Vol. 1 Chapter 1 • Torture
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I was tied up in a room. Dark and cold. No food neither water. I was being tortured. 

My fingers and toes were broken. Nails pulled out. Teeth fallen. Eyes damaged. Nose broken. Severely beaten. Shocked by shock collars. Blood everywhere. 

Why? I don't know. Or maybe I do. 

The master I serve, my lady, Airastine Windsor, the Emperor's one and only daughter, had fallen unconscious. I was her servant, a butler in training to server my lady. 

After my lady had fallen unconscious, they put it on me as I was one of the closest servent to her. I wasn't immediately executed, which I was expecting but rather put in a jail. Shocking to be honest. Knowing how much her family adores her.

Recently though, I was broken out of the jail by some people I didn't know. And they placed me in an even worse place and tortured me while asking questions related to my lady. 

I didn't answer, so I was tortured. 

I think it was night now. They didn't bother me at night, which was the only time I could breath in a bit, without hurting. I was still confined to a chair. Sometimes even hung on the ceiling.

I think it's been 7 days since she fell unconscious.


What do I do? I don't know. I felt it, I was dying. I was already ill to begin with. With terminal illness which makes my heart and body this weak, I knew that today will be my last. 

My breathing was rough, it hurts to just even breath. So I was pretty much aware that even if I made it out somehow, no ordinary person could save me. 



I tried to stretch a bit since my muscle were so stiff due to not being able to move but that was the wrong choice, as I was shocked once more. 

"Kuggghhhhh....! Uhgghhh... Haaahh haaagh haaaa..."

My breathing was still heavy, I couldn't feel my body-


"Whoa! Would you look at that, our prisoner is still somehow alive~"

I heard one of the three the voice I have been hearing for the past 5 days. 

"Hey hey, answer me something okay? It has nothing to do with your master, okay?"

Sorry, but even if I wanted to I don't think my jaws are well enough to. 

"Why did you keep so quiet regarding your master, huh?"


"I heard she insults you when ever she can including in front of everyone. She says you are pretty useless, can't do your job and you aren't even chosen as an incarnation by an angel."

... It is as this man says. I wasn't appreciated by my lady, neither her family. 

"You were just a thrown away child, sold as slave just to be bought by her. And it's not even like she treated you good enough. So what's with this loyalty?"

I couldn't answer even if my jaw was alright. Since, I was from a noble family born with a sickly body with terminal illness, so I was thrown away to the wilderness at a tender age. Only to be salvaged by slave traders.

Luckily, bought by a child of my own age of 8. Marked by the obedience mark of slaves, I couldn't escape. But it wasn't like I wasn't treated fairly after I was bought out. She fed me, kept me clean, taught me, trained me, played with me and cared for me. Just like a friend.

But as we grew, she become cold. She was chosen by one of the 4 archangels Uriel. She was a blessed incarnation and a mage. Also being the only princess of the empire made her worth even more. 

But what was I? A thrown away noble with terminal illness. I had good looks, yes. If I was sold to somebody else besides my lady, I would probably be a famous male escort as one of servants said. I had a good body with an astonishingly beautiful face with silver hair, so it was understandable that I was detested due to this luck of mine.

I have never told anybody this history of mine or even my illness, not even to my lady. And I don't think anybody would ever be interested to know. 

"It would have been better to just rattle them out. We would have treated you better anyway."

Like hell you would. You'd just kill me and throw me away.

He lightly slapped me to check my consciousness.

"Hey, you alive? Are you still not going to answer me? Well, to be honest it doesn't even matter since today is your last day anyway."

Then he started me beating me once again. In my face, ribs, stomach, head, my lungs. 

"Kuhgghhh... Haahhh... Haahhh..."

"Hahaha it's fun beating people, you know."

He didn't give me a break. He just continued the constant assault. To the point, where I think I truly am just a step away from death's door. 

I was losing my consciousness as I heard a sound-

"___-o are __u pe__le?! Arggghh!!!"

"____, is _e o__ey? Che__ his ___als!"

"Info____ __e lady, fa__!"

"No ne__, move!"

"My la_y!"


"___ _____ ____ ____."

"____ ___ ___ ___." 

"___ ___-"

I lost my consciousness...




Even though I lost consciousness, I felt like I was looking somewhere. Somewhere filled with darkness.



I turned around or I thought so, to see a silhouette of a man. That man had folded up wings in his back and multiple horns pointing upward and towards the front of his face. 

(Who are you?)

Unlike the man, I couldn't talk. 

"I am an angel... No... Somebody close to an angel perse."

(You can hear my thinking?)

"Well, no not really. You aren't really thinking. Since you aren't in your body, whenever you are trying to talk to me it's just being transmitted to my mind."

He said shrugging with his hand. 

(Not in my body?)

"Yes, or how'd you be here?"

(...So, that means I am dead?)

"Hmm? No. You are alive... Barely. No well actually you are doing pretty good now."


(So, how was I here?) 

"Because I pulled you in."


"Well, to propose an interesting offer to you."


I was reluctant to hear his offer since I could feel the darkness from him. But he wasn't a demon... 

Demon's don't have wings like that of an Angel.

"I can understand your reluctancy, but listen first, okay?"


"Be my incarnation."


"Use my full power, but in return provide me something."

I knew it. He was probably an entity from the darkness alignment. Probably a demon but I wasn't sure. Since angels don't really ask for anything when offering one to be an incarnation of theirs. 

But still-

(What is it that you want?)

The man smiled... A creepy wide smile that I couldn't comprehend. 

"Provide me the story of your life!"


I didn't understand what he meant. What story? 

"Show me your way, your emotions, your desire, your evil, your darkness."

The man said with great enthusiasm.


"I just need you to show me your story, that's it!"

... What? I was confused. It didn't seem harmful to me, but rather overwhelming advantageous to me. 

There was no involvement of taking in evil or corruption that could erode me of my existence or anything that can harm me. 



(Why are you giving me such an outrageous one-sided offer?)

"... Ahahahahaha.. Ahahahahaaa... Because, I find you interesting."


His laugh was menacing. I couldn't tell if he was evil or not. He was mysterious. I couldn't understand him. 


(Will that truly be enough?)

"Why? Do you think it's not good for me?"

(Truthfully, yes.)

"... Don't misunderstand child. I can do whatever I wish for, it's not like you will ever be able to take advantage of my full power. It isn't even truly that beneficial to you as much as you are thinking. You will have trouble just to control the power I will provide."


"So, once again, deal?"

... Well, whatever it's not like life could get any worse. 


"Hehehe... Ahaahahha!"


He was laughing once again. This time... it was horrifying... Menacing. 

As he was laughing his horns started to grow more, and the wings in his back unfolded. 

1 2 3 4... 5?

5 pairs of wing???


 Even the leader of the angels Michael has 4 pairs. And demons don't even have wings, they have horns and tails.

As he was unfolding himself-

"Done deal!"

This time... his voice was... evil. Pure evil. I could tell. I was shivering, at least that's what it felt like as his darkness devoured me. 

"Well then, I will be with you, watching your story."

I couldn't feel much, since the darkness engulfed me. But I could hear atleast. I was curious about one thing though. His-


"Ahh... Yes. My name. For now, just call me Iblis."



Okay, I'll remember... It. 


A/N- Hey! New series by me! 

Got a bit of an inspiration from ORV. 

Do give me feed back regarding the chapters that will come!

Happy Reading!