Chapter 36: Starfall
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Night Witch base, August 15th. Kitchen, 1 hour and 16 minutes after Julie left. Jack, Jacklynn, Drav’dornuss, and Emarru were watching the Training grounds from inside of the kitchen. The specific reason why? A meteor crash landed. This was an odd occurrence, despite Roan’s rings, the area which Moonshine Run remained was rarely ever hit. Either this was a freak accident, or this was something much, much more. The lot had been sitting there for almost 2 whole minutes now, looking at the crater which housed a baby blue ball with red stripes, it was glowing in general.the ball did nothing but remain and pulse with its luminosity.

“Should we check it out?” Jack suggested.
“No! We don't know what the hell that thing even is.” Drav’dornuss said, nudging Jack.
“We need to figure it out somehow,” Emarru said as she stared at the ball, ready to jump and attack if needed.

The ground rumbled slightly and the glow of the odd object grew. It almost lit up the entire training field before going dark again. Its pulsing was more rhythmic now. Drav’dornuss and Emarry looked at each other knowing their past as soldiers. They knew what this was, Morse Code. a mix of short and long flashes that repeat. Emarru and Drav’dornuss get a paper to mark down the patterns.

“What is it saying?” Jack Asked
“We started in the middle of the sentence. We have to wait for it to repeat.” Emarru says, Dav’dornuss nods with agreement,

After a few moments of marking down the long and short pulses of the orb, Dravdornuss and Emaru end up with a message.

.. … / … --- -- . --- -. .  / - .... . .-. .

“It's asking if someone is there,” Emarru said looking at the blue and red orb.
“Should we try and talk to it?” Jacklynn asks.

There's a moment of silence while Emarru and Drav’dornuss look at each other. Both are skeptical about what this orb is and if it means harm. They both nod at each other and look at the pulsing orb, the message repeating over and over. Emarru holds out her hand and uses light magic to send an orb of light over, altering its brightness to pulse a message back.

- .... . .-. . / .- .-. .  / ..-. --- ..- .-. / .-- .- - -.-. .. -. --.

Emarru speaks as she relays the message one word at a time.

“There… Are… four… watching”
“Alright, let's hope they don't decide to attack,” Drav’dornuss says.
“Th-They might attack!?” Jack exclaimed worriedly.
Jacklynn sighs and rubs Jack's back. “It will be alright.”
“Shh they are flashing again,” Emarru says as she calls out the glow pulses to Drav’dornuss and he marks them down for translation. 

..  / -- . .- -. / -. --- / .... .- .-. -- / .. / .- -- / .--. . .- -.-. ..-. ..- .-..

“Drav’dornuss?” Emarru turned to the Malenterian warrior, waiting for the translation.
“It says they are peaceful”
“Well that's good right?” Jack asked sheepishly. The situation had him worrying about and afraid, and it was showing. Though Jaklynn was there rubbing his back to try and calm him down.
“Seems so,” Emarru said. “But let's not take what they say as truth”

Emarru begins flashing the orb that she sent out to communicate back to the strange sentient ball of blue glow.

.. / -.-. .- -. - / --. --- / --- ..-. ..-. / .--- ..- ... - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-- --- .-. -.. ...

“I stated to it that we can’t simply go off what they say, hopefully we get somewhere” Emarru said.
“This entire situation is creeping me out,” Jack Said.
“It will be okay, Jack, nothing wrong is going to happen with this… glowing meteor,” Jacklynn said, realizing how strange the situation now sounds.

As Jacklynn was talking, the pulses started up and Drav’dornuss began noting down the pulses again. Eventually he ends up with another message

.. / .--. --- -- .. ... . / .. / .- -- / ... .- ..-. . / -- .- -.-- / .. / -.-. --- -- . / .. -.

“It's asking to come in and promises it's safe to us..” Drav’dornuss said with his deep voice.

Emarru seems to think, Jack remains afraid and his twin sister continues to comfort him, rubbing his back. Emarru begins once again, making the sphere of light flash and pulse to give a message back.she seems slightly bothered by the situation and frustrated that its going nowhere so far. Jack's constant worrying isn't making it any better either.

.. .-.. .-.. / -. . . -.. / -- --- .-. . / - .... .- -. / .- / .--. .-. --- -- .. ... .

“It making promises isn't enough,” Emarru said with a stern tone. “We need concrete proof it won't harm us at all.”
“I'm behind Emarru on that.” Jack said.
“For once his fears are reasonable and right,” Emarru said, looking at the Yanjung boy. Jacklynn sighed, wishing her brother had a little more bravery in himself, a little more confidence.

