Chapter 33: Dolland
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It's been 2 weeks. Black Widow has kept up with Eli since then, but hasn’t returned to him as Julie. Things In Arrintar have escalated quickly, so quickly that things seem to have reached a fever pitch earlier than anticipated. A riot was supposedly in the air but it wasn’t confirmed, guards and news broadcasters were on sight and watching the group of people outside the castle gates. Word must have got around, other important questions must have been realized. Whatever the case is, the Night Witches are up early and gear up to check out the situation. Sav’akk is swinging her hammer around. The weapon is black and large, larger than what any normal human can handle. One end had a large flat end, of course for hammer purposes, the other end was a large pick. The tip of the pick was diamond tipped too. The object looked very powerful when wielded by Sav’akk. Ierra was adjusting her bow's string as well as Beatrix’s, replacing it as the old ones became too loose. Jason was sharpening his knives, Emarrus large sword, and Julie’s sword, Ingenium. Drav’dornuss was sharpening his claymore. And Shane had just received a mace. They all spoke on the matter of the revolution to each other, making plans and ideas. Julie turned to everyone and thought for a moment before she spoke. 

"All y'all ain’t comin’. Some of ya gotta stay and watch Rose,” The leader said with a stern tone as she put on her 4 pronged black mask.

Everyone looked at everyone else for a moment as if to try and come up with who all was staying. 

“I'm going for sure, no one is stopping me. Try to  and die,” Sav’akk said, she was far far more aggressive than usual. Her voice had a certain sting to it.
“Sav’akk relax, of course ya goin’. So is Shane.” The masked woman said pointing at the red haired Goxian.
“Huh?” Shane said, confused. “Why am I an obvious pick?”
“‘Ah said.”

Shane looks at Julie annoyedly but doesn’t say anything. He dislikes his position greatly but knows that he has to do what he must. He agreed to the terms that he'd have to work for the Night Witches, even if his sisters aren't back to life.

“I dont think I'm ready for an attack like this,” Beatrix admits as she looks away. “I'm rather new and don't think I can handle the weight of this sort of thing yet.”

Celeste nods in agreement, she too felt she wasn’t ready for this. However, she was more ready than Beatrix and would go if prompted.

“I want to come, Mama,” Jack said, standing up.
“Me too!” Jacklynn exclaimed, sheathing her Kunai in their thigh holsters.
“I know the layout of the castle, I'd be a lot of help,” Emarru stated as she looked at her blade.

Julie thinks for a moment as Drav’dornuss walks over and lays a hand on Julie’s shoulder. Her blood runs cold and her face goes blank. Her chest tightens up and her breaths become shallow, The Malenterian male speaks.

“Don't put too much stress on yourself, Julie. I'll make it easier and stay. Let the twins and Emarru come along. With Beatrix, Celeste and myself here Rose will be fine.”
He said in a caring tone.

His words passed through Julie's mind, in one ear, out the other. Until it registers what he said after letting go. The large woman simply nods and Drav’dornuss walks into the main room. Taking a bit to calm her internal panic, Julie gets back into the swing of things.

“Drav’dornuss, Celeste, and Beatrix are staying then. Everyone else gear up and get ready.” Her tone didn't have the gusto in it as it did before, the power and authority gone into a whimper almost. But the guild gets the demand and begins preparing. 

After the preparations are done, they all head out to the stable and gather their horses, mounting them and riding off to Arintarr.


 "I’ve told everyone that the Night Witches are coming." Eli said, finger brushing his hair to the side. 

He was speaking to some Raptereck that had heard about Sav’akk’s public appearance.Though many people did not put trust into that section of Eli’s display against Dolland, these Raptereck did. There were 4 there, all dark skinned and having red, black, and blonde hair.

"And that’s a smart idea because?" a red haired Raptereck asked.
"They've been speaking out and hindering Dolland for ages. That's why they are so well known other than taking control of some villages. I can only assume that a riot in the castle popped up so fast because people realized they were right," the pink haired man said, justifying himself.

A blonde haired Raptereck sighs and looks at Eli. The large dark, skinned, lizard tailed man seemed worried almost. Eli couldn’t guess what was on his mind and was admittedly a little oblivious, with some exceptions.

“What is the matter?” The bigger Goxian asked.
“The queen, I worry about the rightful Queen of Marshtinan.”

