3. Flame Tornado & Unexpected Bestie
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Apparently, it was the young lady she was searching for who just called for help. Jenna took another look at the guardian.

A few of the injured adventurers headed in its direction, attacking with different weapons. Lightning sparked from a sword-wielding adventurer as he swung his blade.

“They’re fighting better than I expected,” Jenna mused aloud, ruffling her hair. The guardian maliciously fought off the adventurers, swinging its arm at them like flies.


Their chaotic brawl made the ground rumble. Feeling the vibrations under her feet, Jenna clicked her tongue. "Tsk, haaa, I guess it can’t be helped." She began to move toward the barely heard voice.


Focusing on the cries for help, she ran in that direction.



With a deafening roar, an explosion erupted a few hundred meters away. Despite the noise jamming her ears and the ground shaking her balance, she reached the ruins and began to search for the receptionist.

“Save … me … anyone.”

The familiar voice was barely audible. The once loud yet light cry was becoming faint and indistinct. 

On the other hand, when she found her, the receptionist Ciel couldn’t react to the approaching shadow. Her gaze was dull and losing its pigment. If not for her healing ability, she would have died. Barely alive, half her body lay awkwardly under large rubble. Fortunately, she wasn’t pierced deeply by any rods or shards of glass, so there were no signs of internal hemorrhage or bone fractures. However, she had lost a lot of blood. A pool of crimson blood dyed the disheveled ground.

With such blood loss, her breath was becoming shallow, her heartbeat weaker, her skin paler, and her lips rigid and white. Without immediate care, she could die.

“Ah,” Jenna sighed in relief, glad she was still breathing, even if barely. “That’s better than dying.”

Jenna began to clear the larger debris. She squeezed her hands through the crack between the pieces and tensed with all her might, ignoring the aching muscles and ripped nails. Despite her efforts, the concrete debris didn’t budge.

“Move!” She gritted her teeth and tried her best. Though she could effortlessly lift such debris in her past life, her current body was too weak.

“S-s-a…” The barely alive receptionist groaned without opening her eyes. A faint trail of mana enveloped her wounds, but her condition was worsening by the second.

“Damn it!” Jenna gasped for air, feeling all her muscles and feet hurt from the unsuccessful attempt. She kneeled and checked the space in between. “There is no room to pull her out…” She had to think of a better way to free her and save her at the same time. If only her mana were higher.

Suddenly her eyes widened. Having an epiphany, she took out a fragment from her pocket. Gripping it in her left fist, she spoke out, “As the knight of mana, I declare, enhance my muscles.”

Immediately, the fragment lit up and magic curled around her muscles, tensing them as mana flowed through.

Concurrently, a notification flickered into existence at the side of her retinas.

[You have acquired the ‘Body Enhancement’ skill.]

As the receptionist groaned slightly, Jenna grabbed the debris and declared, “As a knight of mana, I declare, reduce my body’s weight.”

Another tendril of light curled down from her head, and another notification flickered into existence at the side of her retinas.

[You have acquired the ‘Weight Reduction’ skill.]

With a loud groan, her fingers trembled as the large wreckage stirred and finally yielded. She slowly lifted the heavy concrete and tossed it aside. “Kweuk!” she grunted as the tension in her muscles tingled.

The lifted wreckage crashed to the ground with considerable force. Without delay, she did the same to the other debris.

The ground shook from the distant fight. With more wreckage collapsing to the ground, Jenna clicked her tongue. “Tsk! I don’t have time to feel pain.” She quickly carried the receptionist and carefully placed her on the ground. Though her healing ability delayed her death, it was almost exhausted. Just a speck remained.

Immediately, Jenna pulled out another fragment from her pocket, gripped it in one hand, and placed her other hand on Ciel’s wound.

“As the knight of mana, I declare, heal the wounds!”

