Chapter 5
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Growing older with a vampire and dragon's body, making me half-vampire and half-dragon, has enhanced my hearing and sensory capacity to a level three times higher than it was in my prior life as a half-demon, half-dark elf. It is now ten times greater than an adult human's and what E-rank slayers can anticipate. As footsteps echoed down the hallway, I instantly laid down and pretended to sleep on the well-tiled, carpeted floor.

After a while, the door to the room opened, and Genesis peeked inside. She probably sensed my movement, given dragons' high sensitivity to their surroundings, or she finished cooking and came to check on me. Whatever her reasons, I was grateful for her efforts to be a good mother. I just wanted her to leave me alone a bit longer. But her timing was actually good; after about 45 minutes of walking, my feet were now trembling in pain.

"Fufu, you sure are sleeping well, to the point of falling off the court!" Mother walked up to me, passing through the barrier effortlessly, like walking through a ripple in space. She looked at my face to check if I was sleeping. Of course, I was pretending, and there was no way of knowing that.

Thinking about it, why did Genesis create layers of barriers when she was just in the kitchen? Although Genesis had laid the barrier to keep me safe, it felt more like a cage. I'm being trapped by my former companion! Isn't that what is supposed to happen to me, a slayer among slayers? To be locked in a cage and stripped of freedom when I am supposed to be free like a bird? Isn't this unfair?

Knowing Genesis, I understood her caution. She was once called a clumsy heiress among her siblings, but now, she was cautious to the point of leaving barriers everywhere. Ah! I wanted to take advantage of that to move to her study office! Well, that plan failed, and it can't be helped. Genesis gently poked my cheeks, seeming to have fun. Although they were small, fluffy, and cute, my cheeks felt heavenly to touch. Damien was the most captivated by the sensation of fluffy stuff in the household.

"I knew you were moving, but why are you pretending to be asleep?" she muttered sweetly, almost in a whisper.

Chills crawled up my spine, but to prove her wrong, I continued pretending to sleep. Genesis looked around and confirmed no one else was there. Even though she knew it, she repeated the behavior humorously. After she was convinced, she gently kissed my mouth. "I guess I was just mistaken from the stress lately. Sleep well, sweetie!" she said before stepping out of the room with clattering steps.

I opened my right eye to see if she was gone, which she was. I let out a deep sigh of relief. Kissing your former companion on the mouth would have been a disqualification and an offense of child violations. I’m a man—mentally a man—so I was actually really happy to receive a mother's love without a care in the world. What is this feeling? A sensation I never felt in my past life. A feeling of passion, deep affection toward someone special? Or is my sensitivity just too high?

From that day on, I continued doing Magic Control Comprehension training until I could manage to walk on my own. And there was one more thing a baby at this time had to do. I decided to do just that today in front of my parents.

"Genesis, I have returned," Damien said in a slightly sluggish voice when he came back to the mansion. Damien was hired as a Vampire King by the seven high-noble vampire elders that rule the vampire great family and the other provinces in the shadows. This other province was particularly devastated by the Poison Monarch. Because of that, four-legged monsters, which loved hot temperatures, had been breeding a lot in the surroundings, requiring his assistance.

In exchange for his service, he got another huge, richer-looking noble mansion than the one we once lived in and the riches that he used to raise me and his family. He also brought a girl. She was a beautiful orphan vampire girl with crimson eyes, pale skin, sharp fangs like King Damien, and a large, bouncing chest. She was only about 16 years old, working as a maid, which was strange since Damien wasn't a man who would hire a maid or want one living with his wife. There must be a good reason, right? So she hung around the mansion, doing laundry if needed and more work when Genesis had to take her eyes off me or wasn't around. Since no one could enter her layers of barriers, this maid thing was a great stress remover. The vampire maid was directed to take care of me.

Genesis stopped her meal preparations in the kitchen and came to greet Damien. I was watching this from the living room. The vampire girl picked me up and also headed for the entrance. It seemed like she was assisting Genesis with her cooking.

"Exodus? Let’s also join in greeting great master Damien," she said.

And yeah, she called us like that: master for Damien, my lady for Genesis, and young lady for me. It was a common way to show absolute respect and honor in the vampire great family residence! The vampire girl’s smile looked like a flower in full bloom. I was completely dumbstruck by that smile. Well, it’s not like I'm against it.

