Chapter 37: Days Gone By
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Julie and Eli were chatting idly about random things. Julie’s daughter, Eli’s desire to become a father in life. How it used to be in GeoTax before Dolland bought it. Much more as well. A waitress heads over and smiles at them.

"It’s nice seeing a cute couple like you two. Here’s the coffee that was ordered." She said, placing down another coffee that Julie had ordered, this was her second so far.
“Miss we aren’t-” Julie goes to speak but is cut off by the waitress walking away from the conversation “It aint that serious” Julie thought to herself, letting go of the situation. Eli was sitting there blushing rather hard about the assumption between them both. They briefly hear the waitress speak as she walks away.

"A Goxian and Malenterian, maybe there is hope."

Eli attempts to speak up about her assumption, but Julie lays a hand on his shoulder.

"We know the truth, and they got hope because of what they believe. Best ta let them have that hope right?” Julie said with a smile, pushing her glasses up on her face.

Eli nods in agreement after a momentary thought about it. He would rather have someone have hope in a time like this. He looks out the window and points his finger up, placing his left elbow on the table. The rain stops falling in a specific location and makes a sort of water veil. He moves it, making the water move in a figure eight. Julie watches as she quietly sips her coffee. She looks at a clock tower in the village. The time was 1:24 pm. 

"'Ah should get home, ah didn’t wanna stay out this long as is”
“Alright Julie, its been fun talking with you. I’m glad we did this,” Eli said as he smiles wide.
Julie nods, agreeing with him. “Definitely gotta do this again later”
“Just gotta let me know, Julie”
Julie nods and smiles as she speaks. “First, ah’ll finish the coffee.”

After a few more minutes of conversation, Julie and Eli say their goodbyes and head off on their separate ways. Julie heads to the Night Witch base, Moonshine Run and Eli heads to his home in Dravencore. It takes quite a while to get back to the Jenova Forest and Moonshine Run. But once there, Julie puts Sarron in the stable and heads inside, greeted by Ierra.

“Hello darling, Welcome back home.” Ierra said, her tone slightly concerned and off of the usual. She wasn't expecting Julie to be back just yet. “So, something happened while you were gone.”
“Don't tell me Sav’akk broke another chair,” Julie sighed.
“IT WAS ONE DAMN TIME!” Sav’akk yells from another room angrily.
“Uh, no. we… you… you wont believe it, trust me.”
“Ierra, ah trust ya most than the others, that's why ya my right hand in the Guild, what happened.”
“We got visited by an alien that apparently is part of a race that shapeshifts and works as the Seers that we know and they tasked themselves with looking after you.”

Julie was silent for a moment, never before had she heard a sentence that was so bizarre to her. It seemed to reset her brain slightly as she slowly booted her brain back up. She went through the sentence again in her mind slower, her eyes thinning as she tries to make sense of it. Not that it was confusing, but checking if she heard correctly.

“An alien… from a race that changes form.” She said,, motioning with her hands as she went through it.
“Yes,” Ierra nods.
“And we know this race as the Seers. The people that can see into other worlds supposedly and tells us about outside gods.”

Ierra nods, Julie still talks with hands moving around, she looks at Ierra.

“And this alien, from that race, is here to watch me?”
“All correct Darkling.”
“Ah said ah trust ya more than the others… but thai is the first ah really, really don't. That sounds insane. Ierra Ahm sorry”

Ierra sighs and rubs her head, She expected this and doesn't really take any offense to it..She makes a small chuckle before turning her crimson eyes to meet the Icy blue of Julie’s.

“No, I know it sounds insane. It's the truth, they are here currently. Their name is ‘Anzyu’”

Hearing that name, Julie pauses a bit, a flash back to the Gala and the time around then, the voice she heard in her mind called itself Anzyu. The large woman goes to a window to check if Day Star is there. To her shock it isn’t. Ierra follows Julie with concern.

“Darling, is something wrong?”
“Day Star isn't there”

Ierra looks up at the sky with Julie and also notices the lack of the bright, low hanging star in the sky. She couldn’t believe it.

“How does a star disappear like that?”
“A while ago I heard a voice in my head. It called itself Anzyu.”

Ierra looks at Julie, a surprised expression on her face.

