Chapter 32: Visiting Sorncoliv
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Mid-day. Moonshine run, Julie is in the kitchen making lunch for Rose. The Malenterian child sits in the chair, waiting to be fed and smiling. Soon her mother hands her a plate with a sandwich on it. Rose smiles wide and grabs the sandwich, biting it. She kicks her legs under the table and smiles wide. Emarru walks in and smiles seeing Julie and her daughter. As per usual the tan skinned Ninja had her Black-Blue hair in a bun with a braid on the side, one strand down the left side of her face kept together by a band. A blue arrow pointed up at her right eye. She had on a strong red under outfit with a silver breastplate that left the top of her chest open. On her shins were guards of a silver metal as well. Her eyes were also a soft red.

“Hey boss, how's it going?” The ninja asked her commanding guild member.
“It's alright, just thinkin. It's been a bit, ‘ah should visit Sorncoliv.” The Malenterian said, patting her white haired child and looking at the rings of Roan. Rose continues to eat and smiles wide when her head is pat.
“Isn't that where the one guy asked you to keep in contact?”
“It is, and that same person is the one that started the revolution back in Arintarr. Small world. He knows the Black Widow and her true identity and doesn't even know.”

Emarru chuckles slightly at this, prompting the Witch leader to look over at her confused by what was funny.

“What is it?” Julie asked, her voice soft, her tone full of curiosity.
“Could I come with?” Emarru asked, her dark blue strand of hair in her face shaking as she moved her head with her speech. Emarru was always expressive with body language. “It's not that I don't trust him, frankly the fact that he's helping the Widow both knowingly is testament to why I should. I just want to meet him”
“Not speakin as my self appointed bodyguard for once, neat.” Julie smirks at Emarru as Rose sits there eating, hugging Julie as she finishes her sandwich. The black haired mother hugs her daughter back.
“I want to go as both,” Emarru said, laying her honey toned hands on her legs. 

Julie chuckles and rubs Rose’s head. For the past few days she’s spent it all with her daughter. She felt like there was nothing else to do. She felt happier now, having spent time with her daughter for so long. Emaru touched her stomach and smiled bittersweet, watching as mother and daughter bond. She loved seeing them both happy, and greatly enjoyed the time she had spent with Rose as well, as she often did while Julie was away with Ierra.

“Sure, you and Ierra can come with me, I'll leave Rose here with Sav’akk.”
“Yaaaay!” Rose exclaims and runs off to find the reptilian woman.
“Ierra, I believe, is tailoring with Beatrix,” Emarru said as she sits up and watches Rose run off.
“Then let's get her” The Malenterian woman said as she stood up.

Emarru stands up after, She fixes her silver breastplate on herself and follows Julie to Ierra’s tailor room, where she and Beatrix were indeed together working on Julie's new outfit. The Elf and Aviarian look up at their boss and her guardian with a smile. Ierra greets them in her english accent.

“What brings you to me, Darkling?”
"Ierra ya should come with me ta see Eli. Ya said ya wanted ta meet him some time ago."
“I’d love to but I don't know if I should, I have to work on your outfit and all," Ierra said.
“I can take over,” Beatrix said with a smile. “That or we can put it off for a bit. It doesn't seem to be that big.”
“Exactly, now come with me and Emarru. Get out a bit.”

The crimson dressed elf looks between Bearix and Julie and smiles, seeing she has the time and chance to tag along. Beatrix stands up and nods to Julie as she passes by, walking out. Emarru nods back at her in respect while Julie offers only a smile.

"Sure I’ll come." Ierra said with a gentle smile.
“Great, now let's get goin. Gear up and shit.”

And so, Julie, Emaru, and Ierra walk to the armory to get their gear on and get ready. Emarru was already all geared up for the most part, she just had to get her massive sword on her back and a mash, all white with an eye decal on the front. Ierra gets on her form fit, black underclothes and her red tunic. Ierra began dressing down to gear up, talking to Julie as she does the same.

“So the man's name is Eli?” Ierra asked.
“Eli Alaster Barris, yes. It sounds familiar but Ah'm not too sure where”
"Darling. You met the youngest scientist of GeoTax?" Ierra asked, shocked.
"'Ah mean he had the blue bandana around his neck." Julie remembered, getting on her one piece top. She looks at herself in it, while not minding how she looks, she knew it was vastly impractical for a fight. The large woman couldn't wait to get actual armor.
“That would be GeoTax’s bandana. Much like the Crowlen’s Disease band.

Julie was just putting the red band on her left arm. A symbol of her pride and support to those with the same ailment as her. Ierra put on a new addition to her outfit, a hooded cloak that has a deep red color. Ierra always had sensitive skin and the sun easily burned her, so the cloak will be double assurance that she'd be safe, as well as the hood on the cloak protruding a bit outward to fully shade her face, and then the mask. Not an inch of Ierra’s body was on show. By now Julie had gotten on her Malenterian dancer pants when Ierra spoke up again, Emarru was off to the side listening.

