Chapter 14 – Frankness
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Walking along one side of Electronics Street, they passed several intersections. The crowd around them gradually thinned out. After about ten minutes of silence, the girl couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer and spoke to Lin Xiaolu:

"Hey, who was that kid up ahead?"

She leaned closer to Lin Xiaolu, deliberately lowering her voice. "She seemed really impressive when she spoke. Is she someone important?"

Lin Xiaolu glanced at her but didn't answer.

"Or is she your sister?" the girl continued to ask.


Lin Xiaolu couldn't hold back her irritation and said, somewhat annoyed, "That's Senior Cui Que. You should show her some respect."

"Why call her 'Senior'?"

The girl blinked. "And you say respect… Is she some kind of big shot? A lady of high status?"

This time, Lin Xiaolu didn't respond.

After all, Cui Que had said they would talk in a different place, and Lin Xiaolu didn't want to disrupt her plans.

Seeing that Lin Xiaolu didn't react after a couple of prods, the girl retreated a step, feeling a bit awkward, and started observing the street scenery around them.

Leaving the most bustling area, the shops on both sides of the street were relatively old. Unlike the prime locations where every inch of land was worth gold, the rent here allowed small businesses to operate for a long time.

But this was still a commercial street. Besides the various shops and passersby, there wasn't much scenery. After a while, the girl lost interest and spoke again:

"By the way, I still don't know your name."


"Don't be so cold. Tell me."

"…Lin Xiaolu."

"Lin Xiaolu? It sounds like 'Little Deer,' how cute. As for me, my name is…"

—"We're here."

Cui Que's voice came from ahead, interrupting their conversation.

She turned to look at the two of them, still maintaining her composed demeanor. Pointing to a nearby alley, she said flatly, "Let's go in here."

No one responded to her suggestion, but Cui Que didn't mind. She continued to lead the way, walking into the somewhat dark alley, with Lin Xiaolu and Mo Ke following behind.

The girl, who was trailing behind, saw the two of them walk into such a place with a natural expression and for the first time showed a slightly nervous look.

—Why an alley?

Was it for robbery? Threats? Or even murder?

Several words matching the scene flashed through her mind. She grimaced, unsure if she should continue following.

But Cui Que's previous words echoed in her ears, and her curiosity about the two girls' origins was strong. Having come this far, there was no reason to back down.

So, the girl pressed her lips together, hiding her slight unease, and kept her posture relaxed as she moved forward.

Turning into the alley, she saw Cui Que and Lin Xiaolu already standing there. Further ahead, a wall blocked the path: it was a dead end.

Cui Que looked up at the sky, then turned her head upon hearing footsteps, looking at the girl. She reached into the pocket of her dress and took out her Flower of the Heart, stepping towards the girl without a word.

Why is she coming over? What's she going to do?

The girl tried to maintain her smile, hiding her nervousness, but her control had its limits. Cui Que's next action left her stunned:

Cui Que transformed into a Magical Girl.

In the girl's eyes, Cui Que emitted a strong light. Her blue hair fluttered without wind, and her light yellow puff-sleeve dress transformed into a navy blue Lolita dress with sleeves. A bonnet appeared on her head, and she was adorned like a princess from a fairy tale, holding a wand engraved with unknown patterns.

The girl didn't know Cui Que's identity, nor did she understand this was a Magical Girl transformation, but the scene before her was beyond her comprehension.

In that brief moment of shock, Cui Que extended her hand:

"Grab my wrist."

"Uh, okay?" The girl instinctively reached out.

Cui Que grabbed her wrist, staring intently into her eyes. "Hold on tight."

Holding each other's wrists, what was this for? Some ritual? A secret code?

The girl's wandering thoughts led to numerous associations, and without understanding Cui Que's words, she mechanically nodded.

Then, she felt her feet leave the ground.

An intense sense of weightlessness, unlike anything she had experienced before, enveloped her. The surroundings blurred as if defying logic. She turned her head, realizing her situation:

She was flying?

Unable to control herself, she screamed:


Cui Que, holding the girl, avoided being seen by anyone, flying up the wall of the building next to the dead end.

Dodging the last few windows, she took a few steps in mid-air, as if there was something to support her, and brought the girl to a rooftop.

A stream of light blue magic particles followed from below, and Lin Xiaolu, also transformed into a Magical Girl, flew up to join them.

"Hah, hah, I thought I was going to die…" The girl, her legs weak, realized she was back on solid ground and knelt down in fear.

"Hmph, scared after just a short flight?"

Lin Xiaolu, who had landed lightly, looked at her with a bit of pride. "I adapted immediately when I first did it."

But her little boast didn't get the reaction she wanted, as the girl seemed to ignore her words, making Lin Xiaolu puff her cheeks in slight annoyance.

"Here, we can transform freely. It makes things easier to explain."

Cui Que spoke to herself, "Let's introduce ourselves first. What's your name?"

"Hah… You mean me?"

The girl, finally catching her breath, looked up. "My name is Xia Liang."

"Then, Xia Liang."

Cui Que nodded and abruptly asked, "Have you heard of Magical Girls?"

"Magical Girls?"

The term seemed to connect something in Xia Liang's mind, making her eyes widen slightly. The series of strange events led her to some conclusions. "I know about them, but…"

"My name is Cui Que."

Cui Que nodded expressionlessly and pointed to Lin Xiaolu. "She is Bai Mei."

"We eliminate Brutal Beasts and protect the city and its residents. We are the Magical Girls of Fangting City."