Chapter 3 – Guild Trials Begin
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the bustling streets of Tiao, Jun Wei finished his tasks at the tavern with a sense of satisfaction. The day had been productive, his movements now more fluid and confident than when he first arrived.

Entering his modest room above the tavern, Jun Wei leaned against the windowsill, gazing out at the city below. The faint glow of lanterns flickered in the gathering dusk, casting a warm, amber hue over the cobblestone streets.

Tomorrow marked a new chapter in his journey. Jun Wei had spent weeks acclimating to life in Tiao, honing his skills and absorbing knowledge from the seasoned patrons of the tavern. Now, he felt a surge of readiness, a quiet confidence that he was finally prepared to take the next step.

Closing his eyes, Jun Wei reflected on the breakthrough he had achieved in his cultivation just days before. The Vital Core Stage had brought him newfound strength and clarity, grounding him in the reality of his burgeoning abilities.

"I'm ready," Jun Wei thought, a determined smile tugging at his lips. "Ready to prove myself, to take on challenges beyond these walls."

With resolve firm in his heart, Jun Wei made his decision. Tomorrow, he would seek out the guilds that operated within Tiao. Joining a guild had been his father's advice, a crucial step towards gaining experience and forging connections in the vast world beyond.

He envisioned himself alongside seasoned adventurers, facing unknown dangers and uncovering hidden treasures. The prospect excited him, igniting a spark of anticipation that banished any lingering doubts.

With that thought, Jun Wei turned away from the window and settled into his bed, sleep coming easier than it had in weeks. Tomorrow awaited, filled with promise and opportunity. For the first time since leaving his secluded home with his father, Jun Wei felt the thrill of adventure beckoning him forward.

As the sun unveiled its brilliance, Jun Wei rose early, expressing his gratitude to Rong and the others before making his way to the Crimson Veil Guild for their trials.

As Jun Wei arrived at the Crimson Veil Guild, he was greeted by two imposing figures, both clearly Masters of the Mystic Veins Stage. One of them, a wiry man with piercing eyes and a calm demeanor, stepped forward first.

"Welcome, young aspirant," he began, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "I am Instructor Liang, and I will assess your cultivation stage."

Instructor Liang's presence was formidable, his aura sharp and focused as he scrutinized Jun Wei. With a gesture, he directed Jun Wei to demonstrate his abilities. Jun Wei stood straight, gathering his mana and focusing his mind. He unleashed a burst of energy, manifesting his current level of cultivation.

Meanwhile, the second instructor, a woman with flowing robes and an air of serenity, observed Jun Wei's mana control. Her name was Instructor Mei, known for her keen insight into the finesse of magic manipulation.

Instructor Mei's eyes narrowed slightly as Jun Wei began a series of intricate mana exercises. She watched intently, noting every subtle fluctuation and adjustment in his mana flow. Her expression remained unreadable, yet Jun Wei could sense the weight of her assessment.

After what felt like an eternity of intense scrutiny, both instructors exchanged a knowing glance. Instructor Liang nodded once, a hint of approval in his eyes, while Instructor Mei's lips curved into a slight smile.

"You have shown promise, disciple," Instructor Liang declared, his voice resonating with satisfaction. "Your cultivation stage and mana control are commendable. Welcome to the trials of the Crimson Veil Guild."

Jun Wei felt a surge of relief and pride. He had passed the first hurdle, earning the respect of the guild's esteemed instructors. As he prepared for the next phase of the trials, he couldn't help but feel a renewed determination to prove himself further in the guild's ranks.

As the days passed swiftly, Jun Wei immersed himself in rigorous training, his determination driving him forward towards the final phase of the Crimson Veil Guild's trials. The guild's grounds echoed with the sounds of his efforts—swift movements and focused breaths punctuating the quiet serenity of early mornings and late evenings.

Under the watchful eyes of Instructors Liang and Mei, Jun Wei honed his combat skills and refined his mana control. He sparred with fellow disciples, each encounter a test of strategy and technique. They exchanged knowledge and sparred in friendly bouts, each match pushing their limits and preparing them for the challenges ahead.

In the tranquil moments between training sessions, Jun Wei reflected on his journey so far. Memories of his father's teachings and the encounter with Liang Xue lingered in his mind, reminding him of the stakes involved. He felt a deep sense of responsibility to prove himself worthy of their trust and expectations.

As the day of the final trials drew near, Jun Wei found solace in his growing camaraderie with the other disciples. They shared meals and exchanged stories, forging bonds of friendship amidst their shared anticipation and nerves.