“It also said it was the Day Star.”
“So when Anzyu said she's been watching,” Ierra turns to the sky where the missing star was. “She was actually watching.” The pale Elf finished.

“And this alien wants to watch over me?” Julie thought to herself. She found it strange of course. Why would such a creature have an interest in her? The Witch leader turns to her second in command, the acting Guildmaster Ierra.

“Bring me ta them,” She said with a determined tone. 

Ierra nods and walks off toward the training grounds, waving to Julie to follow. The woman in glasses does so, curious about this Anzyu and why they chose to watch over her. When Ierra and Julie exit the back of Moonshine Run, Anzyu is floating in the air on her back, bored out of her mind. Jack was there watching her still as well, having followed her to keep an eye on the alien. There she was, the undeniable proof. Anzyu, right before the Witch leader’s eyes. Hearing the door, Jack and Anzyu look over at the pale elf and large dark skinned woman, the cat alien smiles and floats over.

“There you are, Julie,” They said. “Took long enough.”
“Ya the voice ah heard in my head?” Julie asked, watching the alien creature float around her in a circle. Anzyu seems to be checking Julie's body as she circles her.
“I was, yes.” Anzyu nods.

Julie looks at Anzyu for a moment in silence. Her head is filled with thoughts, thoughts that Anzyu is currently reading. The Clynex remains silent though, not jumping the gun on the many questions she reads in Julie's mind. Jack and Ierra watch the interaction to the side, slightly worried and interested at the same time.

“Ah know ya can read my mind, Anzyu. Ya’ve done it before.”

Anzyu chuckles, holding a small paw up near her mouth as she does so. Julie watches and crosses her arms after she pushes her glasses up on her face. 

“First things first, I wanted to watch after you because you look like an old friend of mine,” Anzyu explains.
“That's all?” Ierra asked from the sidelines of the conversation.
“We were really close.”
“Who was this friend?” Julie questioned.

Anzyu looks to the sky and smiles, her cat tail waving around slowly. She seems to be reliving the memories of this friend in her mind during this small, 4 second moment of silence.

“Eren,” She said before looking back down to Julie. “Her name was Eren.”
“Ah see,” Julie replied.
“Moving on, Yes. I am a “Seer” as you call them. I just didn't take the same path as the Clynex that became these “Seers” I dont tap into the mental network of my race to obtain knowledge on other universes and worlds to share said knowledge with others. I simply just roam. I do what I want, live how I want to”

Jack looks at Ierra and then at Julie and finally back to Anzyu as he listens in. His concern very slowly melts away, though he remains fearful of Anzyu. Ierra too watches closely and listens to the information being presented by Anzyu.

“Ah see. So, ya wanna look over me? Guard and protect me. All because ah look like an old friend of yours?” Julie questioned, checking if she fully understood Anzyu’s stance on the matter.
“Pretty much, yup.”

Another pause of silence as Julie thinks to herself on the matter. She glances over at Ierra and Jack. Ierra seems to be watching and taking in information, Jack seems a little worried as he usually is. Though, as he is  concerned and afraid, he thinks to himself how Jacklynn is correct about him being so fearful and cowardly. 

“And what would ya contribute ta the guild exactly?” 

Jack and Ierra look over at Anzyu, waiting to hear the response. Julie too was interested in hearing the response. Anzyu smiles and speaks.

“I'll help with any commissions if need be, I don't mind getting dirty at all, so I think that's a pretty big selling point.”
“If ya gonna stay with us, at least take a human form from time to time. Especially if you’re going to be going out on missions and all,” Julie demanded with her arms crossed. She was showing her place as the leader, even though she was meant to be on a break from doing so. Ierra didn't have the heart to step up in the situation either, mainly as it was about Julie herself.
“Sure, no problem, that's pretty easy. Just give me a bit to think of a body I really like.”

Julie nods in agreement with Anzyu’s request. Ierra smiles slightly and Jack relaxes a little seeing that the situation isn't tense, not that it was before.

“Alright then, Ah don't see why ya won't be able ta stay. Just don't be constantly readin people's minds. That's kinda creepy.” Julie added
“Yeah, I don’t always read someone's mind randomly. Only when I feel like I have to.”

Julie makes a slightly concerned expression and uncrosses her arms, heading into Moonshine Run. Ierra follows after.

