Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings
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It's a calm day. People are living their usual lives in the square village of Dravencore: spending time with their families. Kids are playing, adults are talking to each other. The square is large with many market stands filled with fruits, vegetables, and other goods. The sun shines beautifully upon Roan as its rings encircle the large planet, twinkling like stars seeable in the day time. There is a cool breeze in the air giving a fresh spring feeling, mixing with the fresh scent of produce from the market stalls. The ground was mainly a dirt path, and the buildings were usually stone, other than the stalls of course which were made of wood and painted. Though, this calming day would soon become less happy and more of a nightmare. A group of 3 figures rise up to the top of a hill. Some village people see them and stop, over a short amount of time everyone is looking over, the once happy atmosphere falls into one of fear. The people quietly whisper to each other, others stand perfectly silent as these 3 figures loom their shadow over the village. They have long since been a part of the village people's lives, striking fear into them no matter how often they had came. Each month, they'd arrive, and the people would fear their actions next. One man grabbed the hilt of his sword and unsheathed it. the 3 figures turn to look at him. He wore a brown brigandine top and beige pants.

"You've tormented this village far too long!" He yelled, pointing his blade at the figures. "I will protect this village from now on! Not you!"

The man ran at the figures. The hooded figure, slightly taller than the armed man, had made a quick move to shoot an arrow at him, the arrow pierced through the mans eye and came out the back. Death having not caught up to him yet, he stumbles forward slightly before falling before the shortest figure. They look down at the mans body as it slightly slid down the hill. They look back up. This figure was a woman. A terrifying woman. She was known as the "Black Widow". The Black Widow nodded to the hooded figure to her left, thanking them for their action. The third figure to the left of Black Widow was a figure around 5' 11". All three of them where from the Night Witches, a group of criminals.

"All we demand is food. Gather some for us and we'll leave. Please make the right choice." Black Widow stated.

The people look around in fear, contemplating if they even have a chance to fight back against the demand, they've hard stories of them. How they've taken on entire villages armies with just 3 people, and there in front of them, where 3. The air is silent and heavy, it would give you chills.

"Y'all are testin' my patience. Ah said. Get. movin'."

Finally, the people sir into action by Widow's stern and authoritative tone. She places her left hand on her hip and her right hand on her mask. The mask has 4 horns in total, 2 on each side at the top of the head. It's black with an orange monster like smile, one that shows malice. There where eyes that where a pale blue as well. The other 2 figures had masks as well. Though Everyone knew the leader as Black Widow, her real name was Julie, Julie Cassandra Faith Stoneheardt.

Julie was a big woman. She had naturally curly, black hair that came over her mask on one side, having a hump on the top, lowering down past her mask and curving upward like a hook. She has a black one-piece outfit on, that has a red band on the left arm. She also has semi-clear orange baggy like pants that have a light blue waistband. By her side, the hooded figure, was a woman with a crimson hood, tunic, and black leggings. She leans over to Black Widow. She had a red mask that has a black V shape on it coming over the eyes. This is Ierra Fauna Galis, known as "Rusa". She is a Lockwood Elf. She speaks with an English accent, being common within the elves of her type.

"Darling, could I just-" She asked nervously, before Black Widow had interrupted her.



She steps away, bow in hand. Julie places her hands on her hips. The people still trembling in fear of what's to come. Keeping busy so they don't attack.

"We will get ya food somewhere else, Rusa. These people seem to have learned their lesson from last time," The Widow looked at the third figure. This was Jason Jiovani Dristen, called "Slash". A murderer with a long and complex past. His mask was that of a painted skull. he wore black leather armor and had arm guards made of Ior, a common metal used for armor and jewelry. he also had dark brown pants.

"Food from only the markets. Keep what ya have." Julie yelled out. She exhales and mumbles to herself. "Some of us have a family ta feed."  She watches as the people are getting food and chuckles after a while.

"‘ah see 'Ah have a follower. How are y'all doin so far?"

Jason walks up to Julie and notices her talking to herself.

"Who the hell are you talking to, Widow?" He said in his gruff, husky voice. Jason never cared about what role anyone was in, he spoke how he wanted to.

Julie turns to him and switches her hips standing mainly on her right leg now. her stance gave off a feeling of sass and power. She knew she was at the top of the food chain, she just allowed others to be up there with her.

"Nothing you need ta know about Slash." She said sternly, snapping back at him for his attitude.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means ya don’t need ta fuckin’ know. Is the damn food ready?"

