Chapter 18 – The Creation of Three New Races
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Chapter 18

(Celestia POV)

"Alright, Tia, we have to get to work on creating your new nation.“ Something I noticed about my mother was that her smell was almost identical to mine. It must be our way of being able to identify who is of our kind. I am also super jealous of the fact that she has those really beautiful and fluffy wings on her back. I want those too!


“Will I be able to get those amazing-looking wings as well? Also, can we fly with them? They aren’t just for looks, right?” I blurted out something that was bothering me when an important topic was about to be discussed.


“Of course, you also have these wings dormant inside of you. Once you leave this place, ask Mila to help you with your wings and how to fly.” My mother pats me on the head with a sly smile.


“What’s with that face?” I asked curiously about what could be on her mind.


“I just think you’re so cute, and it warms my heart to finally have these kinds of moments with you.” She rubs her hand across my cheek.


“Well, get used to it because I won’t allow you to disappear on me again!” I understand she has something important to do in the next five years, but after that, she has to stay put! My personality is that of someone who gets very attached to people I love, and I don’t want to ever lose her again!


“Tia, you don’t have to worry!” She starts pinching both my cheeks. “You can’t get rid of me even if you try. You have seen the lengths I would go to just to keep you safe. So please trust me when I say I won’t ever leave you again. You know... besides my dormant period, but after that, never again; it’s a promise!”


I stick out my pinky finger, gesturing for her to do the same. That’s when the strongest duo in any world made their oath to always protect one another. Even though I never said it, I for sure thought it. With how much effort my mom put into giving me a future, I could be happy. I also want to protect her!


“Then it’s a promise." We both said it at the same time, almost as if we could read each other's minds.


“Of course, honey, now let’s get to work.” With those words, a pop-up window appeared right in front of my face.


“Is this like a system you would see in another world?” I looked at the pop-up window with intrigue, as it reminded me of those Isekai stories. It was as large as a big-screen TV, with three different sections each also having four spots available.


“You could say that. I modeled it after something you would recognize. Using the cradle should be as easy as creating a character in a game. I studied the civilization games of your past life to create a system that would make it very easy for you to make use of it.” She gave me a wink after the explanation.


Well, that’s perfect. A system I could easily get used to, but I was still pretty nervous about actually being able to do it right. But if it resembles a character creation screen, there should be no issues. Now I just want to decide what I want to create.


“Alright, that sounds perfect! How do I get started?” I ask with determination to create the best demi-humans I could possibly think of.


“Tia, I do have to warn you, though.” My mother looks at me with a worried face.


“Hmm... warn me about what?” I ask, with intrigue, what she could possibly be worried about.


“The more powerful and unique you make each race, the more power it will drain out of you. You remember what I said about the past and what happened to those individuals who had their magic out of harmony with destruction magic? You’re going to have to hope your anchor is ready to help bring you back. The way Ayliel used herself for my sake.”


“What do you mean? Does someone need to sacrifice their life for me or something?” The only person who even came to mind was Rhea, and I would never sacrifice her.


“Of course not; Rhea is your anchor, but she can accomplish it without risking her life. Although she might take some damage, it all depends on her.” She said it with a solemn face.


“You know you’re making me wonder if I should even use the cradle. If it could put Rhea in any kind of danger, I really don’t want to do it.” Rhea is currently the most important person in this world to me, besides my goddess mother. That's also someone I will love with all my heart. But putting Rhea in danger is just a no!


I’m sure my mother could feel the shaky resolve I’m going through with this whole creation of races with the cradle. As I was having such thoughts, I felt a warm embrace encircle my body. I was now once again within my mom’s embrace. It truly did feel so comfortable. Everything about her just brought down my defenses, as if my trust was absolute with this person. With everything she went through for me, it’s the least I could do.


“Don’t worry, Tia; don’t you trust Rhea?” I didn’t know it at the time, but at this very moment, Hieko and Mila were explaining the whole situation to Rhea, even my origin story with my mother.


