Chapter 29: A Small Break
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Eli brings Julie to a beautiful park filled with flowers and some trees. There's kids running around, playing with each other. They both walk around the park on the path. They stop on a stone bridge over a small creek, the sun's rays of shine, bouncing off the surface of the water and making it glisten. Julie looks around, taking the area in as she relaxes from the speech earlier on. After she left Malenteria she forgot how beautiful the natural world could be, she’s been busy with so many things she hasn't taken time for herself.. Eli sneaks a glance at her multiple times, checking on her.

“Julie, I’d like to know more about you,” Eli says, smiling softly at her.
“More about me? How come? Ya aint thinkin’ ‘bout tryin’ ta date me are ya?” The Malenterian teased.
“W-what? No! Not at all. I'm just interested in you. I want to know about a new friend.”

Julie is silent for a bit, and thins her eyes at Eli. He attempts to look at Julie in the eyes but falters and looks to the left at a tree. She smiles, seeing how easily flustered Eli is.

"'Ah was born April 15th with my two other sisters. 'Ah was actually wasn’t supposed ta make it." Julie explained, looking at the water of the creek.
"What do you mean?"
"Well 'Ah was gonna be a miscarriage, well kinda. Out of my two other sisters, 'Ah apparently had my umbilical cord around my neck. My mother says 'Ah was saved by some goddess she saw though." She further explained.
"Interesting. There's a goddess in Goxian mythology that's known for that." He said.
"Really?" Julie asked intrigued, curious.

She looked at Eli with interest. She may very well learn the name of the goddess that saved her. Eli looked back at her.

"Yes. Her name is Skavir. You may know her as the Mother God."
"'Ah think 'Ah heard somethin’ like that." Julie said.
"Yeah. You oddly enough look…" Eli froze.

Eli looks Julie up and down. Her thighs seemed to call to Eli's gaze. Standing there with her hand on her hip, Julie noticed Eli's gaze pause on her thighs for a split second. She was smirking and adjusted her glasses.

"Exactly like her,” Eli said, rather shocked at Julie's likeness to Skavir. The comment struck Julie and stuck with her. She looks like a goddess, and not in some flirty way, someone actually said she looks like the depictions of the Goddess Skavir. She takes note and moves on.

“Interestin’. Enjoy what you saw?" Julie asked teasingly.
“I didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry. I couldn't help my-”
"Oh shut up,” Julie said playfully, “‘Ah never said 'Ah was mad. It's cute.”

Eli blushes at being called cute and averts his eyes from julie.

“Now the goddess was Malenterian?" Julie asked, bringing the conversation back to the goddess she supposedly looks like..
"In art she was, but in recent text’s she’s… what is it? White washed. Leave it to the king to force the rewriting of the text of our gods with his racist agenda.” Eli said, his tone seemed like he was really tired of the Malenterian prejudice at the hands of the Goxians.

Julie thinks to herself about how outrageous that sounds, Changing the depiction of the head god to better fit the racist ideology, altering historical stories and making them no longer historical. It's unheard of, it's insane. The Malenterian really can't believe it would be done. Then again, what reason would Eli have to lie. The Blue eyed woman tried to move the conversation along,  

"What do ya do?" Julie asked, adjusting her glasses and looking around at nature.
"I was previously a traveling scientist."
"Yet you believe in gods?" Julie chuckled.
"There’s a difference between faith and truth Julie. And though science proves that a person cannot take 340 arrows, and 53 fatal cuts and stabs like the God of War Guerre did. We have seen Gods living among mortals" Eli wittingly countered, smiling kindly at his dark friend
“That’s true, ‘Ah was thinking about that singular god people preach these days. We don't even see them.”
“It is a little silly, and he has no name either. Just called ‘God’”

The sounds of birds can be heard around them as they carry on their conversation. Being in Arintarr, and near Bronok, an occasional Raven caw can be heard. The cool breeze passes by and blows softly. The sound of the creek below is rather calming as well. 

“Ya seem pretty interestin’, many stories ta tell?”
"Lots. With zombies too."
“No, no thanks. ‘Ah don't like Zombies,” the large woman said with a shudder and a chill down her spine. Just the mention of undead gives her icy shivers.
"In my time at GeoTax we found their bite is only infectious about 5% of the time. It's not as infectious as most think.”
"Still creepy as hell though. Anything that's dead should stay dead." Julie said, adjusting her glasses.
"Blame my brethren back home for that." Eli shook his head.
"Goxians? Why?" Julie asked, she's seeing a negative pattern with the people of Bronok.
"You don’t know?"
"Nuff with the runaround. Explain it,” The Malenterian said, getting snappy.
"Long ago, Goxians realized the power of Dark Magic. They slowly began messing with it and found that there are many things it can do, many things the same as Light Magic. Healing, protection… resurrection." Eli said.

