Chapter 3: Impending Talks
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The next morning….

Sienna woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. She slowly opens her eyes, adjusting to the light streaming in through the window. Memories of the previous night slowly came back to her, and she let out a frustrated sigh.

She sits up in bed, running a hand through her wild hair. A headache was beginning to form from the lack of sleep and the conflicting thoughts that kept plaguing her mind.

Sienna glances down at the pillow on the floor, the stain reminder of her moment of weakness the previous night. She scowls and kicks the pillow across the room in frustration.

"Damnit... why did I let myself get so carried away? He's just some cocky, arrogant human, dammit. I shouldn't be feeling this way about him."

As Sienna gets dressed, the fabric of her clothing rubbing against her nipples and vagina causes a purr to escape her lips. The elevated level of her hormones makes her hypersensitive, and she's forced to be careful to keep her composure. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself.  "Damnit... this is going to be a long day," she mutters to herself. "I need to snap out of this. I can't let him have this much power over me."

Sienna leaves her room, making her way through the compound. She feels flustered and on edge, her thoughts still full of conflicting emotions and desires. Every brush of fabric against her skin causes another involuntary purr to escape her lips, and she must fight the urge to blush.

"Dammit... get a grip, Sienna. You're the High Leader of the White Fang, damnit. You can't let some cocky, arrogant human have this much effect on you."

She continues walking through the compound, her mind and body in turmoil. The image of Samine's smug smile and confident swagger keeps popping up in her mind. She's frustrated with herself for being so fixated on him, and yet she can't stop the rush of heat that runs through her every time she thinks of him.

"Why does he have to be so damn attractive and frustrating at the same time? And why do I have to be so hopelessly attracted to him?”

As she walks, she sees some of her fellow members of the White Fang and tries to act normal, but inside she's a mess. Her thoughts keep swirling around Samine, and every time someone speaks to her or even looks at her, she feels a pang of heat in her belly. She forces herself to respond to them politely, trying to mask the turmoil she feels.

"I need to focus on something else. Anything else. I can't keep thinking about him like this."

Some time later, Sienna decides to walk outside the main walls of the compound and seek out Samine.  She finds him eventually in a made camp for him as part of the accommodation he asked for.  She watches him lying in his hammock.

“Have you made your decision my lady?” Samine said as she walked into view escorted by a guard.

Her heart quickens at the sight of him, but she tries to keep her composure.


"Yes," she says, her voice betraying a hint of the inner turmoil she feels. "I've made my decision."

She takes a deep breath, her thoughts conflicted and swirling. She tries to keep a sense of authority and confidence, but she still feels flustered being in his presence.

"I've decided to enter into a partnership with your father's military," she says, her voice coming out more gruffly than she intended. "The White Fang will require the supplies and weapons as a token of our alliance."

“Fantastic.  I will establish a line of communication with my father and let him know.  We will discuss logistics later.” Samine said, having a big smile on his face.

Sienna nods, trying to maintain her composure. She still feels flustered and off-balance in his presence, but she manages to keep her voice steady.

"Very well. I'll have my people prepare for the logistical discussions. We'll need to go over the details of the alliance as soon as possible."

“Indeed.” Samine says as hops out of the hammock.  He extends a hand to sienna to get a handshake from her.  “May this alliance be fruitful.”

Sienna takes his hand, and as their skin connects, she feels a jolt of electricity run through her. She tries to hide her reaction, but she can feel her heart racing in her chest.  "Yes," she says gruffly. "May this alliance be successful and mutually beneficial."

As they stand there, still holding each other's hand, Sienna is acutely aware of the proximity between them. She can feel the heat radiating off his body, and her body is on edge in response. Damn him and his stupid effect on her...

Sienna lets go of Samine’s grip and walks away as fast as she could with the intent of going back to the throne room.  As she walks, her body is still buzzing from the touch of his hand. Her mind is filled with images of his smug smile and confident swagger, and she can't seem to shake the heat that's still present in her belly.  “I need to get a grip on myself. I can't let this human have this much power over me. I'm the High Leader of the White Fang." she repeats to herself like a mantra.