"Darling, he's the one that discovered the Deathstalkers." Ierra said.
"Really? Damn that's neat, Animal Biologist?”
“Yes, also I don't think you're as shocked as you should be. Most of the people in that guild are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.”
“And?” Julie asked confused, putting her mask on.
“Eli was 26” Ierra said. 26!” She repeated, driving the point home.

Julie thinks for a bit after hearing that, The person that started a revolt in Arintarr is now a 28 year old scientist that got into GeoTax. Almost a prodigal mind, and one that discovered the Deathstlkers. Eli had quite the reputation, why wouldn’t anyone listen to him in Arintarr? He has credibility.

“It makes much more sense now. How he was able ta convince people so easily.”
“That's what you’re shocked about?” Ierra said, in disbelief that Julie seemingly ignores the mind her new friend has.
“He may have a brilliant mind, but it isn't anything that can help Boss. I don't think she's too interested” Emarru said.
“‘Ah am impressed, just not honored or shocked that ‘ah know him. Sure am glad though.”

Ierra finishes gearing up and nods at Julie, the Malenterian also finishes getting her gear on and she begins her walk to the horses, they pass through the main room, where Jack is sitting on the floor occupying Rose with Jacklynn. Normally Julie would be offset seeing a male face to face, feigning confidence. However, she again realizes that she doesn't find herself afraid. A sense of familiarity washes over her each and every time she mentions him. By the time her thoughts subsided, she had just arrived at Sorincoliv. Julie hopped off Sarron and tied him to a post, Emaru and Ierra doing the same with their horses. The Witch Leader had completely zoned out the entire ride to Sorncoliv, trying to figure out why Eli felt so familiar to her. Putting it out of her mind, she asks around for him. Last she saw him was 4 days ago in Arintarr as Julie, but he wanted to have communications with Black Widow too. 

"Ya know where Eli is?" The Widow asked a civilian as she walked past.
“His name is Eli Alaster Barris,” Emarru, guild name Guardian, said from behind her mask. 

The civilian points over to the fountain, where the short pink haired man was sitting in front of the fountain and using water magic to mess with the water it emits. He was wearing his usual white form fit top and black pants with boots, this time with no blue bandanna around his neck.

“He's practicing Water magic?” Guardian said curiously.
“He has to be highly adept at it to be manipulating the water so effortlessly, he's not making any hand motions, just sitting there!” Ierra, guild name Rusa, said rather shocked. 

The Swonovo ninja and crimson clad Elf step closer to observe the manipulated water. It is in smooth, tightly contained shapes and flows within them too. No splashes being exerted from the movement of the liquid or the control. Emarru was shocked, being the most skilled with Water magic out of everyone in the Night Witches. Magic is divided into 5 different classes: Low, Advanced, High, Master, and Perfectionist. If someone of a lower tier uses techniques or magic manipulation of a higher level, the Magic Blight done onto them will be not only worse, but it will happen much sooner than ones of equal level and lower. Some magic manipulations of higher tiers cant even be used or attempted by lower tier magic users. This kind of smoothe look for water takes a Perfectionist level of water magic, and is one kind of manipulation that cannot be mimicked by lower tiers. It takes high focus and understanding of magic to achieve this kind of result. When the water would be picked up, it gained some gold beads of sparkle through them. This is an example of Magic Dimorphism

“This boy is a Water Perfectionist,” Guardian said in awe. “I can't even achieve this level of manipulation.”
“‘Ah thought magic perfectionism in any category was unachievable,” The Black widow walks over, arms crossed under her breasts.

The water slowly falls into the fountain and Eli opens his eyes, looking at the large bodied villain.

“I guess I'm a fast learner?” He said with an innocent and charming smile.

The smile brought one to Rusa’s face under her mask, while Guardian looked at him in curiosity and Black Widow was simply intrigued at his level of magic wielding. The Swonovo tribe woman was rather cautious of the pink haired traveler now. She felt as if he was lying, though the man's face doesn't show anything of the sort. There was more to him than he lets on, Guardian was sure of that. And she was also sure that he doesn't know it himself.

"It’s good to see you again, Black widow. Been a while,” the tall traveler said. “I see you brought two members as well, I'd love to know about them.”
“The one in red is Rusa, the one with the white mask is called Guardian.”

The Witches nod, Eli nods back and smiles.

“It’s an honor to meet more Night Witches,” the muscular traveler said with a wide smile across his face.

Under her mask, Ierra smiles. She finds this a nice small distraction from the usual work of the guild. Guardian keeps watch on Eli, finding no intent to harm her boss, but still being cautious in case.