The Raptereck all seem rather saddened by this mention of their former Queen. They cared for her deeply. That was their Queen. These Ex-Soldiers worked and fought for her during Sav’akk’s time as a royal. The red haired Raptereck speaks up, sounding and looking in the later years of life, around mid 30s.

“Queen Melenomalé. I remember the time she was the general. I was one she commanded in battle. Made her father damn proud she did,” The older Raptereck takes a moment to themself. “As soldiers we serve the true ruler of Marshtinan. And the current king is not it.”
“Are you planning to help Sav’akk retake the throne?” Eli asked as he looks between the Raptereck.

The Raptereck are silent, they look at Eli in his sparkling silver eyes, an expression of raw seriousness and devotion. He has his answer and nods at them.

“I'm sure everything will be fine, I believe in you,” Eli smiles kindly, always so friendly. 

 Julie, Ierra, Sav’akk, Emarru, and Shane walk up to the group of people protesting in front of Arintar Castle, in guild uniform on each member. Julie, as Black Widow, was the usual sleeved, black leotard and slightly see through orange baggy pants. As well as her black mask with an orange jack-o-lantern type smile and blue angry eyes. Ierra, as Rusa, in her usual Red runic and new red hooded cloak. Black leggings, sleeves, and gloves. As well as her mask marked with a V. Emarru, as Guardian, in her own red outfit coupled with chest wrapping and ceramic breastplate which covered her chest and most of her stomach. We see Sav’akk taking on her guild personality as Dagon, in her padded black outfit and her gray mask which had the bottom cut out, as her mouth protruded from it. And finally Shane adopting his guild persona as Bats. He had brigandine armor on that was colored to be brown, large teardrop shaped parts were sat on his shoulders as protection, and form fit black outfit underneath. Shane’s mask was silver and wooden with slits for eye holes, much like a knight's helmet. Eli walks over to them with a charming smile, as he usually has on his face.

"Only brought these guys, Widow?" He asked.
“Better hope you’re useful in a fight, boy.” Sav’akk hissed irritated. “If not you’ll end up dead.”

The large man smiled and nodded, confirming he understood. He was confident in his combative ability, though he made no plans to actually fight. It's then that Widow notices how much taller Eli is compared to Shane for once. Both Goxian, but the pink haired, silver eyed traveler is around 7’3” (2.21 meters) and Shane was about 6 foot tall (1.83 meters). The Witch Leader looks at Dagon as if to tell her off and then looks back up at the towering man that Eli was.

"Don’t mind her. And Yeah, these 5. Some others felt they couldn't handle it yet and the others ‘ah told ta stay and watch Julie’s daughter while she had ta go do somethin.” The Widow said, technically not wrong.
“A fellow Goxian is with you. Nice,” Eli said as he looked over, seeing Shane.
“Not as nice as you’d think. He's been a bit of trouble. It ain’t ‘til recently that he got his act together,” Black Widow said looking at Bats. The Goxian looking back. Eli can just feel the aura of aggression and annoyance between the two.
“I’m sorry about that, Goxians usually aren't the nicest it seems. But not all of them are like that, most are just uninformed,” Eli said, voicing his feelings..
“Ya’ve shown me that much, Barris. Let's move on. When is the revolution?" Julie asked.
“This is the revolution, the people seem to itch for a riot. You might be able to kick start it, being the main head against King Dolland all these years. I won't be joining though.”

Dagon scoffs, hearing this. Bats was there annoyed by Eli's little comment on the Goxian people too much for him to even care. Rusa nods, thankful that he won't be put in harm's way, she still wants to see his story unfold with his lost childhood friend. It's Guardian that steps up to speak next.

“Why is that? I thought you wanted to help the Black Widow against the Bastard King.”
“I do, but fighting isn't really my thing, I don't like hurting people. I only fight when I have to”
“You feel like you don't have to here? This is fighting for your beliefs, your ideals. Are they not worth fighting for?”

The tall, soft man takes a moment to think about this, looking at Guardians white mask. He takes a dive into himself, he had done this kind of thing before during the Mad Lord’s War. He nods at Guardian, looking down at her slightly.

“You’re right. People have lost their lives and families because of the King’s lies. Being peaceful will only go so far.”

