Chapter 009: Other Normal Humans?
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The air outside is somewhat crisp, and despite the surrounding darkness shrouded in mist, there is no strange smell. Instead, it lacks much of the former polluted air, as if the city has become clearer after all industries ceased operation and the crowds left.

Xu Zhi inhaled the mist gently, and even though it carried no discernible scent, she found herself craving more. As she subtly restrained this urge and slowed her breathing, she felt her throat tightening slightly, as if addicted to something that hadn't been satisfied, leaving her feeling uneasy. However, after taking several deep breaths, the sensation subsided, as if some vital element within her body had been replenished and no longer sought rebellion.

This was strange, even eerie. Xu Zhi's mind raced with thoughts, wondering if inhaling too much of this mist would hasten her descent into madness. However, there was no turning back; she was already enveloped in the fog, and breathing it in was inevitable. And compared to those fears, her throat had felt so parched and desperate for air that she suspected she would suffocate if she didn't breathe deeply.

At this point, Xu Zhi could only pay closer attention to any changes occurring in her body, rather than dwelling on her regret for not restraining herself.

The streets were eerily silent, with only the faint sounds of Xiao Yi crawling on the ground and spitting out its tongue audible. Despite it being the wee hours of the morning, before the dawn had broken, and the streetlights in the city remained unlit, Yet, Xu Zhi could faintly make out the shapes of her surroundings. If not for the veil of mist, she would have felt she could see even more clearly.

Was it the moonlight that pierced through the mist, illuminating the surroundings?

Yet, even the daylight during the day couldn't fully penetrate the dense mist, so how could the moonlight possibly do so?

Xu Zhi didn't dwell on this question for too long. From years of self-study, she had learned to temporarily set aside problems she couldn't understand.

The early morning streets were unusually quiet, almost too silent. Xu Zhi had walked for over ten minutes without encountering any danger, which was somewhat surprisingly smooth compared to her expectations. It seemed that this area didn't have any monsters that remained awake during the midnight hours.

It took approximately thirty minutes to walk from her original home to the old residential area behind the Bell and Drum Tower. She had already scouted out the specific house she intended to stay in the previous day by controlling a dog. It was a house occupied by a single female, and the owner had left hurriedly, leaving the door unlocked. Xu Zhi planned to temporarily "borrow" the accommodation.

And the lack of a key wasn't an issue since she didn't plan on leaving the house anyway.

Those who have left this city are unlikely to return, so I can ask my spirit pets to search for a more suitable residence in the old neighborhood later. Currently, I will settle down in this temporary abode.

As Xu Zhi walked forward, deep in thought, she rounded a corner. Despite not hearing or sensing anything, she witnessed Xiao Yi suddenly darting forward like a black lightning bolt, its head snapping up to reveal a gaping maw, and clamping down on a wild dog that had been hiding in the shadows, preparing to attack her.

The entire process was silent. Neither Xiao Yi nor the dog, which was killed instantly, made much noise. Xu Zhi could only faintly see that the wild dog's paws seemed thicker than usual, and then the entire dog was swallowed by Xiao Yi.

Once again, Xiao Yi's bulky body bulged slightly after swallowing an entire prey, but it quickly resumed its original form in the very next moment, continuing to be vigilant of its surroundings as if the whole incident had just been a routine and insignificant interlude.

Witnessing this scene, Xu Zhi finally realized the truth that the giant snake, which appeared so docile and pet-like in front of her, was actually an excellent hunter.

Since leaving the apartment, Xu Zhi had been feeling tense and anxious, but witnessing this scene made her feel a little more at ease. She couldn't deny that it gave her a sense of security.

Her combat ability was not superior to that of the wild dog. If Xiao Yi had disobeyed her and wanted to devour her, it wouldn't have been a difficult task. However, because Xiao Yi had always displayed obedience and affection towards her from the beginning, she had let her guard down. But now, there was a genuine sense of closeness and affection in this relationship.

Without any further mishaps along the way, she arrived smoothly at the old residential area, guided by Xiao Yi.

Xu Zhi cannot guarantee that this residential area is safe. To be honest, there should be no absolutely safe place in this city. The reason why it was chosen here is purely because the puppy is here, so the decision was made accordingly.

As Xu Zhi approached the corridor of the residential building where the room was located, she paused first. After all, this old-fashioned neighborhood didn't have an elevator, so she had to ask Xiao Yi to help her carry her wheelchair upstairs.

However, as soon as she paused, she heard a subtle sound coming from the corridor, somewhat resembling the deliberately muffled footsteps of someone descending the stairs.

She had already prepared herself for the possibility of encountering monsters here and even planned to have her spirit pets "clear out" the area after moving into the room. However, unexpectedly, on the first day of her stay, she encountered a relatively normal-looking woman.

The person had just descended from the stairs and, upon reaching the corner, encountered Xu Zhi who had just entered the corridor and had not yet had the chance to stand up from her wheelchair.

Since they were already inside the corridor, the fog was not as dense as outside. A faint light from an unknown source allowed Xu Zhi to see the person standing on the stairs slightly clearer. The person was tall, estimated to be around one meter seventy-five centimeters, with a high ponytail and dressed in sportswear, resembling a college student. Upon seeing Xu Zhi, the person immediately stopped and looked at her with caution, their body reacting instinctively as they raised a knife that they were holding in their hand.