To her declaration, mana obeyed, stirring from the fragment as it shone slightly. Mana channeled through her veins and moved to her other hand. Pinpricks of mana formed around her hand to the wound. The blood flowing from the receptionist’s wounds stopped. It also strengthened her almost exhausted healing ability, with mana shining around her body. Though the wounds did not completely disappear, they healed slightly, and a crust formed on them.

Despite the poor healing chant due to insufficient mana, Jenna clicked her tongue. “Tch!” Another notification flickered into existence at the side of her retinas.

[You have acquired the ‘Healing’ skill.]

Ignoring the notification, Jenna was glad the receptionist’s breathing had become stable. However, her inability to completely heal her annoyed Jenna. After all, Ciel was always the one who healed her. “Well, nothing can be done, this is the best I can do for now,” Jenna muttered, picking up the lady.

The receptionist was a bit heavy. Jenna’s body quivered, her feet trembled, and her head throbbed from the unexpected exertion, but thanks to her enhanced strength, she managed. 

“Let’s see. How is the situation right now?” Jenna turned her head, trying to assess her surroundings before she began to run. She had to avoid getting caught up in any mishaps.

As though unlucky, screams and a hum tickled her ears from somewhere. Cold chills ran down her spine, making her hair stand on end. It was a sensation of impending danger.

“Huh? Not again!” As she tensed her calves to run from the approaching danger, something suddenly landed close to her.

An explosion resounded vigorously.

“What the hell!” she exclaimed.

Danger tensed her neck as she tried to shift her body while gripping the unconscious receptionist tightly. Mana enveloped her calves, and she barely managed to dodge the unidentified object. It was a hair's breadth escape; had she been a second slower, she would have died right there.

“Uwa… That was too close…” Gritting her teeth in terror, she assessed her surroundings amid the cloud of dust. With mana slowly imbuing her optic nerves, she saw a hideous rift in the soil, and it seemed like a person had landed in the middle of it.

She almost died a second time, “ugh!” she groaned. Blinking her mana-imbued golden eyes, she saw someone rising to their feet within the cloud of dust and dirt, staggering. A series of coughs came from the person's direction.

As the dust cleared, Jenna retracted the mana from her eyes. She could finally see who almost sent her to the Grim Reaper again.

“A man?” Jenna thought aloud, her lips trembling. A mysterious man had almost caused her death a second time.

Not far ahead, a blue-haired middle-aged man with an incredibly sturdy body, dressed in a tight-fitting cloak, staggered, trying to get to his feet. But his legs could no longer carry him. He vomited clotted blood and fell to the ground again. 

The leather cloak, no matter the flame-resistant material, was tightly fitted to his chiseled figure from head to legs. Now, it was torn in several places, revealing his sturdy body through the rips. This made him look even more vigorous and intense. His handsome face was smeared with dripping crimson blood.

A cobalt light flickered from the man's hair and sparkled fluctuating around his flesh. His hair was naturally blue, glowing from the roots. This was likely due to his abilities, altering his hair color and overall aura.

The moment Jenna saw him, a memory flickered into her mind. ‘Is he the Flame Tornado?’ Yes, one of the highest-level adventurers in [Jubilee City]. He was also a very popular model, known for his gem-like appearance and noble, energetic, and elegant personality. On top of all that, he fought well, punching enemies big or small to a crisp. He was renowned for two main skills: Physical Enhancement and Azur-Pyrokinesis.

‘Isn't his nickname the Apostle of Flame?’ Jenna thought. She noticed a severe bleeding wound on his chest as she imbued mana into her eyes. It was a deep wound, serious enough to cause hemorrhaging and pooling blood on the devastated asphalt road. Even for her, it would be devastating.

"Tsk!" Jenna glanced furtively at the receptionist in her arms, then back to the city hero on the ground.

— — — — —

Ciel, the receptionist, no longer looked like she was dying. Most of her wounds had healed. Though still unconscious due to shock and psychological distress, she was now stable and out of critical condition.