Guardian nods in agreement. As do the attending Raptereck, who of which notice Sav’akk, the mask doesn't hide her identity too well from those that know what she looks like in her cursed form. Black Widow walks in front of the crowd of thousands of people. Some look irritated at the fact they'd be following in her. Others seem to just want the King gone for the terrible secrets he kept. While that happens the Raptereck approach Sav’akk and kneel, pledging themselves to her still. Despite her not being their queen any longer. Black Widow speaks up.

“People of Arintarr, ‘Ah am aware y'all hate me for the things ‘ah’ve done, the pain ’ah have caused. But ‘ah am sure ya’ll understand now. My reasonin’ Why ‘ah was against the Bastard King. Rather ya’ll hate me or love me, we have the same goal; ta make the king pay for his crimes, and once he does ‘Ah’ll be sure ta help Arintarr get back what ‘Ah took from it. But first thing’s first. We must make him answer to us! Are we all ready!?” 

The crowd of people cheer, putting their hands up. Many hated Black Widow. Oh how they hated her. But at this moment, in this time, they felt that it didn't even matter. Some felt it made sense. People are afraid for their children, for their parents, their siblings. If Dolland hid that he sent out soldiers to Marshtinan and to Bronok, what else was he hiding? The people demanded to know from the king what he was up to. After speaking with her followers and demanding them to not see her as a queen, a request they will not easily take on, Dagon walks up to the locked gate and kicks it, breaking the mechanism used for opening and closing it. The crowd of people then begin rushing to the castle. A 120 yard dash to try and get to the king, to try and make Dolland answer to his people Black Widow watches in pride though the pride turns into horror seeing many soldiers rush back toward the crowd. Rusa, Guardian, Bats, and Eli rush in to attack too, each using their various weapons all but Rusa using magic as well. Guardian using water, Bats using basic wind to trip some soldiers up, Dagon breathing fire, and Eli switching between Ice and Water but not killing those he attacked. Black Widow too rushes in after the realization that the soldiers wouldn’t just harm the people, its life or death. As the battle begins, and she looks around witnessing people being pushed back,  hit, and killed in retaliation, she sees a man pop up in a few places. Black hair and red eyes, holding a black cape with yellow trim. It didn't register to Julie in her shock and horror, she was far too focused on what was going on. Realizing she not only initiated this battle, but Eli helped bring it together. "What have we done? What the fuck have we done" She thought to herself. Julie was in a spiral in the middle of this warzone. A flash of her memories as a Field Nurse Mage 13 years ago momentarily sends her deeper into her spiral before pulling herself out, though it wasn't easy to do in the slightest. She shakes her head and looks around, where she sees Dagon flame cooking someone's face, their skin melting and muscle deteriorating, leaving the morbid sight of just their skull and the smell of burning flesh in the air.

“Dagon! The castle!” Julie yells out after rushing over.

A guard attempts to attack Black Widow from the side, and Dagon doesn't notice. Just then, Guardian uses her large blade to slice the soldier in half effortlessly, laying a hand on Black Widow’s shoulder after.

“I’ll show you the way.”

Dagon and Black Widow nod determined, the trauma of the war and deaths she's caused getting pushed to the back of her mind. Other things needed her attention. Guardian begins walking through the battlefield toward the castle, cutting down guards and defending as many civilians as possible. Dagon and Black Widow help as well, Widow using rock magic to stab at the soldiers from the ground, Dagon uses her hammer to crush and slam into opposing guards. The hammer easily crushes the armor and the soldiers alike. The group of three move slowly, but move they do. Rusa was firing with her bow in the back of the battle, around where the gates were. Bats was attacking using a spare sword from the armory, he wasn't doing too well which caused Eli to go over with his own swords to back Shane up, still the tall pink haired man doesn't kill any soldiers. Eventually Guardian finally gets Dagon and Black Widow in the castle and to the throne room. There, before them, stood King Dolland. Cloaked in silver armor and holding a trident. He stands up from his throne and looks at the three witches.

"Widow." The King said in a deep voice, this old man knowing that a fight will come to him. “Why have you come to hate me so much?”
“Ya worried about the wrong things.”
“I must know the truth, what have I done to you personally?”
“The Mad Lord’s war”

Dolland holds his silver trident beside him, pronged side pointing to the air. He seems to simply want to speak. But Black Widow isn't having that, and Dagon definitely wasn't, she growls angrily and holds her hammer, tapping it against the palm of her off hand. At the mention of the Mad Lord’s War, Dolland looks disappointed.