The eyes were not black, but appeared normal like those of a regular person. The expression was also normal, reflecting the natural caution and suspicion one would have when encountering a stranger in such a place. Especially upon seeing Xiao Yi, the person immediately showed signs of alarm and tension in their body language.

Even so, Xu Zhi did not let her guard down.

Xu Zhi could imagine that the other person must be feeling quite perplexed at the moment, considering the odd sight of a young girl in a wheelchair accompanied by a python.

For a moment, the corridor fell silent. Xu Zhi remained motionless, while Xiao Yi spat out its tongue and stared at the woman upstairs. When not facing Xu Zhi, Xiao Yi exuded a menacing aura of a cold-blooded predator, making the woman standing on the stairs hesitate to make any sudden movements. The two sides remained in a delicate stalemate, neither party daring to speak first.

Finally, Xu Zhi took the initiative to maneuver her wheelchair backward slightly, making room for the woman. She turned to Xiao Yi and said, "Come here, don't frighten her."

The air around them finally began to move again.

Upon hearing Xu Zhi's command, Xiao Yi obediently "carried" the suitcase over to her side, using its body to shield her, much like a devoted guard.

Xu Zhi spoke not for any other reason but to test the woman's reaction.

As soon as the woman heard Xu Zhi speak, her gaze shifted to her. Upon seeing Xiao Yi obediently following Xu Zhi's command, she couldn't contain her surprise and curiosity, but quickly regained her composure. Standing in place for a moment, she seemed hesitant but eventually made a decision. She nodded slightly at Xu Zhi as a gesture of thanks and then, with a tense air about her, began walking towards them.

She was heading out.

Xu Zhi's gaze fell on the knife in the woman's hand. It was not a common knife but rather had an antique and handsome appearance. Xu Zhi had seen it on TV and knew it was called a Tang Dao. Since the woman was using it as a weapon, it must have been sharpened. However, Xu Zhi couldn't fathom how the woman had obtained such a restricted knife.

Xu Zhi realized that she wasn't feeling particularly nervous. Instead, she watched the woman walk past her with a sense of ease and composure, despite the woman's obvious tension and restraint.

She could even sense the woman's apprehension towards her and Xiao Yi. It was undoubtedly a normal human being.

Xu Zhi's interest was piqued. So, besides her, there were also some humans who could resist the mental erosion of the mist. What were the commonalities among such people?

Why is the other person staying here, and what are they doing now as they head out?

Does she know any other normal humans?

With these thoughts in mind, Xu Zhi called out, "Hey," just as the woman was about to step out of the corridor.

Suddenly, the voice of a young girl, somewhat hoarse and gentle, echoed in the not-so-spacious corridor. The woman's back stiffened, and Xu Zhi could even sense a hint of a killing intent emanating from her rigid posture, as if she would retaliate immediately if Xu Zhi made any sudden moves.

Xu Zhi smiled and said, "Sister, don't be nervous. I just wanted to ask, do you live here?"

Upon hearing this, the woman turned her head to look at Xu Zhi but did not answer her question.

Somehow, Xu Zhi was reminded of how just a few days ago, she had been the "poor little thing" who didn't dare to speak up when someone knocked on her door. The current situation felt somewhat similar.

Thinking about this, Xu Zhi found it somewhat amusing and let out a laugh.

Not ignoring the confusion in the woman's eyes, Xu Zhi continued with a smile in her voice, "I just moved here and don't know much. If we're neighbors, perhaps we could exchange some information?"

"You know, it's not very safe right now. It's not a bad thing to know more."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, she was somewhat surprised to find that her social skills were actually quite good.

After listening for a few seconds, the woman nodded and asked tentatively, "Alright, where do you live? I'll be back within two hours. Can I find you then?"

She was really cautious, even reluctant to reveal where she lived.

Xu Zhi maintained her good-natured demeanor, but her next words caused the woman's expression to change.

"Perhaps you could tell me where you live instead, sister? After all, as you can see, it's dangerous for me to casually reveal where I live with my current situation."

The way she spoke pitifully, coupled with Xiao Yi obediently lying at her feet, created a somewhat eerie scene.

Unable to refuse any longer, the woman told her that she lived in the room on the left side of the third floor.

With the answer received, Xu Zhi smiled brightly and said, "See you later."

The woman nodded stiffly, also saying "see you later" back to her, and then left without looking back.

After the woman left, Xu Zhi sat silently for a moment, reflecting on her recent actions. It was the first time she had completely followed her own desires and spoken freely, feeling unexpectedly good about it. Although she was relying on Xiao Yi's presence to assert herself, and her own strength was not exceptional, amounting to bullying someone because of her position, Xu Zhi found herself enjoying this feeling. She began to wonder if the mist had influenced her, making her behave more aggressively. Then, she thought to herself that perhaps she was naturally inclined to be mischievous.

However, neither of these explanations was satisfactory. While she was able to intimidate this woman today, she might not be able to coerce others tomorrow. Xu Zhi realized that she needed more powerful creatures under her control, and her own strength also needed to improve.

Regarding whether the woman would leave directly, Xu Zhi didn't care much. Even if she did, there would be other normal humans, and they would meet eventually.