“Also, Darkling. Lady Grimmoson told me about something I think would grab your interest for when you're ready to come back,” Ierra mentions, looking at her close friend and boss.
“Whats that Ierra?”
“Apparently there's a demon in a tower around and its Demon is granting free wishes at the time. This is an opportunity that is too good to pass up,
Ierra said with a smile.
“A demon granting no strings attached wishes to people, Interestin, never heard of that.”
“We should check it out when your break's over, could be really beneficial to the Guild.”

Julie thought silently for a moment as she looked around the kitchen for food, glancing out the window at Anzyu and Jack briefly. Anzyu seemed to be showing Jack that they can control some sort of energy. The young ninja seemed both interested in seeing and afraid of the ability. The woman in glasses looks back in the fridge and shuts the door.

“Ah’m half tempted ta go now. But ah still wanna stay on my break, spend time with Rose.”
“You deserve the rest, If they aren't there still then it is what it is.” Ierra said, looking at Julie with a smile. “We do good without a wish.”

“But it would help a shit ton” Julie thought to herself as she nodded to Ierra in agreement.



Jason was on his patrol in a town named Targona. After his interaction with Anzyu earlier, he decided to patrol a Witch controlled town. Especially with all the riots and chaos surrounding the recent death of King Dolland, setting Arrintar into early stages of Civil war, he felt that not only would he find a way to blow off steam but also support the Guild as well. Not that he particularly cared about the second part. The town was rather small and the buildings were generally made of wood. In the distance, near the square of the town, Jason hears loud talking. It was more preaching. Curious, he decides to get closer. As the silver haired Klikah does so, he notices a few people standing around this preaching woman. She had brown hair and wore a purple veil that hung off the back of her head and a deep purple dress that reached down to her feet. On the top of her chest would hang down two gray strips of cloth. She was a priestess. Specifically of the Church of Xelpher. She was speaking the word of Xelpher.

“Though we are in dark times, our king has been killed. That does not mean we must resort to violence and hate. There is hope for the future. Lord Xelpher has taught us that Knowledge and patience is power. Violence will only beget more violence!”

Jason rolls his eyes seeing them and moves his attention onto the others paying attention to the preach. One person seems to grab out a dagger from behind them. Seeing this, the tattooed man walks over slowly, keeping track of the armed person. Once close enough, the armed citizen charges at the priestess, who looks over and reacts in shock and fear as she holds her arms up to try and block her attacker.

“Peace is foolish! Death to the Witches!” The attacker shouts as they run at the innocent priestess.

Luckily for the woman, Jason arrived just before the man was able to stab her. Jason grabs the attacker's arm that holds the knife and looks at them very unamused.

“Is that how you treat women of faith?” Jason said, tossing the man back a bit.

The aggressive citizen notices the mask and the outfit Jason wears as what Slash from the Night Witches. This only causes the citizen to become more enraged and turn his attention and attacks to Jason, slashing and stabbing at the silver haired tattooed man.

“Night Witch! You killed the king! All of you need to pay!”

Every attempt to stab Jason was dodged easily. Jason seemed to not even take the man seriously. He rather seems annoyed. After a few attacks, json grabs the hand of the man and twists it ro fling the knife out of his hand. The priestess stands up and looks at Jason.

“T-Thank you kindly for protecting me. I guess you Night Witches aren’t too bad are you,” The priestess said joyfully that Jason saved her from a sudden death. “I’m also very glad you didnt resort to extreme violence to do so.”

Jason just looks at the Priestess. Though she can't see his expression due to the mask, The brunette Priestess can feel Jason’s cold, hateful stare on her. It's clear to her that he didn't do it to protect her. He takes out one of his own daggers and stabs the man just to make a point that he doesn't care about the Teachings of Xelpher.

“Fuck you, your “God”, and your church,” Jason says in a harsh tone before pulling his knife out of the man and seathing it, letting the lifeless body drop to the ground like a ragdoll.

The priestess looks on in horror, staring at her attacker and then Jason. She was in a state of mental shock, having not only had an attempt on her life, but also having witnessed a murder as well. Jason walks off as if nothing happened. “Damn priestess. I hate that church”.
Jason continues patrolling Targona, thinking to himself about what Anzyu said. He didn’t care if the Witches found out, or at least he thought he didn’t. But something deep down knows that sometime, in the far future, karma will catch up to him.