“A god didn't start that horrifying war, it was a king. And it wasn't me.” The King said, pain in his tone.
“Bull shit, Dolland! There's proof everywhere that you influenced King Temerus! Ya put me through hell, that war put me through hell. And ‘Ah won’t let ya live long enough ta do anythin like that again.” Black Widow asserted, her sword pointed at Dolland..
“And I'm here to get revenge on my husband.” Dagon said as she glared at Dolland.

The old king turns his attention to Dagon. Her words repeat themselves as he slowly realizes who Dagon was. It was very few that knew the form that the Marshtinan Queen was cursed into. Dolland was one of very very many that didn't. His eyes widened, his face dropped. He seemed genuinely saddened for Sav’akk.

“Queen Melenomalé,” Dolland said. “What happened wasn’t demanded by me. They-”
“Can it bitch, stop making excuses.” She starts walking with Black Widow toward Dolland.

The king raised his trident, prongs pointed at them and prepared to strike. The two witches don’t stop. No fear from them. The Raptereck holds her hammer and watches the king, walking to one side while Julie walks to the other.

“You both are mistaken, hear me out and I can explain everything. We can work together on this!” The King continues to plead. Widow only sees this as a man in power begging to keep his life. Begging to try and maintain the power he has had for so long.
“‘Ah don't listen to old dead men.”

With that, Black Widow slashes at Dolland, leading him to block with the shaft of his trident, the screech of metal as they clash filling the room and a few sparks fly. Dagon then swings her massive hammer from left to right, to which the king is hit by and grunts as he shoves to the side by the impact. Shockingly the king's silver armor holds up rather well, though is still dented and damaged. A few moments to regain his balance and then the old king smacks Sav’akk with the side of the trident head as she attempts to bring down her hammer on his head. The Black Widow sends a rock at the King’s face but the old man moves to the side to dodge it with an impressive agility for a younger man let alone one of his age. After recovering from the earlier hit, Dagon attempts a punch on Dolland. Keen and quick to defend, the king spins the trident to smack Sava’kk’s arm with the lower part of the shaft, smacks her face with it, then finally jabs her stomach hard with the end of the shaft to force the large 400 pound reptilian woman back. Dolland was shockingly non-lethal, only hoping to beat the Witches into submission and explain after. Catching the King off guard, the Widow slashes at his back, cutting the cape and some of the armor. A quick turn to The widow and attempted hit makes the Witch leader retreat from her position. The old man notices himself stepping on his own cape, as the cut on it was large. Looking at Widow and holding the teeth of the trident out to her, Dolland reaches behind him and grabs the cape. The sound of cloth tearing is heard as the old man rips his lavash cape from the back of his armor so as to not hinder him. An attempted overhead swing at the king by Black Widow leaves her blade caught between two teeth of the old man's trident. A swift and powerful twist of Dolland’s weapon breaks the Witch's blade, Ingenium. Time slows for Julie as she sees the pieces of her sword shatter and fall before her eyes, emotion wells up inside. Sorrow and anger, as if she's lost an old friend. As if a companion had been slaughtered before her very eyes. With her sword broken the Black Widow was, for the most part, harmless against the King Dolland, who attempted to hit Widow with his blade breaking trident. Though she dodged and the attack would have missed, Dagon came back into the fight with a hard punch to Dolland’s face with a grunt showing the power she had laced behind it. The hit sends the king spiraling into a wall. Leaving no time and seeing a golden opportunity, the Witch leader holds out two fingers pointed at the king and fires rings of light to restrict and pin the old man to the wall using her Light Magic technique “Divine Capture”. No matter how he struggled, the rings didn't give way. Instead, they tightened. She looks at her broken sword before the large bodied  figure of the Black Widow saunters over and smacks the king's face lightly.

“How the “Mighty” have fallen,” The Black Widow says with a small chuckle.

Dagon walks over, a wide grin from cheek to cheek plastered on her face. The Widow grabs the Kings trident and looks at it.