Jenna laid her under a boulder and cast a [Heart of Armor] to protect her. She then ran back to the Flame Tornado. She couldn't imagine the chaos the monstrosity would cause without the Flame Tornado. Ignoring the hero of [Jubilee City] would make her feel guilty later.

Sighing, Jenna pulled out a crystal fragment from her pocket. "As the Knight of Mana, I declare, heal the wounds! Cell Regeneration Inducement."

Mana responded. Particles swirled around the deep wounds, triggering cell regeneration. As this happened, several messages appeared in her vision.

[Skill “Advanced Heal” was used without system support.]

[The Skill “Heal” has permanently improved.]

[Skill Proficiency has increased by 1.]

“Hm…?” Jenna mused briefly. The advanced healing effect was better than before. Surprised, her attention shifted back to the Flame Tornado. She needed to save him, even briefly. Should she try using the system’s healing skill instead of her own knowledge?

Without delay, she activated the system’s skill. A bright flash accompanied the system message.

[The Skill “Healing” has been activated.]

The flash from her palm collided with the barely alive cells in the wound, rapidly accelerating regeneration. The system’s skill activated immediately, unlike her own knowledge, which required a gradual process and the crystal fragment for advanced healing. It was convenient.

Jenna watched as the regenerated cells merged, the wound on the man's chest rapidly closing. She continued pouring mana from the crystal fragment, now at a quarter of its power. After one exact minute, the wound disappeared.

“Well, damn…” Jenna was amazed. The system’s strength was impressive, but the man's incredible vitality and self-regeneration ability were equally remarkable. No wonder he was a celebrity. She smiled faintly as she gazed at him.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes. His battle instincts kicked in. "Umm… what’s the situation? What happened to the guardian?"

Jenna, surprised by his urgent voice, remained calm. He stood up, surveying the surroundings.

Look at this man scaring me to death, acting so ambitious with his duties. I thought you were a celebrity. Why are you talking like a military drill sergeant? 

A swarm of thoughts rushed through Jenna’s head. 

“Huh?” The Flame Tornado finally grasped the situation. He recalled the final moments of his brawl with the guardian. A punch had bypassed his cloak's defense enchantment, critically injuring him.

“...Who are you?” he asked, flustered by the dazzling beauty before him. His face reddened as he shook his head, trying to hide his emotion. She must have healed him.

Jenna sighed at his cuteness. “A normal passing civilian who happened to heal your wounds by chance. The guardian is having quite the fun way behind us. Though my healing ability may not be much, you did a good job in healing yourself subconsciously.”

“Ah…” He nodded, checking his chest. She had healed him before his [self-recovery] could kick in. But how could a normal civilian trigger [self-recovery] at a molecular level? He suspected she was hiding her true identity, but she was his savior.

The Flame Tornado rose. “Thank you. I’d like to compensate you later, so try to contact me. Even if I have a rough schedule, my assistant would make a day…” His words trailed off as patches of orange flame sparked from his hair, his eyes glowing faintly.

“...And did you say you’re a low-level civilian?”

“Yep.” Jenna nodded.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Phew, after today… get tested at the [Adventurers’ Bureau]. You might awaken.” His flames combusted to cobalt as he continued, “Run, our enemy is very strong.” He flew into the sky, fiery trails behind him.

“Uwat!” Jenna shielded herself from the impact, amazed by his thrust. “Impressive. To fly with his flames makes him a high-level adventurer.”

She hurried to the receptionist, canceled the [Heart of Armor], and placed six fragments into her mouth, enhancing her mana to speed out of the battlefield. Carrying Ciel, she began to run.

Her feet left the asphalt as she chanted inwardly. Her feet shone, and a force moved inside her, enveloping her legs. Her heart raced as the world dashed around her. The wind brushed her face.

A system notification flashed at her retina.

[You have mastered ‘Voiceless Chant.] 

[You have acquired “Flash”.] 

[You have mastered ‘Mana Cost’.]

“Oh…” Jenna exclaimed but couldn’t fully comprehend it. The system resembled a game system from her old world, registering her techniques as skills.

