Vol.1 Chapter 2 • Me & My Dear Friend
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[Airastine Windsor POV]

Growing up as a child, I understood I was special. I had white hair and red ruby eyes.

I was a princess, adored by both my parents, the Emperor and the Empress and my three elder brothers. 

I was given whatever, I wished for. It didn't matter if it's worth 1 gold or worth 1 million gold. 

And at the age of nine, I was chosen as an incarnation of the Archangel Uriel. The angel of Wisdom, Fate, Destiny and Prophecy. Not long after I awoke as a mage, too. 

I knew my importance as a princess was growing more and more. Due to that, I had to treat others differently. That went for almost everyone. Even including my close friend... no, now my servent and butler in training, too.

Though I was more mellow with him on private, but on public I was harsh. Too harsh I feel like. 

One day wondering through the city, I bought him as a slave when I was just 8. He fascinated me, I suppose. He was... beautiful to say the least. At first I didn't even notice that he was a male. 

After buying him, alot of debate was put into who should bear his mark of obedience. Since I was a tender princess, nobody wanted my body to have even a mark.

But I forcefully put it on me. Just below my abdomen. It was mark that let me know if he was alive or not, let me give him forceful orders and even pull him towards me even if he was on the other end of the earth. 

I took care of him. I taught him, trained him, cut his hair, cleaned him. I just adored him for some reason. Even after all this he was cold to me. But as people say time eventually fixes things. And the same went for him, too. He started caring for me, too. I trusted and adore him. 

When I first became the incarnation of Uriel, one of the powers I got was, the "Eyes of Wisdom and Fate." I wasn't ever able to fully control it's power, but the highest I can do is turn it on and off. 

At the beginning, the eyes only had one power, that was differentiating one's emotions. I could understand one's happy, sad, jealousy, respect, playful, love, anger, murderous, rage, envy and more and more emotions. 

It didn't occur to me just how useful this ability was. At first I just felt love and adore from everyone one, since I met only a selected few. And when I met my dearest friend there was only two emotions respect and love... I didn't really feel much from respect but the love from him made my heart beat so much that it made me happy. 

But after a few more interactions there was envy, jealousy, anger and I felt it, murderous emotion from somebody towards me. I didn't know why and how but I was scared. So, I held my dear friend for life and moved to my friends room for the whole day. I told him what I saw and he calmly told me to go to my father and tell him so. 

I did as he said while I held him the whole time. He was neither annoyed nor mad. He had the same emotions as always respect and love. After telling father, he locked up the people I told him about and found out that they were from enemy nations, here to assassinate me. 

It shocked me and scared me. I was worried that something will eventually happen to me and my people, specially my dear friend. So, I started to change. But I didn't change much to my friend. Because I was sure he would be as powerful as me. But fate didn't play like that. 

Eventually I became 10, and awakened as a mage. I had affinity towards water, ice, gravity and light. I was a rare one once again. 

The age of 10 was the prime time for people to awaken and get incarnation offer. Some even get it early like me. But for some reason, my friend wasn't like that. Even after the age of 12, he didn't awaken nor became an incarnation. 

His body was awfully weak. He didn't have much strength. But he still prscticed martial arts and trained his body. And if he was sometimes excessive he would get sick. Due to being this weak my family objected to him being my butler. But I objected.

It was simple, I needed to be stronger than everyone to protect him. But I wasn't currently.

Since he didn't have the power to protect himself, I was worried. Worried that people will harm him instead of me. Therefore I didn't want others to suspect that he was close to me and was anything else to me besides a servent. 

I started scolding him and insulting him. For the first two years he didn't show any extra emotions than sad and sorrow. But after 14, there was a big change. Yes, I was at fault. I scolded him due to messing up an important letter. I even insulted him for his slave status stating he was nothing more than a slave servent... 

Honestly, I didn't mind his mistake. But if I didn't do anything here people would start suspecting once again. That's why I went that far. But I didn't expect such a big change from him. All of the respect disappeared. Remained sadness, sorrow, love and... mad. He was mad for the first time. Even the love got fainter. 

For some reason, the mad emotions didn't faze me. What hurt me the most was that his love for me got fainter. I was panicking about what to do. But honestly, I could do nothing. There was always guards near me. So, I couldn't show open affection for him. I wanted to hug him once again, talk to him, hold his hands just like when we were children. But I couldn't.

This farce continued. His love for me got fainter and fainter. Other emotions started appearing. Anger, jealousy, envy and more. It hurts more than I can imagine. 

But I was growing stronger, too. I eventually manifested my first pair of angel wings. Many couldn't even manifest one in their entire life. And I menisfestrd one pair already. Since Uriel had four pairs of wings, this was a big deal. It meant I could now have one fourth of Uriela full power.

I could manifest Uriel's power more clearly. I was physically stronger due to it, too. But the important thing was my eyes got more powerful. 

My eyes now showed wisdom. It also let me detect mana, life force and so much more. I could see people's mana and life force through walls and so on. It's spatial awareness also increased. As I trained and killed monsters, I got stronger and stronger.

Eventually, as I became 19, I decided to join the academy for further progress. And I chose my dear friend as my escort and servent to the academy. He was still weak but he did exceptional job while serving me. So, just him was more than perfect, since I was already powerfull than most guards. He did aid me daily from waking up to sleep at my own mension, so I wasn't worried.

"My lady, here is your evening tea." My dear friend always made the most exceptional tea and served it to me when ever I desired.

"Yes, you can leave."

"As you wish, my lady."

After he was gone, I asked the maid besides me. 

"So, don't you think he is more than okay for the academy?"

"Yes, young miss but... He is still... a man."

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes, young miss."

The maid standing besides me was, Henna, the head maid. She was with me since I was a baby and one of my trusted personnel.

"Young miss, you should rest for today. You already went monster hunting, then trained and now you are working."

"It's okay, Henna. I am fine."

"You are not, young miss. You haven't rested for weeks."

"As I said, I am fine-"

I suddenly started feeling dizzy and pain from my core... 

Must be due to over-extersion. I was alread a late stage Super mage. So, I thought... I should be... okay...

"Young miss?! Miss!"

I lost my consciousness. That's the last thing I remember...


A/N- Don't hate our girl Airastine. She is just an insecure child that grew up in a sheltered environment. She is also trying her best! 

This POV will continue till chapter 4.

Anyway Happy Reading!