Chapter 3
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After a month, I wanted to stand on my own legs as soon as possible. I moved my short legs up and down while swinging my hands left and right. That was the only kind of exercise I could do; I couldn’t even roll over. However, I am different from an ordinary baby. I was getting nutrition from rabbit blood, which is quite unusual. As a result, I lacked stamina and easily got tired, often sleeping as if I had fainted.

After continuing this routine every day for two weeks, I finally managed to roll over and squirm around. Little by little, I was able to move my hands and legs as I desired. Determined to realize another dream, I decided to take action and gain a deeper understanding of magic.

In my past life, magic comprehension came easily after walking and talking. Unfortunately, I soon hit a major block. Despite being praised for my wisdom and ability to predict events, I encountered a huge limit that I, the uncrowned Monarch, couldn’t break through.

In this life, however, I am the child of a dragon and a vampire. This means there’s a high probability of a hidden comprehension of magic within me. Dragonians have existed since the beginning of time, mastering overwhelming techniques and using high-wavelength, low-frequency magic. Vampires, on the other hand, use low-frequency, high-wavelength magic.

Genesis, my mother, rarely uses overwhelming magic comprehension. She prefers to modify it with layers. My father, Damien, loves to show off with high-level magic comprehension unless he faces a strong enemy; then, he switches to cunning tactics. If I could filter out their errors and combine their strengths while eliminating my own mistakes, could it work?

I brushed the bridge of my nose and sat upright in my baby court. Closing my eyes to enter a meditative state, I started exploring the presence in my sea of consciousness for a greater comprehension. I pushed my spiritual awareness deep into my sea of consciousness, trying to comprehend something.

Within my sea of consciousness, I could clearly see a small orb-like energy burning like a blue sun and a red sun. They slowly rotated atop my sea of consciousness, synchronized with my body’s blood and mana flow in an endless cycle. I stared at the two small orbs in surprise. Their strange appearance and intensity exceeded all common sense, causing me, a tenacious disbeliever in dual comprehensions, to fall into confusion.

I wondered if I could get closer for a better look. As I thought this, the two orbs began to grow larger. Two electric-like eels circled the orbs, from the lowest level of the blue orb to the highest level of the red orb, slowing down as a thick white mist rushed out of their bodies. My awareness became suffused with this white mist, which felt almost solid.

I took a deep breath and felt a sense of tranquility. I then sensed a warm energy near the center of my body, just below my belly button. 'Oh, is this a new magic comprehension in my solar plexus instead of my heart?' I thought.

This level of comprehension was something I could never grasp in my previous life, so my excitement rose. To mold and join them together, I once again pushed my spiritual awareness deep into my sea of consciousness. I found myself at the very front of the two burning orbs. Above them, two ancient texts—'drakos' and 'βρυκόλακας'—connected by the electric eels, unveiled themselves as one: 'Δραγωνικός βρικόλακας.'

Suddenly, the white mist poured out and flowed around. The mist rolled together with urgency, forming a dim and hazy formula before my awareness. I barely had time to become startled before the characters, symbols, and drawings spiraled together. In that instance, magic manifested, but the saying "no pain, no gain" came into play. A sharp pain struck me, and I felt dizzy. My head felt like it was about to explode as I tumbled onto the ground.

I’m having a really hard time manipulating, correcting, and fixing my magic comprehension. As I try to combine the magical energy within my sea of consciousness into one big sphere, the mana escapes and disperses. I open my eyes and frown. Since it was my first time, I failed to comprehend something like this. Creating something new is not easy, but I won’t give up. I know my tenacity is stronger than most people’s. And because I can’t move my body skillfully yet, the only thing I can do now is magic comprehension training.

Unlike before, when I couldn't break my limit, now I can at least crack the titan wall. At the same time, I am creating a new foundation for improved magic comprehension. I have inherited talent from both of my parents, and my fighting experience has carried over to this body. I have the potential to be the strongest, the ultimate sovereign, so I can't stop my training here. I only cracked the wall!

I kept receiving blood and milk. Seeing the look on Genesis' face anytime I sucked on the blood bottle, I felt pity for her. I gave her breast a try again. She was super happy, but it was tiring! There were also humiliating times when Damien had to change my diapers. Two months passed in a flash. Before I started cursing that self-proclaimed goddess, I was able to sit and move my neck, looking around. By putting power into my body, I could use my upper body. On that day, I finally saw my lower body for the first time.

What appeared from under the diaper Genesis was changing with her hands… No, could it be? That part of me is gone?! Nooo! Ignoring the fact that my mother was right in front of me, I grabbed my crotch. When I found that familiar “part” of my body was gone, and what appeared was the little female genitalia appropriate for my age… There was nothing, simply nothing. No, there was an unprecedented valley. In other words, I’ve become a girl.

"WuuuaaaaHhhhUUUUUuuuuu!" A deep wail came out.

"Hey, cutie! What happened, Exodus? Why are you screaming all of a sudden?" Genesis immediately inspected me with a worried expression. However, there was no problem with my body. No, for me, there are all kinds of problems, but for her, it’s just normal.

 After replacing my diapers in a hurry, I was lying face down, sobbing. A feared, uncrowned monarch who was once called the king of all slayers… became a girl? What kind of ridiculous, fake storytelling is this?

I had superior marksmanship, eyesight, and martial arts prowess. My magic comprehension in both fistfights and sword fights was exceptional. There was no monster I could not slay, and my rate of success was a hundred percent. It was something none of my predecessors could accomplish.

Thus, I became the number one slayer in the rankings list of slayers.

"WuuuuaHhhhUUuuWWwwaHH!" My cries became louder and echoed more.

"I don’t quite understand, but… why are you crying?" Genesis tapped my back, trying to comfort me. She’s still the same as in my previous life. However, this kindness is now making me more sad. Now that I think about it, Exodus is a name that is both for men and women but is mostly used for women. I’m really stupid for not noticing this until now. I couldn’t confirm my own gender by myself because of this baby’s body. This was an act of that bitchy self-proclaimed goddess. Being born as a girl, that is. For three months, I didn’t notice this fact.

In my previous life, I was a handsome, wavy-haired man with narrow, intimidating eyes. I was the most talented special slayer using swords and blades, and I had magic comprehension beyond even monarchs and magicians. In my current life, I was born as a woman, inherited my extremely talented parents’ two distinct bloodlines, and will be receiving education from slayers, my former acquaintances.

My completely opposite life started at this moment. This should have been very exciting, but a sudden feeling of immense loss and pain welled up within my heart. It was a subtle feeling with no antecedent, causing my nose to feel sour, my golden eyes to turn watery, and my cold heart to suffocate. My mouth twisted into a self-deprecating smile as I began crying deeply for the first time in my life.

 I closed my eyes and gently inclined my head to the side. When no one could see, away from Genesis, deep tears silently fell. 

This was the first tears of a man in a woman's body from a different timeline! Do not belittle a man in a woman's body who cries; everyone has a time when they have to endure extreme sadness caused by the manipulation of a higher entity!