Each sunrise brought Jun Wei closer to the pivotal moment. With every passing hour, he channeled his focus into refining his techniques and fortifying his resolve. The looming challenge of facing grade 2 beasts under the guild's supervision spurred him onward, driving him to surpass his own limitations.

On the eve of the trials, Jun Wei stood beneath the stars, the weight of anticipation settling upon his shoulders. Tomorrow would mark the culmination of his efforts thus far—a test of courage, skill, and determination that would determine his future within the Crimson Veil Guild.

As Jun Wei delved deeper into his studies of the demon path and blood affinity, he discovered a profound synergy between the two disciplines. Under his father's guidance, he learned not only the fundamental principles but also several potent spells that would become crucial in his journey.

"Vitality Drain," Jun Wei murmured to himself, recalling the intricate weaving of mana required to siphon energy from his opponents. It was a spell of cunning, allowing him to weaken adversaries while bolstering his own stamina—a tactic essential in prolonged battles.

"Life Infusion," he continued, reflecting on the healing arts taught by his father. With this spell, Jun Wei could channel mana to mend wounds and restore vitality, a vital skill amidst the relentless toll of the demon path's rigorous training.

"And Blood Curse," Jun Wei added, his voice lowering as he remembered the darker aspects of his training. This spell was reserved for dire situations, a potent hex that could afflict foes with debilitating effects, turning their own blood against them.

The demon path exacted a toll on his body, its demands rigorous and unrelenting. Yet, with the ability to heal and empower himself through blood magic, Jun Wei found a balance—a way to harness its destructive potential while safeguarding his own well-being.

As he practiced these spells under the watchful eye of his father, Jun Wei felt a surge of confidence. The teachings resonated deep within him, intertwining with his determination to excel in the upcoming trials of the Crimson Veil Guild. Each incantation, each gesture became second nature, a testament to his growing mastery over the arcane and the visceral power of blood magic.

With the trials looming ahead, Jun Wei knew that his proficiency in these spells would be tested like never before. Yet, armed with the teachings of the demon path and the blood affinity, he stood ready to face whatever challenges awaited him, both in the trials and beyond.

Under the early morning sky, Jun Wei and his fellow disciples gathered at the outskirts of Tiao, anticipation humming in the crisp air. Instructors Liang and Mei stood beside them, their expressions grave yet encouraging as they prepared for the day ahead.

"We're heading to the forest," Instructed Liang, his voice carrying authority. "Remember your training and stay vigilant. Grade 2 beasts are formidable opponents, and your task is to harvest their blood for the mana measurement."

With a nod from the instructors, the group ventured into the dense woodland, its ancient trees casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, illuminating their path as they navigated deeper into the wilderness.

Jun Wei focused his concentration, readying the arcane energies within him to cast spells that would confront the challenges ahead.

As they pressed on, the atmosphere grew tense with anticipation. Each disciple knew the importance of their mission—to locate and confront grade 2 beasts, creatures whose strength matched their own burgeoning skills.

The first encounter came swiftly—a snarling boar with tusks gleaming in the sunlight. Jun Wei's heart raced as he squared off against the beast, his training guiding his movements. With swift precision, he engaged the boar, parrying its attacks and maneuvering to deliver a decisive strike.

Beside him, other disciples engaged in their own battles, the forest alive with the clash of steel and primal roars. They fought with determination, each one focused on the task of harvesting the vital essence needed to prove their proficiency.

Hours passed in a blur of adrenaline and exertion. Jun Wei and his peers faced various challenges—a prowling wolf pack, an elusive panther, and even a towering bear. Each battle tested their resolve and honed their combat skills, pushing them to adapt and overcome.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, signaling the passage of time, Jun Wei remained steadfast. He fought with measured intensity, mindful of the mana jar at his side. With each successful strike, he collected the beast's blood, pouring it into the enchanted container that shimmered with arcane energy.

By midday, the forest echoed with the triumphs and challenges of the disciples. Some had met their quotas early, while others persisted against resilient adversaries. Instructors Liang and Mei observed from a distance, their gazes assessing each disciple's progress with keen interest.

As the hours dwindled down, Jun Wei felt a sense of accomplishment mingled with fatigue. His muscles ached from exertion, but his determination remained unwavering. With measured breaths and steady hands, he pressed on, driven by the promise of success and the knowledge that his efforts would soon be evaluated.

