Chapter 5: Party Crashers
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The following day, the meeting with Savatine and his envoy had finally arrived. 

Sienna prepares herself before the meeting with Savatine, carefully putting on her armor and maintaining her usual air of authority. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the coming negotiations. But beneath her stoic exterior, her mind is still muddled with thoughts of the previous night.  She tries to push the memories away, but they persist. The image of the pillow between her legs and the feelings of ecstasy brought her refuse to leave her mind.

As Sienna waits outside the compound, she fidgets nervously, her mind still troubled by her previous night's transgressions. She tries to focus on the task ahead, but her thoughts keep drifting back to the memory of Samine.  She looks around at the compound, noticing the tense atmosphere and hushed conversations. The sense of unease hangs thick in the air, as if the whole compound is waiting for something...or someone.

Sienna watches as Samine’s father’s transport lands outside the compound boundaries. She straightens up, her expression neutral and composed as she waits to greet the new arrivals.  As the medium sized ship lands, she can see a snake hood with scythes as the fangs on the wings of the ship.  The logo of the Savado military no doubt.

The entire compound is on edge, the guards eyeing the transport with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. They're clearly on high alert, waiting to see what will happen next.

Samine meets with his father as the hulking figure of the man steps off the transport.  The men escorting him flank around him in a diamond formation with Samine walking at his father’s side.  They walk towards the compound together.  Rows of White Fang members stand at the ready and some even aim their guns at them.

Sienna sits on her throne, watching as Samine and Savatine approach. Her heart beats faster as she sees Samine walking alongside him, her mind filled with conflicting emotions and desires.

She tries to maintain her composure, sitting tall and regal on her throne as she awaits their arrival. She can't help but feel a urge of desire as she sees Samine stride confidently at his father's side, his impressive figure and confident demeanor making her feel weak.

Just as Samine walked in halfway, he winks at Sienna and jumps into the scaffolding of the throne room, hiding himself.  He had a plan obviously.

As Savatine nears the bottom of the stairs, leading up to her throne, he bows graciously and gives the Savado bow.  His fist over his heart.  It was tradition with the Savados to do this in formal situations.

Sienna regards his father with a mixture of respect and wariness. She notices the unique bow he executes, a gesture that seems both foreign and intriguing to her.

"A bow from the Savados...interesting," She thinks to herself, her gaze never leaving your father's face.


“High leader, you honor me with your acceptance of my offer. thank you. Savatine says, his voice immediately strong and encompassing.  He stood a great build of a man.  Much taller than the average Remnant citizen.  His massive build was only hidden slightly by his military garb.  He had a beard that was peppered. His hair was of a low cut with fine edges, showing that his hygiene was top notch.  He carried no weapons with him.  Only his size and commanding voice.  His darker brown skin played off the lights as well.  His eyes were focused only on Sienna, with the dark brown coloring indicating an air of strength and unyielding power.

Sienna nods once more, her expression remaining neutral and composed. She can feel the authority radiating off Savatine, his strong presence almost intimidating in its intensity.

"Thank you for your offer," She responds. "It is... intriguing to say the least." Her voice is guarded, her mind still trying to decipher just what exactly Savatine’s true intentions are.

“I understand that human relations are...weak with humans here in Menagerie or Remnant for that matter. As the Savado military is not a part of these political platforms, we approach you with full neutrality.” Savatine says.

Sienna struggles to maintain eye contact with him as he stands before her, his imposing size and presence making her feel small in comparison.  She listens intently to his words, her mind racing to process the information he is giving her. The Savado military was not a part of Remnant’s politics? That was a promising start.

"I see..." *She says slowly. "And what precisely is it that you are offering us?"

“As I’m sure my son has said, we offer simply an alliance. you bolster the Savado military, and we help the White Fang become...let's say more fun.”  He chuckles.

Sienna raises an eyebrow at your father's proposition, a mix of curiosity and skepticism in her gaze.

