10 – A New Armor Card
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Chapter 10 – A New Armor Card

In the forest, hidden among the trees, Lucan observed what was in front of him: a water source.

A small pond!

For Lucan, this was the solution to his problems. With a source of meat and water, he could stay alive, even if only for a while, until something powerful killed him. At least he would face his end with a full stomach.

Having resolved his basic needs, he could think more clearly, establish himself, and gradually look for other survivors sent by the Bonfire's return error. There might be hope, but he wasn't deluding himself. Because right in front of him was the entrance to a cave, and he knew something might be inside.

Could there be someone? A camp in there? No, if there were, there would be signs outside. It's likely a cursed den just like the monster in the asylum… It could be a single strong monster… or several inside. Again, my lack of knowledge hinders me. If I see an enemy, how will I know their strength level? How will I know I'm not facing a powerful creature?

Thirst was overwhelming him. He might have managed to sleep, but he hadn't fully recovered. Clyde had given him only a little water to save, and it had been some time since he had eaten. The two fights had left him exhausted, and Lucan was running out of options.

I'm not crazy enough to drink this water as is. Who knows what kind of trouble that would cause. I need a container to store it and find a way to heat it in a pot. Damn… why was I so curious? Now I'm anxious, wanting to drink that damn water.

At that moment, Lucan was frustrated for not having brought anything to store the water. He could go back now, knowing the way, but the den didn't seem active, and he feared losing this chance.

Screw it, I'll wet my shirt… but what good would that do? I wouldn't get enough liquid to be worth boiling.

The urge to drink was strong, but he had enough control not to fall into that trap. Drinking unclean water, especially in a haunted place, was not ideal. He still needed a container.


Lucan paused to reflect on what he was considering.

The glove, that damn glove.

Taking off the glove, he noticed there were no holes in the finger area, only the wrist was damaged. Lucan could store water inside the glove.

But I smeared blood on it, that's going to be really gross. I'll need to clean it first and then go to another part of the pond to get water.

Carefully, he crouched and crept towards the pond along the shortest route. After cleaning the glove and storing water, he could return to that house and leave the glove there. Then he would only need to find a pot to boil the water and remove its impurities.

Keeping an eye on the den, he continued towards the pond. Upon reaching it, he began to wash the glove. Right away, he filled it with water and checked for leaks.


He continued cleaning, removing all the dirt and dried blood, scrubbing it as much as possible.

It won't be perfect, but I'll boil the water anyway.

Finally, Lucan's spirits were lifting.

Even being a small pond, he didn't lower his guard, knowing that there could be something there. Even seeing the shallow bottom, he was aware that supernatural and dangerous things existed in that world.

After thoroughly cleaning the glove, he moved a bit away from where he had thrown the dirt. For a moment, he considered taking a bath but didn't want to push his luck.

That would be courting death.

He let the glove fill with water. Now he just needed to get back and put it in a safe place to prepare and look for a pot. "Water straight from a pond in front of a den… no one will believe me if I tell this."

Staring at the den, he sighed in relief, but as soon as he turned his eyes, he saw something slowly approaching him.

Oh, shit! Oh, shit!

In the forest, a wolf was coming, crouching and ready to pounce on its distracted prey.

"Damn it!"

Lucan cursed and stepped back, putting distance between himself and the monstrous wolf. This wolf was slightly larger than the other two. As soon as he drew his sword, the wolf leapt at him. Lucan tried to strike with the sword but was knocked into the pond. The sword fell somewhere far from him.

"Well, at least I took a bath…"

His arm was bleeding; the wolf had scratched him.

I'm injured! I'm screwed.

He stood up from the middle of the pond and backed away. The large wolf came running at him. Without time to think, he conjured his hammer and dodged to the side while trying to hit the wolf, but it didn't work, and the hammer flew away.

At least I tried.

He ran and rolled, trying to get to the pond to retrieve his sword. Diving into the water, he managed to find it. The wolf sneered as if challenging him to try his luck with that weapon.

"Another damn beast that tilts its head at me…"

The wolf leaped at Lucan, who dodged, running away while trying to strike the monster. Running towards the den, he conjured his torch and threw it inside.

Great, had to make sure there weren't a bunch of friends in there…

"So, you’re the owner of this place."

He dismissed the torch and the fallen hammer.

The wolf continued towards him without concern. Lucan readied his sword, and the wolf lunged, but to his surprise, the boy ran deeper into the cave.

The monster, knowing its territory, followed and saw that the boy was in a dead end.

"Looks like you're my jailer…"

Lucan jumped to strike but was knocked back. On the ground, the wolf stared at him, preparing for the final attack. As it leaped at the boy, it saw him disappear into the wall.

The wolf stopped, confused, looking around.

"Over here!"

The boy emerged beside it and shoved something into its mouth. The wolf jumped, having just swallowed something hot that burned it continuously, and was desperate.

"This torch never goes out, you bastard!"

Rolling under it, Lucan used his sword like a spear, stabbing it deep into the wolf's throat from below.

Is it just me, or did I somehow get stronger?

The desperate wolf, burning inside, barely reacted as the sword pierced its neck. Letting out a horrible howl, it convulsed, jumping from wall to wall. The large wolf tried to expel the torch but choked on its own blood, forcing the torch even further inside.

The wolf was frantic, and meanwhile, Lucan conjured his hammer and smashed its head with all his strength, each blow more powerful than the last, draining all his energy. Each hit made a cracking sound, and the wolf howled in desperation, its tone rising and falling. The wolf finally collapsed, but Lucan didn't stop.

He saw life in the eyes of the frenzied monster and continued hitting it with all his might.

"You definitely wouldn't stop even if I begged."

He kept hitting harder and harder, his strength waning, until his hammer slipped from his hand, and he fell, sitting and staring into the lifeless eyes of the creature.

[You killed a Peculiar Wild Alpha Wolf]

[You claimed a card]

"I've never been so happy…" he said, panting and lying on the ground.

Without even getting up, he dismissed the torch and the hammer. Conjuring his torch in his hands, he was grateful for being able to improvise that.

Good thing this thing doesn't stop burning even with water and blood.

"I… never play fair."

Dismissing the torch, he conjured his new card. As soon as he saw it, a smile appeared on his face.

[Midnight Mantle

Description: Every pack leader needs a decent and stylish attire

Effects: (Physical Attack Resistance) (Wolf Senses) (Lupine Regeneration) Rarity: Ultra-Rare]

Lucan's smile grew even wider as he read the description of the enchantments.