Chapter 30: A Few Future Upgrades
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Julie gets back to the base. She walks in and sees Ierra with Rose and Jacklynn on the couch. Rose looks over to see who was walking in and runs up to her mother. It was around midday now when Julie arrived, having done a few jobs around Arintarr before heading back.

"Mama. I didn’t see you in the morning." Rose said, looking up at Julie.
"'Ah know, Rose. Sorry. Mama had ta get up early." Julie chuckled, picking her child up and hugging her tightly. She felt relieved of a little stress, seeing her daughter had always been a boost of her morale.
"What did you do?" Rose asked, curiously.
"'Ah’m helpin’ a new friend with somethin’."
"Oh, oks.” Rose said with a wide smile. “Mama so helpful to people, Iz wanna be wike mama when Iz grow up”

The black haired woman smiles at her daughter and kisses her cheek, the statement of her daughter wanting to be like her when she grows up hitting her hard internally. If only Rose knew the truth, what it was like, what she actually did. Julie knew if Rose had known she wouldn't say such things. Julie had hoped Rose wouldn't grow up to be just like her, instead she wanted her to be better. Much better. She sets her daughter down and pats her head, Rose then running off to play with Jacklynn as she was.

"Ierra, 'Ah need ta talk with ya." Julie stated as she looked at the milky skinned elf.
"What is it darling?" Ierra asked. She had a glass of her favorite drink, thick wine. The sides gently sloshed and stained the glass temporarily before moving back down into the bottom of the cup. It slightly stained Ierra’s teeth red too, seen as she spoke.

The guild leader walks to the kitchen. Ierra, expecting an answer but not receiving one, follows soon after. Julie shuts the central shudders in the kitchen so no one can see them, ensuring they are fully left alone. Why the Malenerian woman chose the kitchen rather than the Guild room was beyond Ierra, but she went along with it anyway. They both sit down at the table. Ierra is taken a bit off guard by Julie's secrecy. 

"The friend 'Ah was tellin’ Rose ’bout… he's tryin’ ta make revolution against the king, thats where ah was earlier.”
"Oooo. Continue, darling." Ierra said, unable to wait for more and clapping her hands excitedly.
"He was makin’ a public statement against Dolland. The boy’s really damn influential. He got a good amount of people on his side. It was a rough start but he somehow got people thinkin," Julie explained, her voice had a tone of interest and slight relief that everything was okay.
"Sounds like a good idea for a recruit, darling." Ierra pushed.
"Thin’ is… he’s very innocent. He carries two swords but everything he does points ta him bein’ completely harmless. The way he walks, talks, looks, everything,” Julie said, looking at Ierra with a smile and laying an arm on the table to rest.
"You were really watching him, weren’t you?" The Elf chuckles and crosses her arms.
"Yeah, and? Had ta keep an eye on him and keep myself safe" Julie asked confused about where this is going.

Ierra grins widely at her friend. Julie slowly understands what she  means, getting a disgusted look on her face.

"No! Ierra 'Ah just met him!" Julie shouted, feeling rather appalled at the idea that she may like the traveler.
"And?" Ierra asked.
“Ya know why, Ierra.”
“It doesn't seem to apply to him, Darkling,” Ierra said with a teasing tone. She rather enjoys how defensive Julie got.

Julie rolls her eyes and brushes Ierra’s teasing off, moving onto the point of the conversation.

"Anyway, he opened up a possible revolution under Dolland. He seems ta have a good way with words and know how ta counter things thrown at him." Julie said.
"What a rare find,” Ierra said, taking note.
“Well at the very least we have someone on our side, someone that can convince people,” the Malenterian stated as she leaned back to relax in her chair.

Ierra grins, having a devious idea. The Witch boss looks over and notices the mischievous grin. Unamused and knowing Ierra has some kind of plan she won’t like, Julie fixes her glasses as she waits for her elf friend to speak. It doesn't take long before Ierra ceases her silent game of stares and speaks.

“Definitely good there's someone to ‘help’ you,” The elf said, the evil grin spread from ear to ear.
"The hell does that mean?" The Malenterian asked, thinning her eyes in suspicion. She knew exactly what Ierra meant, she just wanted her to admit it outloud.

The Yellow eyed elf simply grins teasingly at Julie and the larger woman groans and rolls her eyes.

“Come on boss, you know i'm just teasing.”
“It's annoying.”
“You find it funny.”
“‘Ah do,” Julie said with a sigh, Ierra smiles wide. “Not.”

Julie chuckles at Ierra’s outburst of displeasure, the dark haired elf also chuckling along with her.

“So what else about this “revolution”?”
“He gives it about 4 months until it all reaches a peak," Julie states, shifting herself in her chair.
"Well we have plenty of time." Ierra said.

Julie thinks for a bit, looking at the ground.

"Leave the king to Sav’akk. She needs to kill him. It’ll put her inner demons ta sleep." Julie said, thinking about the ex-queens trauma and heartache.

Ierra looks out the window toward the training grounds where Sav’akk and Emarru are sparring. Drav’dornuss is on the side watching as well as Jason and Jack.