She navigated the battlefield, observing the ongoing battle. The Flame Tornado was fighting, and other adventurers were doing their best. Jenna concluded that the system was extremely convenient, providing the necessary strength and quickly improving her abilities. She finally navigated out of the battlefield and headed to the nearest hospital.

— — — — —

“Ha… Ha…” Ciel slowly opened her eyes, dazed by her surroundings. It felt like waking from a long, fuzzy nightmare. Her blurry eyes burned as she took in the familiar dazzling light above her for the first time in a while.

Through her hazy vision, she noticed a white ceiling and a strange liquid hanging from her IV with a mana stone. The blanket over her body was warm. White curtains surrounded her, transforming her surroundings. The sound of urgent footsteps approached, and the curtains were pulled back. Her eyes became clear.

“You’re finally awake! Are you feeling okay?”

“... Porter Jenna? Nurse?”

Emerging from the curtains were Jenna and a nurse dressed in Healing Attire. The nurse, who began to check Ciel’s vitals, smiled reassuringly.

“Patient Ciel, you’re doing okay. I’ll inform the doctor.”


At Ciel’s confused response, the nurse’s footsteps grew fainter. Jenna hesitated for a moment before sitting down on the makeshift chair beside the bed.

“I found you under the rubble when the Team Headquarters was attacked by a ‘guardian’. I took you to the nearest hospital. How’s your body?”

"I'm good. But weren't you hurt too?"

Jenna didn’t respond. It felt like she had dreamed a nightmare. The images of her forgotten previous life as a man, the final battle with Donatella the Archangel, and her merging identities lingered in her mind.

Ciel noticed Jenna’s mood and spoke up. "Hope you didn't get hurt too bad because of me. I know you're always quick on your feet, but I couldn't help worrying, especially since you went through a lot to save someone like me."

Holding Jenna’s hand with deep concern, Ciel smiled warmly. It made Jenna sigh. “I was healed of all my injuries by the nurse earlier, so don’t worry about me.” Jenna smiled to reassure her of her ‘own’ safety. “But, thank you.”  

Ciel nodded casually. "By the way, what about the guardian?” she asked.

“Well… I’m not sure, but the Flame Tornado probably took care of him.”

“What?” Ciel yelled briefly before covering her mouth. “Flame Tornado came?” She urgently sat up, and the blanket slid down to her waist.

Nodding firmly at Ciel’s sparkling expression, Jenna remembered that Flame Tornado was ‘actually’ Ciel’s role model. “He was fighting with his best.”

“Hm. Hm. You bet,” Ciel nodded as if it was expected. She began to imagine how each chiseled muscle bounced as he fought. She thought of him as her ideal man and imagined finally stopping being single after 34 years.

Waving over Ciel’s dazzling eyes in puzzlement, Jenna let out a deep breath. “She's lost it.” Right, this wasn’t the first time Ciel had lost it just by hearing the name “Flame Tornado.” This brat could even kill anyone who called that name casually. She was ‘basically’ obsessed with that stunning model of a guy.

After Jenna pulled her hair to snap her out of it, Ciel groaned in pain. “Ouch, I was having a nice daydream.”

“That was unfortunate.”

Removing the IV from her wrist and healing the bleeding point, Ciel smiled at the noticeable change she felt from Jenna. For some reason, her senses were sharper than before. Could it be because of the incident she went through? Or something else? She wasn’t certain. Even her healing just now was super-fast. Jenna’s aura also had changed, and her speech and breathing patterns were different.

Did Jenna undergo some changes too? She couldn’t tell. However, she sensed Jenna was hiding something. She could ask, but it would feel like forcing her to open up, so Ciel chose to wait and hope they’d meet again after today.

"Porter... or Jenna, I've got a question,"

“Huh? What is it?”

"Why do you put up with all the hardship as a decoy and stay quiet? Don't you get ‘really’ mad? I know you get depressed, but what keeps you going despite all the difficulties?"

