts over even stronger. Beatrix is taken back to  her early days with her mother and father. Her dad was an awfully  good baker she remembered. His cookies were amazing. Celeste, personally thought of her brother who'd always baked sweets for her as a young bunny. After a short time, the baker comes back and she slides a boxed up cake over to the girls. Celeste happily takes it into her hands and Beatrix pays the baker with the money provided to her by the parents. They had to head to the house first as these retrieval commissions usually go. Once finished, they head off to the house.

“We are the only two animal races in the guild aren't we?” Beatrix asked, holding her arms out, offering to hold the cake for Celeste.

The brown rabbit nods to Bea’s question and pulls the cake away from her open arms, displaying that she wants to keep carrying it. The raven lowers her hands and thinks to herself for a moment. 

“Celeste, how come you stay so quiet?”

The Bunnisarian continues walking, thinking to herself. She couldn't exactly pinpoint why either. Even when training her sister, the bunny hero Alveta, She was rather silent all the time. Celeste shrugs. Beatrix looks away from the rabbit. She wasn't exactly pleased with the answer she got, but it was all she was given. There’s a slight silence. The wind blows a soft breeze past the girls. The sound of some bugs in the air as they continue carrying the cake to its destination. A few times Celeste looks down at the box in her hands. The brown cardboard hiding the cake that was within it. The black feathered Aviarian looks over and smiles when she notices.

“Wondering what kind it is?” Beatrix asks.

Celeste nods, her brown ears flopping slightly with her head movements. The brown Bunnisarian looks around the surrounding area, still walking to the house they are tasked to deliver the cake too. So far so good, it's just been a peaceful walk. Even though it's a simple cake delivery, Beatrix wonders what things await them during the commission.



Jack was on a horse in everyday clothing. He wore gray pants and decent black shoes on his feet. His shirt was black with short sleeves. It wasn't anything too complex or interesting. The young Yanjung ninja had his black hair tied in a bun at the back of his head, as it usually was. He was riding atop his dark brown horse which had a short cut black mane. This stallion companion was named “Buck” by Jack. Where was he headed exactly? It was to the town of Allager, where his girlfriend stayed. The ninja had a smile on his face as he rode toward his destination, though his heart remained heavy in doubt of his worth as a partner. He thinks back, it has been almost 6 months since Jack had last seen his lovely girlfriend, named Lisa. And before then almost 3. In his heart he knew he loved her still, at least he thought so. And it was clear that she was very patient and loving toward him each time they met up. However, he can't help but to feel that if he were to either quit the Night Witches or if they simply just broke up that she'd be much happier.

“No, no Jack,” He said to himself as he rode. “This is exactly what Jacklynn was talking about, confidence. I need to have confidence in myself” he tried consoling himself. Though, it just became more apparent that he wasn't as confident as he needs to be. It dug him into an even deeper hole.

Eventually, Jack found himself in Allager. The black haired Yanjung hops off his brown stallion and begins walking his horse around, making their way slowly to a local horse keep. The buildings in Allager were quite nice. Typically in cobblestone like structures cemented together. Sometimes larger stones are used in them. A rather aesthetic style of buildings with bright looking wood as roofing. However, the town stable was different and made out of wood mostly. Jack went up to the desk person, who seemed on the older side of life. They had some wrinkles and graying hair underneath a well kept black haired beard.

“Hey there! Need a room for your horse?” The man spoke with a beaming smile, the mid 30s late 40s man sounded happy and content with life and his job. A feeling Jack only wished he had. A feeling he so badly wanted.
“I do, how much would it be?” Jack asked as he took out his pouch of coins.
“I’ll take them for the day for 150 Garsils.”

Jack almost didn't hear the price. “150” He thought, “That's a steal, what is he thinking taking up horse care services at that low of a rate” Jack reached into the pouch and gave up 175. An extra 25 just out of the goodness of his heart. After all, normally he'd have to pay anywhere around 200 to 300 for sheltering his steed for a full 24 hours. He pays up and heads on his way to his girlfriend's house. He gets to a nice looking home, blue-gray with a white roof. Jack approaches the light gray door and knocks. As he waits for the answer Jack could swear he feels his heart leap out of his chest, he was always so nervous to meet Lisa face to face after a while. Her beauty was always lost on him, it stunned him. The young man felt it was because of his absence from her life, and while true, Lisa never seemed to complain. At least, not to him.  After a few seconds, which to Jack feel like days, a woman answers the door.

“Hello?” The lady asks as she swings the door inward to check the front porch. There stood a young lady with long blond hair and hazel eyes. Her skin was fair, but it seemed she liked to go out often with the slight darkness of her skin. The woman wore a nice short sleeve yellow shirt and a bright pale pink skirt. THe world seemed to fade away, leaving just Jack and this woman as she steps forward with the widest smile possible and hugs jack. She lays a hand on the back of his head and embraces him tightly.

“Jack, you're home,” She said elated.
“L-Lisa,” Jack said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “I've missed you