Chapter 2 – Refined into a furnace of great medicine
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Before Brandon Jiang could respond, the Scabby Head Taoist stepped forward, stuffing the elixir into Brandon's hand. With a benevolent expression, he said:

"Disciple, how could your master forget such a great opportunity for you to become immortal?

Come, quickly swallow this elixir. Immortality is just within reach."

Brandon's heart tightened as he saw the excitement and mockery in the Taoist's eyes.

Two children had already paid with their lives, showing him the consequences of making the wrong choice.

If he chose wrong, he would follow in their footsteps.

Facing this life-and-death crisis, Brandon's mind began to race, desperately calculating a way out.

A sudden question struck him.

Why did the Scabby Head Taoist insist on using people to test the elixir? From the way he treasured it, he genuinely considered it a priceless treasure.

If he just wanted to kill everyone, why use the elixir? Wasn't he afraid of damaging it?

Or perhaps... he needed to test the elixir on living people?

Brandon, just a mortal, hadn't noticed that after the two children died, the Taoist had extracted their life force and fortune, merging it into the elixir.

He carefully observed the elixir, trying to discern any changes.

In the next moment, he noticed a difference in the eerie faces on the elixir's surface.

When the elixir was first made, all the faces had their eyes tightly shut.

But now, after the two children had "tested" it, two faces had opened their eyes, becoming extraordinarily vivid.

Brandon's eyes lit up, as if he had realized something.

At this moment, the Scabby Head Taoist urged: "Disciple, what are you waiting for? Hurry and eat it!

Remember, swallow it whole for the best effect!"

Brandon looked up at the mocking face of the Taoist and smiled slightly:"As you command, Master."

With that, he brought the elixir to his mouth.

The Taoist also smiled, ready to crush Brandon to death. Suddenly, he saw Brandon fiercely bite down on the elixir!

Instead of swallowing it whole, Brandon bit it apart!

Half of the elixir remained in Brandon's hand, while the other half went into his mouth!

A large amount of disgusting juice oozed from Brandon's mouth, dripping to the ground.

As Brandon bit through the elixir, it seemed as if countless screams echoed in his mouth.

Ignoring it, he chewed forcefully and swallowed it with a gulp.

Suppressing his nausea, he smiled at the Taoist and said:"Thank you for the elixir, Master!"

The Scabby Head Taoist was stunned, staring blankly at the half-elixir in Brandon's hand, his lips trembling.

Instinctively, he tried to snatch the remaining half, but Brandon quickly stepped back, evading him.

Brandon's expression turned fierce, gripping the elixir tightly, he shouted:"Bastard, if you dare come closer, I'll crush this half too, and you'll get nothing."

"No, don't!"

The Taoist panicked, waving his hands. Then, realizing something, he showed deep shame and anger.

But in the end, he suppressed it, trying to speak kindly:"Good disciple, don't act rashly. Give the elixir to your master, and I promise you'll be safe."

Brandon sneered: "Do you think I'll believe your lies? I know this elixir is important to you! You tricked us into eating it just to use us as raw materials to refine it.

If we ruin it, you'll suffer a great loss, which is why you kept ordering us to swallow it whole. Too bad, old ghost, not everyone will obediently wait to die!"

Hearing this, the Taoist's face grew darker, almost dripping with malice.

But he feared the elixir in Brandon's hand, hesitating to act.

"Speak, what do you want?"

He asked hatefully, surprisingly giving in.

The watching children gasped in disbelief.

Brandon had forced the Scabby Head Taoist to give in; he was incredible!

Brandon took a deep breath, seeing a glimmer of hope to escape this hell, and said solemnly:

"Let me cultivate..."

However, just as he spoke, his face changed dramatically!

A terrifying and domineering force exploded from his stomach!

In an instant, he felt his stomach burst, the force flowing through his meridians, spreading throughout his body!

But the force was too immense, too violent, his meridians kept bursting, rushing towards his dantian!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions echoed inside Brandon, blood breaking through his skin, gushing out, making him look like a shattered porcelain leaking water.

In the blink of an eye, he became a blood-soaked figure, collapsing to the ground, convulsing, blood flowing from his mouth and other orifices.

Something like air currents or snake-like creatures moved under his skin, threatening to burst out at any moment!

Brandon clawed at the ground, gritting his teeth, enduring the pain that seemed to tear him apart, his features twisted in agony.


The Scabby Head Taoist laughed heartily, eyes full of mockery:"Good disciple, did you really think you had me? Did you ever consider that this Qi Gathering Pill isn't so easy to swallow?

Though I didn't lie, this pill can indeed awaken your spiritual root, but your root can't handle such potent medicine! Hahaha! You must feel like your body is about to explode, right? Unworthy disciple, you're doomed!

I'll give you one more chance, hand over the elixir, and I might mercifully spare your life."

Brandon struggled to listen, his pupils dilating, death enveloping him.

He was going to die.

Escaping this hell was a distant dream.

Should he hand over the elixir?

Wait! The demon just said the elixir could indeed awaken his spiritual root!

A glimmer of hope flashed in Brandon's pained eyes.

He had heard from the village elders that if a child awakened their spiritual root, immortals would descend to take them away to cultivate!

He had once seen an immortal take away his neighbor's elder brother, who never returned.

If he awakened his spiritual root, wouldn't an immortal come to save him?

But what if he had no spiritual root and couldn't cultivate?

Should he gamble?

At worst, he'd die. He'd gamble!

In the next moment, his gaze firmed, without hesitation, he shoved the remaining half of the elixir into his mouth, biting down and swallowing it!

The Scabby Head Taoist went mad seeing his precious elixir destroyed:"Ahhh! My elixir!!! Unworthy disciple! You madman!!"

The Taoist's eyes burned with rage, as if he wanted to tear Brandon apart.

But in the end, he didn't act, laughing angrily:"Haha! You want to die? I won't let you! I'll refine you alive, drain your medicinal power, and in your most painful moment, extract your life force and fortune to refine my Qi Gathering Pill again!"

With a wave of his hand, he threw Brandon into the Stone Cauldron.

With a whoosh, spiritual fire rose from beneath, heating the cauldron.

Trapped inside, Brandon was surrounded by unbearable heat, burning his skin, flesh, bones, everything.


Brandon screamed in agony, the intense pain blanking his mind, making him wish for death.

The children in the hall were terrified, not daring to breathe.

Only the Scabby Head Taoist laughed, filled with satisfaction.


Unbeknownst to him, far away in an unknown land, a fairy opened her eyes.

Looking at the glowing bracelet on her wrist, she murmured, "Someone has awakened their spiritual root. It seems I need to descend the mountain..."