Chapter 13 – Strange encounter
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As the echoes of their parting words lingered in the quiet of the archive, Jun felt a surge of purpose wash over him. He knew he needed to hone his magic, to delve deeper into its mysteries and emerge stronger than ever before. The name "Elowen Glade" danced in his mind, a whispered promise of ancient wisdom and untapped power.

Leaving behind the familiar comforts of the archive, Jun ventured out into the world with a singular focus. The journey to Elowen Glade was not just a quest for knowledge; it was a pilgrimage to a place where mana flowed like the lifeblood of the earth itself. 

The road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, yet Jun embraced it with a steady resolve. He envisioned himself amidst the ancient trees of Elowen Glade, communing with nature's essence, and learning to harness the raw mana that pulsed through its verdant heart. In the solitude of his travels, he found clarity and purpose, each passing landmark a milestone on his path to mastery.

With each dawn that broke over the horizon and each dusk that settled in quiet reverence, Jun drew nearer to his destination. Elowen Glade beckoned to him like a beacon in the wilderness, promising him not only the knowledge he sought but also a deeper connection to the magic that coursed through his veins.

As he pressed onward, Jun carried with him the echoes of Mei's support and the memories of their shared trials. Though he walked alone, he knew he was not truly solitary; the spirits of the glade whispered their encouragement, guiding him forward with unseen hands.

And so, under the canopy of stars and the watchful eyes of ancient guardians, Jun continued his journey toward Elowen Glade—a journey that would shape not only his magic but also the destiny that awaited him beyond its enchanted borders.

Nestled deep within an ancient forest, Elowen Glade is a sanctuary where the trees whisper with ancient magic and the air is thick with enchantment. The mana here is said to flow from the heart of the oldest tree, revered as the Guardian of Life.

The days passed swiftly. Under the sun's guidance and the moon's safety, Jun Wei embarked on a journey into the territory of the Temporists. Temporists are users with an affinity for Time. Each clan plays a crucial role in its empire; their clan focuses on temporal stability, offering strategic foresight and time-based defenses against monsters and rival empires.

It had been several weeks, and Jun found himself pondering Mei's well-being and that of the others. "I sure have gone soft," he mused silently, surprised by the depth of his emotions. Nonetheless, he was grateful he had chosen to travel alone.

"For tonight, I should take refuge in this cave," Jun decided, seeking shelter as darkness fell around him. "Tomorrow, I must reach Fenghuang Valley for resources. Luckily, I still have some savings from my tavern work."

The next day, the sun rose, and Jun Wei woke up early, eager to explore the city. "It sure looks big from the outside, way bigger than Tiao," he observed. "The town just happened to be in my way; I should stop by to see what the merchants have to offer."

A few hours passed by quickly. "I only brought this ring that can store a few perishables for me; it's a grade two, after all," Jun reflected on his limited resources. "That's all I had money for. I might need to take on some quests; I didn't expect Fenghuang to be so expensive."

Jun looked around for any taverns where job posters were usually located. "Found it," he muttered with forced enthusiasm. "Let's see... two grade 2 jobs and one grade 4. All monster extermination jobs."

"Hmm," Jun deliberated, eyeing the listings. "I guess I'll take the grade 4 job and see what tomorrow has to offer." He approached the steward and requested details about the job.

"It's located just 15 kilometers west from here, near the old abandoned city," the steward began. "There's one grade 4 monster and three grade 2 minions. The pay is 50 gold coins."

"That's the employer's offer, not mine. Personally, I agree it's daylight robbery," Jun muttered under his breath, eyeing the steward with a mixture of skepticism and resignation. "Fine, I'll take it," he conceded reluctantly. "I see you have a storing ring; bring me a part of the monster, and I'll pay you the money."

"Fifty gold coins?" Jun scoffed, shaking his head. "Daylight robbery. The grade 2 ring was only sixty gold coins."

"It's still a grade 4 monster," Jun reflected grimly. "Last time I fought the Two-headed Giant Wasp, also a grade 4. I barely managed to defeat it. Hell, I wasn't even the one who finished it off."

"But this time is different," he continued, his tone gaining determination. "I might still be in the Vital Core Stage, but now I have double the mana amount from that time and a lot more skills to use. I can use this fight to test my new abilities."

A few hours passed, and finally, Jun arrived at his destination. "The beast may be hiding, but I don't sense any danger—"

"What is that aura?" Jun interrupted himself, suddenly feeling suffocated. A loud bang echoed through the abandoned city.