There's a silent moment as everyone focuses back on the orb. No message for a good while. It was only a couple seconds but it felt like hours. After about a full minute, the pulses pick up again.

“Its flashing again, let me see its message,” The Malenterian man said as he noted down the next set of flashes.

.. ..-. / .. / .-- .- -. - . -.. / - --- / .... ..- .-. - / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / .... . .-. . / .. / .-- --- .-- .-.. -.. / .... .- ...- . / -.. --- -. . / ... ---

“Drav’dornuss?” Jack asks, impatient for the message.

The Malenterian man hands the last message over to Emarru as she looks at it. Her face turns to one of concern first before settling. She sighs and looks at the orb and nods. The Ex Soldier looks at her hands as the fingers have become white with small golden veins in them, they stung badly. She was using too much light magic for her, though for the safety of her friends and family she relayed one final message.

.. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / - ..- ... - / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- -. - / -... . - .-. .- -.-- / - .... .. ...

After a few moments the orb begins to lift off the ground and glow brightly, so bright all 4 guild members had to shield their eyes, it was a bright, blinding almost divine white light.

“What the hell is going on?” Jacklynn yelled out.
“I'm not sure, but don't look at that light, it will blind you!” Emarru yelled out.

Drav’dornuss has Jack pulled down behind the cabinets, soon Emarru and Jacklynn duck down, allowing themselves the ability to uncover their eyes and look at the two boys. Much concern is on Emarru’s face, mentally shes preparing this to be the ultimate end for them in some way. Jack was frantically looking around afraid as usual.

“A-Are we going to die?” Jack asked
“Jack shut up for once!” Jacklynn yelled out, snapping on her brother for his cowardice. It seems to have snapped her twin sibling into a different mindset and he goes completely silent. 

After a few minutes of being behind the cabinets and the light blaring through all the windows of Moonshine Run, it slowly fades. The four look at each other, hesitant to look outside at all. Emarru and Drav’dornuss knew there was only one way this would ever be finished, and that was by looking. Slowly, the Malenterian soldier pulled himself up and looked outside, he was silent, stunned even, at what he saw, calling to the others.

“Uhhh, you all may want to see this,” Dravdornuss says, looking at where the orb once was.

Jack, Jacklynn, and Emarru looked at each other before the tan Swinovo woman stood up to look at what it was that was shocking Drav’dornuss. The twins followed closely after. What they saw was not the orb. But a cat. A Floating blue cat with red orbs, like bubbles, around its eyes. Connecting the ears and the back of the head was a strange arch as well. And its tail split into two half way down. On its chest was an orb of sorts as well, seemingly important. It just floated there, looking at the windows, now the 4 Night Witches. Emarru slowly reaches for the large curved sword on her back. Drav’dornuss doing the same for the sword on his hip.

“Who are you?” The Swinovo called out, prepared to attack at any moment. She had a very uneasy feeling.

The small cat raises an arm and holds up two fingers.

“My name is Anzutherothomus, a member of the Clynexmonerlorexentyrian,” The alien cat says, two fingers still raised, their voice high pitched.

The four look at each other in confusion, they weren't sure if what they heard was any comprehensible language. To them all they heard was an amalgam of noises and sounds. Jack remains silent, afraid of bothering Jacklynn anymore. Jacklynn herself speaks up.

“Say that again?” The Yanjung retorted.
“Just call me Anzyu, I'm what you call a Seer.”

Drav’dornuss and Emarru look at each other in shock, to have a Seer come to them, What for? What did this mean? Jack looked at his sister and exhaled in relief.

“Thanks sis,” He said with a smile. “You really helped me out the-”
“You need to stop this, Jack.” The Yanjung twin sister said, scolding her brother. “Being scared all the time is going to bring us down, and yourself. You’re never going to be able to stand on your own, or be as strong as me when you're in a fight if you keep being this afraid of everything!”

Emarru and Drav’dornuss have now stepped outside to speak with the Seer Anzyu. Leaving the twins inside of the base to talk. The male twin is shocked by Jacklynns outburst. It hurt him deeply to hear these words, but she knew they were right. He cant stay this scared of everything, he cant stay this way. He'd burden everyone. That was the last thing he wanted. JAcklynn loved her brother, but she was tired of being his crutch and helping him stand on his own when she was trying to do the same herself. Jack simply nods, understanding. He attempts to speak up but Jackynn walks off before he can continue getting another word out.

 A few minutes pass and  Emarru and Drav’dornuss decide the blue cat named Anzyu is safe to enter Moonshine Run. They tell Shane, Celeste, and Sav’akk about the situation and get them gathered for Anzyus explanation. Jack sits a bit away from Jacklynn to give her space, the sister Yanjung was feeling bad for how she spoke earlier, but knew that what was said was the truth and had to be said. The present Witches listened to Anzyu.