"'Ah hear ya met my friend, Julie,” The Widow says, crossing her arms and looking at her new friend. “My body double.”
"I’ve met her. She's rather nice"

The Widow stands there, arms crossed under her breasts. An aura, powerful and strong, comes from her. Eli is not affected by this dominant aura though, he remains unfazed and smiling at the Black Widow. Rusa and Guardian are still watching him, curious about how he acts and who he is truly.

"Well, she says that you're helping her take down the Bastard King? Is that right?"
"That’s correct. She and I spoke out against Dolland a few days ago."
"Thank ya, ya makin’ life easier for me too." Black Widow smiled under her mask.
"You said she’s your body double?"  Eli asked.
"Yes. 'Ah’m aware that she has a family if that's what ya concerned about. Her daughter is taken care of. But in the revolution ‘Ah will take her place."
“I’ve heard about her daughter Rose. I want to meet her, she sounds adorable.”
“She is. Very cute. Good kid too. Her birthday passed. July 18th,” Black Widow goes silent thinking about it. “‘Ah was unconscious when it came around, and woke up the day after. It… completely left my mind…”
“I see,” Eli said, noticing the pain and hurt in the Widow's voice, “I'm sorry you missed it, but I’m sure she understands, and so does her mother. Julie seems like a kind and forgiving person.”

The Widow thinks for a moment, going silent. She forgot her own daughter's birthday, and even slept through it as a result of an attack on the castle. Julie almost tears up underneath her mask luckily she had one on. A grave error she's made, and one she can never make up for. Ierra steps up and speaks to the large traveler noticing Julie’s spiral. Guardian walks over to the Witch leader to help pull back out of her spiral.

“So you believe in the Widow’s ideals. Why? Why against Dolland?” The red cloaked elf questions.
“He caused the Mad Lord’s War. Because of it a close friend of mine and I were forced to be separated.”
“All because of a friend of yours? You must have really cared for this one,” Rusa said, crossing her arms under her cloak. It was split at the middle to reveal her black sleeves and deep crimson tunic.

Eli looks to the side, deep in thought. Smiling after a short bit as he thinks of his friend. He lays a hand on his hip as he thinks, his slim gray pants softly blowing in the breeze, as does the cloth tie around his waist. Rusa keeps her eyes on the tall man as she watches. The charming smile he had on his face confirmed that he was very close to that of this friend.

“I did more than care.” He pauses, a soft blue blush spreading on his face. Ierra takes notice of the blue coloration, finding it odd. “I made a promise to marry her when we grew up, our other two friends seemed excited about it. I want to find her, I have a promise to keep.” 

Hearing this, and finally coming out of her spiral slightly, Julie listens. Guardian does too, now finding this interesting. Internally, Ierra squeals. She was a big fan of love stories and now has a personal desire to help Eli find his friend, however, she has a face to keep and has to remain Rusa.

"Cute, real cute. I hope you can find her. Everyone deserves happiness,” She nods at the large pink haired traveler, who nods back. “So you aren't planning on anything against the Black Widow’s health are you?”
“Not at all. I want to help the Widow on her mission,” Eli said, looking at Rusa with an innocent smile.

The Lockwood Elf looks over at Guardian for affirmation since she was always best at telling if someone was lying or not. Guardian nods her head, signifying she believed him to be telling the truth. Rusa looks back at the light hearted man and goes to speak, but the large leader does so first.

”’Ah trust him enough, if he was plannin anythin ‘ahm sure it would have happened,” the Black Widow crosses her arms and looks at El, Rose’s birthday still on her mind..

Eli smiles kindly and nodded at the Black Widow, looking over at Rusa. The red clad ninja keeps her arms crossed and watches Eli. She was able to trust the large man to a certain extent, not seeing any malintent or betrayal in his eyes. However, the silver haired woman was not easy to win over.

“Is there anythin’ ya’d like ta talk about, Eli?” The Black Widow looks at the traveler.
“What has been going on lately with the Night Witches?”
“We are not going to be telling you our actions and plans so easily!” Guardian said defensively, stepping toward the Silver eyed man. The Black Widow puts her arm out to stop her.
“We currently are letting your efforts in Arrintar boil over, waiting for the right time ta walk in and help against Dolland.”

Eli nods, thankful for the Black Widow’s update. Rusa and Guardian are considerably concerned with the blind trust she has in this outsider traveler. But the Black Widow’s intuition says she can, and she listens to that as well. In Eli she sees an ally.

"I hope everything goes well for you,” The pink haired traveler said with a charming smile as ever. He had to look down at the short, plump woman that the Black Widow was. “If there is anything at all that I can help with, do let me know. I'd be happy to help.”

