Vol.1 Chapter 4 • My Dearest… ?
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[Airastine Windsor POV]

Currently we were in my room in the mension. He was lying on my bed while a lot of healers and doctors were surrounding him, most showing pitying emotions. 

I was still there in my room looking at him from far enough so that it doesn't disturb the healers and doctors. 

"Young miss, why don't we wait outside and let them do what they are best at?" Henna approached me.

"..." I still couldn't take my eyes of off him. I did all this mess till now just to protect him, but look the mess I made...

"Young miss?"

"Yes, let's go." 

After exiting my room, I saw Collin staying outside, too. He gave me a deep bow before going back to his stand. I too returned it with a nod. 

"Henna, stay here and inform me if anything happens. I am going to my office."

"Yes, young miss."

My office wasn't that far from my room. It was just at the end of the hallway. 

After entering room, I sat on the chair and just stared off in to space. The sun was rising. Low rays of lights were peeking through the window blinds.

What did I do all this for?

It just harmed him more. 

My own family didn't trust the only person I kept so close to me. 

Nevermind. Who am I judge my family. I suspected the same, too. 

I thought he ran away too. 



I stood up. Walked up to a painting behind a couch in my office. Created a really complicated locking spell and the painting opened up. There was box there. Besides bunch of expensive mana stones and elixir, stood a singular upright thin box. I took the box out and opened it, to find a vile of pure red glowing liquid. 

This red glowing liquid was the only vile of ancestral dragon blood on this whole world. 

It was extracted from the only ever ancestral dragon body ever found on earth. And this is it's purest form. It took father 16 billion gold to buy this vile of blood.

It was filled to top at the start. But now 20% of it was missing. Since I was 15, I was slowly consuming it by diluting it with other mana concentraded elixir. 

It is called "the Dragon God's Blood Essence". An extravagant name if I say so. 

It also had other qualities. If taken in it's pure form without diluting, then it can also heal at an extreme rate and even regenerate limbs and although not sure can also cure a few illnesses and curses.

I took the vile and hid it in my bossom and exited the room just to see a doctor outside of my room talking to Henna. I went there as soon as possible. 

"What is situation, doctor?"

"Ah... My lady, umm... It's a bit unfortunate to say the least..."

I frowned, "What do you mean? Say it clearly."

"W-well, y-you see his condition is worse then we can even imagine. His insides are a mess. There are lots of broken bones and fractures. And there are other problems with his organs too that we couldn't thoroughly check due to his obvious state."


"So, to simply say it'll be hard for him t-to recover even with top class e-elixirs..."


Just how much harm did I cause him. I still wondered if the result would have been different if I treated you more like a friend or family than a servent... 

"Collin, get everyone out of my room."


Collin got into my room and brought every healer and doctors out. They were giving confused looks at me. But I couldn't care less. 

"Make sure no one enters."

"As you wish, my lady!"

I entered the room. It was a room I entered regularly to sleep and to rest. He would always come in the morning to wake me up and fix my messy hair. Then later when I come back to my room to sleep, he fixes everything to my liking and shuts the lights off before going out. 

Now, I was scared to enter the same room... I was scared of looking at him.

Maybe this time he will actually leave me? I-if he wants to, I will let him. I will even release the slave mark... 

I looked at him. His face was covered with bandages. Eyes, nose, ear everything was covered in bandages... It hurts to just look at him. 

Why? Why did this happen? 

I went to the bed and sat next him. 

"Hey there, my dearest..."

I couldn't get the word friend out of my mouth... 

"I-I hurt you a lot didn't I? Arlen?"

Looking at Arlen, I really couldn't let him go, could I? Neither could you. You loved me even though I did so many mean things to you...

I took out the Dragon God's Blood Essence from my bossom. Opened the lid of the vial. Just from opening the lid, the room was filled with mana.

Since his nose was broken, he could only breath through his mouth. So, it was already open. 

I was contemplating how to feed it to him properly. Since he was breathing, he will spill it as soon as it enters his mouth... 

I got a bold idea... I gulped at the thought of this bold idea that came to my mind. But I didn't have time. 

"I am sorry, okay?"

