Chapter 8 – Inauguration of Battle: Tournament Commencement
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As the final rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson hue over the academy grounds, the buzz of anticipation filled the air. The last echoes of the day's lessons had faded, leaving behind a palpable tension as students and instructors alike prepared for the upcoming tournament.

In the courtyard, torches flickered to life, illuminating the path toward the arena where the competition would unfold. Jun Wei, along with Mei and the other participants, made their way through the gathering crowd. Conversations murmured around them, excitement and nerves intermingling in hushed tones.

Voices rose as they approached the entrance to the arena, its massive doors adorned with intricate symbols of magic. Instructors stood at the threshold, clad in ceremonial robes, their authoritative presence signaling the formal commencement of the tournament.

Jun Wei glanced at Mei, their eyes meeting briefly in silent acknowledgment of the challenge ahead. With a deep breath, he stepped forward, the weight of anticipation settling on his shoulders. The arena beckoned, promising trials of skill, strategy, and the chance to prove themselves in the crucible of combat.

Inside, the arena awaited, its grandeur echoing with the cheers of spectators already filling the stands. This was where legends would be forged, alliances tested, and rivalries ignited—an arena where each participant would strive for victory, driven by ambition and the desire to emerge triumphant.

Jun Wei contemplated the upcoming tournament with a mixture of anticipation and concern. "This tournament is in a single-elimination format," he thought aloud, his brow furrowing slightly. "Meaning that we have to win 9 matches to come out on top. That's 9 days of intense fighting."

He paused for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "There's going to be a lot of fighting, that's for sure," he continued, his voice tinged with a hint of determination. "But the thing I'm most worried about are the Vitalists. An essence affinity user has always been a thorn in the side of a Bloodmage."

As he mentally prepared for the challenges ahead, Jun Wei knew that he would need to strategize carefully to overcome opponents who wielded powers that could counter his own. The prospect of facing off against formidable adversaries in the tournament both excited and daunted him, setting the stage for the intense battles to come.

As Jun Wei scanned the draw results, his mind raced with strategic calculations and cautious optimism. "Team Jun against team Fang," he mused silently, glancing over at Mei beside him. "I wonder how good they are," he thought to himself, his expression thoughtful.

"If they're Vitalists," he continued inwardly, a note of concern creeping into his voice, "we could be in big trouble. Especially if they're skilled." He shifted slightly, contemplating his next move. "I need to keep my trump card hidden, at least for now," he resolved, eyes narrowing slightly as he prepared for the upcoming match.

Mei glanced over at him, sensing his tension. "Don't worry," she said reassuringly, "we'll handle whatever comes our way." Jun Wei nodded, a determined look crossing his face as he focused on the task ahead. The tournament was about to begin, and the stakes were higher than ever.

As Team Jun stepped into the arena, they sized up their opponents, Team Fang. The duo stood confidently, each representing a different affinity, a rare sight in the tournament where teams typically hailed from their respective academies. Mei and Jun Wei exchanged a brief glance, silently acknowledging the challenge ahead.

"Fang, the Shadowbinder," Jun Wei thought to himself, studying their opponents intently. "Masters of stealth and deception, control over darkness," he recalled from his studies. Shadowbinders were known for their prowess in surprise attacks and covert operations, making them formidable adversaries in any arena.

"Next to him, Wong, an Arcane Scholar," Jun Wei continued his assessment. "Masters of ancient knowledge, spell creation, artifact imbuement," he recalled, noting the extensive capabilities of arcane affinity users. "A very good combo," he concluded, recognizing the synergy between the two affinities.

Mei shifted beside him, her expression serious as she too analyzed their opponents. "The Shadowbinder might be less effective here," Jun Wei speculated inwardly, considering the open and well-lit arena. "But with an Arcane Scholar beside him," he mused, envisioning the potential strategy. "They could easily transform the battlefield with darkness and seize control of the fight."

As the match began, Jun Wei braced himself, knowing they were facing strong contenders. He exchanged a quick nod with Mei, their teamwork already tested and trusted. The arena filled with anticipation as the clash of affinities and strategies unfolded, each move crucial in determining the outcome of their first tournament battle.

The match commenced with a burst of energy as Team Fang's Arcane Scholar wasted no time in casting the Ritualistic Invocation spell. The arena shimmered with arcane energy, hinting at the impending transformation. Mei and Jun Wei exchanged a quick glance, recognizing the imminent challenge.