"Who is that man?" Jun wondered aloud. "A Spatialist—an affinity user of Spatial magic." He squinted, trying to discern the stranger's cultivation level. "I can't even see his cultivation level, but judging from that aura, mana, and power, he's at least stage 6, no, stage 7—the Divine Seed stage."

"But why doesn't he hide his aura?" Jun pondered further. "Isn't he afraid that high-grade beasts will come for him?"

"Now not only have I come here for nothing, but I might end up in a fight with him," Jun muttered, frustration evident in his voice. "And I don't think I stand the slightest chance of winning, especially with the protection his artifacts are giving him."

"I need to get out of here," Jun muttered urgently. Suddenly, as he prepared to leave, the man unleashed a sword slash of mana—a spell aimed in his direction.

"Damn it," Jun cursed in frustration. "Bloodmoon Veil," he whispered, invoking his defensive spell hastily.

"Thank heavens for this broken ability; otherwise, I would've been cut in half in an instant," Jun muttered, relief palpable in his voice. The man sensed that his target was not dead, so he teleported to deal with the matter himself.

"You aren't a monster, weird. Your aura doesn't seem normal. What affinity do you have, and don't lie to me; I'll know," the man questioned sharply. Jun felt the weight of the Divine Seed Stage power in the man's presence.

"Damn, this man is spot on," Jun thought to himself, acknowledging the man's perceptiveness. "Blood and Arcane affinity. Two affinities at your cultivation stage? Interesting, you are talented, boy," the man remarked after a moment of silence.

Then, unexpectedly, he offered, "Do you want to join my guild?" Jun was taken aback by the offer, feeling mesmerized by the acknowledgment from such a powerful figure. However, he had different plans.

"I'm sorry, sir. I have my own share of troubles," Jun declined respectfully. "I think I understand," the man replied calmly. "Such a shame, though. You are very promising."

"But, sir, allow me to ask a question," Jun began respectfully. "Were you here for the job quest? And why don't you hide your aura?" He bowed slightly, indicating his respect.

"You don't need to bow," the man replied calmly. "As for your question, I wasn't here for any quest. I'm just looking for a challenge, hoping that higher-grade monsters would come out after my mana." He chuckled lightly. "Now I'm glad he's not the brightest and doesn't recognize my Demon Path affinity."

Jun's heart sank at the realization of the man's formidable abilities. "I wouldn't want to go against this guy even in a mock battle," he thought to himself.

"I'm sorry for killing your monster, but you can take its body for the quest," Jun offered, feeling a sense of responsibility. "No high-grade monsters seem to be within a radius of one kilometer. A shame."

"A kilometer?" Jun whispered to himself in amazement as the man politely excused himself and walked away. "That far he can sense, I can barely sense a few dozen meters?" He shook his head, pondering the encounter with a mixture of awe and fear. "Monster," he muttered to himself, reflecting on the true nature of the powerful figure he had just encountered.

"If it has come to this, I might as well take credit for it," Jun decided with a sigh. "I can't make an artifact now because of the quest. Just great." He raised his hand toward the monster's body and stored it in his ring. "Now, I must get on with this quest."

After a few hours passed, Jun returned to the tavern and claimed the money. The steward looked surprised. "I didn't expect you to kill that monster," he remarked.

"I got lucky," Jun replied modestly.

"You don't need to be humble if you have talent," the steward insisted.

"It's the truth, I tell you," Jun muttered to himself, reflecting on the unexpected turn of events.

"Okay, okay," said the steward, nodding. "Take care now."

"You too," Jun replied with a nod. "Now, I should buy a few things to eat, and I'm good to go."

Two hours later, Jun finished his shopping. "I'm finally done with shopping," he thought, feeling satisfied. "These things should help me stay organized."

"I have a few days until I reach Elowen Glade," Jun mused, contemplating his next steps. "I might need to recover my mana. Using Bloodmoon Veil is certainly useful, but also very taxing, especially at my current level." He considered his options for replenishing his mana reserves before continuing his journey to the sacred place.

"I should find a place to regain some of my mana," Jun thought to himself, scanning the horizon cautiously. "Who knows what monsters may be lurking nearby." With a wary eye on his surroundings, he sought out a safe spot where he could replenish his mana undisturbed.

As the days passed, Jun Wei journeyed steadily towards Elowen Glade, the air growing thicker with ancient magic the closer he came. Finally, after navigating through dense forests and across babbling brooks, he arrived at the entrance to Elowen Glade. The towering trees whispered tales of old, and a sense of profound serenity washed over him as he prepared to step into the sanctum of mana and mystery.