Chapter 1
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I opened my eyes and found myself in a mysterious place filled with light. It was so bright and shining it should be called heaven.

Because of the intense light, my field of view was filled with so many colors that I couldn't tell if I was on the ground or floating!

I've worked as a slayer for a long time. In my later years, I decided to retire and went on sightseeing and exploration trips with other slayers who wanted to learn from me. Even though I am old, my sharp eyesight is still great. But right now, I can't grasp my current circumstances at all.

"Ah, Mortal, you are finally here," a grand yet calm voice echoed out of nowhere.

That's not it; I think it was just beyond the bright light!

"Who's there?" I asked as the huge, dazzling light blocked my vision.

"Oh, I see. You can't see me, huh?" The voice continued. The owner of the voice emerged from beyond the dazzling yellowish light, vindicating the light that was blocking my vision.

A lady figure sat on a magnificent long throne built from bleached, well-inscribed structures and symbols, majestically in front of me. I, the great ultimate slayer, couldn't sense her presence.

Although I could recognize her shape, as the light faded, I still couldn't distinguish her clothes, hair, or eyes because everything was white! All that white could be called beautiful!

But I'm not familiar with, nor have I met anyone with, those features.

"Who are you?" I asked, my face forming a frown.

"Oh! Calm down, Mortal! There is no need to be alarmed. I'm a goddess!"

Although she introduced herself as a goddess, there wasn't an ounce of dignity in her words. Her voice was tempting instead. But only her appearance was dignified. So, I believed she was a goddess.

"What's the meaning of this? Why can't I properly recognize you?" I asked since her body shape was all white. A perfect description of her would be "a white spirit!"

"Ah, that? You could comprehend that! You are different from other mortals! My disrupted appearance is my doing; I'm a goddess after all. If one looked directly at my real figure, that mortal soul would not be able to comprehend it. Their mind would go insane and unstable, and they would vanish. But for you to comprehend this figure and remain sane, you are indeed special."

"Oh, I see, so that's why!" I was taken aback by being called special. In honesty, I did know I was special. At the age of three months, I started walking and talking, which was uncommon and abnormal for other children. Everyone saw me as a strange child, even my mother called me a 'bad apple.' But hearing that direction from a goddess is a bit appealing to the ears.

"Yeah, so don't worry about it. In other words, it will be good for you if your level of comprehension is in this manner. So don't try to comprehend beyond your limit!"

"This white, dazzling place too?"

"Of course."

The goddess claimed to be obstructing my comprehension. I decided to believe her for the second time, although I'm still highly doubtful about her trustworthiness. After all, I was already dead at this time. It's not strange to meet a goddess after death, right?

"In other words, I'm already dead, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Though I have a feeling you had already come to terms with it."

"Yes, I have. That's why I didn't really want to hear that confirmation, though."

If my comrades or disciples had managed to call the medical team with backup, I might have survived. The head of the medical team is a high saint with overwhelming holy power. However, the resurrection of the dead was taboo for saints, and never used. According to the ideology of the temple, souls must enter the cycle of reincarnation after their life memories are erased. It's not permitted to obstruct it unless its existence controls the cycle of reincarnation itself. In addition, the saint couldn't perform that technique, and as an old man, I didn't know it either. In short, it was impossible for me to be revived!

"So, are you the goddess of reincarnation that controls the cycle of reincarnation?"

"It is very shrewd of you to think you have heard of me."

While seemingly having fun, the goddess of reincarnation got up from the throne and glitched right in front of me, looking directly into my eyes. However, the next words I heard made me think deeply about what she was implying. I said I was looking directly at her.

"Heard of you, that's right! But did you just bring everyone into limbo as you felt like it, or perhaps it's possible for me to be resurrected somehow?"

"Of course not."

"Then what is it?" After answering me, she smiled and walked back to the throne. She flicked her fingers, and a teacup, a jug with steam coming out of the tip, and a silver tray appeared out of thin air.

"Well, resurrection is impossible. However, that doesn't mean there isn't another way. I brought you here to fulfill a request—" She paused and poured the yellow, steamy tea from the jug into the cup. As she flicked her fingers, the tray and jug disappeared! She sipped the tea, took a deep breath, and, with a pleasurable expression, continued, "No. Think of it as an arrangement!"

"Hah? An arrangement? What kind?" After my question, she pointed her index finger toward me, and a beam of light hit and entered me. She then put her hand to her mouth and…

"Mufufu…" She let out an unpleasant laugh and said, "I will let you know in due time when the time is right! So let me say one thing."

"Hey, what?" I was taken aback and rendered speechless, not knowing what this so-called goddess did. Suddenly, I was hit by dizziness, and my vision became dark. She talked as I bent and groaned in confusion.

"I welcome you to a new horizon; let's make a splendid arrangement!"

Huh? Am I standing? Am I sitting? I couldn't understand what she did to me, but my vision delineated a marble pattern, like the entire space of light was turning around its axis as if it were round!


"It looks like it has already begun; oh well, I don't enjoy using cliches like this; it makes me look like an evil goddess."

"What is this? My body, what is happening?"

"Make a contract with me, and it will stop!" She said with a frown and seriousness as she sipped her tea with elegance.

"No!" I answered with force, as my head began to feel heavy like I was carrying the whole world on my head!

"I know you will say that, so I took the initiative by making you sign a contract with me. I'm returning you to your original world. Well, I also interfered with the success rate just a little bit."

"Just what are you? You made me sign a contract with you. I see, your goal all this time has been to take control of me." My eyes widened as I remembered how people always wanted to control me because I was the strongest. From an early age, I could do things most kids couldn't. I wanted to understand and comprehend greater things beyond human and monarchy comprehension. How could I not understand why my closest comrade hated me deep down because I could predict events and had wisdom that even monarchs and magicians who had lived for thousands of years and were older than me lacked? Everything that was out of place has now been put back together.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't you let my soul rest in peace and recycle?" I yelled as my body began to disintegrate bit by bit into pixels.

The goddess clenched her teeth tightly and appeared right in front of me. She pointed at my forehead and desperately smiled, "Because I'm in love with you, and I'm also jealous that all the talent and wisdom you have gained will go to waste!" After she spoke, only my head remained. She turned her back, sighed, and placed her hands behind her back before saying, "Oh, right, while I’m at it, let’s also add interference as a bonus, My love!" Tears rolled from her eyes, making her face frown and grin at the same time!

Still, in absolute rage, I revealed my now disintegrating teeth in what was meant to be a grin, but it was as eerie as a grim reaper's. I yelled, "Why??????! This doesn't justify what you just did!" No reply was heard as my consciousness was suddenly cut off, and I sank into the darkness.