"I agree." Ierra said, nodding, before turning back to her dark skinned friend. "So, I’d like to meet this 'Eli'. You talk about him like he's a cute one." Ierra teased again.

Julie rolls her eyes, gets up and walks out of the kitchen. Ierra is left laughing. Beatrix was walking to the kitchen just then to speak to Julie as well, freezing slightly when she heard the name “Eli” but snapping back to reality once Julie approached her.

“Somethin’ the problem, Beatrix?” Julie asked, concerned.
"No Boss,” Bea said, shaking out of her thoughts. “I just wanted to let you know me and Ierra have a new material to make you a better outfit." She said happily.
Oh really? "Ah’’m interested."
"The prototype will be for Rose so you could see what it looks like." Beatrix smiled.
“Why’s that?” Julie asked rather curiously. "Why not just make one for me"
"Rose cant play  dress up if she has nothing to dress up in." Ierra said, with a big smile. Her English accent is on full display as usual. It made her seem so elegant.

Julie smiles at the girls, seeing they were doing this not only for her, but to help her daughter have much more fun and “be like mama”. Though the thought of Rose growing up to be like her again gives Julie slight panic. Her daughter hunted, hated, and hurt. Hurt both by others and by her own actions. It worried her that Rose would take direction.

“That's good enough for me. Let's talk about that outfit,” the Malenterian said, trying to distract herself from her internal fear. 

The raven sits down.She wondered to herself about what she heard, deciding to bring it up before touching on the other, more relevant aspects.

“That man you said you've been talking to, Eli. Is he joining us?” Bea asked curiously.
“‘Ah ain't sure, why?” Julie said to Beatrix, crossing her arms under her breasts and curious as to why she'd ask that. Her first instinct was that they know one another.
“He's a friend of mine, he's the friend that quit before me, I'll be sure not to tell him anything if I see him though!”

Julie softly smiles to herself and leans back in her chair, internally laughing at the fact that she was able to assume and correctly at that. She's also smiling that Beatrix won't tell Eli about how she’s the Night Witch leader.

"Thank ya, ah appreciate it. Now, ya have the prototype or ya just come up with it?”
"We’ve been working on it for some time now. I think you’ll like it." Ierra said smiling and sipping her wine after. “But we only have a base design concept.”
"So… no prototype yet?"
"No. But we can tell you about the materials properties and the current plans." Beatrix said excitedly.

Julie looks at the Raven and the Elf curiously, interested in what this new material they've made was. Even more so was her interest in her new outfit. She would no longer have to wear the minimal protection, one piece suit and Malenterian pants she had been.

"Go ahead." Julie said, quite interested.
"I’ve thought hard on how you fight when you fought me. You use a lot of magic and I decided to try and make the material magic resistant,” there's a slight pause for effect. “I failed at that. But Ierra says he knows how to magically enchant armor and clothing. So we are planning on doing that."
"Sounds good. Anythin’ other than thin pants and a one piece works," Julie chuckled.
"The fabric is stretchable, and has a high resistance to cutting." Beatrix Explains with a smile across her beak.

Julie looked at Beatrix and felt that there was more to be said. She knew it wasn't over.

“‘Ah feel like there's a “But” comin’”
"But,” Beatrix said. Julie smiles slightly again, recognizing her ability to read people well. “As long as your opponent doesn't have any hammers or heavy weapons, you should be ok." Beatrix finished.
"What do ya mean by that?"
"So weapons like Hammers are for crushing. That’s not good against the fabric we made, it being fabric and not armor. Weapons like halberds, that's a 50/50. You won’t be cut due to the fabric. But you’ll still get hurt because of the force coming down on your body. Same is with axes. I guess it’s the same with swords but they give off less energy than a hammer or an ax. Though things like an ax are more likely to cut through the fabric.”

Julie thinks about this for a small moment. Taking in consideration the benefits and downsides of the fabric. She seems rather pleased with the development

"So it's cut resistant but ‘Ah still feel the impact of the things hitting me," Julie said.

Ierra nods with a bright smile. She's noticing Julie’s interest in the fabric her and Beatrix have worked so hard on. It makes not only the Elf, but Beatrix feel proud of what they’ve done.

"That's right. I don't see a way where any fabric could ever stop you from feeling the force. Only armor really.”
"Yeah. Now spears, Stabs will be more painful because the fabric doesn't break under being stabbed, though it does break easier. The stabs will be the hardest thing to overcome."

Julie nods and thinks to herself. “Ah should definitely get some armor made sometime,” She thought. She was very much happy with the cloth that the two girls had made though. Rather, she was impressed that they were able to make such a thing. Ierra and Beatrix look at each other and smile kindly at one another before looking back at Julie, their boss.

