Chapter 28: Seed of revolution
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Julie, Sav’akk and Celeste enter Arintarr and hop off their horses. They grab onto their horses' leads and walk around the bustling city, Julie looking for a man with pink hair. Three Witches make their way to the square of Arintarr city. It’s there Julie spots Eli. The curly haired woman wanders over with Sav’akk and Celeste.

“Hope ya dont mind ‘Ah brought a plus one,” Julie says happily, trying to get Eli's attention.

The pink haired man looks over and takes note of the large, lizard-like woman that Sav’akk was and the rabbit girl beside her. Eli smiles and raises his hand to wave it off, confirming it was no problem.

“I'm just glad you came,” The man says smiling, his silver eyes glittering even in sunlight..
“The reptilian woman is Sav’akk ‘Ah’m sure ya heard of her, and the cute bunny is Celeste”

Celeste blushes at being called cute, and Sav’akk crosses her arms being none to happy to be here. Though that is normal for her. Hearing the name ‘Sav’akk’ puts a look of shock on Eli’s face as he realizes his face to face with the ex-queen of Marshtinan.

"Y-you didn’t tell me your friend was the Queen of Marshtinan!" The pink haired traveler exclaimed in surprise.

Julie looks at Sav’akk, she smirks. 

"Some in Arrintar believe she killed her husband, but there's things that I've gathered in my travels here.. This’ll be easy." Eli said smiling and thinking about his speaking points already.
"Blaming it on the king? Easy?" Julie questioned in disbelief.
"Last time I checked there was a small army sent to Marshtinan. There's no way people wouldn’t see that. Plus, the people here have to be informed of when the army is being sent off so the parents in the military can say their goodbyes to their family."

Julie freezes. It puts in perspective that she may have killed someone's son or daughter. Someone's mother or father. Someone brother or sister. A husband or wife. She may have broken up a family, and that eats at her terribly to think about. But she does her best to shake that nagging feeling off. It has to be done to make the country better and less corrupted, better for her daughter's future. This was the only good Julie felt like she was doing in her life, despite others seeing them as villains.

“I have the talking points ready,” The tall man said.

Julie and Sav’akk are shocked and Celeste impressed. Sav’akk looks at Julie, the look of shock stays on Julie's face for a moment before becoming a smug one, almost saying ‘I told you so, he can be trusted’. Sav’akk sees this and scoffs, looking back at Eli. Julie does the same, slowly turning her head back to him.

"I think I got this, I'm sure we will get everyone's attention. Yes. I'm ready to start” Eli says, smiling widely with lots of charm. It's clear that he banks on hope and optimism a lot in things like this.
"You want to help take down the Bastard King, but do you know who you are helping with that?”
“Sav’akk” Julie interrupts, she shakes her head.

With Elis back now turned, prepared to start speaking to the people he doesn't see, but he does answer. Julie was highly afraid that Sav’akk was going to expose them as the Night Witches for some reason, though with some thought after words, she realizes that's a silly worry.

“The Black Widow,” the silver eyed man answers, joy in his tone.

The red mohawked reptilian woman was rather surprised Eli was so willing to help a villain group. Both Julie and Eli hate the king for starting what he had between Malenteria and Bronok. He walks to a bench nearby and stands on it. With Sav’akk realizing that, she understands why.  He clears his throat and speaks.

“People of Arintarr,! Gather around! I have information I'm sure no one has known about before! Information that will change your views on your king!"

Julie, Celeste and sav’akk watch, the Malenterian has a hand on her hip and her hip extended out, Sav’akk having her arms crossed underneath her large breasts, and Celeste is squatting down listening, ears perked up.

"Shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear your fake stories." A man yells.
“Oh, these are no stories. These are facts, events that have not taken place when they should have! Give me a small modicum of your time and I will pose information that is sure to make you all question him!” Eli continues, his confidence not faltering His voice ringing out with a sure tone and certainty.

A few people wander over, most of them rolling their eyes or ignoring the speech. The three girls look around to make sure guards don't interrupt him, oddly enough, no Guards were around at the time.

“Patrol.” Celeste said,
“That means we have a time before we have to grab him and run,” Sav’akk said.

Julie nods agreeing with them and fixes her glasses on her face.

"Does the reptilian woman beside me look familiar? A Raptereck? A specific banished queen perhaps?” Eli said, calling attention to Sav’akk next to him.

The crowd begin talking to each other in low murmurs while Eli is silent for a moment. He's planning his next words carefully..

"Didn’t she murder her husband?" A man interrupted.
"That is what you all have been told by your king. But the truth is much more sinister. No it wasn't her.” The traveler smiles and shakes his head. “It was the king's orders to have it done and placed on her shoulders.”
“Bullshit,  the king wouldn't-”
"I would never have killed my husband. What would be the point of that?" Sav'akk yelled, pushing Eli aside to defend herself in anger.

Julie drops her head and Celeste stands up ready for a possible riot. The muscular man lays a hand on Julie's shoulder.

“This isn't harming anything, she's defending herself against false accusations.”
“Her anger,” Julie pointed out.
“It will add to the claim that she's innocent. Emotional attatchment.”

A woman in the crowd speaks up against sav’akks defense.

"The Queen manages the fucking military in Marshtinan, if I wanted power I would have overthrown him with my own military force!” the lizard woman  growls, her voice gravely with anger.

Julie decides to be a little sassy and steps up.

"'Ah believe a small squad of soldiers was sent to Marshtinan the day of King Zandeth’s death." The black haired woman speaks with much sass in her voice.
"Who are you exactly?" Someone in the crowd calls out.