"Prepare for the Shadow Forest," Mei muttered under her breath, referring to the spell the Arcane Scholar was invoking. It was renowned for its ability to temporarily reshape the battlefield into a dense, shadowy terrain—a tactic that favored the Shadowbinder's stealth and deception tactics.

Jun Wei tightened his grip on his blood affinity, readying himself for the upcoming shift in environment. "At least Wong just broke through the Vital Core Stage," Jun Wei thought with some relief. This recent advancement meant the Arcane Scholar wouldn't have the full capacity to maneuver within the altered space, potentially limiting his effectiveness.

However, Jun Wei's attention swiftly turned to the Shadowbinder. "He's a seasoned Vital Core Stage," Jun Wei analyzed silently, noting the formidable opponent's status. "And nearing Astral Bloom Stage," he added, acknowledging the imminent threat posed by the Shadowbinder's impending breakthrough.

The arena hummed with tension as Team Fang's strategy unfolded. Jun Wei and Mei braced themselves, knowing they had to strategize carefully to counter the impending transformation and the formidable adversaries before them. The outcome of their first tournament battle hinged on their ability to adapt and outmaneuver their opponents in the ever-changing arena.

After Mei's confident declaration, Jun Wei nodded, his mind already processing the implications of her plan. As the Arcane Scholar's Ritualistic Invocation spell took hold, enveloping the arena in a swirling darkness akin to a Shadow Forest, Jun Wei acted swiftly. Drawing on his blood affinity, he focused on casting Sanguine Shield, a defensive maneuver designed to buy them precious time. The shield shimmered into existence, pulsating with protective energy.

"It won't hold forever," Jun Wei muttered to himself, eyeing the imposing figure of the Shadowbinder on the opposing team. The Shadowbinder, a seasoned practitioner at the Vital Core Stage, appeared poised and ready to exploit any weakness in their defenses. Jun Wei knew the shield could collapse under a concerted assault, but it would exact a toll on the Shadowbinder's mana reserves—a tactical advantage in the battle ahead.

Beside him, Mei sprung into action, her demeanor focused and determined. She had revealed her proficiency in Illusion affinity prior to the tournament, and now she was preparing a spell aimed at confusing their formidable opponent. Mei's hands moved deftly through intricate gestures, weaving threads of illusionary magic into the fabric of the Shadow Forest.

As Mei's spell unfolded, Jun Wei observed the subtle distortions within the darkness. Illusory echoes flickered around the Shadowbinder, casting doubt and uncertainty into his movements. Mei's strategy aimed not only to distract but also to disorient, disrupting the Shadowbinder's concentration and potentially creating openings for their own counterattacks.

With Mei's illusion in place and the Sanguine Shield standing firm—for now—Jun Wei readied himself for the tumultuous battle ahead. Their teamwork and strategic prowess would be tested against the cunning and power of Team Fang. The outcome of this match could set the tone for their journey through the tournament, and Jun Wei was determined to seize every advantage they could muster.

The sudden dispersion of shadows left Fang and Wong momentarily stunned, their carefully laid plans unraveled. They exchanged a quick, tense glance before retreating to regroup under cover of nearby trees. Jun Wei, observing their retreat, found himself pondering their unexpected mastery of a second affinity—a testament to their formidable skills.

"Bloodmages proficient in a second affinity?" Jun Wei muttered quietly to himself, his mind racing with implications. Before he could dwell further, the urgency of the moment pressed upon him. Sensing their concealed position through his heightened senses, Jun Wei braced himself, preparing to capitalize on the opportunity.

While Mei diligently completed her illusionary spell to further confound their opponents, Jun Wei wasted no time. Drawing on his expertise in Blood Alchemy—a skill honed through rigorous training at the Crimson Veil Academy—he swiftly concocted a Grade 2 potion. Unlike standard potions, this one sacrificed speed for potency, designed to deliver a decisive blow in a single strike.

As Jun Wei meticulously blended the ingredients, his focus intensified. The potion bubbled and steamed in its vial, radiating a faint crimson glow that mirrored the determination in his eyes. Every ounce of mana and skill was poured into perfecting the potion, ensuring its efficacy for the crucial moment ahead.

