Chapter 42: Helping the Needy
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It was the morning of the next day, the Witches had just left Argental. Julie had quite liked the town and thought about offering them the same protections Dravencore and Sorncolv when they return, It seems they'd be a great source of income for the guild. But that thought only lingers for a short moment before Julie turns her attention back to the current task at hand. The Demon Tower.
The three witches were riding on their horses along a dirt trail. According to what Ierra said the Tower was at Redwood Stable, a horse stable near a town named Bhurnm. The next stop is a nearby stable between them and Redwood, Spruce Stable. The air was slightly colder than before, the winter months are arriving soon, it’s september. The Trees around the three are covered in leaves of gold, red, and fiery orange. Jack always liked the Autumn season. The colors, the aesthetic. It all felt warm and cozy to him and made him a little happier, even if his body ached still from the day before. Sav’akk on the other hand disliked Autumn, not because of the season itself, but because of what it brought after, Winter.

“If we haul ass, we’d make it to Spruce Stable before lunch,” Sav’akk said with confidence.
“Before?” Julie questioned. “Ah thought it was out farther.”
“Boss, have you ever read a map?”

Julie goes silent, Jack and Sav’akk look over at her soon after the silence, they then look at each other and both burst out laughing. Julie’s face drops slightly with annoyance as her companions laugh at her.

“You can't read a map!?” Sav’akk exclaims. “That's hilarious!”
“It's confusin’ ta judge the distances!”
“Mama,” Jack said through his slightly painful laughter. “All maps have a scale at the bottom to help with that!”
“Well it's hard ta judge it still!” Julie said, trying to defend herself. The two laughing companions continue having their fun at their Bosses expense for a bit.

The Malenterain didn't mind, especially not for Jack; he needed the laugh. Even if it was at her expense and it made her feel incompetent and embarrassed, she's always done well without the need of a map.

“Alright, alright that's enough. Before lunch ya said?”
“Yeah,” Sav’akk said after clearing her throat from the laughter. “We can set up camp there and be Redwood by early night tomorrow.”
“Rest there and head to the tower in the morning?” Jack asked.
“Sounds like a plan,” The Witch boss nodded.

And so the pair travel throughout the day, the cool autumn breeze hitting them from time to time. Everytime it happens Sav’akk shivers, but she sticks out through it. As the sun rises into the sky they get closer and closer, some idle chat about times they've been through here and there. Eventually, the traveling trio arrive at the stable. They all hop off their horses and hitch them up to the gate off to the side, there lies the stable itself. It houses many horses to rest, eat, drink, and prance around a medium sized field that's gated off. To the left of the Horses Stables is the Lobby. It wasn't anything too big, however it did have rooms for about 20 people inside maximum if every room held 2 people in it with a set of rooms on the ground and another on a second floor.. However, travelers were allowed to set up their tents outside in case the weary wanted some place to rest but didn't have the coin for a cushy bed and room, service still provided to them of course. Julie would enjoy the whimsical feeling of adventure more if she wasn’t cautious about strangers as much as she was. Though, she didn't let that top her.

“Here we are, Spruce Stable,” Jack said.
“It used to be much better,” Sav’akk said looking around.
“How's that?”
“Better decor, fancier lobby. Most importantly-” Sav’akk runs a finger along a windowsill, her claw scratching it gently. When she lifted her hand up and looked at her finger, she blew on it. A plumb of gray dust jumped off her finger like a cloud of smoke, “better cleaned.” She finished.

Jack looked around the lobby, he was left with Sav’akk while Julie handled getting their rooms. It was then, as he looked closer, the cowardly Yanjung noticed the state of the stable, it was indeed rather dirty. The smell could be explained away by the horses outside, but the dirt, muck, grime, and stains on the wooden floors and tables were another beast. 

“How do you know all that Sav’akk?” Jack questioned as he looked around a short bit more before looking back at her.

The abnormal looking Raptereck was staring off and silent, as if something had been  on her mind. A small flash back to her and her husband, their honeymoon took place here in the warmer months. Where Zandeth taught Sav’akk to live as a queen before and slightly after their wedding. Their honeymoon was Sav’akk showing him how to live as an average person, to which the Raptereck king had much fun doing. 

“I came here long ago.” She answered, still staring off.

