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I am a 17-year-old high school student. Just an average, normal guy who dreams of achieving something great, just once in his life.

However, I feel like I could never achieve anything significant.

One thing that matters to me is anime. It's more than just a hobby; it's a passion. It saves me during my lowest times—when I feel lonely and depressed. I have few friends, but sometimes I feel distant from them, as if my existence isn't significant to them.

So, I spend countless hours binging episodes of my favorite series, immersing myself in their vibrant worlds and complex characters. Because of this, the negative emotions I feel seem to disappear. From epic battles and heartwarming friendships to intricate plots and stunning animation, anime never fails to captivate me.

When life felt overwhelming, anime provided an escape. I remember nights when I couldn't sleep, plagued by anxiety and self-doubt. I would turn to my favorite series, losing myself in the stories and finding comfort in the familiar characters.

I was especially inspired by watching Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. The hero Himmel intrigued my heart. Himmel's bravery, kindness, and strength captivated me. He's the perfect hero—a true gigachad. Even though he passed away long ago, he is never forgotten, and his actions inspire others to be like him.

Unlike me, who was a thin, weak teenager, Himmel is strong and fearless. I was bullied because of my weak physique. I can't even run a mile without passing out. My frailty only adds to my sense of insignificance.

But a part of me wants to be like him, willing to go above and beyond to protect those around me. To have a profound impact on those around me, just once in my life.

Just once.

It was supposed to be a normal evening as I walked home, where my mother was waiting for me. The city lights flickered above, casting long shadows on the pavement. The air was crisp, carrying a hint of autumn. It was dark and cold, but I was not afraid. I am brave, like Himmel.

I guess fate wanted to test my bravery. As I entered the alley, a piercing scream shattered the night.


A young girl was being attacked by a man with a knife. Fear clawed at my insides, but without hesitation, I ran towards the man and lunged at him, trying to grab the knife.

I was trying to be a hero by saving the girl. I was just trying to be like Himmel; the hero that I emulate.

Did I save the girl?

He pushed me away and tried to attack the girl again. The man's eyes is bloodshot and deadly-looking; as if he really intend to brutally murder the girl without remorse. She was frozen in fear, her eyes wide with terror.

Half-crazed, I lunged at him again, punching him in the face. He tried to retaliate, but I raged, attacking him like a madman, until he got scared and ran away.

At least, that’s what I thought happened. In reality, I only landed one strong punch. He evaded the rest of my attacks. I tried to chase him, but then I realized—I was stabbed.

Stabbed in the stomach.


Pain radiated from the wound, spreading like fire through my body. Blood poured out, staining my clothes. I dropped to the ground, fainting. I was too weak to get up. My vision blurred with each passing second.


Is the girl okay? I hope she is.

With every ounce of strength left, I got up and looked at the girl. She was shaking, crying, uttering words I couldn’t understand. She was traumatized beyond words.

“You are safe now…” I croaked, coughing up blood. I leaned against the alley wall, next to her. Slowly, I slid down, waiting for my impending demise. My vision slowly darkened, every part of my body feeling numb.

"R-run...before he finds you again...I cannot p-protect y-you anymore..."

Is this the end of my life? My mom is probably worried about me. Forgive me, mother. Your son cannot come home anymore.

“H-help us...p-please...I n-need t-to g-go h-home.” Nobody hears my dying cries.

Bystanders just looked around, pretending nothing had happened. I was too weak to let out another cry for help.

I realized that, in this world, nobody trusts anyone. It is a dangerous world where the powerless and defenseless die horrible deaths. No one is brave enough to defend them. And if they do, they end up like me—dying.

At least, this is what Himmel would have done. But I was not strong like him. I was not strong like Himmel. If I were given another chance to live, I would train to be strong like him.

To protect others like Himmel.