Chapter 10 – Strategic Confrontations Part 2
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The sudden confrontation left the two brothers helpless, but they still had their trump card. As Mei and Jun rushed in to end the Lin twins, the arena crackled with anticipation. One twin unleashed Vibrational Surge, a powerful technique that sent shockwaves through the ground, disrupting balance and lifting opponents into the air. Meanwhile, the other twin channeled Sonic Lance, focusing a beam of intense sound energy that pierced through obstacles with precision, aimed directly at Mei and Jun.

As the attacks advanced, Mei's mind was full of strategies. She quickly counterattacked with a defensive barrier, Blood Shield, hoping that it would soften the attack. At the same time, Jun concentrated on a swift and decisive maneuver. He invoked Bloodmoon Veil, a second stage technique from his demonic path that shrouded him in an aura of shadows, blending with the dark energy around him to evade the Sonic Lance.

The crowd held its breath as Mei and Jun's synchronized defense countered the Lin twins' onslaught. The arena buzzed with whispers and gasps, spectators marveling at the intense exchange of techniques. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious voice from the crowd remarked, "Wonder how he will get out of this..."

Only then did the crowd begin to stir from their stunned silence, murmuring amongst themselves as they tried to make sense of the unprecedented technique they had just witnessed. Speculations and theories floated through the air like whispers carried on the wind, each voice tinged with awe and uncertainty.

"What kind of technique was that?"

"I've never seen anything like it before."

"Do you think it's a new spell of blood affinity?"

"No way, it has been decades since a real technique has been created!"

The questions hung in the air, unanswered, as the crowd speculated on the nature and implications of Jun's unexpected display of power. Tensions eased slightly when the principal emerged, his authoritative presence commanding attention and restoring order among the murmuring spectators.

"Quiet, please," the principal's voice resonated through the gathering, cutting through the buzz of conversation. The crowd hushed, turning their attention to the podium where he stood.

"I am pleased to announce the winner of this match," the principal declared, his tone carrying a mix of respect and admiration. "Team Jun."

A ripple of applause and approval swept through the onlookers, acknowledging Jun's skill and determination. However, amidst the applause, only the principal recognized the true origin of the spell Jun had employed—a fact he kept to himself, his expression unreadable as he observed the aftermath unfold.

Jun stood amidst the acknowledgment, his emotions a whirlwind of relief and apprehension. He knew that his unorthodox technique had garnered attention, but the true test lay ahead as he contemplated the consequences of unveiling such power.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, lingering in whispers and awe, Jun remained at the center of attention, the weight of his actions settling upon him. He knew that his path as a bloodmage had taken an unexpected turn, one that would demand even greater resolve and vigilance in the challenges to come. 

The principal signaled discreetly for Jun to join him in a private discussion, away from the prying eyes and ears of the crowd. Obliging the unspoken request, Jun followed Principal Zhang to a secluded area where the air hung heavy with anticipation.

"I know that spell very well," Principal Zhang began solemnly, his voice low and measured. "It's a demon path spell."

Jun's eyebrows furrowed in surprise and concern at the revelation. He hadn't expected the principal to be familiar with such dark and forbidden arts. "How do you know about the path, Principal?" Jun inquired, his tone laced with curiosity and a touch of apprehension.

Principal Zhang's expression turned somber as memories from his past surfaced. "I had a confrontation with an official from the demon sect," he explained, his gaze distant as he recalled the encounter. "It happened when I was in the fifth stage, the Mystic Veins Stage. There's a vast difference between where I was then and where I stand now, in the seventh stage, the Celestial Meridian Stage."

Jun listened intently, absorbing the gravity of the principal's words. The fifth stage was formidable enough, but the seventh stage represented a pinnacle of power that few achieved. He could only imagine the intensity of the conflict Principal Zhang had faced even when he was in the fifth stage.

"I barely managed to escape," Principal Zhang continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of solemnity and resolve. "Even my most powerful attack was evaded as if it were nothing."

Jun nodded slowly, his respect for Principal Zhang deepening as he grasped the magnitude of the principal's experience. The revelation underscored the dangers of delving into forbidden techniques and confronting adversaries steeped in dark arts.

Silence settled between them, heavy with unspoken understanding and the weight of shared knowledge. Jun realized that the principal's insight into the demon path spell came not just from knowledge but from personal experience—a testament to the challenges and sacrifices made in the pursuit of mastery in the arcane arts.

As they stood in the secluded area, the gravity of the conversation hung in the air, binding them in a silent pact of vigilance and caution against the perils that lay ahead.

