Chapter 4 – The First Steps Forward
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Waking up in his modest room in Tiao city, Jun Wei felt the lingering soreness from his recent battle with the giant two-headed wasp. The events of the day before replayed in his mind—the surprise appearance of the fourth-grade beast during the Crimson Veil Guild trials, his desperate battle, and the draining use of his Abyssal Fang spell.

As he sat up, Jun Wei found himself surrounded not by forest but by the familiar sights of Tiao city outside his window. Liang and Mei, the Crimson Veil Guild instructors, stood nearby, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

"You're awake," Mei said softly, relief evident in her voice. "That was quite the skirmish you had with the fourth-grade beast, Jun Wei."

Liang, his features etched with a hint of disbelief, added, "Indeed, I underestimated your abilities. A Vital Core stage mage dealing significant damage to a creature of that caliber is unprecedented."

Jun Wei nodded, still processing the adrenaline rush and the implications of his unexpected feat. "I didn't expect it either," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and uncertainty. "But what does this mean for me now?"

The instructors exchanged a glance, silent communication passing between them before Liang spoke again. "It means you have potential, Jun Wei. Potential that we can help you cultivate, should you choose to join the Crimson Veil Academy officially."

Mei nodded in agreement. "Your talents are rare, and we believe you could benefit from our training. The academy is closely affiliated with the Crimson Veil Guild, and we have resources to help you grow."

Jun Wei considered their words carefully, his mind racing with possibilities. His encounter with the two-headed wasp had been a pivotal moment, showcasing both his strengths and the challenges ahead.

"What would joining the academy entail?" he asked finally, his tone serious yet tinged with a hint of eagerness.

And so, in the heart of Tiao city, amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, Jun Wei's future began to take shape.

"Crimson Veil Academy is renowned throughout Celestoria for its exceptional Bloodmages," Mei began, her voice carrying a note of pride. "Refining your current skills and acquiring new ones here will undoubtedly set you on a path to greatness."

Jun Wei looked thoughtful, absorbing Mei's words. "But the academy term has already begun. Is there any way I can join now?"

Liang nodded, his expression serious yet encouraging. "Under normal circumstances, it would indeed be impossible. However, given your remarkable potential and the circumstances surrounding your entry, we can make an exception. Our positions as senior instructors carry weight with the principal."

Jun Wei hesitated, considering their offer. "What's in it for me?" he finally asked, his curiosity evident.

Mei smiled warmly. "Firstly, it's a token of appreciation for your bravery in protecting your fellow disciples. But beyond that, having someone of your talents at the academy would be a boon for us as well. Your skills and insights could enrich our teaching and research."

Liang added, "Moreover, it's an opportunity for us to nurture your potential further. You'll have access to resources and knowledge that will help you grow as a Bloodmage."

Jun Wei nodded slowly, the weight of their words sinking in. "I understand. Thank you for considering me."

Jun Wei nodded thoughtfully, seeing the opportunity laid out before him as a chance to deepen his mastery of the intricate arts of blood affinity. "I agree," he finally said, his voice steady with determination. "It's not just about refining my current skills, but also about exploring mana-rich environments that could accelerate my growth."

Mei and Liang exchanged approving glances, pleased by Jun Wei's resolve. "You've made a wise decision," Mei affirmed, her tone supportive. "With your dedication and potential, I'm certain you'll thrive at Crimson Veil Academy."

Liang nodded in agreement. "We'll speak with the principal tomorrow to arrange everything. Rest assured, Jun Wei, this is just the beginning of your journey to greatness."

As they walked back towards Tiao city, Jun Wei felt a surge of anticipation and gratitude. The path ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to make the most of this opportunity and emerge stronger than ever before.

As Mei and Liang departed, leaving Jun Wei alone with his thoughts, a daring idea began to take shape in his mind. "What if I cultivate near that fourth grade beast?" he mused quietly to himself. "Being in proximity to such a powerful creature might accelerate my cultivation at an exponential rate."

He glanced back towards the dense forest where the battle had taken place, remembering the mana-rich environment and the vibrant ecosystem that surrounded it. "There's a good chance that area is teeming with mana," he reasoned further, his mind racing with possibilities. "If I'm careful, I could harness this environment to push my abilities to new heights."

The notion sparked a flicker of excitement in Jun Wei's heart. It was a risky proposition, but the potential rewards were undeniable. With determination set in his eyes, he resolved to return to the forest, not just to challenge himself against formidable beasts, but to unlock the full extent of his potential as a bloodmage.

As Jun Wei ventured back into the forest, returning to the exact spot where he had confronted the formidable fourth-grade beast, he couldn't shake the lingering doubts about his decision. The allure of cultivating in a mana-rich environment was undeniable, promising rapid progress in his arcane abilities. However, the forest itself posed a constant threat with its lurking beasts, their presence a persistent source of concern.

Memories flooded Jun Wei's mind, recalling the lessons his father imparted—a vivid image of his father standing victorious over a fifth-grade beast, a testament to the potent rituals of the demonic path. His father's ability to harness the essence of such creatures to forge powerful artifacts had always left a lasting impression on him.

Contemplating his next move, Jun Wei weighed the risks and rewards. The forest held untapped potential, yet its dangers were palpable. The prospect of harnessing the residual mana from the fallen beast's domain was enticing but required careful consideration of the risks involved. Could he replicate his father's feats, or was he overestimating his abilities?