“Yes! Of course, I trust her with all my heart. I felt her feelings from the moment I turned her. She gives off this overwhelming amount of affection at almost all times towards me. It can even be a bit too much, but I don’t really mind because it’s her.” Like I told her on our way here, she could show as much of her feelings towards me as she pleases. I would never feel anything but grateful for having such an infatuated partner. Especially when she's so cute!


“Then all will be well; just put your faith in her. This was my purpose for bringing her back to life all those times. Rhea’s life is a necessity if you want to live a good life. You could say she’s like the saintess of this world because of the high amount of holy magic within her body. It is very similar to creation magic and also why you feel so good around her.” Mom was rubbing my back gently while I was still in her embrace. She also gave me a quick peck on my forehead, which sent shivers down my body. It was almost like her kiss was laced with something that completely relaxed me.


“Ah, so was that why I felt an instant connection to her in the auditorium?” I was completely sure about the answer I would receive.


“Yes, that’s correct. As I’m sure you noticed, the closer you got to her, the stronger your feelings became. That’s because she has the ability to completely take your burden away. It’s as if she is creation magic itself, given how strong her holy magic is within her. She has holy fire that can heal or damage any target; this is what she must master to bring you back to your senses.”


“Hmm... holy fire sounds pretty cool, honestly.” I was intrigued by what something like that would actually look like. I guess it would be white or clear.


“Just trust in her, Tia; she has strong protective feelings for you. That’s why she manifested supportive barrier magic with her awakening into a vampire. Rhea wished with all her heart to be able to protect you. So I’m certain that with her feelings, when the time comes, she will be able to react the way she needs to."


With that, we separate and start getting down to work.


“Alright, let’s do it.” My mind was made up; I just had to trust her.


"Now, Tia, think of what your first race would be and bring it to fruition.” My mother’s eyes were sparking with anticipation, almost as if she already knew what I was going to say. What am I even thinking? Of course she already knows, right? I laugh to myself.


With the conclusion I made earlier, it seems three races are the maximum for creation at one time. While those four spots must mean two sets of individuals, I’m guessing two males and two females. I look over towards my mother, who is no doubt listening to my thoughts. She gave me a nod to my assumptions with a bright smile.


A mother who can hear anything I’m thinking is a little scary, I laugh to myself. Looking over at mom, I see her raise an eyebrow. Whatever, just continue on with what I was doing.


For my first race, I think designing one after my mother's savior would be the best way to go. Without Ayliel, would we both even be here right now? Having an angelic race in recognition of what she did for us would be a great way to remember her.


“What do you think of that, mom?” I was very curious about her response.


“It’s very true that I do respect her greatly, and your decision on your first species sounds great. You can still create two more, as you assumed before; what will those be?”


Hmm, the second would have to be after my mother, because I wouldn’t be here without her. Having a race similar to her original appearance would be great. Like the angelic race, it will have white, fluffy feather wings. The second race that I will name is Fallen; it would be a perfect name for the second species. They will have bat-like wings like my mother’s lower second set of wings on her back.


With the angelic race being intelligent, kind healers, they will be like a guiding light for the kingdom in the future. The Fallen will be a vampiric-type race that is lethal and stealthy. They will be my special forces. Having the ability to turn people to our side will be very effective for overthrowing enemies in the future. Having the good old-fashioned type of vampire who can turn people into their minions would be very beneficial in the future.


After having such thoughts, I looked up at my mother, who was now looking at me with such a huge smile on her face. She had a hand resting on her chin with a slightly tilted head. It was as if she was admiring the loveliest thing in the world.


“Mom, you're making me feel a bit embarrassed, you know.” I sigh to myself at my mom’s expression.


"Oh, my dear daughter, I was just so happy that I couldn’t help but have a strong feeling of approval.” She holds her hands up, showing me a heart shape. “I love you a lot, my darling girl.”


“So you decide to make me feel even weirder.” Of course, I do enjoy her affection, but it’s still early on in our relationship as mother and daughter. “I love you too, mom, and I'm happy you’re finally here.” How could I not have these types of feelings towards such a devoted parent?


Being away from her for five years will really stink, and I will miss her greatly. It’s been really fun just messing around with her. Hopefully, these five years will go by in a flash.