I opened the lid again and brought it close to my mouth and took it all in, in my mouth. I then closed my mouth. I felt like I was pouting like I used to do when I was a kid. My lips formed an upward curve. 

I brought my lips close to Arlen's and connected my lips with his. It was just a kiss. Lip to lip kiss, nothing else. But still it was both of our first... It's his first, right? 

I stopped his breathing with my lips and slowly pried open the lips again with my tongue to secure the pathway. Then I extended my tongue over his as much as I can. When I couldn't extend anymore, I slowly unclasped my lips and let the essence enter his tongue. 

There was an immediate rejection from his breathing, but I still held it down and kept my tongue strongly over his and started breathing out to push the essence in. It was almost like one of those lewd kiss... Even without looking at a mirror, I could tell I was as bright as a tomato. 

But I still kept it up, until all the essence went down his throat. And he was starting to breath again. I parted my lips from his with a bit of... regret. 

Looking at him now, his lips were red due to the lipstick I wear. I blushed once again. I tried to wipe it with my handkerchief but just held it over and looked at him... 

"Hey, Arlen, I wonder, do you hate me now? Because I don't think I ever could hate you." And I went for another kiss. And another and another. I don't know how many I gave him. But I couldn't count and I couldn't stop.

After all, I always loved him. It was love at first sight.

I finally stopped and leaned over his chest to hear his heartbeat. Now, that I think about it, his heart was always beating faster than others since childhood. I could fall asleep to this sound. 

*Knock knock*

I was jolted out of my trance. I stood up and noticed the red lipstick on Arlen's lips. I quickly wiped it down. And casted another pair of healing spells to quickly check and it seems like he was healing really fast. 

Thank God. 

I went to the door and answered it. 

"What is it, Henna?" I asked with a serious expression. 

"Umm..., young lady, these men are saying to not hold the patient down any longer or he might become unstable."

"... Alright tell them it's fine to come in now."

For some reason, Collin kept on staring at me. 

"What is it, Collin?"

"Young lady, did you use the... essence on him?"

"... Don't tell it to father, okay?" I quickly shot him down. 

"... Yes."

"Good, you can go rest now. I will be staying here."

"I will stand guard then."

"... Fine do whatever you want."

And I walked back to my room to see the reactions of the doctor.




[Next Night]

Since I couldn't sleep at night, I fell sleep in the evening on Arlen's  chest caring for him.

Even though I woke up, I liked to stay put at his chest and listen to his heartbeat. 

It really is too fast.


I jolted up to see Henna and the head doctor standing in place. Henna had a bit of a smirk... I fixed myself and quickly went to serious mode.

"What is it?"

"The doctor has something to say, young miss."

I looked at the doctor and prompted him to continue. 

"My lady, as far as we have seen, it seemed like full recovery is 100% possible."

Thank God. 

I saw Collin peeking from the door but didn't mind it. 

"I don't know what elixir you fed him, but it's working extremely well. I would have loved to test on fhe elixir."

"It was limited product."

The mood went awkward... 


"Y-yes. Although everything went well, it still couldn't treat his illness. That's a shame."


Me, Henna and even Collin were confused.

I activated my eyes of wisdom. 


"Hmm? Yes?" The doctor was giving off confused emotions and also not lying. 

"What illness? He never had any"

"Huh? I heard from records that he had a weak body, no?"

"Yes, he did."

"Then he definitely did have terminal illness before this."


He has what?! Terminal Illness?

"Terminal Illness?"


"... W-what is the illnesses effect?"

I was scared, I didn't want to hear it. 

"Well, you see he has weak heart, due to it most of his meridian and vessels ar a mess. It must hurt for him every few days or when ever he does any kind of exercise. Since the heart is so weak, the heart beats twice as fast to compensate the blood circulation, but it's still not enough. That is also one of the reason why his heart hurts, due constraining it. Since the blood circulation is so low, so that's why is body is so pale."

It... It was all truth. Not a single lie in what he said.

I was shocked. Now, that I think about it, Arlen since childhood couldn't train much and would tighten his fist around his heart after... 

He did tell me it was okay and normal for him.

D-don't tell me... He knew?


A/N- POV finished. Next chapter on Arlen POV, too.

Happy reading