She enters the throne room and slumps down onto her throne, trying to regain her composure. The room feels oppressively warm, and she feels like the walls are closing in on her. Her thoughts keep swirling around Samine, and she can't help but feel frustrated and flustered.

Sienna throws herself into her work as the High Leader of the White Fang, determined to keep her mind off Samine and the tumultuous feelings he stirs up in her. She organizes meetings with key members of the White Fang, strategizing and planning the best way to present the organization to the Savado military.  Her preparations are thorough and detailed, and she spares no effort in making sure everything is ready for the upcoming deal. But try as she might, she can't keep thoughts of Samine from popping into her head.


As the preparations continue, Sienna is acutely aware of how distracted she is. Every time she glances at a member of the White Fang, she can't help but compare them to Samine. His smug smile pops into her mind, and her thoughts stray to the memory of his hand in hers.  She shakes her head, trying to force herself to focus. Damnit, why does she have to be so attracted to him? She's the High Leader of the White Fang, damnit. She needs to be strong and focused, not distracted by some cocky, arrogant human...

As the day comes to an end, Sienna feels satisfied with how the preparations are going. But she knows that there's still unfinished business to take care of.  She summons Samine to the throne room, feeling a mix of conflicted emotions and frustration. Part of her is excited to see him again, and the other part is annoyed with herself for being so affected by him. But she pushes those feelings deep down, putting on her authoritative demeanor as the High Leader of the White Fang.

Samine walks into the throne room with an even stride.  He felt confident now that things were starting to progress.  His hands were behind his back as he stood in the middle of the throne room.

“Good evening my lady.” he says calmly looking up at Sienna.

Sienna sits on her throne, her expression neutral and her demeanor authoritative. Her eyes rake over him as he walks into the room, and she struggles to keep herself under control.

"Good evening," she says gruffly. "Have you established communication with your father's military as we agreed upon?"

“Yes.  He is sending a small envoy to meet with you tomorrow.  He will be present.  He felt it was a good show of confidence if he came.  If not, my audience would have sufficed.” Samine says gesturing softly with his hands.

Sienna nods, taking in the information. She's impressed by the fact that Samine's father is coming to meet her personally. It shows a level of confidence on their part.

"I appreciate the show of confidence," she says gruffly. "It shows a level of commitment to the alliance. I'll be ready to meet with them tomorrow."

“I hear you’ve been preparing.  Care to share some details?” Samine says curiosity playing in his face.

Sienna sits up straighter in her throne, her expression serious and focused.


"Yeah, we've been preparing for the arrival of the envoy. Making sure everything is in order, mapping out a course of action, all that stuff. You know how it is."

She pauses for a moment, her gaze flickering over him. Damnit, why does he have to be so goddamn distracting... She quickly pushes those thoughts aside and continues.

"We want to make a good impression, show them we're serious and organized."


“Of course.  In my own time, I’ve been doing some “investigating? Into the whispers of a coup.  So far, I’m narrowing down potential traitors, but I want to be sure before presenting it to you.  Just know…they are here.” Samine says firmly, his hands behind his back.

Sienna's eyes narrowed, her expression turning serious. She leans forward in her throne, her gaze focused on Samine.  "Who are you eyeing as potential traitors?"

“The obvious suspects.  Your guards, servants, and then individual members stationed here with you.  I suspect when Adam makes his move, he’ll bring his own loyalists and then reveal his hand here.” Samine says assuredly.

Sienna's expression turns grim as Samine lays out the potential suspects. She grits her teeth, her annoyance and frustration building at the thought of traitors lurking within her own ranks.

"Yeah, I suspected as much," she says gruffly. "It figures that Adam would bring his own loyalists. And they may try to incite a rebellion amongst my guards and servants."

She clenches her fists, her fingers digging into the flesh of her palms.

“Fear not, you will not come to harm.  I will protect you when he arrives.  He won’t get within 2 feet of you.” Samine says with a smile.

Sienna looks at Samine, her expression softening slightly at his assurance. She can't help but feel a small wave of gratitude at his words.