Jack notices the odd distance Sav’akk had in the moment and decides to stay silent and watch her. After a few moments, Sav’akk looks over at Jack and they stare into one another's eyes. In hers Jack sees pain, sorrow, and hurt. In his Sav’akk sees innocence, fear, and determination. The few moments of eye contact was all that had to happen for Jack to get the message. “Don't push farther” He thought to himself. He gave a nod of understanding, and Sav’akk does one back as a thanks. 

“Rooms ready, how about we walk around to pass the time?” The small 5 foot 4 Malenterian woman said, looking between the two.

Sav’akk and Jack look at Julie, they didn't even hear her walk over. Rather an amazing feat with the state of the floors and her slightly above average size.

“I'd really like if someone goes with me this time, my face still hurts.”
“Let that be a lesson” Sav’akk said with a smirk.
“Ya may do somethin’ good, but no good deed goes unpunished.” Julie added
Jack sighs. “Isn't that the truth, they left me!”
“That's how the world is sometimes, Jack. Look at u-” Julie pauses as she stops herself, remembering where they are. “Look at the Night Witches. Noble intentions, viewed as villains”
“Even more so now with the damn country fighting itself,” the large mohawk turtle woman states as the three begin walking out of the Lobby.

The three witches proceed to walk around near the stable. There were many trees around, scattered very lightly so there's still a rather large field around. Flowers dotted the ground at rare times, soon they'd be gone due to the harsh cold of winter. Sav’akk dreaded the cold. There was a nice chill in the air soon, though less cold than before.

“The blankets in ya room are extra warm, ah made sure Sav’akk.” Julie said, turning to the large turtle woman.
“Thank you boss,” the cursed Raptereck said with a slight smile. It wasn’t a secret that Raptereck aren't built for the cold. Due to their lizard DNA, they were cold blooded. 

Jack smiles, recognizing Sav’akk’s attempts to become nicer, it gives him hope that if he tries hard enough, he'd be able to surely become braver. The three look around at the area and notice a few travelers rushing back over to the stable on foot, they seemed terrified and scared. Picking up on this, Julie rushes over after analyzing them for a short bit, leaving Jack and Sav’akk confused as they also look over and slowly understand. Once closer, a Traveler, a man, grabs onto Julie in desperation for her attention. This action startles the Malenterian woman slightly, but she’s more concerned with what's happening.

“Please help! Our friend is stuck in a cave of goblins! He She can’t fend them all off on her own!” The man holding onto Julie cried with worry for his friend. The other traveler, a woman, was there dressed in leather armor, the male traveler was wearing a padded tunic.
“Mama, ill g-go do it,” Jack stammered fearfully.
“Jack, a hoard of Goblin’s ain't easy ta deal with, don’t be reckless. Sav’akk go with Jack ta take care of the Goblins, Ah’ll take care of the travelers and bring them ta the stable.

Sav’akk nods and begins walking off. Jack follows, slightly disheartened by the comment Julie made, he wasn’t too sure how to not be reckless but all he could do was try. Julie began bringing the soldiers to the stable to try and calm them down.
At the cave, when Sav’akk and Jack enter, they hear the sounds of panic and a sword hitting against something. By the sounds of it, it was deeper into the cave too. The two come to the conclusion that perhaps the trio was caving and happened on a settlement of Goblins. Quickly, the turtle woman and the young ninja rushed into the cave, being aware of their surroundings until they happened upon a woman in cloth armor swinging her sword at the horde of goblins ahead of her. The small creatures looked rather human just with varying tones of green skin, large ears and slightly bigger noses. They all wore animal furs as clothing, quite barbaric and primal. Jack pulls out his tanto from his lower back and he rushes off to attack. Sav’akk reaches out for him to try and grab him but fails to latch on.

“Jack you dumbass, there's too many of them to do that,” She yells out before growling in anger and following.

The large turtle-like woman inhales, preparing her breath weapon.All the while, Jack is throwing Kunai and slashing through the Goblins as best as he can, easily he ends up racking up 15 before he's hit from the left by a large club. The cornered woman uses Jack’s aggression to her advantage and begins attacking and slaying goblins as well, trying to make her way over. The small group of small green creatures fought back as best as they could. Once mohawked Raptereck begins to breathe fire, is when the Goblins begin to retreat, not after a few of their kind burn in the inferno from her throat. Jack had sustained more injury, while reckless actions helped prevent further damage from the victim. To him this was a success. The ginger haired woman in cloth armor steps over beside Jack.