Lost in thought, Jun Wei traced the scarred ground where the battle had unfolded, the remnants of the fierce encounter still etched into the earth. He knew this decision could shape his path profoundly, influencing his growth as both a bloodmage and a cultivator of the arcane arts. Determined to carve his destiny, he stood at the crossroads, ready to embrace the challenges ahead.

Jun Wei decided to create an artifact from the beast's body, hoping to replicate what his father had once done. Recalling his father's teachings, he meticulously performed the ritual, but his initial attempts yielded no results. Hours passed as Jun Wei persisted, frustration mounting until, suddenly, a mysterious circle shimmered beneath him and the beast. It evoked vivid memories of his father's rituals. With a surge of concentration, he successfully completed the artifact.

The artifact materialized as yellow markings on his coat, a tangible manifestation of his achievement. The sudden surge of mana was beyond Jun Wei's expectations, nearly doubling his reserves. He marveled at the transformation, realizing it wasn't perfect but the best he could achieve. As he contemplated the artifact's potential, Jun Wei's mind raced with possibilities for future enhancements and applications.

Unbeknownst to him, a pair of keen eyes observed from the shadows. Jun Wei remained unaware of their presence, absorbed in the profound effects of his creation. The silence of the forest enveloped him, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions stirring within.

The night passed slowly for Jun Wei, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the artifact and its implications. As the first rays of dawn painted the sky, he made his way back to Tiao City, the artifact's faint glow a reassuring presence against his coat.

By mid-morning, Jun Wei found himself standing before the imposing gates of the Crimson Veil Academy. The air hummed with anticipation as he was ushered into the principal's office, a spacious chamber adorned with intricate blood magic runes.

Principal Zhang, a distinguished figure with graying hair and piercing eyes, greeted Jun Wei warmly. "Ah, Jun Wei, I've heard remarkable things about your performance in the trials," he began, his voice carrying a blend of authority and genuine interest. "Your talent in blood magic is quite promising."

Jun Wei nodded respectfully, his thoughts drifting to the artifact hidden beneath his coat. He wondered how much Principal Zhang knew about such techniques and whether revealing the artifact would enhance or complicate his standing at the academy.

As Jun Wei stood before Principal Zhang, he made a calculated decision to keep the artifact concealed beneath his coat. With a composed demeanor, he listened attentively to the principal's reassuring words.

"I understand," Jun Wei replied, nodding thoughtfully. "Thank you, Principal Zhang. I appreciate this opportunity."

Principal Zhang smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a blend of wisdom and encouragement. "It's natural to feel a mix of emotions on your first day. We believe in nurturing potential here at the Crimson Veil Academy."

They walked together through the quiet halls of the academy, its walls adorned with tapestries depicting ancient blood magic rituals. Principal Zhang continued, "Your instructors have seen something exceptional in you. While the semester has already begun, we've made arrangements for you to start fresh tomorrow. Your own room is prepared, and meals will be provided. Take today to rest and prepare yourself. Tomorrow will be a significant day for you."

Jun Wei absorbed the information, feeling a surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of nervousness. As they reached the entrance to his dormitory, he expressed his gratitude once more to Principal Zhang, who nodded in understanding before bidding him farewell.

Alone in his room, Jun Wei unpacked his few belongings and reflected on the events that had led him here. He inspected the artifact once more, its yellow markings pulsing faintly in response to his mana. Tomorrow held promises of new beginnings and challenges, and Jun Wei knew he had to be prepared.

With determination in his heart, he settled into his new surroundings, letting the quiet of the academy grounds lull him into a well-deserved rest, knowing that the journey ahead would test not only his skills but also his resolve.

Jun Wei stood in the quiet solitude of his room within the Crimson Veil Academy, surrounded by the faint hum of magical energies that permeated the air. As he gazed out of the window, his mind settled on the recent neglect of his cultivation levels, which had focused predominantly on honing his blood affinity and mastering the demon path techniques taught by his father.

"I've neglected my cultivation level recently," Jun Wei murmured to himself, his voice echoing softly in the tranquil room. With a determined expression, he crossed the room and retrieved a meditation mat, placing it carefully on the floor.

Seating himself cross-legged, Jun Wei closed his eyes and began to regulate his breathing, a practice ingrained in him since childhood. He focused inward, feeling the flow of mana within him and around him, attuning himself to the currents of energy that ebbed and flowed.

As he delved deeper into meditation, Jun Wei sensed a subtle shift in his surroundings. The ambient mana responded to his concentration, swirling around him in a gentle embrace. He felt a surge of clarity and purpose, as if his senses were sharpened and his mind was more attuned to the arcane mysteries that surrounded him.

With each breath, Jun Wei felt himself drawing more mana, his cultivation speed accelerating noticeably. The neglected pathways of his arcane heart and celestial meridians seemed to awaken, responding eagerly to his renewed focus and dedication.

"Maybe coming to the academy was indeed the better idea," Jun Wei mused quietly, a hint of satisfaction coloring his voice. He continued his meditation, each moment reinforcing his resolve to reclaim lost ground in his cultivation journey.

Outside his window, the day slowly transitioned into dusk, casting long shadows across the academy grounds. Inside, Jun Wei remained steadfast in his practice, determined to harness his potential and prepare himself for the challenges that awaited him at the Crimson Veil Academy.