Chapter 7 – Park Shadow
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Holding the magic wand, the magical girl with golden twin tails floated in the air, looking at the wetland forest under the night sky.

Although it was a beautiful park filled with natural beauty during the day, it now looked like a giant mouth waiting for its prey to enter in the darkness.

This faint sense of danger made her feel a chill down her spine, causing her to frown.

"Little Lu, I have a bad feeling about this."

A voice with a hint of seriousness sounded in her ear.

The one who spoke was a peculiar creature that looked like a young cat, completely pink with a furry body and a pair of small wings on its back, reminiscent of a fairy from a fairy tale.

The fairy flew to the girl's back and looked worriedly, "Although it's faint, the residual magic power around here is making my fur stand on end. The enemy this time is probably very dangerous."

"...Yes, I can feel it too."

The magical girl, or rather Lin Xiaolu, tried to suppress her fear and stared straight at the trees in the park below, "Although I can't explain it clearly, I also feel that it's very dangerous."

However, despite her words, her actions did not stop. She waved the magic wand in her hand and slowly descended onto the grass in the park. Lin Xiaolu briefly investigated the surrounding enemies to ensure their safety.

This operation didn't yield any results, but that faint unease still lingered in her heart.

"Mo Ke, can you still sense the enemy's position?"

She asked the pink fairy for help.

Mo Ke, as she was called, closed her eyes and remained silent for a moment before suddenly opening them, "No, I can't. Before we landed, I could pinpoint the enemy in this park, but now I can't sense its exact location."

Lin Xiaolu was surprised, "Has this happened before?"


Mo Ke looked helpless, "I think I've told you before, as a fairy, this is my first time in the material world, so there are many things I don't know."

"Mo Ke... you're so useless."

"If you say such hurtful things to a fairy, I'll get angry, you know!"

The magical girl and the fairy slowly moved forward on the grass in the wetland park, while paying attention to any signs of the enemy. However, even after almost ten minutes had passed, as they approached the central area of the park, they still hadn't discovered anything.

Mo Ke couldn't help but speak again, "Little Lu, should we retreat for now?"


Lin Xiaolu was puzzled.

Mo Ke explained, "I just feel that this brutal beast is not an ordinary enemy. The two of us might not be a match for it. It would be safer to go back and seek help from the Bureau of Special Tactics to understand the situation and ask for assistance."

"Ah? But seeking help from adults, doesn't that go against the identity of a magical girl?"

"Now is not the time to be stubborn in this strange place!"

"Um... I understand."

The lingering chill on her back made Lin Xiaolu give up. She quickly agreed to the fairy's suggestion, "Let's leave if we don't find anything when we reach the center of the park."

Mo Ke nodded repeatedly, "Hurry up!"

They made this agreement, and as they walked across the grass, the outlines of the pavilions and buildings in the center of the park appeared in Lin Xiaolu's eyes. Seeing that they had reached their destination, Lin Xiaolu's mood lifted, and she took big strides forward.

"I still haven't seen the brutal beast."

The girl blinked and turned her head to the side, "Mo Ke, can you sense anything now?"

What she saw was an empty void.

The fairy, who should have been flying beside her all along, had disappeared without her noticing.

"...Mo Ke?"

The voice of the lonely magical girl was trapped within the park.

Realizing that things were starting to go out of her control, Lin Xiaolu finally began to feel nervous and started searching for her partner's presence.

"Mo Ke?"

The enclosed forest became the best soundproof barrier, isolating her voice from the outside world.

In this way, with a sense of urgency, Lin Xiaolu took two steps and suddenly heard rustling sounds from the nearby bushes.

Her heartbeat accelerated, and the magical girl immediately turned her gaze in that direction. After a moment of chaos, she assumed a defensive posture and shouted with a hint of fierceness:

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

The response she received was a very weak voice, "Hurry..."


"Hurry, run, Little Lu!"

This time, the magical girl heard it clearly.

And along with her understanding of the sound not far away, a blurry pink figure flew towards her from a distance and crashed into her arms.

Appearing now was her partner, Mo Ke, who had disappeared just a moment ago.

However, compared to a few minutes ago when she looked unharmed, Mo Ke was now covered in wounds. One of her wings was missing, and there were deep wounds all over her body. Pink particles of light floated out from the wounds, making her look extremely disheveled.

But at this moment, Mo Ke couldn't care about her own injuries. She opened her mouth and shouted, "Run, this brutal beast..."

-"Hululululu."A roar like that of a wild beast echoed from the shadows of the nearby woods.

Before Mo Ke could continue speaking, a terrifying creature emerged from the darkness. Its sharp claws dug deep into the mud beneath its feet, making no sound as it appeared before Lin Xiaolu.

"Grrrrrrrr, roaaaaar..."

Without a doubt, this was a Brutal Beast.

No animal in the park could possibly have a body over four meters long, let alone two heads.

An unknown liquid clung to its dark purple fur, and its eyes, glowing with a green light, were filled with a brutal desire for slaughter. Strange tube-like structures protruded from its body, connecting to its two drooling heads.

Just standing there, it was enough to send chills down one's spine.

For Lin Xiaolu, a Magical Girl, this should have been impossible.

After all, a Magical Girl had no reason to fear a Brutal Beast.

She had gained this power to fight against Brutal Beasts, to protect others from harm. Why should she fear the enemy she was supposed to eliminate?

Lin Xiaolu didn't understand, but she couldn't suppress the negative thoughts in her heart.

Would she lose?

Just as this thought crossed her mind, it was interrupted by an external voice:

"Little Lu!"

Her partner's voice rang in her ear again: "Run!"

It was Mo Ke, urging her to flee.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the action she should take - survival.

Raising her Magic Wand, the air around the young girl began to pulsate. Then, with a whoosh, she shot into the sky. She had flown into the park from the sky, so naturally, escaping via the same route seemed the safest.

As Lin Xiaolu thought this, she noticed that the Brutal Beast on the ground showed no reaction. Even when she chose to fly away, it just stood there, its eyes glowing with a faint green light, watching everything.

Was there a trap?

Before Lin Xiaolu could think further, she realized that her upward flight had stopped.

In its place was a strong sense of pressure from behind.

The injured fairy beside her asked with difficulty: "What's wrong, Little Lu?"

Clearly, her partner was puzzled by her sudden halt.

Noticing the confusion and panic on her face, the fairy couldn't help but reach up with its claw, only to be repelled by a force.

"Magic barrier..."

This time, even the fairy's face showed a hint of despair: "We're done for, this was a trap from the start!"

In an instant, the mood of the Magical Girl and the fairy plummeted.

However, unlike the fairy, Lin Xiaolu still retained some fighting spirit, so she kept her eyes on the Brutal Beast below.

What chilled her the most was not her thwarted escape, but the expression on the Brutal Beast's face when she stopped.

Could a Brutal Beast make such a human-like expression?

As she thought this, her vision suddenly blurred, and the enemy had disappeared from sight.

"Little Lu!"

In the next moment, amidst the fairy's cry of despair, she got her answer.

The Brutal Beast's claw was already at her throat.

The last thing she saw was a cruel and mocking grin on the face of the Brutal Beast, an expression that theoretically should not appear on such a creature.