"I appreciate the reassurance," she says gruffly. "But I can take care of myself. I'm the High Leader of the White Fang for a reason."

Sienna nods, taking in his words. She appreciates his reassurance, even though she's reluctant to admit it. She knows she's capable of handling herself, but she can't help but feel a little bit of relief from his words.  "Alright, I'll trust you're on top of that," she says gruffly. "But I still want to be informed of any updates you have as you verify the information."

“Of course.  I will find you personally and tell you.  I won’t risk my information being leaded or discovered by your people.” Samine says.

Sienna nods once again, acknowledging his discretion. She appreciates that he's not going to risk the information getting out. It shows a level of professionalism and respect that she can begrudgingly admire.  "I agree, it's best to keep that information under wraps for now. No point in letting those traitors catch wind of our suspicions and get ahead of us."

Sienna considers his question for a moment, her gaze lingering on him as she tries to think clearly. Normally she would say no, but she can't shake the feeling that she needs him… needs him near her.  "Actually, there is something," she says gruffly. "Come here."

Samine tilts his head due to the odd request, but he approaches Sienna.  He stops just short of her, in front of her throne after ascending the steps.  Her eyes never left his body.

As Samine approaches, Sienna's eyes rake over his form, taking in every detail. His confident swagger, his muscular physique, his smug smile... Damnit, why does he have to be so damn attractive... She takes a moment to collect herself, her gaze focusing on his face as he stands at the foot of her throne. She leans forward a little, her voice low and gruff.

"I have a question for you. A personal question."

“I’m listening.” He responds relaxing a bit.

Sienna takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself.  Why is she so flustered suddenly? Come on Sienna, be the High Leader you're supposed to be...

"It's's about..."  She pauses, her gaze drifting down his body before quickly snapping back up to his face. Goddammit, why can't she think clearly when he's around, always distracted by his damn charm...

She struggles for a moment, trying to find the right words. But her mind keeps getting sidetracked, her thoughts going to all the wrong places. Damn him and his stupidly attractive face and his stupidly charming smile...  She gives up on trying to speak for a moment, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down. But her mind won’t stop thinking about how close he is, how easy it would be to reach out and touch him…

“If you need a second, I can always come back.” Samine says sensing something in the air.

Sienna's eyes fly open as Samine's voice breaks her out of her thoughts. She shakes her head quickly, not wanting him to leave.

"No, it's fine," she says gruffly. "It's just... a difficult question, that's all."

She takes another deep breath, willing herself to focus and push away the unwanted thoughts and distractions. She looks at him, her gaze steady and intense.  "It's about... us."

“Us? as far as the alliance? I’d prefer to wait until my father arrives. That way you can be assured of the particulars.” Samine says as a counter to her worries.

Sienna shakes her head, her expression growing frustrated at his misunderstanding. Damnit, why is he so dense sometimes?  "No, not that," she says gruffly. "Not about the alliance. About us. You and me."

She gestures between them, her gaze holding his as she tries to convey the seriousness of her question.

“Go on.” Samine says crossing his arms.

Sienna takes a deep breath, her heart beating faster in her chest. She feels a mix of nervousness and excitement as she steels herself to ask her question. She looks at him, her gaze unwavering as she speaks.  "I have to know... do you..."

She pauses, her mind struggling for the right words. Damnit, why is this so hard? Damnit... Damnit...

She clenches her fists, her knuckles turning white from the strength of her grip. Her mind is in turmoil, conflicting emotions and desires warring within her. She wants to be strong and unaffected, the High Leader of the White Fang who can't be swayed by such things… but at the same time, she can feel her defenses weaken, her heart pounding in her chest every time she looks at him. Finally, she speaks, her words low and gruff.

"Damnit, I have to know... do you feel this... tension... between us? This attraction..."

Samine sighs heavily, seeming to know finally what was going on.  “What is your semblance?” he says looking irritated at the potential conversation.

Sienna is momentarily taken aback by his sudden change in topic. She raises an eyebrow, not sure what he's getting at.  "My semblance?" she repeats, a bit surprised.