“I am Anzyu, My real name is Anzytherothomus. I am a race of Singularity, multidimensional, multiversal, timeline spanning race called the Clynexmonerlorexenterian, or Clynex for short. You may know some of my people as “Seers” The people that speak of other worlds and religions. That is how they know about those other gods, beliefs and worlds. We span many universes. We are all one of our kind, there doesn't exist an alternate version of anyone in our kind in any other existence. We can change form, know all languages, are highly intelligent, and oddly enough grow stronger with lust around us and being involved sexually.” The Blue cat alien speaks, winking at Jack as she says the final part, as if to mark him as her target to lay.

Jack was left uneasy, on account that he had a girlfriend already. As a matter of fact, its been ages since he's seen her, and he feels bad about that. He gets to thinking about that now. The others think to themselves about the situation, Sav’akk who was sober for once, speaks up first.

“So what the fuck is a Seer doing here anyway?” She asked Planelly, her head tilted. That was the biggest thought on her mind. Suree Anzyu was this higher being among them, but why visit tem of all people?
“I want to watch over one of you. Julie Stoneheardt to be exact. Also im bored and horny and thought you guys would be fun, mainly the first part though.

The guild is once again shocked at the Seeters words, here out of boredom an the desire of sex. But mostly for Julie? Are both reasons linked?

“No, I'm not here for sex with Julie,” The alien cat said, as if reading everyone's mind. “Though if it happened I wouldn't mind, I'd just have to change out of this form. No, Julie has my interest for personal reasons. Reasons I will not be sharing. Please trust me when I say I mean no harm”

Everyone thinks about the situation for a moment, gathering their thoughts before speaking up, Emarru was the first.

“As the guardian of Julie-”
“Self proclaimed,” Anzyu said, interrupting Emarru.
“What?” The Swonovo woman said, confused.
“You call yourself her guardian, She never employed you as such. Self proclaimed.”
Sav’akk looks at Anzyu shocked. “How do you know that?”

Anzyu creates a bubble to lay down on, she lays on her back. When Sav’akk finishes she looks at the group of witches by arching her back slightly and tilting her head back to look at them upside down.

“I can read minds, and have been watching you guys for a few days now.”
:How so,” Dravdornuss said, now concerned the Witches' location has been found out. The others worry the same as well,
“Not physically, you all remember “Day Star” That was me in the atmosphere.Watching you all,” Anzyu said as she flips on her stomach and looks at the present witches, kicking her paws behind her. “I told you, if i wanted to hurt anyone, I'd have done it already.”

The witches look at each other, getting and understanding the message now. Aznyu was there to watch Julie and Julie only, and if this alien cat thing wanted to hurt them they'd be hurt already. Sav’akk, Drav’dornuss, and Emarru already conclude as well that Anztyu doesn't care how they feel, she'll stay no matter what. All that was left to do was to wait for Julie to return, and she was about a little over an hour away.
30 minutes later Anzyu is laying on her back, bored out of her Alien, higher dimensional mind while Jack is incharge of watching her. He didn't volunteer, he was placed there. Jacklynn comes in to check on him, knowing her cowardly brother.

"Oh my gods! I'll do anything or anyone!! Just stop leaving me bored!" Anzyu complained, flipping over onto her stomach.

"I won’t be that rough." She said in a sensual tone looking at Jack. The fearful twin looks at his sister worriedly and embarrassed, a large blush across his face. Jacklynn stands there with her arms crossed, slightly concerned herself.
"She called me cute earlier. I fear for my life." He said with a traumatic expression of fear

Jaklynn sighs and shakes her head, placing a hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Relax, nothing is going to happen. Stop being so afraid of things Jack.”
"Yeah! I'm clean!  My race is immune to STDs." Anzyu said with a teasing tone and a grin.

Jacklynn looks sternly at the Blue cat alien creature. Anzyu, as the Witches are led to believe its name is, crosses their arms and pouts. Her cheeks puffing out.

“Fine fine fine”.The cat alien said with a sigh. “I'll stop.”

Jacklynn thinks to herself how things seem to only get worse and worse for them over time. She's also worried about how Julie will take to this. A seer, apparently an alien race, that wants to keep an eye on her. Not only that, but they let it in, willingly.

"Don,t worry Jacklynn,” Anzyu said to the female twin. She looks over at Anzyu confused. “You're overthinking everything, I have it all planned out in my mind.”

The female Yanjung’s expression becomes one of concern when she realizes exactly hse meant, Anzyu was speaking as if they had read Jacklynn’s mind which had deeply unnerved the young ninja.