“This is amazin’. ‘Ah’m honestly shocked y'all were able to make somethin like it. In the future though, or sometime soon Imma need ta have armor,” the dark skinned woman said, leaning forward in her chair.
“We are very aware and know that would be most beneficial, Darkling. But for now all we have is this,” The midnight black haired Elf stated.
“And ‘Ahm happy ta have it. But is there a way ‘Ah can possibly have some leather parts made with it? Just for other parts of my body?”
"Ierra you're good at leather working right?" Beatrix pops up, excited.
"I'm alright at it, darling, but maybe we should do the metal idea."
"But we don't have a blacksmith," Beatrix said.
“We can commission one. Give a blacksmith my measurements, request certain things, pay them. That way they don't know who ‘Ah am from memory and can't expose me.”

Beatrix and Ierra nod, finding it a solid plan and have thought of it before. However there was one glaring issue they were concerned about. Identity.

“Boss, they’d know us by face though,” Ierra explained.

Hearing that small fact makes Julie think for some time, they were right. That hasn't popped in her mind at all. A bit more thinking and Julie sighs, fixes her glasses, and then looks at the girls.

“Ah’ll just have ta ask a blacksmith ta make some as the Black Widow. We got Sorncoliv and Dravencore under us. ‘Ahm sure there's a blacksmith there somewhere.
“Might be the only way to get some actual armor,” Beatrix said.
“They owe us for protecting them anyway, if they want it to be better protection, they have to outfit us with good armor and weapons,” The pale elf pointed out.

With that, the Witch Leader nodded, agreeing with Ierra’s statement. The plan was set. Find a blacksmith in one of the villages that are Witch controlled, Have them make armor. With this process being thought up, other items like Shields and swords can be made then too,  Ierra stands up as she realizes exactly how bad the Witches need a blacksmith.

“I'm going to go find one right now,” Ierra said, smiling at Julie and Beatrix.

Julie nods to Ierra and the dark raven, Beatrix, stands to speak to her. She felt as if she should go instead, be of more use to the Night Witches.

“Ierra, I'll go instead, I haven’t done much here. Besides I need to stretch my wings a little, I haven't flown since the attack,” The raven said.
“‘Ah say Beatrix go, Ierra’s done  a lot and hasn’t taken a break. Especially with the few days ‘Ah was out. Show us what ya got Bea.”

Ierra sighs softly and sits down, recognizing that she won't be allowed to go. Though the golden eyed elf expected this of Julie. It was their jobs to keep the other in check, not only as owner and co-owner, but as best friends. With a nod the Beatrix sends off to begin her mission.

“Ierra, ya need ta relax a bit. Ohg while ya here too, remember in a few days is Jacklynn’s Mission”
“It is? I’ve lost track of time darling. With Shane and now the Lady of Death coming here to stay…”
“Don't worry about Finir, she’s a close friend and doesn’t do anythin really,” Julie smiled and adjusted her glasses, now sitting back to relax.
“You’re friends with the Goddess of Death!?” Ierra exclaims in shock.

This prompts Jack to run into the kitchen along with Celeste, both highly shocked at this information they happened to overhear.

“YOU WHAT?” Jack also exclaims once into the room. 

Celeste tries to stops but trips onto the floor, left not only in pain an shocked, but slightly dazed too. Though, as fast as she fell, the rabbit is back on her brown furred feet and looking at Julie with her wide eyes of interest and amusement. Jack as well giving the same look of amusement finding this to be a fairly cool development. Ierra on the other hand is rather taken aback still. And not in too positive a way either.

“Yeah, me and Finir knew each other for a while. She was still Grimmison when we first met.”
“Thats so cool, Boss!” Jack said in amazement. His boss had ties to the new Goddess of Death, Finir Porteur.
“Darkling, Why would the Lady of Death be around you in the first place?” The crimson clad Elf questioned with concern.
“She wasn’t really. ‘Ah just happened ta come across her and said hello. Next thing ‘Ah know she visits me from time ta time.”

Ierra thinks about the situation. Jack is rather in awe at the aspect that the Goddess of Death actively chooses to spend time with a mortal, and his boss no less. Frankly, Celeste thinks the same. The Death befriended Malenterian smiles and fixes her glasses placement on her face, as they had been a bit uncomfortable.

“That's so damn cool!” Jack exclaims, his eyes sparkling with amazement.

Julie smiles sweetly at the young man. Just then the white haired ninja, Emarru and the red mohawked Raptereck, Sav’akk walk into the kitchen from their sparring. Whereas Sav’akk makes her way through the small gathering, Emarru stops and looks at her darker toned boss. On her voice are heavy breaths of exhaustion, sweat beading down her lightly tan cheek.

“Boss, Shane hasn't been out of his room since the attempted revival,” The Swonovo Ninja said.
“‘Ah know. He needs a little bit of time ta himself. Can't be easy goin ya whole life tryin ta revive ya sisters, just ta find out ya can’t.”

Ierra goes silent, as does Celeste and Jack. The black haired Elf looks at the ground, thinking of what she had some time ago. What she called him. They all felt horrible for their treatment if Shane, all except Sav’akk, Emarru, and Julie herself. It's here that Celeste decides to turn around and head to Shanes room, knocking on his door to try and talk to him. There's no answer, so she tries again. No answer again. After a third attempt and no noise being heard, the bunny sighs and walks off, giving up on the attempt to reach the closed off Goxian male.