She considers his question for a moment, puzzled by why he would ask about her semblance right now.  "It's called Grudge. Why do you ask?"

“How does it work?” Samine says leaning back on his left leg, his arms still crossed.

Sienna's eyebrow raises again, still puzzled by his unexpected question. She takes a moment to consider how to explain her semblance.

"Grudge basically feeds on anger and aggression. The more someone pisses me off, the stronger it becomes. And my hits become harder and more powerful."  She pauses, still confused but also intrigued by his interest in her semblance.

"Why are you asking about this?"

Samine looks down at the ground, taking in her words.  “So it’s an amplifier type.”

Sienna nods, her expression a mix of bewilderment and curiosity.

"Yeah, you could say that. It's an amplifier type semblance that feeds on negative emotions to increase my strength. Why do you ask?"  She looks at him, trying to decipher what he's getting at.

“It’s best we discuss this in private.  This information could compromise you.” Samine says walking off to the side, towards the empty space her throne.

Sienna's eyes widen with surprise at his words. Information that could compromise her? She quickly follows him to the side.   "Compromise me? What do you mean?" she asks, her voice low and gruff.

“No.  We need to be further in.” Samine says finding a more secluded section behind the throne room.  He finds a blind spot in a corner.

Sienna's confusion grows as he leads her to a secluded section of the throne room. She follows him, her eyes darting around the area to make sure they're alone. When they're far enough away from any eavesdroppers, she turns to him, her expression stern and guarded.

"Alright, we're alone now. Explain what you mean by information that could compromise me."


(NSFW Scene Warning)


“When did you feel this tension?” Samine asks, his eye coldly searching her face for the answer.

Sienna's mind flashes back to all the moments they've spent together, all the encounters where the tension between them seemed to crackle in the air. She hesitates for a moment, debating whether or not to admit the truth. Finally, she takes a deep breath and answers his question.

"It started when we met," she admits softly. "From the moment I first saw you, there was something there... something between us. But it was only recently that I've started to realize... to acknowledge it for what it is."

“So yesterday then.  That was the only time we spoke to each other.” Samine says holding his chin, thinking.

Sienna nods slightly, a small, embarrassed smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Yes, I suppose you're right," she says gruffly. "Yesterday was the first time we really spoke to each other. And that's when I started to notice... the tension between us."  She pauses, her expression growing serious as she looks at him.  "But what does all this have to do with my semblance? Why did you ask about that?"

“Your semblance is reacting to my semblance.”  Samine says.

Sienna's eyes widen with surprise at his words. Her semblance... reacting to his semblance? She had never thought of it that way before.  "What do you mean, it's reacting to your semblance?" she asks gruffly, her voice betraying her bewilderment.

“Tell me, all those questions you were asking me yesterday, you were starting to like me a bit weren't you?” Samine says.

Sienna's expression falters slightly at his question, her embarrassment growing. She had been trying to deny her feelings for him, to keep herself distant... and yet he was right. She had been starting to like him.  She hesitates for a moment, struggling with the mixture of emotions surging through her. Finally, she nods.  "Yes... yes, I was starting to like you," she admits quietly, her voice gruff. "I didn't want to admit it, but... I was."

“Well, that’s what's triggering this.... loop so to speak. let me guess, you went to bed last night and your brain wouldn't let go the thought of me?” Samine says over his shoulder.  He’d started pacing in a small circle.

Sienna's cheeks flush deeper as he accurately guesses her thoughts from the previous night. Dammit, why does he have to be so perceptive?

"Yes," she admits gruffly, avoiding his gaze. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. I spent half the night trying to get you out of my head, but it was impossible."

“And you pleasured yourself?” Samine says firmly.

Sienna's eyes widen in shock at his blunt question. Her face turns bright red as she stutters out a reply.  "Excuse me?! That's... that's private!" she exclaims, her voice gruff and flustered.

