Chapter 1 – Legacy of the Demonic Path
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The ancient forest seemed silent, its dense crown of trees hiding the afternoon sun. Beams of light penetrated through the thick foliage, casting ethereal rays on the forest floor, where shadows danced in strange patterns. Amid the stillness, a hidden orchard stood hidden from prying eyes..

At the heart of this secluded sanctuary was Jun Wei, a boy of fifteen winters, staring and alert. He carries the legacy of his father, Jun Ming, to master the Demon Path, a forbidden and powerful affinity steeped in darkness and secrecy. All around him, a secret Demon Path technique hides his presence from the wicked ones.

Jun Ming, a lone father and a master of the Demon Path, stood beside him, his form hidden by shifting shadows. The air quivered with latent energy, a testament to the powerful magic woven into the very fabric of their hidden shelter. Jun Ming's eyes, sharp and filled with intent, watched his surroundings with a mixture of caution and pride.

"Let's go now. The coast is clear," Jun Ming's voice was low and authoritative. "Remember, be on your guard in case someone attacks us."

"But doesn't your spell hide us, father?" said a puzzled Jun Wei. "Why do we have to hide like rats every time?"

Emerging from the shadows, the father stepped quietly but purposefully. He moved with the grace of one accustomed to the art of concealment, his presence a gentle reassurance in the dim light. Jun Ming's face softened into a smile as he approached his son, who stood in questioning silence. Kneeling beside him, Jun Ming placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder, his voice low and soothing.

"It protects us, son, for the most part," he began, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of vanity and disquiet. "But there are individuals who can easily bypass this spell, even from hundreds of feet away."

The words hung in the air, a quiet warning wrapped in his father's gentle tones. Jun Ming's smile, though warm, couldn't fully mask the gravity of his message. He drew his son closer, offering comfort in the uncertainty that lay ahead.

As they approached their secluded little home, Jun Ming's senses were pricked by a foreboding presence lurking in the shadows. The air became thick with malevolent energy as a silhouette appeared, shrouded in shadows and emanating a terrifying aura. Jun Ming's eyes narrowed determinedly; he sensed danger approaching, a threat to their sanctuary. Without hesitation, he readied himself, calling upon the depth of his mastery in the Demon Path. His hands were trembling momentarily, not from fear, but from a fatherly instinct of safety to his son . Every muscle in his body tensed as he steeled himself, vowing to himself silently that he would do everything that he wasn't able to do last time, unleashing the full potential of his demonic skills to defend Jun Wei from the looming threat.

"Show yourself! Who are you?" shouted Jun Ming.

"Oh, but you know me, Jun Ming, don't you?" A sinister voice echoed from the shadows. "I'm also a Demonic Path user like you. You should already know why I came here."

The voice dripped with malice, sending shivers down Jun Ming's spine. He tightened his grip, his stance unwavering as he braced for the confrontation. The figure emerged slowly, revealing a face twisted with dark intent, eyes gleaming with an unsettling mixture of familiarity and menace. Jun Ming's jaw clenched, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

The shadowy figure appeared before the two of them; he was Jun Ming's master, the one who had once trained him in the Demonic Path. "Long time no see," said Liang Xue. Jun Ming's face filled with concern as he recognized his former mentor.

"He is in the 7th stage of Demon Path cultivation," Jun Ming murmured under his breath, assessing Liang Xue's formidable presence.

"Why would the sect send an Elder-level assassin after us?" said a scared Ming.

As Ming regained his composure, a sudden thought flashed through his mind—a last resort technique Xue had taught him when he was a disciple: a spell that concentrated one's mana levels to teleport over large distances.

"I only have one shot at this," said Ming. "Even though it's a 6th grade spell and I'm only at the fifth level of Demon Path cultivation, I can teleport Jun Wei out of here."

"Father, what should we do about him? Can you handle him?" Jun Wei asked in a desperate voice, fear paralyzing him so much he couldn't move.

"What's with his aura? It's even more terrifying than Father's. I've never met anyone like him in my entire life.

"What do you say about an exchange?" Ming's voice was measured, his eyes locked on Xue with a mixture of caution and calculation. "It's an interesting proposal if it's what I think. But are you even in a position to negotiate?"

Xue's gaze narrowed, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes as he regarded Ming with a hint of disdain. "Negotiate? You were never one for bargaining, Ming. Always so predictable in your principles."

Ming's jaw tensed, his hands curling into fists at his sides. He knew Xue's cunning all too well—the man was a master manipulator, skilled in exploiting weaknesses and twisting truths to his advantage. But this was not a game of words; it was a clash of wills and powers that threatened to erupt into deadly confrontation.

Jun Wei, standing beside his father, felt a chill run down his spine at the tension crackling in the air. Xue's aura exuded a malevolence that surpassed anything he had encountered before, sending a primal instinct of danger coursing through his veins.

"We have no interest in your games, Xue," Ming finally replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Leave now, or face the consequences."

Xue chuckled softly, a sound devoid of humor yet rich with confidence. "Consequences, you say? Let's see if you have what it takes to enforce them, old friend."

The forest seemed to hold its breath, shadows lengthening ominously as the standoff between master and disciple, now turned adversaries, reached its precarious peak.

"You're not the only one who learned something about each other. I also learned something about you," Ming said, his expression turning serious. Then, suddenly, Ming laughed and asked Xue, "Are you still the Sect's patrolling dog?"

