Chapter 004: The Transcendent?
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Fortunately, Xu Zhi was used to hiding her emotions at home, so she had good facial expression management and didn't make a ridiculous face when the fruit appeared in front of her.

She remained silent for a few seconds, then reached out with the tip of her finger and gently touched the black fruit.

It was slightly cool, with a smooth surface, resembling a glass marble.

Xu Zhi held the fruit in her hand and lifted it to her face. It felt like she was imagining it, but she somehow thought she could see black liquid swirling inside the fruit, which resembled a glass marble.

"Is this thing edible?" she wondered, and when she looked down, she saw a line of text appear on the game screen.

【You are pondering the origin and purpose of this fruit. You have thought about many things, but sometimes things are not that complicated. This is just a fruit. It can be a seed that grows into a towering tree over a long period of time and energy, or it can have a simpler purpose...】

【Or it can be eaten.】

Based on the surprised tone of the narrator when Xu Zhi found the fruit, she judged that it must be a relatively precious item in the early stages of the game. After some deliberation, she decided to feed it to the small snake. If there were no issues, she would try eating one herself when she found another one.

"But how do I put this back into the game?"

As soon as the young girl spoke, the black fruit in her hand disappeared.

Xu Zhi immediately realized this and opened the game's inventory, where she indeed found the black fruit.

She clicked on the fruit and chose to feed it to the small snake.

【Good choice, your spirit pet really needs it】

【After eating this unidentified fruit, a large amount of energy began to wreak havoc in the spirit pet's body, and it needed to find a safe place to digest the energy from this fruit as soon as possible.】

【Please choose: Find a safe location to sleep and digest the fruit. Estimated time: one hour.】

"One hour?"

Xu Zhi was surprised. The previous upgrades combined didn't take long, but digesting this fruit would take an hour?

She began to look forward to what kind of surprise the small snake would bring her after fully digesting the fruit in one hour.

Moreover, she had woken up and started playing the game without even washing up. This hour would give her time to get ready.

By the time Xu Zhi slowly finished getting ready, wheeled her wheelchair into the living room, poured a cup of warm water, and took all her medication in small batches, the time had almost arrived.

She looked at the handheld game console's screen, waiting for the countdown to end.

【Your spirit pet struggled to digest a portion of the fruit's energy, it was still too weak to fully absorb the fruit's power, but even so, it gained a considerable amount.】

【Level Lv3 → Lv10】

【Mind: 120

Body: 480

Property: Blade

Traits: Poison Lv5, Sharpness Lv3, Bloodlust Lv3, Cunning Lv1】

【Current Evolution Points Required: 0/1000】

【Your spirit pet has reached level 10 and has awakened its spirit, so you can name it.】


Xu Zhi did not expect that a small fruit could bring such a big boost to the little snake, she sighed as she looked at the screen at the spiritual pet whose body had skyrocketed like a black python, but what made her even more excited was this: when the game showed that the little snake's level had risen to level ten, her body had also ushered in a wave of more noticeable changes.

Her breathing became more relaxed, and the constant feeling of weakness in her body subsided a bit. The sensation of dizziness was reduced, and now she could suddenly turn her head without feeling nauseous. However, her heart didn't seem to have improved much, indicating that simply leveling up the snake to level 10 wasn't enough.

However, at least now she didn't have to worry about suddenly dying of a heart attack.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Zhi decided to name the small snake "Xiaoyi."

Yes, it was indeed as simple and straightforward as that. Xu Zhi quickly acknowledged that she had no talent for naming things.

There's no shame in that!

The young girl angrily pressed the "confirm" button.

【Possessing a name, your spirit pet also finally possesses intelligence and is able to slowly absorb the energy that exists around it to increase its evolution points. From now on, you only need to take control in the general direction, and your spirit pet will fulfill your orders on its own.】

"What does that mean?"

Xu Zhi was initially confused, but then she saw options appear on the screen.

【Please choose: 1. Let the spirit pet continue to upgrade as soon as possible, 2. Let the spirit pet search for the mysterious items left in this land, 3. Rest】

Xu Zhi chose option 1, and a line of text appeared on the screen again.

【Your spirit pet has accepted your command, and based on the cunning in its trait, it has a reduced probability of injury and death, and a reduced likelihood of fighting for its life to hunt its prey.】

【Spirit pets have started upgrading and you can check the results after 7 hours.】


Do I have to wait for so long?

So what is she going to do for those seven hours? Keep reading?

But the game clearly won't give her such a leisurely opportunity.

【For some special reason, you will be able to draw a trait on your spirit pet】

【Please choose: Extract】

"Special reason?"

Xu Zhi pondered a little, a little unsure if this reason was because of the black fruit, or because the spirit pet had risen to level ten?

However, in her mind, the black fruit seemed to be a more likely reason.

Regardless, it was a good thing.

Transcendent abilities have been present in the real world for a year now and there are very few transcendents. It's not that Xu Zhi hasn't dreamed of becoming a transcendent someday, but she's always felt that that kind of good fortune wouldn't be in her favor.

Now, it seemed that her dream was finally coming true.

By extracting the trait from Xiaoyi, she would possess an unusual ability and no longer be considered "ordinary."

Upon reaching this moment, Xu Zhi realized that her feelings were not as exciting and thrilled as she had imagined. Perhaps the presence of the game console had dampened a part of her enthusiasm.

Certainly, her heart condition also did not allow for such intense emotions.

As she pondered about Xiaoyi's traits, Xu Zhi wished that if possible, she could extract the highest-level toxin trait. Due to her poor health, poison could potentially become a life-saving ability for her.

With only a one-in-four chance, it wasn't a low probability, but it wasn't high either.

With a mix of complex emotions that were difficult to articulate, Xu Zhi chose to extract the trait.


【Congratulations, you have extracted: Bloodlust Lv. 3】

Xu Zhi fell silent.

The trait she least wanted to extract was Bloodlust.

This trait seemed to require a certain level of "violence" to be effective, but with her current physical condition, how could she possibly exhibit "bloodlust"?

【As you differ from your spirit pet, the traits change slightly.】

【Due to the trait's adaptation to your body, the Bloodlust Lv. 3 now functions differently. When engaging in combat with enemies, their blood will activate your ability, extending your vitality. You can extract a small amount of life force from the blood to nourish yourself. The more blood you encounter, the more excited you become, but prolonged exposure to the bloodlust state will contaminate your spirit.】

As these words appeared, Xu Zhi felt as if her blood was boiling for a moment, and a scarlet hue appeared in the depths of her eyes, but it disappeared the next second, along with the sensation of her blood churning. "What was that feeling?" It was strange, she had never experienced such a "blood-boiling" sensation before, and oddly, Xu Zhi didn't dislike it.

Although this trait requires "violence" to be effective...

The ability to extract life force from blood and nourish herself is quite suitable for her, given that she lacks both strength and endurance. As a frail individual, she tends to lose energy quickly in combat. However, if she can utilize the Bloodlust trait to maintain her body's mobility, she might be able to surprise and defeat her opponents unexpectedly.

【Please note that since your trait comes from your spirit pet, when the spirit pet's trait is upgraded, your trait level will also be upgraded, and when the spirit pet dies, the trait will disappear.】

Xu Zhi's eyebrows raised slightly, finding this to be a beneficial aspect.

After all, she currently had no way to upgrade Bloodlust herself, nor did she know how to do so.

【Due to your first spirit pet reaching level 10, your second spirit pet has been unlocked.】

【Would you like to enter the initial interface to select and start cultivating your second spirit pet?】


Could there be such a good thing?

"Of course I'm willing to!"