Chapter 4
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Since then, a short amount of time has passed. I finally recovered from the shock of knowing that I was born a girl. I’m certainly a girl. My chest is growing a little bit, but I hope I won’t grow as much as my mother. Her chest is gigantic and bouncing. I also hope my ass doesn’t get as curvy as hers. Half forcing myself to accept the facts, I returned to my everyday routine. I moved my limbs to build my muscular strength and then trained my magical comprehension before going to sleep.

As far as magical comprehension is concerned, there has been no response from connecting the red and blue orbs with the electric eels. But from my experience, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Instead of worrying about what I cannot create, I focus on what I can control. Using that approach, even in my current state, I’m already a bit ahead compared to my previous life. Back then, I couldn’t even get close to the titanic wall of my limits. My sea of consciousness kept taking me back to where I came from, like an endless circle.


“Huh, you’re looking very sharp again today. If you don’t sleep soon, you’ll end up feeling restless and weak in the morning,” said my mother, who passed by my well-structured, elegant, white room filled with baby toys. She saw me not sleeping on the bed. I guess I can fool a dragon. At night, I started practicing magical control comprehension before going to sleep. Somehow, I felt motivated today, so I wanted to continue further. However, Genesis, who never got a reply from me, thought I was having trouble sleeping. She came in and carried me in her arms.

“Come, bae, are you in Exo’s room?” a hither voice came from my parents' room. It was Damien.

“That’s right. If she doesn't go to sleep soon, it will be a bit troublesome later, so I was taking care of Exodus,” Genesis replied as she took me to their room. The gorgeous yet antique interior caught my eye. From the decorations to the luxury items scattered throughout, everything was reminiscent of a royal palace. A wide, tall window like those in a Holy Cathedral let the green crescent moonlight shine vividly through it. While Genesis carried me towards an elegant-looking baby crib near a huge white double-sized bed, Damien let out a come-hither voice.

Eh? Why did you bring me here? Are you going to do that while I'm in the room? If things go in this direction, I obstinately won’t go to sleep. Couples should die; there’s no mercy. I was really determined—and before I realized it, it was already morning. I concluded that a baby’s body can’t stay up late.

Before I died, Genesis was doing slayer work at a Holy Cathedral in a remote region. Because of the devastation caused by the Poison Monarch to the three kingdoms, it was not possible to re-establish them easily. Most people were still stuck and heartbroken. So, we created health centers in each kingdom to take care of people who needed help. Eventually, these centers turned into base centers. We were clueless about the republic power of the great families that didn't want us to continue spreading our influence. But our intentions were different.

Fortunately, we found a survivor, a boy who carried the distinct blood of royalty from a certain great family. For that reason, he was pushed to be the caretaker to look over the kingdoms and take care of civilians, thus creating branches in other kingdoms. The nobility and surviving orphanages joined as his assistants. As the kingdoms rebuilt, the health and base centers resumed operations. Even though we were now living separately, doing our own things, we could still deal with just about any circumstance. Damien, Genesis, Jenna, me, Eolka (if she wanted to), and Hugo when he visited! The inspection of the village close to the labyrinth, which caused my death, was the only job that ended in a strange circumstance.

But it’s different now. After my death, Jenna moved away, Genesis gave birth, and the greatest Slayers’ party almost dissolved. On another note, the young caretaker was barely recognized by the kingdoms by the end of two years, so Damien and Genesis were able to retire without worries. Now they are fully enjoying their ordinary retirement life, although they didn’t even realize my feelings.

Right now, I was on the fence of my crib, desperately trying to stand up with trembling legs. Skipping the guided stand, I would show them the results of all my training. It’s not like Genesis is always watching me. Right now, she’s in the kitchen preparing meals, and Damien, as usual, is nowhere to be found. To ensure nothing happens to me during these times, she created a lot of mana barriers with plenty of layers and higher wavelengths. Even if I throw all the expensive stuff in this room, it would bounce back. Hehe! I let out an evil laugh. Did she think something like this could hold the great slayer in me? No way!

Right now, no one knows that I can stand.

"Buahh—Yuaa—" With my fighting spirit rising, I stood firm on my own feet. It’s been almost six months since I was reborn in this world by that bitchy goddess. Crawling is all I could do up to this point, and I was a lot slower in development compared to my past life. Although I started training to acquire strength far earlier than a normal baby, the only thing I have right now is sufficient blood. I could become a donor and be called to a blood bank, but after that, the rest is useless. And that’s because of my decision to have an unbalanced diet.

Since I was reborn, I stubbornly refused to drink Genesis’s milk. Sometimes I felt bad seeing how sad she was watching me drink blood. Because of that, my body became very frail, and my growth was stunted. Thanks to my frequent high fevers, both my parents became really worried. Even my father thought of giving me his blood, which my mother objected to. That Damien didn't matter, but I was worried about hurting Genesis’s heart.

When my physical condition finally stabilized, they decided it would be alright to leave me alone in the room, resulting in the final layers of barriers. Anyway, I have no doubts that I could break this barrier right now. Even while staggering, I was able to stand up. I raised my short arm above my head and let out a victory cry.

“Fau!” But this is only my first step, literally. From this point on, I have various missions awaiting me. First, I need a lot of information. I need to go to Genesis’s private room to read her grimoires and ancient texts. It’s necessary for me to accumulate knowledge about magical comprehension.

Half a year after sensing my magical comprehensions and control, I still haven’t succeeded in joining the red and blue orbs together with the electric eels. I need to fix, extract, manipulate, and correct their errors to create more perfect magical comprehension. Perhaps there’s a way to break that titanic wall full of cracks now.

Perhaps there’s a problem with the distinct dragon and vampire talents combining and becoming one. I need to investigate. I continued walking while holding onto the walls and started practicing standing without support.