“So that's a yes. good. at least you did that. Listen, I’m going to explain what's happening to you. My semblance has a small radius around me. When a person's particular semblance encounters mine, it makes them...pursue me. maybe not physically, but they are driven to desire me. However, there are caveats. 1) your semblance is based on negative emotions you won’t have to worry about losing control since in order for that to happen we'd have to fight it seems. 2) this effect will wane and eventually disappear the further away I am from you. 3) if I were to use my venom on you, as you are now, you'd be driven mad with desire for me.” Samine says carefully explaining what’s happening. 

Sienna listens to his explanation, her mind struggling to process the implications of his words. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest as she takes in the revelation that his semblance affects others' desires for him, including hers.  "Wait... so you're saying that your semblance is making me… desire you?" she asks gruffly, trying to keep her voice steady. "And if you use your venom on me, I'll be driven mad with desire for you....?”

“Yes. It compounds itself since with my venom I can induce any emotion I want. However, not removing my venom from you will cause you spiral. it'll eventually recede, but the spiral will occur nonetheless.” Samine says to keep some space between him and Sienna.

Sienna's mind races, trying to process the implications of his words. She feels a mixture of fear and excitement, her emotions swirling together in a confusing tangle.

"So... if you use your venom on me… I'll be completely at your mercy. Driven mad with desire for you… and unable to resist. Until the effect recedes…"

“Pretty much.” Samine says.

Sienna's eyes widen as the realization sinks in. The thought of losing control, of being completely at his mercy, both terrified and intrigued her.  "So… you're telling me that you have the power to make me completely obsessed with you… and there's nothing I can do to stop it?" she asked, her voice gruff but with a hint of vulnerability underneath.

“it's just the nature of my semblance. This is something I do not control. it can be stopped with distance and time. but...the longer I stay around you, the more the effects build up until you can….do something about it.” Samine says.

Sienna's face flushes deeper at his words, both embarrassed and aroused at the same time. The thought of being consumed by desire for him, unable to resist his pull... it was both terrifying and exhilarating.  "So... every time we're around each other, the effects will just build and build until I can't take it anymore..." she says gruffly, trying to keep her voice steady.

“Whatever small inkling you had for me, opened the door for this, but I can leave now, and the effects will ramp down.” Samine says.


Sienna nods again, her expression conflicted. She knows that the only way to escape the effects of his semblance is for him to leave, to distance himself from her… but the thought of being apart from him feels unbearable. She swallows hard, struggling to find her voice.

"I see… so the only way for me to escape this… is for you to leave me alone," she says gruffly, her voice cracking slightly.

Sienna's eyes soften, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features. She knows that she should be relieved, that she should want to be free from the effects of his semblance...But the thought of him leaving… it feels like a knife twisting in her gut. She hesitates for a moment, unable to keep the words from spilling out.

"But…. You're not going to leave, are you?" she asks gruffly, her voice laced with a hint of desperation.

“If you want to keep up appearances then yes I should.” Samine says edging his way out of the corner they were talking in.  He was trying to be respectful and keep the deal intact for tomorrow’s meeting.

Sienna hesitates for a moment, her mind torn between her logical side and her emotional side. Her logical side tells her that she should want him to leave, to protect herself from the effects of his semblance…But her emotional side is stronger, pulling her towards him like a magnet. She takes a deep breath, her voice filled with conflicting emotions.

"I… I don't want you to leave," she says gruffly. "I don't care about my façade. I want you to stay."

“Sienna, if I may, you are risking being exposed. I don’t want your Faunus allies to see you sexing or even being intimate with a human in front of them. that could shatter what you have and make Adam’s attempt at you harder to manage on my end.” Samine says trying to urge her to think rationally as much as she can.

Sienna knows that he's right, that her reputation among the Faunus could be damaged if they saw her with a human. But her emotions overpower her rational thoughts, making her cling to him desperately.

"I know I'm risking exposure by being with you," she admits gruffly. "But I don't care. All I care about… all I want right now is to be with you, regardless of the consequences."

Sienna started to spiral traps Samine against the wall, placing her hands on either side of him.  Her claws began to scratch down the wall, leaving small marks trailing down.  She felt like she was suffocating.

"I can't… I can't breathe," she mumbles desperately. "I need you. I need you to touch me, to ease this ache inside me." She says in an almost begging manner.