“You read my mind?”
“Didn’t I say that earlier? Anyway, your brother is about to ask when the boss is coming back.”
“Did Boss ever say when she wa- oh…”

The twins now both looked at Anzyu with disturbed expressions. Anzyu floats upside down with their tongue out

“And here comes the Goddess of Death to ask the same.”

Just then, Finir Porteur walks in with a blank expression on her pale face as usual.

“Where is Julie?, THe goddess of Death asked plainly as she glanced at Anzyu. Emerald green eyes of the Death Goddess lay on the baby blue hue of Anzyu. Her eyes thin as she recognizes this race from anywhere, not by its look but by its soul. “What is a seer doing in the abode of the Night Witches?”

“She claims she wants to watch over Julie,” Jacklynn states, keeping Jack close more so because of her protective nature of him, less so because of his fear.

"I have some Information i believe she'd like to have.”
“Best to tell Ierra, she's in command until Mama gets back into doing guild work” Jack mentioned, keeping his eyes away from Finir.
“I see,” the tall pale woman stated. “I will do that then. 

With that, the Goddess of death searches for the Acting Guild Leader, Ierra Fauna Galis. The Elf in question was planted in the armory taking an evaluation of the Guild's armor, outfits, and weapons to make sure they all aren't too badly damaged and if so making a list of what they need. From behind the pale elf, the Goddess of Death silently approaches before speaking in her elegant yet monotone voice.

“Ierra.” She said, looking down at the 5 foot 7 inch tall elf. Finir herself was a tower in comparison at almost 10 feet.

The Lockwood Elf hopped back, startled by Finirs sudden speech and appearance to her knowledge. She collapses her chest and takes a single deep breath.

“You scared me, my lady,” She chuckles nervously, feeling the sharp green eyes pierce her soul. “Almost s-scared me to death”
“Actually, I may have accidentally added a few seconds to your life. I do hope i wont get punished for that”
“I-I hope so as well…” Ierra was nervous and fearful, of course when faced with the New Goddess of Death, who wouldn't be?

There's a small silence between the goddess and elf. The tall, slender, pale goddess staring at Ierra, recognizing the fear but not understanding. She was here to help, at least as much as she can without breaking certain restrictions in place. “Why does she fear me?” Finir asks to herself.

“I have information you may enjoy having.”
“G-Go on,” The apprehensive elf nods, looking as if she's trying to shrink into the floor.
“There is this tower I believe that may be of interest. A demon inside will grant wishes for something in return and shockingly doesn't deal in souls. You should take advantage of this before they vanish.”

Ierra seems in disbelief. “A demon that doesn't deal in souls? Surely it must be too good to be true, but the information was given by a goddess. Surely it's true” She thinks to herself. It’s hard to tell if the Death Goddess was lying at all, she showed no emotion. Whatever the case is, if Julie goes when she returns, Ierra had faith that Julie was capable of slaying the demon, if need be.

“That sounds very helpful, I’ll be sure to let Julie know when she returns.”

The slender death god then leaves the room. Leaving in slight shock, having had a conversation with Death.

Back in the main room, Anzyu was floating around and getting used to Moonshine Run. She looked around curiously, her movements fluid like water in a river as she spun around while she flew and did small loops. Almost as if she was having fun with having unhindered movement. They pass by Jason, who gives the blue alien a glance, before pausing and speaking up.

“You’re abnormal around here,” Jason remarks.

Anzyu stops mid loop-de-loop and looks at Jason upside down. She takes a glance at him, moving her eyes to his feet and slowly making up his face to size him up and make a few guesses to his style and personality. Anzyu was Analyzing him, and he knew this the moment he noticed.

“I’m not from this planet. And from the way you feel, you aren't originally from this time.” THe blue cat shoots back.
“What, do you think I'm some crazy time traveler?” Jason says, chuckling. Anzyu takes this moment to put Jason in his place by flying close to his face, upside down still.
“You know exactly what I mean, Jason.” Anzyu challenges. The tone coming off Anzyu doesn't phase the silver haired man. He stands there and crosses his arms.
“I don’t feel remorse for any of it.”
“Just wait until the others find out, you will eventually. My name, by the way, is Anzyu.” and with that, the small alien flies off.

Jason stays there, unsure how the creature knew his past, he was unsure if he'd ever feel remorse either. Honestly he didn't care. All he cared about was what he was going to do today. And suddenly, he felt like doing a patrol. Celeste had witnessed the entire thing from the couch in the main room, she began thinking to herself, wondering what Jason could have done that usually would result in remorse, and why he didn't have any.