The Widow nod’s and smiles. Though short and rather wider than most, the Widow was still one of the most formidable villains in all of Arintarr. Many underestimate her for multiple reasons. And yet, each of her doubters are still afraid of her name, afraid of her image.

“‘Ah appreciate it.  ’Ah hope so too. Dolland needs ta pay for what he started against the Malenterian people. Just gotta wait a few months. Ain't much ta do until then. May or may not come back ta see ya before then, Silver Eyes,” After that, the Widow turns and begins walking away. Guardian and Rusa following. “Don't die on me, ya the only person outside the Witches ‘Ah actually trust.”

 For a moment, Julie had to think about that. She only trusted Eli, and some internal feeling had her feeling that way. A long gone familiar feeling, one that she can't place her finger on. Where had she known Eli from? Eli himself was processing the new nickname Black Widow gave him. “Silver Eyes”.

“But you Just got here,” Eli said as he watched the Widow walk off.
“‘Ah dont have time ta sit around and talk Eli. ‘Ah have things ta do.”
“Right,” Eli nodded, understanding her words. “I'll let you get back to it then!”

The 7 foot man sat back down, returning to messing with the fountain water. He was glad the Widow actually came to speak with him and answered his questions too, knowing full well she could have and could still easily kill him. He was just a man after all.
The witches mount their horses and start heading off back to the base, speaking with one another as they ride their horses back in a trot.

."So… He as much as ya expected?" Julie asked Ierra and Emarru.
“He’s a lot softer,” Ierra admitted.
“He seemed to really want to keep you around too. Like you're some kind of an idol,” Emarru pointed out, thinking about how Eli had acted.
“He did say before he believed in my ideals. ‘Ah should ask him more about that sometime.”

Silence befalls the group of three, Ierra thinking about asking if she can pop up as herself next time Julie goes to see him. She wants to help Eli find his childhood friend so they get married. It was like a romance novel that she read before, and she wants to see the story unfold! Emarru was forming her thoughts on Julie’s trust in Eli, She was unable to determine if she didn’t mind or if she was skeptical. He shows no underlying intention to harm Julie and the Witches, but his kindness felt strange, like it wasnt real. Julie's mind during the silence was completely on her daughter. She forgot her 5 year old daughter's birthday. She couldn't forgive herself. “How could a mother ever forget her only child’s birthday?” She thought to herself. She decided to speak to Rose about it when she got back to the base.

“Something on your mind, Boss?” Emarru spoke up.
“‘Ah forgot my daughter's birthday. ‘Ah was unconscious during Rose’s birthday and ‘Ah never even made up for it.”
“Yeah, she understands though. She tried to show us all that she was still happy while we celebrated but we all could tell,” Ierra said her tone saddened.
“‘Ahm a horrible mother… this whole damn guild has taken attention from her!” Julie was hurt badly internally, realizing that she had missed her daughter's birthday 10 days ago. Emarru and Ierra knew Julie wasn't mad at them, but her comment still hurt, however she meant it.
“You can make up for it when we get back, Darkling”
“‘Ah’ll try. It just won't be the same. ‘Ah don't even have a toy ta give her.” 

Her voice was shrouded in utter despair, though she wasn’t going to sit and do nothing. She’d try to make up for lost time. She spurs Sarron to start galloping toward Moonshine Run, the others following, feeling the disappointment in Julie’s voice. Once home, Julie quickly puts Sarron in the stable, pats the side of his neck and rushes into the base, taking her mask off.

“Rose,” Julie calls out for her daughter. “Rose!”

After a small bit of time Rose runs up and hugs Julie tight. The Malenterian mother rubs her head and smiles softly at the white haired child. After a bit, she gets on her knees and lays her hands on Rose’s shoulders. 

“Rose, ‘Ah am so sorry that ‘Ah missed ya birthday. ‘Ah’ll make it up ta ya, ‘Ah promise.”

Julie would have continued on, however she noticed Rose's confused expression and paused. Rose had her head slightly tilted to the side cutely, as if not knowing what her mother was talking about. 

“Why are ya lookin’ at me like that, What's wrong Rose?”
“You were awake during My birfday, Mama”
“Ah… ‘Ah was?” The large woman didn’t remember anything about it, nor did anyone mention her being awake then. Ierra and Emarru never corrected her on her conscious state. “Ah don't remember.”
“Uh-huh!” Rose said, smiling widely. “You sang to me, you had pretty glowing eyes and some of your hair turned pink too! It made me feel so warm and happy. Mama sings so nice.”

Julie thinks for a bit, Her hair isn't currently pink anywhere. And she's sure her eyes don't glow. “What is she talking about? Was I really awake then? My hair isn't like that, my eyes aren't either.” the large woman thought to herself about what Rose was saying. She chalked it up to her young mind's imagination and patted her daughter, relieved that, even though she doesn't remember it, she was awake for her daughter's birthday.