"Oh, Exodus came out to greet me? Luna too?" Damien said.

"Greetings to the great master! No need to praise a lowly mortal maid like me. Still not good at work yet!" Luna frowned with disappointment and bowed with absolute respect. She continued, "T–That’s why I’m just bothering the great lady of the house. I'm sorry I was not much used to the great master's family. Please dispose of me!"

"Hehe, that’s not the case, you know. She’s actually a big help..." Genesis patted her head. Damien smiled and reassured her, saying she shouldn't worry so much and that she would adapt in no time.

I see, this girl was named Luna, like a beautiful crescent moon. The heartwarming atmosphere felt like it wouldn't go away. However, if this goes on, my time to shine will not come. There is only one way to diffuse this atmosphere. I made a firm decision and put more effort into what I was about to do.

"Yahehuuuu—-Ma… ma?"


Everyone was dumbfounded! At that moment, I subconsciously squeezed my voice out and called Genesis "Mama." Genesis was so surprised by hearing my voice. It was quite unusual for her to show such a surprised expression.

"Exodus… just now… did you call me Mama?"

"Maaama! Aaah, DAMIEN! This cutie, Exo—dus, she freaking called me!"

"Exodus, what about me? I’m Dada. Call me Dada?"

"Hey Damien, close, too close!" I screamed in my head. Damien, as a prideful vampire, approached the chest of Luna where I was held and glanced at me, hoping I would call out to him. "Hey, kid, call me Da—da!" He said intensely, demonstrating with his lips slowly. 

This damn vampire was already over five thousand years old, yet he’s a sweltering old geezer, forcing a kid to say 'Dada.' How rude! I responded by farting in his face and giggling. Everyone tried their best to hold in their laughter, though the king's anger was raging. I couldn’t care less!

"Lu—na? Ah, you heard it from Genesis just now! Is that right, Exodus, about my name?"

"Eh, she only heard it just now! That’s right, this pale child is called Luna." Now that I think about it, I have also heard Genesis' name, right? This surely is a failure. However, I will recover from this mistake immediately.


"Ooh, snap! Exodus also remembered my name. What a smart, cute dragonian I gave birth to. Hehe!" Genesis was really delighted. To be honest, she was always smiling, but it was rare for her to express her emotions so brightly and purely. It was probably because she was witnessing the growth of her own child—me.

"Over here, Exodus. What about Dada’s name?"

"BoooBoooouyu!" I slammed my small, chubby hands on Damien’s face, who was noisily forcing me to call his name. I directly manipulated his cheeks left and right, and also his sharp eyes, while giggling! Although it was a direct hit and face-disfiguring manipulation, it wasn’t really humiliating. But it wasn’t great either.

Damien, who tried every trick in the book, was not pissed but confused about why I didn't call his name. He turned to Genesis, "Dear… Exodus isn’t saying my name. Did I do something wrong to our baby girl?"

"No! That's not it. It’s just because your name is a bit on the hard side. She won’t be able to suddenly say it. But can't you see she is expressing it in another way; the glorious fart and disfiguring baby manipulation."

It was unusual for Genesis to say something like this, but she was probably feeling superior right now. In response to what Genesis said, the face of the ruler of darkness, Damien, suddenly went dark, making a heartbroken smile.

"Ah, I see. Well, maybe she will be able to call Damien, the ruler of darkness’s name soon! Surely, that will happen! Right?"

"Uuh, damn, that's too long! I don't think she will ever call that long name... Don’t expect the impossible!"

"But… will she be able to call 'Dada' before she can speak properly—" Damien was concerned that he wouldn’t get to hear me call him Dada. Well, I had no intention to.

Looking at him, Genesis smiled. "I think she will. She could call it later today, or maybe tomorrow? Right, Luna?"

"Yes, my lady. I think the young lady will be able to call the great master by his true name," Luna confirmed elegantly, as she played with my cheek and I giggled.

"Is that so?"

"Fufu, of course, so cheer up! Don't reveal your inelegant side to your daughter." Genesis encouraged Damien while rubbing his back. We then went to the dining hall as dinner was prepared. By the way, our meal that evening was a bit... no, let’s just say it was an amazing day and a great expression by the ruler of darkness.