Chapter 2
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'Ugh!' A throbbing pulse out of nowhere began twitching from my head to my heart. As my heart beat hard multiple times like a drum hit with force, the throbbing eventually started to subside. What followed was a strange sensation, as if my entire body were continuously struck by lightning, and my head was on fire, roasting amidst thousands of meat stakes.

The pain was so great it awakened my fading consciousness. The first thought that roamed my mind was, 'Damn, this fucking hurts.' I slowly awakened. I became conscious… or so I thought. My eyes opened, but they were bombarded with blurry and distorted images. My limbs wouldn't respond to my commands, and I didn't have the strength to move them. No, it wasn't just my limbs. My neck—my whole body wouldn't move. That should have been expected, given my situation before I lost consciousness and met that peculiar bitchy goddess. It was a really terrible situation.

A demon monarch had suddenly appeared in a labyrinth we were inspecting after taking on a quest about missing children from a village nearby. To be honest, we managed to interrupt him before he could devour more children, preventing him from achieving his true goal. It was a good result, but we couldn't defeat the demon monarch. I couldn't use my comprehension in front of Jenna and the others due to its overwhelming influence, and Jenna wasn't capable of close combat. I concluded it would be better for me to stay behind and buy time for them to escape.

I ordered Jenna to escape quickly and then confronted the demon monarch alone. As expected, she grasped the situation instantly and left, saying she would call for help. She couldn't carry all the children the demon monarch had stolen, so she managed to save only two. The other slayers could only carry ten children out of the hundred who survived, leaving many behind.

I sealed its comprehension by force and pierced its heart with my white blade while protecting ninety kids. As a result, I broke my right hand and leg and got a large hole from my chest to my abdomen from an unexpected attack aimed at the children. How cowardly! No wonder he was called a demon monarch, Mephistopheles! In that state, it was already a miracle I could breathe.

According to the self-proclaimed bitchy goddess, I was special. But my voice wouldn’t come out, and I couldn’t move my limbs. 'What exactly happened!? This is the first fucking time I can't comprehend shit.' Profanity ran rampant in my mind!

"Waaah! Uwaaah!" I tried to speak, but only a strange scream escaped my mouth like a baby's cry. Something big and brown appeared before my blurry eyes, hitting my lips with something warm. Something soft entered my mouth, and I instinctively sucked and swallowed something sweet. My hand pressed against that something, squeezing it for more sweet sustenance. Once my stomach was full, I fell asleep once more.

A few days later, I finally comprehended what had happened. I was reborn as a baby. This was probably the cliche the bitchy goddess mentioned when she said she loved me and wanted to take advantage of me because I was special. In other words, it was taboo to resurrect someone, but the goddess of reincarnation started my life anew as a baby, which was somewhat justified, probably. Another realization hit me when my eyesight cleared.

"Good morning, Exodus. You woke up early today." As I woke, I noticed a heavenly beautiful dragonian woman bringing me close to her gigantic chest. That was Genesis.

'Eh? What the fuck? Who in the glorious deep pit of hell am I seeing? Genesis? No way...' 

Profanity ran chaotically in my mind, overwhelming my baby brain, and I passed out.

When I regained consciousness, a deep frown formed on my baby's face. I had reincarnated as my former companion’s child. I began to sweat cold and hot. My quickest reaction was to deny reality by pinching my cheek in despair. The pain I felt was real; maybe there was some error, or that bitchy goddess knew about this. Is this the "interference" she mentioned? What the fuck is this, a bonus? Fuck you, bitch! I could almost see her laughing at me. I wanted to deny it was real, but it was. I was speechless. What kind of preposterous nonsense is this?

Looking at the light brownish lady with long raven hair, sharp ears, and ancient runic tattoos on her body, carrying me, her face showed I was truly her child. Her face reddened slightly with a big smile as our eyes met. The denied reality was vividly clear again.

I get it, I get it, but… I needed time to calm down and adjust after such a shocking revelation. A minute went by as I thought deeply. Yes, it was my companion, once the heiress of the Dragonian family. The person she called 'Exodus' was me. I was reborn as my former companion’s child. 

Reincarnation magic comprehension is a godly rank technique of the goddess of reincarnation. However, this magic could only be confirmed successful by the caster, the goddess, and no one could identify where the reincarnation would occur. Genesis would never know I was her former hated companion, Miller. That’s why she pushed her vulnerable gigantic breast against me. Holy moly! If she knew I was Miller, she would probably send me flying with an almighty slap and a rage higher than any dragon. Her sense of purity was extremely intense, even more than Jenna’s.

Don't let your mind wander; it's not what you think! I'm also pure! There was a time I tried to peep with Elder Enoch at the ladies' hot spring. She gave us draconian punishment with a magic comprehension called 'Balls Whooping,' and I seriously thought I would die. That’s why I didn’t teach that punk Elder Enoch any comprehension. He never had balls, but we went peeping anyway!