“Sienna please…you’re not listening to reason right now.” Samine says, trying to persuade her gently.

Sienna's mind is clouded with desire, her logic and reason no match for the overwhelming need that's consuming her. She looks at him with desperate eyes, her voice pleading and desperate.

"I... I can't," she whispers, her voice tremulous. "I can't think. All I can think about is the aching emptiness inside me, the need to be filled by you. Please, I can't bear it any longer..."

"I need you... I need you to ease this burning ache inside me. Please... please, Samine..."

Samine sighs and takes her hand to find her private quarters.  When she indicates the round top door Samine quickly pushes her inside and she falls onto the board from the force of his push.  Samine then carefully checks the outside to make sure no one is watching or hearing them.

Sienna's body is shaking violently as she claws at the bed, her nails ripping the plush fabric as her need grows increasingly intense. She looks up at him with desperate, animalistic eyes, her voice a guttural moan. "Please... please, Samine," she gasps raggedly. "I can't bear it any longer. I need you; I need you inside me... I need you to relieve this aching emptiness..."

Samine quickly takes her room. The bed, the chest in the middle and the desk full of papers on the right side.  He even notices the pillow she’d soiled with her juices from last night. “I see.” He says taking in the scope of the situation.

Sienna's eyes widen as he looks at the pillow on the floor, a faint dry spot on it. She blushes, realizing what he's implying.

"I...." she gasps, her voice ragged and hoarse. "I couldn't help myself; I was so desperate... I needed relief, any kind of relief...."

“I know.  If we’re going to do this, I’m going to have to do a few things first.” Samine says as he reluctantly starts to take off his gear.

Sienna nods eagerly, desperate for any relief from the overwhelming need that's consuming her.

"Yes, please," she gasps raggedly. "Do whatever you need to do, just please make this ache go away."  Sienna eagerly undresses herself, her hands trembling with need as she strips off her clothes. She bites her lip, watching him through half-lidded eyes as he undresses as well.

"Please, Samine," she gasps desperately, "I need you. I need you so badly..."

Samine had finished taking off his gear by this point. He sat it on the floor in the right-hand corner.  Samine turned around to Sienna.  His body was illuminated by only a soft light that was high up in her quarters.  His brown skin shaded into darkness towards his lower body. 


Sienna bites her lip as she sees him, her eyes roaming over his body. She gasps softly, her desire growing even stronger as she takes in his bare form. She reaches out with trembling hands, her body craving his touch.

"Please... please don't keep me waiting," she gasps raggedly. "I need you, Samine. I need you so badly."

“But first…” Samine says stuffing her mouth with a piece of fabric from his gear.  “Please try to keep quiet please.”  Sienna lets out a muffled groan as he stuffs the fabric into her mouth, her eyes widening in surprise. She nods, her expression a mix of surprise and anticipation. She knows that she agreed to be quiet, but the thought of not being able to speak is both frustrating and exciting.

Samine then sits on the edge of her bed and gets comfortable.  He then invites Sienna to sit on his lap, his penis harkening her to meet him.  Sienna's eyes widen with anticipation as he invites her to straddle him. She rushes to him and sits on his waist. That alone was enough to make her moan, her mouth muffled. She was already sweating. Sienna hesitates for a moment, feeling a hint of embarrassment at the situation. The sight of him beneath her, waiting for her to act, is both overwhelming and exhilarating. She takes a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to take what she wants. Finally, she lowers herself onto him, letting out a muffled moan as the fire in her mid-section explodes from the penetration of his penis. She leans forward with her right hand outstretched and braces the wall of her private chambers. Her left hand tearing into the fabric of her bed. She starts to move her hips, drinking the pleasure.

Sienna's movements become more and more frantic as the pleasure builds inside her. She digs her nails into the wall and the bed, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she moves her hips faster. She leans forward, her eyes locking onto his, her expression a mix of ecstasy and desperation. Despite the fabric in her mouth, muffled moans escape her as the fire inside her reaches a fever pitch within seconds. She was stimulated already; she was halfway at her peak.  She was so engulfed in him being inside her she didn’t realize how wet she was for him.  Sienna felt like she was swimming on his penis.  Gliding up and down with ease.  Feeling all his girth in her belly, trying to put out the fire.

