Chapter 17 – Magical Girl Xiao Jin
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When Cui Que arrived at the scene, the area where the Brutal Beast was located had already been cordoned off. Citizens who had planned to pass through were evacuated, and the ordinary people within the area were also guided out by official personnel.

Since it was noon and the Brutal Beast appeared at an intersection, there were very few casualties initially. Most people managed to escape in time, so the crowd's emotions remained relatively stable, and no panic ensued.

Cui Que didn't linger by the cordon for long. After confirming that the Bureau of Special Tactics was taking action, she leaped from the gap between buildings and flew towards the center of the area where the Brutal Beast was.

Upon arrival, she found that she was the only one there.

But it made sense; her full-speed flight was undoubtedly faster than the other two, and the distance to the scene wasn't far. Setting off at the same time, it was normal for her to arrive first.

"The form hasn't solidified yet; it's just a small egg-level creature."

Landing by the roadside, Cui Que looked at the Brutal Beast, which resembled a giant egg-shaped mass of flesh. It was rampaging, destroying nearby buildings in a fury because it couldn't find any prey. She raised her hand, and the magic wand she held floated up:

"Magic Power Assembly, deploy."

As she spoke, the wand disintegrated into scattered particles of light, and a small, ornate pair of dressmaker's scissors appeared in her hand. Azure magic particles gathered around her, with threads of cold light encircling her, exuding a slightly dangerous aura.

In Cui Que's vision, the surrounding space was already filled with blue magic threads, and the Brutal Beast in the center of the area was like prey caught in a spider's web, unable to escape.

She extended her hand, hooking her thumb and ring finger on two threads, gently pulling them in the same direction.

As she pulled the threads, the magic net around the Brutal Beast tightened. In almost a single breath, its movement space was completely restricted, and soon, it was entirely bound in place by the threads.

The Brutal Beast, feeling its movement restricted, didn't realize it was captured. Even though its body couldn't move, it continued to struggle futilely, letting out earth-shaking roars to intimidate Cui Que from a distance.

The beast's roars stirred up a gust of wind, causing Cui Que's clothes to flutter even from dozens of meters away, carrying a strong stench.

Cui Que remained expressionless.

Normally, after restraining a Brutal Beast, she would immediately kill it.

But this time was different. She merely bound the beast, as if completing her task, and stood by the roadside with one hand on her hip, quietly waiting.

She was waiting for Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang.

Both were rookie Magical Girls who needed enough combat experience to accumulate skills. An egg-level Brutal Beast was an ideal practice target: slow-moving and not deadly to Magical Girls. Even if something unexpected happened, Cui Que's presence ensured no major issues.

So, she didn't plan to kill the beast herself but intended to let the two rookies use it for practice.

Before long, accompanied by a light purple rainbow, a figure swiftly flew over from the horizon.

The purple rainbow shot down towards the Brutal Beast and Cui Que's location, landing at high speed and creating ripples of violet magic as if splashing into water.

The newcomer straightened up from the ripples, shook her head to free her hair from her face, and looked at Cui Que with a smile:

"Ah, I'm here! Using magic to land is really fast, Little Senior!"

"The 'Little' is unnecessary," Cui Que said, lowering her eyelids.

The newcomer was Xia Liang.

She wore a waist-cinched dress with wavy lace in violet, a light yellow shawl collar top, and a half-open vest in the same light purple. With a huge bow on her chest, her transformed outfit gave a mysterious yet bright impression.

Her hair, now purple, curled slightly at the ends, defying gravity, and she wore a soft hat with a yellow ribbon and crescent-shaped earrings, giving her a glamorous and fashionable look.

This was Xia Liang's appearance as a Magical Girl, fitting her code name—Little Jin.

Magical Girl outfits reflect the wearer's personality, so Xia Liang's attire was the most mature among the three, despite her being the youngest.

Watching the girl land, Cui Que's face remained calm, but she was inwardly impressed.

When she first found Xia Liang, she had a hunch that the girl had exceptional talent, but her current performance exceeded expectations.

The "magic landing" technique was something Cui Que had just taught yesterday, allowing a Magical Girl to land at full speed without slowing down.

For a girl who was afraid of flying just days ago to quickly adapt to magic flight and even master advanced techniques, surpassing Lin Xiaolu in a few days, Xia Liang was a natural Magical Girl.

"You've mastered the landing technique quickly. Well done," Cui Que praised without hesitation.


Xia Liang, pleased with the compliment, squinted happily and ran to Cui Que's side, looking at the bound Brutal Beast with curiosity: "Is that the Brutal Beast?"

"Wow—up close, it's so big and gross!"

Though she said "gross," her face was full of curiosity: "But why isn't it moving? Did you take it down, Little Senior?"

"I told you, drop the 'Little,'" Cui Que corrected, somewhat helplessly, but didn't insist. She lightly flicked her fingers in the air, revealing several blue magic threads: "Be careful, the Brutal Beast is still alive. It's not moving because I've bound it."

Xia Liang's attention was immediately drawn to the magic threads, her eyes widening as she leaned closer: "So beautiful! Is this the magic assembly you mentioned, Little Senior? Are these strings like harp strings?"

"My magic assembly consists of threads and scissors."

Cui Que didn't hide it: "Don't get too close. These threads can bind enemies but can also become very sharp. I don't want to accidentally hurt you."

"Is that concern I hear?"

Her smile carried a hint of teasing, but she obediently stepped back two steps, seemingly in a good mood: "You seem cold, but you're actually very considerate, Little Senior."

"Don't say such mushy things for no reason," Cui Que remained expressionless.

—"Hey, you two, acting so familiar after just a few days!"

As they talked, a voice suddenly called out from the sky. Cui Que and Xia Liang looked up to see a light blue rainbow descending from the sky.

Nearly ten minutes had passed since Cui Que subdued the Brutal Beast, and Lin Xiaolu finally arrived.