Moreover, Jenna always allowed me to peep a little. She accurately predicted our escape route this time, waiting for us and easily capturing us. It was youthful impropriety. It hurts my soul, phew!

"Uuuuwwwahh—Uwaahhh!" I raised an ultimate hunger strike, refusing to eat. I still didn’t have enough muscle strength to move my neck. After all, I wasn’t shameless enough to continue sucking the huge chest of a close acquaintance. But more than that, I was afraid of what awaited me if I was ever exposed. Maybe 'Rod Wrath.' I felt a chill down my spine!


"Exodus, does your stomach hurt, or do you want blood? Exodus isn't eating at all; I'm a little worried you want blood."

Since reincarnating, I hadn't drunk proper milk. Genesis was honestly an extremely attractive woman with golden eyes symbolizing authority and superiority. Her perfection, elegance, and loftiness were evident in her pale skin and well-balanced female features under a red-black platinum dragon-illustrated robe. I couldn’t help it because of my returning ego.

If it were an unknown woman, I might have sucked while feigning ignorance, with a perverted look. But she was a companion who went through thick and thin with me before I died. Even though, at some point, she was envious and hated me for being too overwhelmingly special, that was all in the past. Besides, her husband was Damien, the prideful, high-noble, virulent white-snow, and deep crimson-eyed former vampire king.

He was also a bloody companion who fought with me, once a fierce rival, an elegant, sharp-eared man who embodied the figure of the 'monarch' I couldn’t reach. How would he react if he ever knew I was sucking his wife’s breast? Blood vapor! I would be reduced to blood and then devoured! That’s why I voluntarily entered a huge hunger strike. Because I didn’t drink Genesis’s golden milk properly, she struggled with my childcare. I know it’s bad, but I also couldn’t compromise.

In the end, she managed to barely maintain my life by giving me moderately warmed rabbit blood, which again hurt Genesis’s draconic pride. Today, she was feeding me a bottle of warm blood when the 'Ruler of Darkness,' wearing a short white robe, finally woke up, ruffling his flaming crimson shoulder-length hair.

"Good morning, Genesis, Exodus," he greeted with a huge yawn. He embraced Genesis, who was holding me and exchanged a passionate kiss with her early in the morning. Then, a similar, uncomfortable kiss was planted on my cheek as he attempted to carry me.

"Ugh, are you angry? Or perhaps Exodus dislikes dada!"

"Wha-What!?" As I showed resistance, Genesis told the cruel truth without malice. In fact, I didn’t really like Damien. My position as the best slayer hero was not yearned for. On the other hand, he was far more admired by the populace.

He was a strong and resolute high-noble vampire, the representative of the slayers. Well, he was a king and was good at ruling and representing! That admiration and influence were something I longed for. However, I was hated by everyone deep down. Even so, I couldn’t give up. That’s why I fought without relying on my own ideals, building my way of right and wrong based on what I saw rather than rumors or feelings.

For someone like me, Damien, who embodied different ideals, stirred up complicated emotions. He never hated or envied me, always cunning yet indifferent. He was a companion I held unpleasant feelings for. Receiving a kiss on the cheek and being carried by such a companion felt like chills crawling up my spine.

After the shock he received, Damien went to the bathroom with a dejected face and took a long shower. Afterward, he went to the garden and started unleashing his overwhelming Blood Magic. From the window, I could see that this had become his daily routine. The Blood Magic was dense, powerful, elegant, and intense—a display worthy of a monarch.

In my prior life, I never became a monarch, even though I was special and started comprehending magic at an early age. But now, an electric current dashed through my body, making me tremble. That’s right—this body is the child of Damien and Genesis. I may inherit Damien's vampiric strength and Genesis's great magical comprehension. I might finally be able to follow the path of a crowned monarch, a goal I failed to reach before. No, if I inherit Genesis's overwhelming magical comprehension, I might even become a Sovereign, which is ten times higher than a monarch!

"Yaawuuu!" I raised my hand in joy. However, I didn't have much strength, so I could barely bring my short, cute arms in front of my face.

Genesis, misunderstanding my reaction, poked my cheek and giggled with her cherry-red lips. "Oh, is Exodus fond of watching his dada’s magic comprehension? It looked like magic fireworks, right?"

Yeah, right? Akin to bloody fireworks! Now that I think about it, she often misunderstands such things easily.

A long fart echoed, followed by a loud growl from my stomach. Genesis quickly took me away to change my diaper, exclaiming, "Are you having an upset stomach, or are you having trouble taking a dump?"

Surprisingly, my diaper was full by the time I noticed, as was the bottle of blood. After getting my diaper changed and finishing my baby muscle training, I went to sleep.