Jason looked around at the people, they had prepared a carriage filled with food from the markets. Mothers hold their children and shed tears in fear, Children hold their parents, unsure what's going on. Fathers stand, ready to protect their families no matter the cost. In some situations its the Mother protecting and the father comforting. Julie looks at the body of the shot man. She though  of if he had a family at all, but soon shakes her head and dismisses the thought. Julie crosses her arms.

"Yeah, and they're sucking up and giving us a carriage." He said.

"That's a first." Julie said, surprised, looking at the people of the village and calls out to them once more.

"Thank ya for workin' with us and givin’ us a way ta move the food. As a gift we will have this village under our protection. Later on today ‘Ah'll assign someone ta patrol. Ya have any problems or need help, talk ta them." 

With that, the Night Witches hook up the carriages, mount their horses, and leave Dravencore. When they get back to their base, Moonshine Run, Julie enters her room to relax a little. After all, running a guild alone like she does isn't easy. Her room is big and grey with red accents on the corners and around the roof. There's a window on the opposite wall of the door, her bed is on the right wall with some room in between it and the wall itself. It's a big bed with a brown blanket on it. She has a dresser on the left wall with a small TV. There's a small table under the window and a chair next to it and a red pair of glasses on it. Julie takes off her mask and reveals a dark skinned woman of Malenterian decent. She has Ice blue eyes, and heart pupils. Being bigger than most, her face as a sort of roundness to it that gives her a softer look. Julie leans over and grabs the glasses to put them on and places the mask on the table. Then she sits on the bed.

"Welcome ta the Night Witches everyone," Julie said staring blankly. It was as if there was something there that she could see, or at least trying to. She is trying to see... you. "We are a mainly female guild. It was supposed ta be all female but we came across a few that could be helpful. Sadly not... all of them here are."

Suddenly, there is a knock at her bedroom door. Julie sits up and looks at it. 

"Come in." she said in a soft, soothing tone.

The door opens and a small girl walks in. She looks like Julie but with white hair. She has on a pale, soft colored green shirt and blue jeans, and is carrying a Black stuffed cat with button eyes, a green left and orange right.

"Hewo." The girl spoke with a voice making her sound congested, though this was her usual speech.

"Hi baby. How ya doin'?" Julie said softly and smiling. The little girl stood there holding her cat smiling.

"Iz fine. I heard you were home. So Iz wanted to see how you were."

Julie smiles and hugs the girl as she walks up to her.

"Thanks sweetheart. Well 'Ah'm real tired and am about ta lay down. Wanna snuggle with me?" Julie said lifting the blanket over her, holding it up for the child to get in. She does so, still holding that stuffed animal.

"Sleep well, Rose." Julie said softly, kissing her head. Rose smiles wide and snuggles against Julie. She yawns and slowly falls asleep.


Ierra stands out in the large grassy training field in the back of Moonshine Run, waiting for a new recruit. She had a fair complexion and yellow eyes. She had purple triangles running down her cheeks under her eyes. The field is vast with a lot of space in it. Some boulders are spread around but are away from the center. Ierra looks around the field impatiently. She had come back here after arriving to assess the newest recruit for the Night Witches.

"Where is that rabbit?" She asked impatiently, looking around.

Just then a brown bunny in black tights walks up behind Ierra and taps her shoulder. Ierra turns around and sees the bunny there, making her jump back surprised. The bunny waves.

"Oh. you're the new recruit."

The bunny nods. Ierra picks up a clipboard from the ground with a pen attached to it.

"Alright then Darling, what is your name?"

The bunny takes the board from Ierra and starts writing. Ierra is confused and slightly shocked at how rude the Bunnisarian had been just now but remains silent and watches. When she is done, the bunny turns the board around and Ierra reads what was wrote. There was the words "Celeste Marie Nomrosa" written.

"Celeste Nomrosa. Ok then." She said. Curious about Celeste's silence, Ierra takes the board from Celeste then looks at the brown bunny.

"Darling, are you mute?" 

Celeste shakes her head. Her large bunny ears flop around slightly.

"No." Ierra said, looking confused and semi irritated.

"Then why not talk? You have a mouth, use it."

Celeste shrugs. Ierra sighs and holds the clipboard in her left hand. She speaks in an irritated tone.

"Well you're going to need communication. You’ll need to talk if you get in."

Celeste nods and lightly sighs. Ierra lifts the clipboard to be just under her breasts and holds the pencil to the paper, prepared to take notes.

"Well... anyway let's get on with it. First I want you to punch that boulder there. Show my how strong you are"

Ierra points to a very large boulder using the eraser end of the pencil. Celeste nods and walks over to it. She winds up a punch and hits the boulder. She holds the pose for a bit... then starts holding her hand in pain.

"You didn't crack it. As a matter of fact..."