Ciel’s voice became intense. "If it were me, I'd totally beat up Dave, for sure.”

Of course, that was out of nowhere, but seeing Jenna bruised every day from risky jobs or nearly dying and ending up in the hospital for months made her angry. The constant bullying from Dave fueled her anger even more.

Jenna, twisting her lips anxiously, began to speak. “It’s fine. I’m doing it for a special person in the entire world, anyway.”

“A special person?” Ciel asked, imagining if it was her children or someone like that.

“Yeah. Not what you might be thinking,” Still single girl! hung over her head as Jenna smiled admirably. “It’s my father. Even if doing harder jobs, he’s worth it. I wouldn’t let him die after taking care of me at any cost after my mother’s death.”

“I’m sorry.” Ciel, finally sensing her question was overly sensitive, teared up. “I get it now. I didn't know it was your dad. I'm really sorry! I hope he gets better."

“Don’t cry.” Jenna was puzzled by her reaction. Could it be that Ciel was the sensitive type? But she was never like that in the past.

"I won't stop you anymore. In fact, I'll definitely beat up Dave the next time I see him or anyone else who bullies you." Ciel cleaned her tears with her oversized sleeves.

“... I know you would, just don’t cry.” Jenna calmed her.

Hearing Jenna’s explanation of struggling through injuries and near-death experiences for her comatose father, Ciel’s fist clenched. Who would have known she was going through so much? Even in a world after the [collision], there are people like Jenna struggling hard for their goals, desires, and ambitions. It might be easier for adventurers to make millions of bills, but for those who are simply “awakened” or “normal civilians,” it’s a struggle for just gold coins. She let out a deep breath as Jenna continued.

“I enjoy privileges that porters do, which I don’t deserve. I’m still at the level of ‘awakened.’ But if I become just D-rank, that won't change.”

Ciel’s eyes widened. It wasn’t particularly surprising given Jenna’s seemingly thoughtful nature.

“I heard you wanted to be a professional author before this?” Ciel said, recalling a certain rumor. 

“Well, I haven’t held a pen for four years now.”

“Damn…” Ciel cursed. No way she could, in her desperate situation.

If it was in the past, and Jenna put the effort she put into being a decoy, she would have no doubt been an excellent author. Perhaps a famous one. But now, the story was different. A career like that now is nonsensical. Of course, if lucky, sure, but patience is another factor out of her reach. Just when Ciel was about to say something, Jenna continued.

“But thanks anyway for asking. It was an overly sensitive topic, yet you asked anyway.”

"...I was just worried about my savior." Jenna scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly.

“Well, you’re ‘really’ a good person. I can’t let you die like that. Oh, look at this.”

Suddenly, Jenna pulled something out. It was the jacket Ciel had lost during the monster’s attack. Pointing to the elbow area, Jenna grinned mischievously.

“It was slightly torn, so I sewed it up. Looks nice, doesn’t it?”

"Looks like it."

There was no sign of any blemishes on the elbow. Her sewing skills must be exceptional. Jenna, who had opened up a bit, began to chatter away.

“You’re the first after my father and mother to know about my sewing skills. Be proud of how amazing I am.”

"Hm. You've got Mom's jokes too. You've really changed, Jenna."

“Ha, it’s just your imagination. Ahaha.”

Jenna chuckled and waved the observation away. It seemed Ciel did catch on to her changes and her new way of speaking. The more she talked to her, the more she realized Ciel had also changed, making her even more unusual.

"Did you know that when you use 'Healing,' you can start with the cells and then move on to veins, arteries, muscles, and flesh? It's a really complicated technique, and I just figured it out..."

As Ciel went on and on about the technique she discovered, Jenna, who was thinking about something, finally spoke up, interrupting her.



“Why did you become a receptionist at the Team Headquarters?”

“What do you mean?” Ciel asked.

“I know you want to prove that ‘awakened’ people can also make a living. You know it yourself. If it were someone else, they would have given up long ago.” 

