Chapter 18 – First cooperation
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"To think you subdued the Brutal Beast in such a short time! As expected of the Inspector!"

Lin Xiaolu had just landed when Mo Ke, who had been fluttering its tiny wings behind her, popped out from her back and started flattering her in a rather sycophantic tone.

This behavior wasn't new; it was so frequent that Cui Que suspected Mo Ke might have been involved in some corrupt activities in the Magic Kingdom and fled to the material world. Otherwise, why would it be so concerned with the title of "Inspector"?

Even though Cui Que always ignored or rebuked Mo Ke's clumsy attempts at flattery, it never stopped.

If children saw such a fawning fairy every day, they might lose all their illusions about fairies.

Sighing inwardly, Cui Que ignored Mo Ke and turned her attention to Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang.

From the moment Lin Xiaolu arrived, the atmosphere between the two had been tense. Lin Xiaolu, who had descended from the sky, wore a look of displeasure, in stark contrast to the smiling Xia Liang.

Cui Que noticed Lin Xiaolu's inexplicable aversion to Xia Liang, but Xia Liang's constant provocations were also problematic.

Seeing the two about to start bickering again, Cui Que resisted the urge to sigh and clapped her hands together. "Alright, stop arguing."

She pointed to the Brutal Beast not far away, trying to divert their attention. "The Brutal Beast that appeared today isn't very strong. I estimate it's at the Egg stage, which means if you work together and perform normally, you should be able to handle it easily."

As she spoke, she glanced at the Brutal Beast, which was still struggling against the silk threads binding it, trying to break free. This struggle was futile, but the nearly mindless Brutal Beast didn't realize it.

She manipulated the magic threads in the air, loosening the net around the Brutal Beast, and turned to the two newcomers. "I've already told you about this Brutal Beast's type and weaknesses last night. Now, I'll release its bindings, and you will fight it. Unless the situation becomes critical, I won't intervene."

As the threads unraveled, the Brutal Beast, which had been lying on the ground, stood up, shaking its massive, bloated body. With its limited intelligence, it identified the three Magical Girls standing at the intersection as its true enemies.

It shook its head, revealing a mouth full of jagged fangs, and roared at the three:


"Don't worry, Senior Cui Que."

Facing the enraged Brutal Beast, Lin Xiaolu showed no fear. She raised her magic wand confidently. "I've been studying hard these past few days. I'm not the same as before!"

"Fighting this big guy... sounds fun!"

Xia Liang's focus was entirely elsewhere.

Their fighting spirit reassured Cui Que, so she nodded silently.

Then, streams of light blue and violet magic power intertwined and burst forth. The two Magical Girls took to the air, creating a gust of wind as they flew towards the massive Brutal Beast.

Egg-stage Brutal Beasts are the most numerous and frequently encountered, but also the weakest.

Weak, that is, to Magical Girls. Even the strongest Egg-stage Brutal Beast usually can't withstand an attack from two or three Seed-stage Magical Girls. The weakest can be defeated by a novice Magical Girl.

Because of this, both the material world and the Magic Kingdom have extensive research and experience on Egg-stage Brutal Beasts.

Egg-stage Brutal Beasts are categorized into dozens of types based on size, behavior, unique organs, and habitat, making it easier for Magical Girls to identify and efficiently eliminate them.

From Cui Que's experience, the Brutal Beast they encountered this time was undoubtedly a "Melting Cavity" type.

Its characteristics include a large size, typically over ten meters tall; a body covered in mucus to reduce damage and aid movement; and a special organ called the "Melting Cavity," which mixes undigested prey parts with bodily fluids and shoots them out like a high-pressure water cannon, capable of penetrating concrete.

This type of Brutal Beast is uncommon, as it usually inhabits watery areas, making urban environments unsuitable for its physiology. They are more often found in the wild, but that's not something a city-guarding Magical Girl like Cui Que needs to worry about.

Encountering one here was a rare opportunity for Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang to practice.

However, contrary to Cui Que's expectations, the two newcomers she was guiding were far from a seamless team; they were more like a disorganized mess.

The battle had barely begun when Lin Xiaolu was nearly knocked out of the sky by one of Xia Liang's magic beams.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

Seeing the violet magic beam pass dangerously close, Lin Xiaolu stopped mid-flight and angrily shouted at Xia Liang.

"Sorry, sorry." Xia Liang realized her mistake and quickly apologized with a sheepish grin.

When the Brutal Beast first used its Melting Cavity to attack, Xia Liang had already aimed her magic cannon at its exposed weak spot, but Lin Xiaolu suddenly moved into her line of fire, causing the shot to miss.

"Ugh, seriously!"

A potentially decisive blow was wasted. Even Xia Liang felt frustrated but had to prioritize the overall situation, continuing to fly around the Brutal Beast, looking for another angle to attack.

The two fought the Brutal Beast for dozens of rounds with their clumsy teamwork, causing little effective damage while exhausting themselves.

Cui Que watched everything clearly from the side.

Xia Liang's talent as a Magical Girl was undeniable. Even with just a few days of training and her first battle, she had a natural instinct for finding the right positions to launch long-range magic attacks.

In contrast, Lin Xiaolu was less talented but still brave and experienced for a newcomer, using high-mobility close combat to actively seek the Brutal Beast's weak points.

Individually, either of them could probably take down the Brutal Beast alone, and possibly more easily than now.

But when they had to work together, their different fighting styles and lack of teamwork awareness resulted in a chaotic mess.