“Not bad, a friend of mine would like it. Think ah’ll give it ta him as a thanks for helpin me.”
“Listen to me. You are on the wrong side. I’ve done nothing to the people of Marshtinan, Malenteria, and Bronok. I am a victim as well-”
“Can it, shithead,” Dagon said angrily. She wasn't having any of this in the slightest. She was fueled by rage in the moment, and  the fight left adrenaline pumping through her body.
“All this time and ya go down like this? ‘Ah expected more, but for makin it so easy ah’ll show ya my face before ya die..”

The Widow looks at Doland and places a hand on her mask, she slowly takes it off revealing her dark face and ice blue eyes. The king’ eye’s scan Julie's face as he comes to terms with his grim fate, looking at the face of his grim reaper.

“It makes sense now…” Dolland said. “Why you’d think I'm the enemy. You're brainwashed, just like the Goxians.”
“Don't ya dare compare me ta them! Ah didn't do shit ta them, let alone the other Malenterians!” Julie said, enraged. However the King just stared at her calmly and spoke in soft tones, as if speaking to an old friend.
“I know, much more than you think. But I am telling you that killing me solves nothing. If anything it will cause more problems.”
“Ya attempt at gettin me  ta spare ya ain’t workin’. It ain't me killin’ ya anyway. It’s Dagon.” Julie said, pointing behind her with her thumb at her accompanying Night Witch.

Dagon had her mask off now too, It was obvious enough she was Sav’akk. She disliked the mask anyway. The Raptereck knew it wouldn’t have fully hidden her identity with her unique body. On the reptilian woman's face was a smile dripping with malice and venom. She was ready to kill the king in a heartbeat. Heart thumping and body shaking with anticipation, the yellow scaled woman was finally close to avenging her husband. The next part would be to find the ones that actually did it. Dolland looked at the cursed Raptereck and sighs.

“Things will come tumbling down all around you Widow. You’re going to realize that this wasn’t as good a move as you believe,” Dolland says as a final plea for his life. Is he trying to scare Julie? Is he trying to Warn her somehow? Widow doubts it. She thinks Dolland to be a pathetic man in a seat of power begging for it to not be taken from him. 

The next few moments Dolland takes to think about his family, happy that they were escorted somewhere safe and where they can't see this fate befall him. The Witch leader looks at her subordinate and nods before walking back out to the field and putting her mask back on. The sound of Dolland screaming fills the corridor Julie walks down. Her mind was a mess, and the new sight wasn't any better; a battle waging and many civilians dead. However, soldiers have taken losses too. It puts Julie off knowing so many have died because of her advance, but she knows they were necessary to achieve this step in the right direction today. The deaths were not in vain, and that kept the leader going. She holds her hand up and fires off a large beam of light creating a loud boom to startle the entire field.

“The fight is over! King Dolland has paid.” A moment of silence from her as the Civilians and Soldiers stop to look at her as she speaks. "He is dead!”

Julie stands there, victorious in her goal of killing the king and making Arrintar a better place because of it. The Night Witches were triumphant, the people triumphant. The soldiers all look at each other with lost expressions, having failed their goal of protecting the king. Some people cheer in praise, now believing the Widow to have been right all this time. Other people stand there uncertain, wanting answers but not a dead king. Two of those people were Eli and Shane, both for different reasons. As Julie looks around the field she sees beside her, Finir. The Goddess of death. Tall as always, and just as gray in skin tone. This time she was coupled with her twin hook swords, her weapon of choice. These hooked blades of death were silver in color with the handles wrapped in an elegant red colored cloth. The hooks curved like a sickle blade, the pommel a pick. It was clear why she was here, it was her job to follow where death befalls those. Her job as the Lady of Death to claim the souls of the killed.

“No Slacking on the grave packing, Ever more to kill,” The god says before walking around the field, in view of all.

The people watch as Finir gathers souls in the hooks of her blades. The soldiers and civilians watch with sorrow as their loved ones and friends' lives were claimed by the Lady of Death. The deafening silence lasts a moment too long for everyone as Finir claims the souls of the dead steadily. Once done, the green-eyed goddess held the souls claimed in the hooks of her swords and vanished in a black smoke, taking the souls to be judged. Julie looks down at her broken sword. A symbol of the kingdom. Successful yes, but at what cost. Battered, used, and now broken. She feels no joy, only more pain.