“Are you okay?” She asked kindly. “You should be better about rushing in like that.”
“Maybe,” the young man said as he slowly stood up, his leg had been bashed pretty hard so it was hard to stand right. “But in the end, you aren’t too badly harmed, right?”

The ginger haired woman shakes her head. That's all Jack news to justify his actions to himself, he felt brave. Sav’akk on the other hand, the reptilian woman grabs hack by the arm and lifts him up angrily, startling the traveling woman and making her stumble back.

“What the hell is wrong wth you, do you have a fuckin death wish!?” Sav’akk growled.
“The Traveler is safe and im alive in the-”
“You better learn real fuckin fast what the difference between bravery and recklessness is Jack, because all you are is reckless lately,” the turtle woman scowled as she drops the black haired man from her grasp.

Jack was confused internally, he wasn’t aware that he had been so reckless, though in hindsight this is the second time he had been pummeled while succeeding in his goal. “Mama made the right call, sending Sav’akk with me. If not, would I have died?” He thought to himself. The young man stands and dusts off his light leather armor and khaki pants, looking to Sav’akk.

“I'm still learning-”
“As is obvious'”, Sav’akk interupted before turning and walking toward the cave's entrance, she waves her hand beside her in a motion to tell the two to follow. “Hurry up, before the goblins come back and take you both.”

Jack and the woman follow. He continues to try and draw the line between “brave” and “reckless” Though the concept was lost on him. Jack grew fearful that he’d just hinder Sav’akk and Julie on their journey. Slowly he follows behind the turtle woman and the newly rescued traveler, who keeps pace with him to keep him company.


Down the trail from Burnhm to Redwood Stable, a horse was making its way. A horse with a healthy blue coat and a beautiful, long mane of purple. Upon such a horse, a man. Wearing dark brown boots, light brown pants, and a light blue top with a leather forearm guard on his right arm. He wears a long flowing dark gray cloak with black fur around the base of the hood, which was up to keep the sun from his face. This traveling man, a rather fit and tall one, seems to have been traveling for some time now.

“We are almost there. Should be at the stable by nightfall today,” The man said as if talking to someone.

The hooded person pats the side of the horse's neck gently, giving this well cared for stallion a sign of appreciation and affection.

“You did good, girl. You can rest at the stable, I'll be sure to get you some treats.”

The horse seems to sound at the words the man says, happily so. The traveler looks around at the field to the left of him, and the small clusters of trees to the right. An open field around them. Traveling southbound, he looks to the sky and smiles.

“Maybe one day I'll travel to Rondorvich and see the Ancient Temple. Sounds like fun to go there and explore an ancient building from around 70,000 years ago. It’s a shock building that still stands.” The man speaks as if talking to an old friend, yet there is no one around. He was speaking to himself and to his horse.
“The Legendary Dragon Demitrix circles the sky around the Ancient Temple too.” The man pats his horse's neck again. “Imagine if I was the Guardian of Humanity.” The man chuckles and goes on his way. The statement he had spoken of was impossible he knew. For that, he has to be a dragon, as the legend goes:

Once, there was a dragoness that appeared. She had a wish, a mission to save all ife. She found the Dragon Gods of Light and Darkness, and with their aid forged a spear, the Spear of Balance. A weapon able to seal and destroy any instance of light, dark, good, and evil. This Dragoness, once finished with the weapon, stored it somewhere safe, some time later she received her very weapon, broken and shattered. To heal it, she made the ultimate sacrifice. The dragoness’ name?

“Going to Rondorvich sounds like fun, doesn’t it, Roxanne?” The man asks.

The blue horse neighs and continues to trot happily toward Redwood stable. The man looks off with a wide smile at the land around him, he has big dreams. Ones that he will surely achieve one day. Ones that he has high hopes for.

“But first, the Tower.” The traveler states as he looks in the direction of Redwood Stable. A loud, bellowing roar heard from it. It sounds reptilian. The man's heart drops suddenly. He will have to deal with a dragon