By the time the sun began its descent toward the horizon, Jun Wei and his fellow disciples had met the challenge. The mana jar brimmed with the essence of defeated beasts, its glow testament to their achievements in harvesting and measuring mana.

With a collective sigh of relief, they regrouped at the forest's edge, awaiting further instructions from their instructors. Exhausted yet elated, Jun Wei reflected on the day's trials, knowing that each battle had brought him closer to his goal within the Crimson Veil Guild.

As the group gathered at the forest's edge, anticipation hung in the air like a tangible veil. Jun Wei stood poised, his senses attuned to the rustling leaves and distant calls of wildlife. Suddenly, a monstrous presence loomed—the giant two-headed wasp, a formidable fourth-grade beast. Fear gripped Jun Wei as adrenaline surged through him, threatening to paralyze his thoughts.

In the face of danger, Jun Wei summoned the teachings of his father, his mentor in the demonic path. With resolve hardening his gaze, he channeled mana into the Blood Curse Spell, its crimson tendrils swirling with malevolent energy. Yet, against the towering insect, the spell's effect was minimal—a mere irritation to the resilient creature.

Aware of the imminent threat, Jun Wei scanned his surroundings, ensuring he was isolated from his companions. His heart pounded as he prepared for his trump card—the Abyssal Fang, a second-level demonic path spell. It was his sole chance to fell the behemoth before reinforcements arrived. With a focused mind and steady hands, he unleashed the Abyssal Fang—a torrent of dark energy that pierced through the air, striking the two-headed wasp with precise, devastating force.

The forest echoed with the clash of magic and the creature's anguished cries. Exhaustion washed over Jun Wei as he collapsed to the ground, drained from exertion and the intensity of the battle. Moments later, the two instructors hurried to the scene, drawn by the commotion. They arrived to find Jun Wei sprawled amidst the aftermath—victorious yet spent—while the fourth-grade beast, wounded and enraged, was attended to by its minions.

"Why is there a fourth grade beast here? And more importantly, how could a Vital Core stage cultivator do this much damage?" Liang shouted in disbelief, his eyes wide as he surveyed the scene. The giant two-headed wasp, a formidable fourth grade beast, lay on the ground, writhing in pain and heavily injured. Around it, smaller wasps buzzed frantically, attempting to tend to their queen's wounds.

Liang's shock was evident as he turned to Mei, who was already at Jun Wei's side, assessing his condition. Jun Wei lay on the ground, exhausted and breathing heavily, his face pale from the exertion of the powerful spell he had just cast.

Now, as Liang moved to finish off the injured beast, Mei focused on Jun Wei. "You did well, Jun Wei," she said softly, her voice filled with a mixture of admiration and concern. "Rest now. You've done more than enough."

Jun Wei nodded weakly, his body aching from the strain. As he drifted into unconsciousness, he felt a small spark of satisfaction. He had faced a powerful foe and survived. The path ahead was long and fraught with danger, but he was ready to take it one step at a time.

With the giant two-headed wasp defeated and the immediate danger subsided, the forest fell silent once more. Liang stood over the incapacitated beast, his expression a mix of awe and apprehension at Jun Wei's unexpected prowess. Mei continued to tend to Jun Wei, ensuring he was stable despite his exhaustion.

As the sun began its descent toward the horizon, casting long shadows through the trees, the two instructors exchanged a glance. Liang broke the silence first, his voice grave but tinged with reluctant admiration. "We underestimated you, Jun Wei. You've proven yourself today."

Mei nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on Jun Wei with a gentle smile. "Indeed. You've shown great potential, but remember, this is just the beginning of your journey."

Jun Wei managed a weak smile, the events of the day weighing heavily on his mind. Despite his victory, he knew there was much to learn and countless challenges ahead. The trials had tested his strength and resolve, but they had also ignited a newfound determination within him.

With the beast's blood collected in the magical jar, the disciples began to make their way back to Tiao City, their footsteps echoing in the quiet forest. Jun Wei walked alongside Mei and Liang, grateful for their guidance and support.

As they reached the outskirts of the city, the last rays of sunlight painted the sky in hues of orange and pink. Mei turned to Jun Wei, her voice gentle but firm. "Rest well tonight, Jun Wei. Tomorrow, we will discuss your next steps."

Jun Wei nodded, his thoughts already racing with plans for his future training and ambitions. The journey ahead would be challenging, but he was determined to forge his path as a Bloodmage and a cultivator of the demonic path.

As they entered Tiao City, Jun Wei felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. The trials had marked a turning point in his life, propelling him toward a destiny he was only beginning to grasp.