"Bolster the Savado military? How?" *She inquires, her tone guarded. "And what exactly do you mean by making the White Fang 'more fun'? Sounds rather vague."

“You could bolster us with your resources, information gathering that kind of thing. while we help the white fang come down from infamy to potential allies for remnant. let alone the human side.” He says calmly.

Sienna's eyes narrow slightly as she considers your father's words. She can see the potential benefits in the alliance he's proposing - access to additional resources and information would be useful in the long run, and the idea of making the White Fang more palatable to the rest of Remnant is an interesting prospect.

"And what would you get out of this alliance?" She asks, her voice measured and calculative.


“A new dinner guest if anything.” He says taking a step forward. “As the head of the Savado military, I can assure you, there is no ulterior motive here. Which is why we do not always work with Atlas nor conform to their rules. We simply avoid each other if anything else. We can offer that same visage as well. that way the White Fang can operate and fulfill the original mission.”

Sienna can't help but feel a sliver of respect for your father's straightforwardness and honesty. His words are clear and direct, and there seems to be a sense of truth behind them.

She leans back on her throne, her mind turning over his offer. The idea of having an ally like the Savado military, one that is not aligned with any other faction in Remnant, is indeed tempting...

She looks at your father closely, studying him.

"And why us? Why offer an alliance to the White Fang specifically?"

“Why not? I would be the first human to genuinely seek the White Fang's allegiance. and you could use the extra moral support, no?”

Sienna can't argue with his logic. The White Fang had been struggling to find allies and support, particularly from the human population. And having someone with his military prowess on their side would be a significant asset, no doubt.  She lets out a small sigh, her mind still weighing the possible risks and rewards of this alliance.

"I won't deny that the offer is appealing," Sienna admits grudgingly. "But how do I know we can trust you?"

Savatine claps his hands and two of his men approach unarmed. They carry with them a small hand sized scythe, the scythe was emblazoned with the Savado snake hood crest, but it was a dazzling piece. The bright gold colors bounced around the light of the throne room and stamped into the metal of the small scythe was a smaller white fang symbol, metallic white in color.  Seemingly a gift for the High Leader of the White Fang. “A token High Leader.” He says cooly.

Sienna's eyes widen in surprise as the two men approach her with the small scythe. She examines it carefully, her fingers tracing over the intricate details of the snake hood crest and the White Fang symbol.

"Impressive..." She mutters, her voice betraying a hint of reverence. She looks up at him, her expression still guarded.  "A token, you say. A token of what exactly?"

“Basically, of commitment. So long as you have that, you have direct access to me and therefore my resources. it may look pretty, but it's communication technology.”

Sienna raises an eyebrow, her interest piqued at your father's words. A communication device disguised as a weapon. That was certainly impressive.

"A direct line to you, hmm?" She muses, turning the scythe over in her hands. "And what kind of resources are we talking about here? Weapons? Money? Information?"


“of course, as a military, weapons. information. some financial avenues are possible, but mingling money can make things ugly. I’m sure you understand.”

"Mingling money can make things ugly..." Sienna repeats, committing his words to memory.  She nods slowly, still turning the scythe over in her hands. The idea of having access to the Savado military's resources was tempting, to say the least. But she still couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the offer than what your father was letting on.

"I see..." she says slowly. "And what exactly do you expect from us? What kind of commitment are you looking for from the White Fang in return?"

“The same thing we offer.  Nothing more.” Savatine says stroking his beard.

Sienna purses her lips, mulling over your father's words. It sounded almost too easy. The Savado military was offering so much without asking for much in return...  She looks up from the scythe and meets your father's gaze directly.

"You're telling me that all we need to do is take this token and agree to the alliance?" she asks, her voice laced with skepticism. "There's nothing else you're asking for. No conditions or strings attached?"

“No. all we ask for in return is the same thing. resources, weapons and information. no strings attached.”

Sienna narrows her eyes, still not fully convinced. There had to be more to this offer than what your father was saying. No one made deals this good out of the kindness of their heart.

