Chapter 1 – A New Beginning
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Chapter 1

(Celestia POV)

My life has become very monotonous and boring. When I was younger I injured myself on the job very badly and became a cripple. This led to being incapable of finding any source of income, which forced me to live with my parents. The most enjoyable part of my day is waking up after a good sleep and having the opportunity to check all the recently updated light novels. To stop thinking about how my life fell apart and travel into a completely different world is my favorite source of escapism.


Being almost forty years old and still living with my parents really eats away at my soul. Sometimes, I feel like death would be a great relief to my continued useless existence. But on the other hand, I’m very afraid of the idea of dying because no one knows what actually comes after life.


I was raised catholic and forced to attend all the different ceremonies you would have to take part in as you grow up. But I was always conflicted with the idea of living forever in paradise. How is that whole concept even possible? That’s when I started reading stories about reincarnation, and it became a sort of obsession to hopefully experience it once I die. It’s something that made a lot more sense, but actually having your memories in your next life is probably very low.


Wiping the slate clean when being reborn completely fresh and new is more likely. It doesn’t stop me from hoping though because what’s the point of getting reincarnated, if you can’t actually fix the errors of the life you once lived. Just give me a chance to have a life I can actually be proud of! Little did I know forces I was unaware of started to move.


“Damn it, none of my favorite light novels have updated!” I say with a huge sigh.


Leaning back in my chair kicking my feet up on the bed I start hearing a very familiar sound. I look up at the ceiling my anxiety starts to rise with a thundering sound starting to vibrate through the walls of my room.


“Why do we have to live so close to an air force base?” Multiple times a day I hear loud rumbling of many types of planes flying over head. It’s one of my greatest fears having an airplane impact my room. My whole body always tenses up until I hear the rumble up above clear the house.


As the sound gets even louder my anxiety shoots up as I jump out of my chair, forcing it to fall against a wall. I can feel my chest start to pound. My eye’s still on the ceiling as if trying to see the plane and if it’s going to stop diving. The impending doom sensation is enormous as it keeps getting louder and louder.


“Shit!” was the only thing I could say as I run to my door and open it as the sound became way too loud not to be right above. At this moment the ceiling explodes as the whole room caves in with me still in the doorway.  From the impact I was pushed violently into the ground as flames erupt from all directions. The only thing that came to mind was, ‘Well I guess I’m about to find out if reincarnation is real or not’ as everything fades to black.




“AHHHHHH…” I let out a scream as my body shoots up with my heart beating extremely fast. At the same time my head was feeling as if it had been smashed by a hammer. I had cold sweat all over my body as I try to take in my surroundings not understanding how I could still be alive. Could I have actually been a survivor of such a crash?


The room was very dark and also had a very musky smell. While, looking around in the darkness I saw two very red orbs looking straight at me on the other side of the room. What the hell is that?


“Who are you?” I scream as I jump up in fright from whatever creature that could be. To my surprise, the eyes also move as if it was following my actions. I stop motionless and stare at the red eyes wondering if it was going to make any moves.


“What do you want?” I ask with a tremble in my voice. It never said a word and made me feel like an idiot for some reason. Why the hell is this room so damn dark! At the same time I wonder why my voice had such a high pitch. That’s when my head starts hurting once again as memories start entering my mind.


After about a minute of head pounding agony my body came to some kind of equilibrium and I understood one major thing. I have finally become whole. I got my wish of being reincarnated, but the family abuses me for no other reason than having different blood, typical noble household. The other huge fact is I’m now a girl! What in the world? 


I start to feel around my body first being my chest and I about had a heart attack when I felt two decently sized melons. Even though I have the memories of a girl, it still blew my mind. My hair was also down to about my belly button and felt extremely silky. When I raise my hand up to my nose and sniff I smell this very sweet scent that gave me a good feeling. The red eyes in the distance were obviously mine after receiving the second set of memories. There was a mirror on that wall, and now I look like a complete idiot afraid of myself.


But, red eyes…? That can’t be something normal. Also, when I touch the clothes on my body they were very thin and thrashed. It’s as if I had a potato sack over my upper body just hiding my breasts and worn out pants on my legs. That’s when I notice something very weird about my mouth. I had fangs! Like what? They were extremely sharp and longer than my other teeth.