Ierra walked up to the boulder to inspect it.

"Not even a scratch. Ok then that's a hard fail Darling." Ierra said disappointed.

Celeste stands straight up as Ierra writes on the paper. When she is done Ierra looks back at Celeste.

"Ok darling. Next I want you to kick the thing as hard as you can." 

Celeste nods. She walks up to the boulder and raises her right leg in the air, practically doing splits. Then she swings her leg down, shattering the boulder into rubble as well as violently cracking the ground. Ierra pops up in shock at the pieces of boulder that fell victim to Celeste's crushing blow.

"Darling, holy shit! I'm- I'm... well then. Damn, you may get in just fine. Through, first you have to finish the other tests and get a check up."

Celeste looks at Ierra confused, tilting her head.

"Don't worry. Just have to check your eyes Quiet. Hmm. You like that name? Quiet?" Ierra asked joyfully.

Celeste nods and smiles.

"Alright darling. I'll talk to the Widow about that. Anyway let's check you up."

Ierra brings Celeste into the base.


It was Midday now. The pub room of Moonshine Run is a reptilian looking woman. The bar room is large with an inviting hue of red above the bar table that makes up the center of the eastern wall. Behind the bar table is a display of many different alcohols, expensive and cheap though the more expensive ones seem unopened still. There's a TV also behind the bar table that the reptilian woman looks at. Her name is Sav'akk and she is big, being 7' 6'' and beefy. She has rough, light brown scales. Her hair is a fiery red with orange tips styled into a mohawk style due to her horns. She has a turtle-like beak, being curved into a point, and a stubby tail. Sav'akk is drinking away on Marshtinanian rum. Her face is flush from being drunk. She looks up to the TV hearing an emergency broadcast sound.

"We just got confirmation that the villainous guild known as the Night Witches had just attacked the village of Dravincore." The TV reporter said. Sav'akk raises her mug and laughs. She has a rough, intimidating voice.

"Fuck yeah!" Sav'akk yelled, slurring her words and wobbling slightly. Sav'akk takes a drink of her rum and slams the cup on the table. She then turns around to look at the door. Someone was coming in, Julie. She was checking in and wondering why she was yelling. She looks up to the TV and realizes why, listening to the TV reporter.

"We have statements from multiple witnesses that they attacked without warning and demanded food. When refused, the monstrous leader, Black Widow, threatened to destroy the village."

Julie stomps on the ground pissed, confusing Sav’akk.

"Bullshit! We didn't do that! Some dumbass decided it was a good idea ta run up on us, so Ierra shot his ass!"

"Well *hic* I believe that you didn't do that." Sav'akk said though her drunken nature.

"These fuckers are too fast and use the wrong damn information." Julie said angrily, laying a hand on her hip and adjusting her glasses. Her anger was something the Guild members feared, though Sav'akk was too drunk to to process. Julie looks at Sav'akk. She noticed her flushed cheeks, she rolls her eyes.

"Ya drunk Sav'akk?" Julie asked unamused.

Sav’akk chuckles a little.

"Y-*hic* yeah."

"Should've known." She said in an irritated done, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Where's... where's Jack at? I wanna talk to the *hic* uhh... kid. I wanna talk to him." Sav'akk was still slurring her words.

Julie simply points out of the bar room.

"Sav'akk go ta bed. sleep it off."

"When I get-"

Julie looks at Sav’akk intensely, moving her pointed finger in the direction outside of the bar with each word she says.

"Go. To. Bed." She demanded.

Sav'akk looks down and mumbles something. Julie raises an eyebrow but doesn't react. Sav'akk gets up and stumbles around almost falling. Before she got to the doorway she fell into the wall next to it. Julie chuckles a bit but clears her throat, getting serious again.

"Ya need help walking?"

Sav’akk holds up her hand keeping Julie away.

"No *hic* uhh. I'm fine." Sav'akk said, barely able to stand. It was obvious she did. Her pride was above that though, even when she was drunk. She walks slowly against the wall to leave. Ierra walks past Sav'akk, she looks at her and smiles.

"Hello, darling." She said.

Sav'akk looks back at Ierra, her cheeks flush with a drunken red. She says nothing, just looking at Ierra for a moment before she stumbles away. Celeste, behind Ierra, waives at Sav’akk but she doesn't notice, not like she'd react anyway. Ierra points behind her at Sav’akk 

"Drunk again?" She asked.

Julie nods. Ierra dusts her hands off. She steps aside and holds her hands out as if to display Celeste.

"This is the new recruit. Celeste. She passed in a few areas so I brought her to you." Ierra happily said.

"Great, in that case let's talk." She said intrigued.