A few ravens caw. Eli and Julie looked up to where they heard the cawing. What they saw unnerved Julie. It was what seemed to be hundreds of Ravens staring at them.

“That's pretty odd.” Julie said before turning to look at Eli. “Should we be concerned?”
“It might be the God of Knowledge watching over us. I'm sure we are fine”
“Why would he be?”
“I brought up Forbidden magic,” the Pink haired man said. “He'd have reason to watch over us from then on. Now so far it has been about me. What about you, Julie?"

Jule looked around at the nice scenery of the park in Arintarr. The nature around them was fairly calming. The Malenterian could feel her body easing and her muscles relaxing with the nice cool breeze on the hot day. The Cloud cover kept it somewhat cool though it was still rather hot.

"Well other than being friends with the Black Widow, not much," the black haired woman said with a chuckle before leaning over the side of the stone bridge they were on.

Julie was somewhat bent over to rest her elbows and arms on the side of the stone bridge, her weight shifted to the left leg, her right slightly bent with her foot curved around the heel of the other. The pants she had worn really accentuated her lower curves, this hits Eli hard and causes him to blush at his Malenterian friends pose. The pink haired Goxian brushes the hair from over his left eye to the side in embarrassment.

"You're friends with the Widow. T-There has to be some exciting stories. If not then… tell me more about you!" Eli said, smiling wide and other charmingly 

The pink haired man once again looks at Julie. The few rays of the sun from between the clouds make the sight of her that much more pretty in his eyes.

"What exactly do ya want ta know ‘bout me?" The dark haired woman asked curiously.

Eli looks at Julie straight in her eyes. He noticed how light her ice blue eyes arer. There's a soothing warmth he feels looking into her eyes, but at the same time he sees there’s a bit of coldness in her gaze. He lightly wonders to himself why that's there but doesn't worry about it for long.

"Everything." Eli said, smiling widely.
"Well as 'Ah said before 'Ah’m close friends with the Black Widow." Julie relents, noticing how much her new friend wants to know about her.
"Tell me things I don’t know yet Julie." Eli chuckled.
"'Ah'm gettin’ there hold on."
"Well that taught me something,”
"Ya really studyin’ me hard huh?" Julie smirked.
"Helps me learn about someone easier,” He said.
“Oh? And what have ya learned from studyin me?”
“You have a soft spot you let out a lot but your gaze says that there's a colder and darker side to you." 

Julie freezes, she just looks at him. Eli looks back at her afraid that he did something wrong. The expression on Julie’s face fairly serious.

"Wow. How- why do ya think 'Ah have the soft side?"
"Well, I assume that there's someone you love deeply." Eli said, walking to the other side of the bridge.
“There is,” the Malenterian said, following and looking at the sides of the rivers at the glowing flowers. They were in colors of Red, orange, Blue and purple. The most abundant color being blue. “Its my daughter, ‘Ah think ‘Ah can trust ya with that information.”
"Oh really? How old is she?"

She looks at Eli, the muscular pink haired man smiling widely and waiting for a response, he truly was interested in Julie and her life. It came off as a little creepy to her, but she chalked it up to bad experiences and continued.

"She’s 5." Julie smiled.

Eli sits there silently for a small moment, as if waiting for Julie to speak more on her daughter. The Material looks at him, not saying anything more with a slight smile spread on her face. They look at each other for a short, silent moment.

"Go on." Eli said.

Julie chuckles slightly. Eli blushing slightly. finding it rather attractive.

"’Ah named her after my Grandma, Rose. Her name is Rose Hope Stoneheardt. She sounds like he has a stuffed up nose all the time but she has no allergies."
"Awww, she sounds adorable." Eli said, smiling wide and with charm.

The conspiracy of Ravens gives Julie an eerie feeling, they were all watching her and Eli. So many eyes on them. Strange that it's birds and not people. Trying her best to put it out of her mind, the Malenterian looks back at her Pink haired friend.

"She is. She looks just like me but with white hair." Julie explained.
"She sounds like a gift from heaven."
"You have no idea. It gets better." Julie said.
"No!" Eli said, in disbelief.