Julie crosses her arms and looks at the person in the crowd. She gives them a snide look

"'Ah am Melenomale’s friend. 'Ah have heard her story from beginin’ ta end."
"And exactly how would you have that information?" the Pink haired traveler asked Julie, turning to her as if he doesn't know who she is.
"'Ah lived in Arrintar at the time. People that have been here for over 5 years would know that there were soldiers marchin’ ta Marshtinan. They never told the people about it, but they whernt exactly secretive either." She responds, giving herself credit and cementing herself as a semi trustworthy source.

Eli looks up in surprise.

"How long have you been here exactly?" the tall man wittingly questioned
"8 years, 'Ah recently moved back ta Malenteria." Julie answered.Moving back to mMalenteria was a lie, however she had actually lived in Arintarr for 8 years.

The crowd murmurs. More people come. Julie looks at Eli and can't help but to smirk, he was questioning Julie to make it seem that they aren't partnered in this endeavor. She found his adaptability useful, so did Celeste who took close notes of Eli mentally as she studied him. An elderly Neo-human speaks up.

"I remember!" A male citizen exclaimed. "My daughter left that day and came back perfectly fine."
"What did she say exactly?" Eli asked, pointing at the man to draw the crowd’s attention to him. What luck Eli had, a personal account!

The man looked at the ground for a short time, trying to remember what had happened and looked up.

"She told me that he was sent to Marshtinan. But never said anything about what happened."
“My son came home and openly bragged about it, framing the queen. I've also been trying to tell people but no one ever listens to me’" another man speaks up.

The 3 Witches were rather surprised at the luck here. Eli managed to coax out 2 personal stories that back him up. But thats all they saw it as, luck.

"Wow. Already having people rally together? What magic does this man have?" Julie wondered.

She looks at Sav’akk, who looks pissed.

"Ahh. See? Secrets are being hidden from you. How do you all feel? Your own king! My response is to ruin his throne as he ruined Queen Melenomale’s!" Eli said with pure passion, speaking simply to the people and laying out his plan and aim before them..

The crowd murmurs, looking at each other. After some time they look back at Eli, the air seems tense but slowly building up to What Eli is trying to accomplish.

Eli dusts himself off and fixes his hair.

"What about The Mad Lords War? Wasn’t Arrintar close partners with Malenteria? If so, how come instead of helping them he did nothing?." Eli spoke. "Is that how Arintarr helps their allies? I don't think it should be so! He let Bronok try and tear down Malenteria while a war raged on, they were defending themselves against slavery, and luckily they had won or things would be vastly different. The king must be brought down! Revolution!" Eli yelled, raising a fist.

Some people in the crowd talk with one another on the evidence, speaking with the people that had supported Eli and talked about their children in the military of Arintarr, others leave believing his claims to be false. Sav’akk is swarmed with questions and conversation, which makes her fairly grumpy but internally grateful that she's finally having her perspective listened to.

"Spread the word. We are not enough to cause a revolt. We need our brothers and sisters to join and help us put an end to King Dolland’s secrets. Make him answer for what he’s done!" Eli exclaimed.

A few soldiers come up to the crowd but stop and back up seeing the army of people rather annoyed and through with what the king has been up to. Hearing all this and getting questions to answers from the 3 supporting parties that spoke up with eli, some even asking Julie questions, the people where reasonably horrified at what the king has done in the past. The silver eyed man points to the castle.

"Dolland’s will answer us for the questions we have or he will be taken off the throne!” he says in pure confidence.

Some people cheer after getting information they believe, more and more people begin speaking out about information they have, siblings, parents, children all heading off and never being told about their dispatch. Eli gets off the bench. He walks to Julie and fixes his hair. Julie adjusts her glasses, rather shocked at Eli’s influence. The people were even talking to, some were yelling at, the guards.

"Now I’ll come back here and spread this around over the next few days." Eli smiles charmingly.

Celeste looks at the crowd chant and holler, some in agreement with Eli, Julie, and Sav’akk. Others in outrage and disbelief. The large man looks at the crowd for a bit, he feels accomplished to get some people thinking about the fact of things, rather if he got lucky today, or it was his skill, or both, he was still proud of himself.

"I say the kings got a few months. At least one, at most 4," The pink haired man estimated before looking at Julie.

"Thank you, Julie," Eli smiled widely. He had such an aura of friendliness and charm around him, and his smile was bright enough to cast away even the darkest of moods.
”No problem,” Julie said with a big smile on her face. She found herself unable to resist a grin. Eli's smile was almost infectious.

"Ma always said I have a face to rule the world, I didn't think she meant literally," Eli chuckled.
"Let’s hang out somewhere. It’s early and we just did all of this so why not relax?" Julie asked all of a sudden.
“I’m going home” Sav’akk said rather bothered, but relieved that people now begin believing her.

Eli turns to Sav’akk.

"Queen Melenomale. I am so thankful. I could only imagine what it was like to come back to this?" Eli asked with utmost sincerity.
“You already have, my story is getting out there”

Eli smiles at Sav’akk, she gives no smile back. Instead she turns and starts heading to her horse.

“Celeste are you coming?” The reptilian woman asks.

The Bunnisarian rushes over and mounts her horse, waving to Eli  a good bye. He waves back and looks at his Blue eyed friend

“You wanted to hang out somewhere?” the muscular man asked.

Julie nods and switches which hip takes her weight, she looks rather attractive in her blue pants and orange, midriff baring shirt. The sleeves were ¾ the way down her arms and the collar of the shirt dropped off one shoulder slightly. Her curly hair moving gently in the soft breeze, as does her hook like tuft of hair that falls off the front right side of her forehead. Eli looks at her, and finds her rather attractive. It causes him to begin blushing a slight blue color before regaining his composure. He walks off in a direction and smiles.

"I know just the place." Eli smiled.

Julie notices his blush and chuckles softly to herself, following behind the tall muscular man to the point of interest.