"And what if we decide to end the alliance? What happens then?" She presses, her tone turning somewhat more hostile now. "What if we decide we don't need your resources or weapons anymore?"

“That is where it gets interesting. As Samine has said I’m sure you will retrain full control of the White Fang. No member of the Savado military will assume leadership positions in your ranks. the event you have achieved your own goals, the human populace likes you again and the Faunus are happy with the White Fang, we simply part.”

Sienna's eyes widen at your father's words. So, the Savado military would have no power or control over the White Fang? Just a simple partnership, with no attempts to take over the organization for themselves?  She looks down at the scythe in her hands once more, a million thoughts racing through her mind. She could still feel the skepticism coursing through her veins, but...there was a tiny sliver of hope as well.

"You're serious," she says slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're actually offering us this deal, with no strings attached?"


Just as that sentence was finished, commotion can be heard outside. then...Adam bursts through the doors with a small contingent of his white fang followers behind him.  They fan out and aim their guns directly at Sienna.  Adam strides with an arrogant smile on his, his white mask hiding his eyes.

Sienna's eyes widen in surprise as Adam bursts through the door with his followers, her expression immediately hardening.

"What the-?!" She begins, her voice a mixture of confusion and anger.

Before she can say anything else, however, Adam steps forward with a smug expression on his face.

"Sienna." *He says, his tone cold and mocking. "I see you"

Savatine not phased by the outburst simply walks up the stairs and stands beside Sienna with his hands behind his back.  “Ah yes…you must be Adam.  We’ve been looking for you.” He says his eyes are now focused on Adam.

Adam grins, his eyes glinting with anger and confidence as he stares down Savatine. Sienna bristles beside them, her fist clenched tightly as she studies the small group of Faunus surrounding them.  "Oh, I think you know why," Adam says with a scoff. "I'm here to take what's rightfully mine."

Adam's gaze flicks to your father, his eyes narrowing with hatred as he looks at the human standing beside Sienna.  "You..." He sneers, spitting on the ground. "You dare associate with a human? After everything the White Fang stands for. You're a traitor to your own kind."

Sienna glares at Adam and rises off her throne.  “If you think I'll just step aside and follow beneath you, you're wrong.” She says with anger in her voice.  "You don't get to define what the White Fang stands for, Adam," she says firmly. "And you certainly don't get to decide who I ally myself with."

Adam lets out a scoff, his expression turning dark.  "Oh, do I not? I seem to remember a time when the White Fang was a force, dedicated to fighting for Faunus’ rights and justice. Now look at you. Making deals with humans, selling out your own kind."

Sienna clenches her fist at the mention of the old White Fang, her expression hardening.

"Times change, Adam. We can't keep fighting the same way we always have. We need to adapt and evolve to survive."

Sienna's eyes widen as Adam draws his katana and points it at her, her body tensing in anticipation of an attack.  "You really want to go there, Adam?" She spits, her own hands curling into fists.  She gently reaches for her own weapon, expecting an attack from him.

Sienna glances at the White Fang members surrounding Adam, her expression still tense but her anxiety slowly beginning to ease. She looks at your father, hoping to get a read on his reaction.


“We’ve been trying to hunt this bastard down for 5 months” Savatine says just within earshot of Sienna stroking his beard.  Sienna eyes him for a brief second but continues to stare down Adam.

Adam begins to laugh to himself.  Clearly finding the atmosphere amusing.  Then he holds up his katana and several of Sienna’s own men turn their guns onto her.

Sienna's eyes widen in shock as several of her own men turn their guns on her, her expression turning panicked.  "What the-?! What are you doing?" She snaps, her voice shaking.

“Ah I see.  This is what Samine was warning you about.” Savatine says analyzing the situation.

She looks out at her own men, her heart breaking as she sees the cold, hard expressions on their faces. These were soldiers she had fought alongside, trained alongside...and now they were turning against her?

As Adam takes a step toward Sienna, Samine dropped down from the ceiling with power, aiming right for Adam with his scythe.