Julie nods laughing. She felt relaxed here, for the first time in a while she's having fun outside of the guild. She wonders if this is what a normal life feels like. Not having to hide herself, not being worried about things like being found out and trauma. 

"She carries around a black cat plushie all. The. Time." Julie emphasizes, wearing a wide smile as she gushes about her daughter.
"That's the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard." Eli said, smiling widely.
"She named him Mr. Cuddles."
"That's too much, you'll kill me with her cuteness."

Julie gives a small chuckle again while Eli is left smiling wide, daydreaming slightly.  With a bit of thinking Julie confronts Eli with what else is on her mind.

"Ya seem very interested in my daughter, Ya know some people would find that creepy," Julie said.
"Really? I don't mean for it to come off that way. I’ve just always liked the idea of having my own kid eventually. I felt it was always some sort of destiny, like I was made for it," He said looking at the floor of the bridge. “So I get excited to hear other parents talk about their kid, dream of having the same thing with my own.
"Aw, that's actually kinda sweet.”
“I always imagined having a daughter, though I don't really mind having a son. Having a daughter just always popped up more.”
“Any child is a lot of work,” Julie said, almost as if to warn Eli.
"I know but I feel like the work will be worth watching my own daughter or son grow up. I heard it’s tiring. But I feel like it'd be tiring and rewarding." Eli smiles, looking up from the floor of the bridge and at Julie.

The Malenterian takes the time to reflect on her experiences as a mother, almost Immediately she finds herself agreeing with Eli. She offers a small nod before speaking back.

"It is. It honestly is,"
“I even have a name picked out. Demitrix for a girl, Tsukuyomi for a boy." Eli said.
“Ya sound like ya got it all planned out.”

Eli begins to walk off, waving Julie to follow. She does so as they both begin walking around the beautiful park.

"Not quite." He said
"How come?" Julie asked.
"I can’t really find anyone.”
"It’s probably because ya a traveler."
"Yeah maybe. I stay in places for a few months though." He said.
“Do ya think it's that easy for a woman to fall for you?"

The pink haired traveler looks at the ground realizing what Julie said is true, he felt a little silly after. Eli's expression, once she looks over at him and notices, causes her to chuckle.

"Where ya stayin’ now?" Julie asked.
"Try ta stay there for longer, Eli. That might help ya."
"You think that’ll help?" He asked.

Julie can't help but to chuckle at her friend's simplistic thought process. The tall, silver eyed man again felt rather silly at his thinking.

"Who told ya that it’ll be that easy?" Julie asked.
"In honesty no one. I actually don't really know how to do this whole thing," he laughed.
"Ya one of a kind, Eli," Julie chuckled.

There's a short silence while the two walk along the park's path. The bigger, muscular man thought to himself after Julie said that. The Malenteian herself looks at the nature around them. She seldom had an opportunity to look at life and the world from a normal view, or at all. So this moment she took it all in and loved it.

"Mom always said that." Eli said after some time.
"A mama’s boy too?" Julie questioned, recognizing that this is the second time today he's said something along those lines.
"Is it that obvious?" Eli asked, looking at Julie.
"Very. It’s not a bad thing." Julie said, smiling and looking around at nature. “At least if it's not all problems, no one likes that. Or if she runs your whole life.”
“No, I’m just close to her, and my dad as well. I just got to spend more time with mom growing up.”

The Malenterian takes a moment to think back to her childhood life. Which did she spend the most time with? She racked her brain for it.

“Same here, Dad was a soldier so me and mom had a lot of time together. But ‘Ah was still close to my dad.

Eli looks at the sky. Noting the time they have spent together Eli smiles and looks at Julie.

"Well, you probably should be getting home to your daughter. You’ve been out for a while." Eli said, looking away.
"Aww. Want me gone already?" 

The muscular man immediately turned to defense mode, afraid he's made Julie feel like he doesn't want her around..

"No no no no. Not at all it's just that-"
"'Ah'm messin' with ya," Julie said, interrupting him after seeing how panicked he looked.
"It's been nice talking to you Julie. I’ll hopefully see you later."

She found herself smiling slightly, knowing what it's like to live normally for a brief moment.

"Count on it, Sugah."

The curly haired woman smiles at her pink haired friend before walking the opposite way to find her horse and head hoe, leaving Eli to think about how Julie had nicknamed him.he smiled widely and began making his way to his Blue horse, Roxanne.