"Such foolishness," Xue sneered, his voice laced with disdain. "Since you left, you've developed quite a foul mouth."

Not a second passed after Xue's derisive words before Ming acted swiftly. With practiced precision, he unleashed the teleportation spell. A surge of mana swirled around him, coalescing into a giant circle beneath Jun Wei's feet. The air crackled with mystical energy as the circle glowed with a faint, ominous light.

In that fleeting moment, Xue's eyes widened with realization. He understood too late what Ming intended—to whisk Jun Wei away to safety, far beyond Xue's reach. The implications of Ming's action sank in, and a mix of fury and frustration flickered across Xue's face.

"Impossible! I never thought you were gonna be able to perfect that spell." Xue bellowed, lunging forward in a desperate attempt to thwart Ming's spellcasting.

But it was too late. The teleportation circle pulsed once with a blinding flash, and in the next instant, Jun Wei vanished from sight, leaving behind only a lingering echo of Ming's decisive maneuver. However, until the teleportation circle is formed and ready on the other side, the conscious remains in the same area until teleportation.

Ming stood firm, his gaze unwavering as he faced Xue's wrath. "You underestimate the bond between father and son, Xue," Ming declared, his voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air.

Xue's fists clenched, his aura seething with unrestrained fury. "You'll regret this, Ming," he spat through gritted teeth, his voice dripping with venomous promise.

The forest seemed to hold its breath, the aftermath of Ming's bold move hanging heavy in the air. The standoff between former allies turned bitter adversaries had reached a pivotal moment—one that would resonate far beyond the confines of their clandestine confrontation.

"I accept my fate, Xue. Ever since I left the sect, I wasn't a match at my full power, and in no way am I now. But remember one thing. You may kill me, but in doing so, you will die at my son's hands."

"That brat of yours? He's only in the first stage of the Demon Path," Xue scoffed, his voice thick with disdain. His expression twisted into one of disgust as he glanced at Ming.

"True," Ming replied evenly, though a hint of pride glimmered in his eyes. "But even so, I only started training him a month ago. His mana conflicted with his mother's, which delayed his progress. But mark my words, Xue. When he learns to harness and combine both, you will be no match for him."

Ming's tone carried a weight of certainty, and his gaze was unwavering in the face of Xue's disbelieving stare. Tension hung thick in the air as words hung between them.

Xue's sneer deepened, but a flicker of uncertainty betrayed his composed facade. He knew the potential Ming spoke of—raw, untapped power that, once fully realized, could tip the scales against even a seasoned practitioner like himself.

"But for now," Ming continued, his voice lowering to a solemn whisper, "you'll have to contend with me."

The air around them seemed to pulse with latent energy, the clash of wills palpable as Ming and Xue stood locked in a silent battle of words and intentions. The outcome of their confrontation hung in the balance, poised on the edge of uncertainty and determination.

"Even if those words are true, he wasn't my target," Xue muttered, a calculating gleam in his eye as he considered Ming's proposition. An idea rushed into his head, and instead of immediately executing Ming, he saw an opportunity for a different approach.

"Instead of killing you on the spot, why don't you have a word at the headquarters?" Xue suggested, his voice carrying a hint of malicious amusement. "They will surely treat you well."

Ming's expression softened slightly, a mix of relief and resignation crossing his features as he glanced towards the spot where Jun Wei had disappeared moments ago. His son was safe, and that was what mattered most.

"Very well," Ming replied calmly, his tone betraying a subtle acceptance of his fate. He met Xue's gaze with a knowing look, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. The tension that had gripped him moments before seemed to ease slightly, replaced by a quiet resolve.

The forest around them seemed to exhale as the immediate threat dissipated, though an undercurrent of uncertainty lingered. The air was thick with unspoken challenges and veiled threats, each man weighing their options in this delicate dance of power and pride.

Xue nodded once, a smirk tugging at his lips as he gestured for Ming to lead the way. "Let's not keep them waiting, old friend."

With that, Ming turned and started walking toward the path that led to the headquarters, a path he knew all too well, with Xue following close behind. The sound of their footsteps echoed in the silent forest, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their riotous journey.

As Jun Wei materialized in a small clearing just outside the bustling city of Tiao, he felt disoriented yet relieved. The air was thick with the scent of earth and vegetation, a stark contrast to the tension-filled atmosphere he had just left behind. He steadied himself, taking in his surroundings with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The city of Tiao sprawled before him, its skyline dotted with towering spires and bustling streets teeming with life. Jun Wei knew he had arrived in the territory of the Bloodmages Clan, one of the eleven powerful clans that governed different regions of Celestoria. Tiao, renowned as the second largest city in the empire, bustled with activity—a hub of commerce, culture, and magical knowledge.

Jun Wei adjusted his grip on the strap of his satchel, a gift from his mother that held a few essentials and reminders of home. He felt a pang of homesickness but pushed it aside, knowing he had to focus on his next steps. His father's words echoed in his mind—the importance of honing his abilities and understanding the complexities of both his parents' legacies.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Wei set off towards Tiao, his gaze fixed on the distant spires that marked the heart of the city. He was determined to navigate this new chapter of his life, to learn from the Bloodmages Clan, and perhaps, one day, to fulfill the potential his father saw in him.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but Jun Wei was ready to embrace the challenges and discoveries that awaited him in Tiao.