Chapter 1 – An Unexpected Murder 
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Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Murder 

The sound of dripping blood became louder and louder as the body hanging from the ceiling slowly emptied its life force. The metallic tang filled the room, mixing with the musty scent of decay. 
I woke up to see myself in my room covered with blood everywhere. Seems like the maids are at it again. I woke up to see myself in my room covered with blood like liquid everywhere. Seems like the maids are at it again. The red liquid was actually spilled juice. I let out a sigh of relief and started cleaning up the mess.These nightmares will never end.
-On the Stairway-
*Maids chattering*
"Oh my, look at her wearing that dress, it absolutely doesn't suit her"
"I agree with you! She is not worthy of that beautiful gown" 
"Who does she think she is"?
They're gossiping again. This palace's maids are really obnoxious. If I want the banquet to conclude quietly today, I had well be on my merry way.
-Maids block the way-
"You seem quite happy today. Is it because you're gonna meet His Majesty the King and try to please him so you can be moved to the Helia Palace? asked a maid.
"Hey! You filth, Speak up! Who do you think you're ignoring? said another maid.
"Hurry, let's go. The knights from the Helia Palace are here to take the princess to the ball. If they see us bullying her, we'd get in trouble." said another maid.
"Tsk. We'll see about you later, Princess. Have a great time being ignored by His Majesty again. HAHAHA."
"You deserved this." I said slapping one of the maids.
"WHY! YOU!" shouted the maid.
She slapped my face.
"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" said one of the knights as he marched towards us.
"The maids are educating me, since I'm an illegitimate princess born of unroyal blood. I'm equivalent to them in status, so they find it common to educate me like this." I said to the knight.
The knight frowned and ordered his men to capture the maids and lock them up for their insolence.
I smiled at them as I walked away with one of the knights to the carriage which would take me to the Helia Palace where the banquet was being held.
I am an illegitimate Princess of Domino, at least that's what they call me. A nation known for its overwhelming powers of the dragon flame passed down from generation to generation to its direct bloodline. But to everyone's amazement....there is no one in this generation in the royal bloodline who have inherited this power. But there have been rumors going around that my younger sister, Isabella has awakened her powers. And at today's banquet, it will be confirmed!
I honestly do not have any interest in this, because I know nothing good is to arise from this disheveled child born from a concubine who was nothing more than a mere maid before she killed my mother the Empress and stole her position and status. Even though I'm a legitimate child, everyone considers me illegitimate because it is believed that my mother had a secret affair with another man before she had me. This is just a rumor started by the concubine. And I know the truth better than anyone else, there was absolutely nothing like that. 
*Knock Knock*
"We've safely arrived at the Palace, Your Highness" said the knight from outside riding the horse.
Today's the day I show my face to my father, the King and the high society after 8 years.
"Her Highness, Princess Luxana De Carna Mera Domino, is entering the ballroom" announced The Master of Ceremonies.
*All Nobles chattering from every corner of the Ballroom*
"OH, My God! Look at those lavishing reddish orange coloured hair!" 
"She really resembles the late Empress."
"I can't believe such an illegitimate child had such courage to show her face into the High Society."
Sigh. Seems like I'll become the topic of their next tea parties again. *Smirk* That isn't too bad though.
"His Majesty, the King of Domino, Hades Limonizer Vernoke Domino along with the Her Majesty, the Queen Daleyza Limonizer De Carna Domino and Her Highness, Princess Isabella Limonizer De Carna Domino are entering the Ballroom" announces The Master of Ceremonies.
*Everyone bows*
"You may lift your heads......we meet here today to honor the birthday of this exceptional man who has accomplished more than anybody else in this kingdom, and as I......"
And there goes my father, delivering his ludicrous spiel about how great he is. More significantly, the Empress appears to be in an awful mood. It must be because the King is expected to confirm the rumor today.
*After 20 minutes*
"Now, let the Birthday Banquet begin" announced the King.
*Lights shut*
*Lights open*
Huh? What just happened? *Eyes wide open* Murder? In the Palace?
Unstoppable Chatter buzzing around the room like a swarm of bees, making it difficult to focus on anything else. The constant noise seemed to fill every corner, drowning out all other sounds.   
"Greetings, Your Majesty. I wish you a very spectacular birthday." said a boy standing with his one foot on one of the 2 dead bodies. The boy's eyes gleamed with mischief as he awaited the king's reaction to his unconventional birthday greeting. The courtiers shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond to the unusual display.  
"Cillian De Valentine Eriko Elmir! What sort of behavior is this? How dare you enter the Palace without any prior notice and commit crime in my Palace right in front of me?!" shouted my father. 
His face was red with anger, and his voice boomed throughout the grand hall. I could feel the weight of father’s disappointment in him as I stood there, unable to speak. 
Elmir…..Isn't that one of our Enemies? Well I must say, he’s got quite the courage to do something so outrageous in the grounds of his Empire’s Enemy. Furthermore, he is the son of the Valentine family, one of Elmir's most prestigious and renowned households. I am curious what type of turmoil and flu-like rumors will arise from here on out.

To be Continued...