“You don’t have to worry, Tia; even if I can’t physically touch you for five years, I can still contact you once I’ve regained enough strength.” She gave me another wink with heart-shaped hands once again. Pretty sure at this point, she just loves seeing me embarrassed.


"Alright, mom, let’s get on with it, but I’m also very happy I won’t have to wait five years to hear from you again.” I said the second part a bit low, still being a little shy about admitting those feelings so readily. But I did just tell her I love her, so I guess I’m not too shy with my feelings. It’s just very new. This situation is completely different from when I laid myself bare in front of Rhea. Both women would probably destroy the world for me, with one having already done it in the past.


I just ignore the overly affectionate face my mother is giving me and think about the third race. This has to be something that will be the core of the kingdom and have great attributes. The only thing that comes to mind is elves. They are usually a strong race, but they have insanely high superiority complexes.


No one in this kingdom can live that way because everyone here will be on the same level. I don’t want any of that noble bullshit backstabbing going on. Creating an absolute monarchy for now would probably be for the best. Everything being decided by me would, at least, mean people wouldn’t fight over stupid stuff. If I have to abdicate the throne in the future, I will just let the future me decide what to do with that.


"Alright, Tia, you have selected three. Now tell me what attributes you want out of each race.” After my mother’s question, twelve individuals appeared out of nowhere, each separated into three groups around us.


“Wow, I can see the three different races, and they all looked how I envisioned them.” This turned out to be much easier than I thought.


“I just took what you were thinking and created the perfect replicas.” My mom looked so proud, as if she wanted a compliment. Just then, my mother points to her cheek. “Kiss it for my hard work.” She said it with pleading eyes.


A giggle breeched from my lips at her actions, but I couldn’t help it and complied. It’s pretty obvious that, just like Rhea and I, she was also in need of much-needed affection. Going up to my mother’s right cheek, I press my lips against her very soft skin. I couldn’t help but feel a warm sensation go throughout my body. Is this what familial love feels like?


“The attributes of the angelic race would have to be, as I’ve said before, being intelligent with strong healing capabilities. I want them to have very fluffy white wings and the ability to sense danger. Being healers, I want them to know when danger is lurking around and be ready for it. When it comes to looks, I don’t really care as long as they look cute. But I will never fall for one created by the cradle, as they will all just seem like children to me.”


That last part I take very seriously because I’m pretty much their mother. It would just be weird. Also, anyone born from them would fall into the same category.


I don't even need another lover when I have Rhea. For now, there is no chance. But I guess you never know what the future holds. I’ve never really been a fan of harems, though.


After going through the other two races with my mother, we got ready for the most crucial part. I would have to use my creation magic through the cradle to bring these twelve lives into being. I guess I’m going to get my first taste of what it feels like to be an actual god. How crazy!


"Alright, Tia, this will be goodbye for now. Once you’ve gone through the process of delivering your magic to the cradle, I will have to force you out of here. Hopefully, into the ready and waiting arms of Rhea, whose task will then begin.” My mother said this as I saw tears start to fall from her eyes as she clasped her arms around me for the last time in what could be five long years.


I couldn’t help myself and also started crying while in my mother’s arms. My gratitude for her and the feelings of loss—I'm sure I will feel that for the next five years.


“I’m going to miss you, mom, and I’m happy to be your daughter,” I said with pride at how amazing and happy I am to have her as my mother.


“I love you, Tia, and I look forward to our next meeting. I will contact you as soon as I have enough strength. Remember what I told you during our first encounter? Just follow your heart, and I’m sure everything will be fine. If you’re ever in trouble, break this gem.” That’s when an extremely shiny red ruby was placed around my neck. It was the same color as both our eyes. “I will shatter the sky and come save you if you ever break this. Only use it in desperate situations.”


With that, our goodbyes were over as my body started emanating a very bright light…


Next chapter will be from Rhea's POV. I hope my overly affectionate mother and daughter landed the way I wanted them too. They both deserve this type of interaction when the next five years apart will probably be rough. I hope everyone enjoy's the chapter!