Ciel’s situation wasn’t good at all. She lacked innate development in healing, her practical evaluation from the [Adventurers’ Bureau] was below 60, but her theory was over 90, and she had to train hard to get her healing to where it was today.

Yet, if her determination wasn’t shaken, there must be something she relied on. Jenna asked, “Do you have any particular reason?”

Ciel hesitated for a moment. Jenna stared at her with a knowing smile. Avoiding her gaze, Ciel looked at her lap before speaking. “W-well, I have a dream.”

“A dream?”

“Yes. I want to achieve it no matter what… If you promise not to laugh, I'll tell you.”

“I promise,” Jenna said sincerely.

"Alright. I think we get along pretty well, and I trust you. I haven't told anyone else yet."

Jenna nodded. Ciel took a deep breath and began to speak.

"I want to be the best Battle Healer out there."

Time seemed to stand still for Jenna. Ciel, who had just washed her face, blushed and continued talking.

"Thanks for not laughing at me."

Ciel bowed her head sincerely as she felt a warm embrace. If it had been anyone else, they would have laughed at her petty dream. But Jenna was dazed. Tears began to fall from her eyes, and her body trembled with warmth and happiness.

Jenna embraced her hand. “No need to tear up. I’m here, and I’m proud of your amazing dream.”


Jenna’s expression was filled with appreciation and warmth like that of a father Ciel missed too much. Ciel spoke rapidly, pouring out her concerns about the Team Headquarters.

"And when HQ blows up, a lot of people, you know? I...?"

Suddenly, Ciel trailed off as she realized that with the Headquarters destroyed, she was basically jobless. Puzzlement grew in her heart. Jenna noticed this change and smiled.

“Don’t worry, we’re both jobless together. I got you.”

As they consoled each other on both losing their jobs, realization dawned on Jenna. The receptionist she knew, who was just a limited, depressed-reliever receptionist, was no longer here. Jenna wiped her eyes with her sleeve and let out a bitter laugh. In this life, she had caused an involuntary development.

“So... hey! You said you wouldn’t laugh!”

“I’m not laughing.”

“You really aren’t?”

Ciel looked at Jenna skeptically. Jenna nodded, suppressing her bitter smile, and checked the time. Then, she stood up from her seat.

“Well… I should be going now. I’ve rested enough.”


Just then, words filled with deep concern and worry resounded from nearby.


It was a worried female voice from the hospital corridor. The older woman had long brown hair and bright gray eyes similar to Ciel. It was her mother.


Ciel moved back a little and left the room. Jenna didn’t save her to get praise from her mother either.

Returning to the nurse stationed in Ciel’s ward, Jenna filled out a summary of the circumstances she had endured to bring a patient to the hospital. She left out a few details to make it a digestible truth.

After filling out the report, Jenna left the hospital, hoping to meet Ciel again if fate allowed it.

On the radio broadcast from a shop along the hospital’s road, a news bulletin was being broadcast.

[The cause of where and how the guardian, approximately level 100, appeared from within the Monster Expanse is still unclear.]

[Over to you, Reporter Ike. How is the situation?]

With a harsh feedback sound, the voice talked, and the overall feedback sound was reduced, making the once-deep voice clear.

[Yes, this place we are currently recording with a flying ship is a now devastated Team Headquarters located near the Monster Expanse. Right now, the Flame Tornado is having it under control…]

After listening to the radio and imagining the battlefield according to the background sounds of adventurers congratulating the Flame Tornado’s outstanding performance, Jenna concluded they had won the battle.

Right now, Jenna didn’t need to worry about them, but about herself. She thought as she walked in the direction of the hospital where her father lay. Indeed, she needed to find the cure to her father’s disease and regain her original power.

That was her new beginning.

Short chapter or long chapter
  • Long chapter but slow update Votes: 13 65.0%
  • Short Chapter but fast update. Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Both. Potential burn out. Votes: 1 5.0%
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