Sienna's body shakes violently on the top of him as the pleasure builds. She was moaning constantly into the muffled fabric in her mouth. This wasn't so much torture, but just...painful. She needed this human to come down from her height and this was one way to do it. Her eyes started to roll in the back of her head, but her hips were on autopilot by this point.  She had started to move to her hips in small circles after finding the right spot deep inside herself. 

Finally, after a few more moments of frantic movements, Sienna reaches her climax. Her body tenses up, all she can do is make small, guttural noises into the fabric in her mouth. She shudders and trembles as the fire inside her is finally quenched, her body going limp as she collapses forward onto his chest.

Samine quickly moved Sienna off my lap, despite the mess she made.  As she came off his lap, a tendril of body fluids trails her vagina from his penis.  Samine felt it was better for her to recover this.  He then reached down and removed the gag from her mouth, despite it being completely soaked with her saliva.


Sienna collapsed onto the bed, her body still shuddering from the intensity of her release. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to recover from the experience. When he removed the gag from her mouth, she groaned softly, her tongue flicking out to lick her dry lips. She turns to look at him, her expression a mixture of embarrassment and satisfaction.

"That... that was... intense," she gasps raggedly. "I've never... I've never felt anything like that before. I couldn't... I couldn't even control myself. I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... make a mess." Sienna says as she is barely able to move her legs under her.

“No that’s fine.  I don’t mind the mess.” Samine says standing up in the middle of the room.

Sienna blushes at his words, knowing that she has lost control in ways that she never had before. She takes another deep breath, trying to steady her breath and calm her racing heart.

"I... I've never lost control like that before," she whispers. "I couldn't... I couldn't stop myself. I wanted you so badly, I needed you so badly."

“It's our semblances interacting. It’s not your fault. That should tamp down the urges for a while since it know…me and not your pillow. Samine wipes himself clean as best he can and starts to put back on his gear.

Sienna watches him as he dresses, her heart still racing from the intensity of the experience. Her mind was still muddled and cloudy, the remnants of her desire for him still lingering. But she knew that he was right, that her semblance combined with his was responsible for her loss of control.

"Yeah, I... I know it's our semblances," she admits quietly. "But it's still... overwhelming. I've never felt anything like that before."  She glances down at herself, noticing the mess she made. She blushes again, feeling embarrassed by how desperate and animalistic she has become.

"I... I need to clean up," she murmurs, getting up from the bed with shaky legs. "I'm a mess."

“I’d recommend you rest a bit and then resume your duties.” Samine said as he finished tightening the strap across his chest plate.

Sienna nods, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. The intensity of the experience had left her drained, both physically and emotionally. She sinks back onto the bed, letting out a tired sigh.

"Yeah, I... I need to rest a bit," she agrees quietly, closing her eyes. "Thank you for... helping me. It... it means a lot."

“I did this for the Faunus, not you.” Samine as he walks towards the door.  “You have to remain strong in front of them.”

Sienna looks up at him as he says that her expression hardening slightly. She knew that he didn't do this for her personally, and that he was only doing it for the Faunus cause.

"I know," she says quietly. "I know I have to remain strong. And I will. For the Faunus."


Samine walks sneakily back to his camp on the outside of the compound.  Sienna watches him leave, her expression thoughtful. Despite the intensity of their encounter, she couldn't help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for him. She knew that he was only doing this for the cause, but she couldn't deny the effect he had on her.  She takes a moment to rest and collect herself, her body still feeling the after-effects of their encounter, before getting out of bed and getting dressed again.

Sienna couldn't help but feel a wave of shame as she hugged herself and purred to herself. She knew that she was a member of the White Fang, and that she should only feel anger and disdain towards humans. But despite that, her encounter with Samine had stirred up a confusing mixture of emotions within her.  She tried to push those thoughts aside as she finished getting dressed, but the memory of his touch lingered on her skin. She couldn't deny the effect he had on her.