"Quite useful, being a student at the Crimson Veil Academy," Jun Wei reflected wryly, acknowledging the advantages afforded by his education in alchemy and blood magic. The academy had equipped him not only with knowledge but also with practical skills that now stood poised to turn the tide of the battle.

With Mei's illusion ready and the potion in hand, Jun Wei awaited the opportune moment. His heart beat with anticipation as he strategized the best approach to seize victory. The arena around him crackled with tension, each team poised for the next decisive move that would shape the outcome of this high-stakes match in the tournament.

With the potion completed, Jun Wei extended it towards Mei, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.

"The potion is ready. Drink it, Mei," he instructed quietly but firmly. "It'll make you slower, but it'll strengthen both your body and your spells for a short duration."

Mei nodded in understanding, accepting the vial from him with a resolute expression. She wasted no time in uncorking the potion and consuming it in one swift motion, her movements deliberate despite the impending challenge.

Jun Wei's next move was equally critical. Focusing his remaining mana, he invoked the Bloodsync Weave—a potent skill from his arsenal. Bloodmagic surged through him as crimson threads of mana extended from his fingertips, weaving a complex pattern that bound both Fang and Wong in place.

As the threads shimmered and tightened around their designated targets, Jun Wei felt the strain on his mana reserves intensify. It was a skill that demanded significant energy, but he was committed to holding the adversaries at bay long enough for Mei's empowered spells to take effect.

"Be quick," Jun Wei urged, his voice steady despite the exertion. The arena around them crackled with anticipation as the bound adversaries struggled against the magical restraints, their movements slowing under Mei's enhanced magical onslaught.

Together, Mei and Jun Wei had orchestrated a strategic gambit, leveraging their complementary skills to gain the upper hand in the heat of battle. The air hummed with tension as they awaited the outcome of their calculated maneuver, knowing that victory in this match hinged on their ability to work as a synchronized team in the face of formidable opposition.

As Fang and Wong strained against the pulsating threads of the Bloodsync Weave, Mei seized the opportunity. With a focused intensity, she found a clear opening amidst the chaos of their struggles. Her voice rang out with resolve as she invoked Piercing Blood—a skill honed through relentless practice and innate talent.

The arena fell into a momentary silence as Mei's crimson magic surged forth, manifesting in razor-sharp tendrils of blood that pierced through the air with deadly precision. Fang and Wong, caught in the throes of the Bloodsync Weave, were unable to evade the swift and decisive attack.

In mere moments, the potent magic of Piercing Blood found its mark, incapacitating both adversaries with startling efficiency. The threads binding them fell away as they collapsed to the ground, defeated. Mei stood resolute, her breathing steady despite the intensity of the battle. Her eyes glittered with the satisfaction of a well-executed strategy and the weight of their first victory in the tournament.

Around them, the spectators erupted into a mixture of awe and applause, acknowledging the skill and coordination displayed by Team Jun. For Jun Wei, watching Mei's prowess firsthand affirmed their partnership and the potential they held as contenders in the challenging battles yet to come.

As the echoes of victory reverberated through the arena, Jun Wei and Mei exchanged a brief nod of understanding. They had proven their capability in the tournament's inaugural match, yet the path ahead remained fraught with challenges. With the defeated opponents carried away from the arena floor, the announcer's voice boomed across the stadium, declaring the end of the first round.

Amidst the jubilant cheers of supporters and the hum of conversation, Jun Wei felt a surge of anticipation for the battles that lay ahead. Each victory would bring them closer to the ultimate prize, but also deeper into the mysteries of their opponents' strengths and strategies.

As they made their way out of the arena, Mei turned to Jun Wei with a determined expression. "This is just the beginning," she said softly, her eyes glinting with a mix of determination and contemplation.

Jun Wei nodded in agreement, his thoughts already turning to the next challenge. The tournament had only just begun, and the trials they faced would test not only their skills but also their resilience and adaptability. With Mei by his side, he knew they stood a chance to leave a lasting mark on the Crimson Veil Academy's prestigious event.

The journey ahead promised more battles, more revelations, and perhaps, a deeper understanding of the hidden forces at play within the academy and beyond. With the setting sun casting long shadows across the arena, Jun Wei and Mei walked forward, ready to face whatever awaited them in the chapters yet unwritten.