The only logical thing I can think of is did I just become a vampire? On top of that my sex has also changed. In a room pitch black with no light and my clothes are no better than rags. Well I guess I got my answer about reincarnation but isn’t this a bit too much? Also, the girl’s memories don’t feel foreign to me; it’s almost as if I was her all along. Was it possible that I’ve been this girl for the past twelve years?


The two sets of memories seem to blend together as if I’ve always had them. I remember always wondering how this would actually work in real life, if you reincarnate into another person’s body. It makes a lot more sense that I’ve been this girl for the past twelve years and just only awakened to my last life memories. I’ve never been attracted to men, and now I know why from being one in my past.


But, what now…? If, I didn’t know any better I would say this is a text book opening sequence of a villainess reincarnation novel. But, I’m in the place of the heroine. I highly doubt the one to save the day would be a vampire. Also, this could be the beginnings of a last boss scenario. Someone who was treated horribly by their family resents the world and try’s to destroy everything.


From my memories my name seems to be Celestia Voltaire, and I’m the youngest of four children. I have two brothers named Scott and Eric which both treat me as if I’m a ghost. The third child is my older sister who is the biggest piece of garbage in the family. She treats me as if I’m the worst scum on earth and the one I’m supposed to call mother allows her to do it. My sisters name is Caroline, and she’s also the reason my living arrangement is this way. My real mother from what I can remember was a maid who my father raped while drunk and decided to keep the kid for some reason. Could it be guilt? Not like it even matters.


How do I know that you ask? Well, it’s because I’m reminded of it by my step-mother and sister on a daily basis! What fucking twats! The step-mother had my mother killed because of her husband’s actions and then allows my sister to treat me like shit for her own enjoyment. She considers me a black mark on the family because my so-called father allows me to stay in the mansion with his name. But the mother and daughter both want me out of the house because they're all about bloodline. It’s just a bunch of idiot nobles doing whatever they want thinking they’re special with those stupid titles. 


Also, I don’t remember having these red eyes before tonight. I had bright piercing blue eyes with pale blonde hair with a golden hue. My hair was probably also altered in some way, but it’s impossible to tell with no light. I’m also finding it much easier to view everything within my room as I get more comfortable with this body. It must be my vampire awakening finally taking hold. There’s a high likelihood I was born this way and was just a matter of time before it awoke within me. Now the biggest question is who in the world was my mother?


If she was also some kind of vampire how was she actually killed off? Maybe giving birth to me put her in some kind of weakened state? A vampire can get pregnant? Also, why is my heart beating? Aren’t vampires supposed to be undead? Does that mean I’m not truly immortal or am I some kind of special breed? There are so many questions and no one to give me any answers.


The biggest issue is with my obvious body changes. What in the world is this horrific family going to think once they realize what happened to me. The most obvious change to my body is every single injury I’ve received in this house has been fully healed. I feel no pain at all. Yesterday, I was knocked unconscious by Caroline and when I awoke I had been kicked in the face repeatedly.


Could it be because of my condition it allowed me to awaken into my vampire bloodline? That was the worst state my body has ever been in after receiving my sisters unprovoked rage. Thinking about vampires from stories of my last life, I should have gotten some kind of power unique to myself. My body definitely feels powerful and this overwhelming pressure is overflowing throughout. I also can smell everyone’s location within the estate. How weird. But, since I’m a vampire does that mean I’m going to have to drink blood now?


Everyone gives off a different smell I wonder what dictates someone’s scent? I assume it must be their blood. There is also a lot of movement outside my room, so it’s safe to assume its morning. My gaze looks to the only window in the room and the sun seems to be peaking on the horizon. Can I even go out into the sun?


With the mountain of issues I’m going to have to face in the future turning female in my second life is pretty close to the bottom. It’s a lot easier to accept when I’ve already spent twelve years this way without even realizing I was male before. Honestly, I quite like being female. I was a fat loser forty-year-old virgin. What good did being a male get me? Besides being ignored by every girl I would ever meet. With being a vampire I assume I will also be a beauty and probably have a lot of annoying suitors in the future.


The idea of being with a male is just not something I can accept right now. Maybe in the future, but it’s very unlikely. They would have to look extremely feminine and be just my type. It’s pretty much ninety-five percent chance I will go all in with the Yuri life over a five percent chance of a miracle. I probably won’t have any of these concerns in the future, anyway. Why would they want to marry me off to someone and hurt their precious name? Hmm… why do I feel like I just set off a flag by saying that?