Breaking the heavy silence, Jun decided to reveal the truth that weighed heavily on his heart. "I learned this technique, among others, from my father," he confessed quietly, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and sorrow. "He was a demon path user."

Principal Zhang listened intently, his expression unreadable as he absorbed Jun's revelation. The mention of the demon path cast a shadow over their conversation, reminding them both of the dark and perilous nature of such knowledge.

"Just months ago," Jun continued, his voice faltering slightly as he recounted the recent tragedy, "an assassin from the demon sect came for my father." His fists clenched at his sides, betraying the deep-seated anger and determination within him. "He used all his mana to transport me outside of Tiao. I don't know what has become of him," Jun admitted, his voice thick with emotion, "but I will find that guy and kill him myself."

Principal Zhang's gaze softened with understanding and empathy as he listened to Jun's resolve. The weight of loss and vengeance hung heavily in the air between them, a stark reminder of the personal sacrifices made in the pursuit of power and justice.

"I understand," Principal Zhang replied quietly, his voice carrying a solemn promise of support. "But remember, Jun, revenge can consume you. Use your anger as fuel, but do not let it cloud your judgment."

Jun nodded, grateful for the principal's words of caution and guidance. Despite the darkness that surrounded his past and the uncertainty of his father's fate, he found solace in knowing that he wasn't alone in his quest for justice.

As they stood together in the secluded area, the resolve in Jun's eyes burned brightly, fueled by both determination and the weight of familial loyalty. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but Jun was now more determined than ever to confront his demons and seek the truth about his father's fate.

"So tell me, Principal Zhang," Jun asked tentatively, his voice tinged with concern, "am I going to be expelled for using forbidden arts?"

Principal Zhang regarded Jun thoughtfully for a moment, weighing his response carefully. "As of this moment, no," he replied finally, his tone measured yet reassuring. "Even the instructors are unaware of the specific art you used, and I highly doubt a hidden path like the demon path is known to them."

Jun exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, feeling a surge of relief flood through him. The weight of potential consequences had been lifted, at least for now.

"So, for now," Principal Zhang continued, his gaze steady, "you are still in the tournament. However, I must caution you. The remnants of mana from such spells are discernible to a schooled individual."

Jun nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of Principal Zhang's warning. The use of forbidden arts had not gone unnoticed, and the risk of discovery remained ever-present. He knew he had to tread carefully if he was to continue competing without drawing unwanted attention or risking expulsion.

"I understand," Jun replied earnestly, his voice tinged with determination. "I will avoid using any demon path spells."

Principal Zhang nodded in acknowledgment, his expression reflecting both understanding and respect for Jun's resolve. The unspoken bond of trust and understanding between them deepened, forged in the crucible of shared secrets and mutual understanding.

As they stood in the secluded area, the tension of the conversation easing into a sense of cautious optimism, Jun knew that his journey in the tournament had taken on new dimensions. He would proceed with vigilance and restraint, mindful of the consequences of his actions and the shadows of his father's legacy that loomed over him.

As the tournament progressed from the second round to the ninth, the atmosphere around Jun and Mei underwent a subtle transformation. Each battle they faced together or individually became a crucible for their partnership, deepening their bond through shared victories and near-defeats.

Their synergy in combat evolved, honed by countless hours of practice and mutual understanding. Mei's strategic acumen complemented Jun's growing mastery of blood magic, forming a seamless unity on the battlefield. They communicated through nuanced glances and silent cues, anticipating each other's moves with uncanny precision.

Outside of the arena, their camaraderie blossomed into a genuine friendship forged in the crucible of competition. Mei's steadfast support and encouragement bolstered Jun's confidence, while Jun's unwavering determination inspired Mei to push beyond her limits.

Individually, their growth was palpable. Jun delved deeper into his studies of blood affinity, refining his techniques and exploring new depths of power. Each victory brought him closer to mastering his father's teachings, though the shadows of the demon path loomed ever-present in his mind.

Mei, too, flourished as a martial artist and strategist. Her agility and tactical prowess improved with each round, earning her admiration and respect among their peers. She embraced challenges with a fierce determination, her resolve unwavering in the face of formidable opponents.

Together, they navigated the complexities of the tournament, each round bringing new revelations and challenges. They celebrated victories and analyzed defeats, learning and growing from each experience. Their bond, forged in the heat of battle and strengthened through shared trials, became an unbreakable foundation upon which they built their aspirations and dreams.

As they approached the ninth and last round, their determination burned brighter than ever. The stakes were higher, the competition fiercer, but Jun and Mei faced the challenges ahead with unwavering resolve and a shared vision of success.