Chapter 32 – The Test (Part 1)
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I didn't even make it a tails-length before he disappeared from his spot, causing me to crash into the bed ripping the thing to shreds with my claws as I tried stabilizing myself on such unfamiliar material. I hit the wall before I was able to stabilize myself and then I found myself falling upside down and stopping, wedged between the wall and the side of the bed. I ignored the laughing and tried wiggling myself out of the second predicament I'd gotten myself into, but that only made it worse and I sank further into the crevice I'd gotten stuck in. 

"You seem to love getting yourself stuck and in awkward situations huh?" I just growled at this and looked at him with the most pitiful of whines I could manage. 

Please get me out of here this time I tried to convey my thoughts through the look in my eyes but he just stretched, cracking his back--and a few places in his legs that definitely should not have made sounds like that--a few times and walked out of the door. "Nope. You got yourself in both of those situations: You can get yourself out." I heard him chuckling something about 'Redline' and 'similarities' under his breath as he walked out. 

I didn't want to use (Incorporeality) all of the time, even for annoying situations like this, and even though using it more frequently would also mean leveling it more I just didn't feel like it. Not here. Not this time. I was going to get myself out without the use of any Skills this time...

...A few minutes of wiggling and grumbling to myself later. I gave up. 

Activating (Incorporeality) again for just a moment, I felt the phantom sensation of things passing through me and then I landed on the floor with a mild thump. It seemed that I was only able to activate it for a short time at level 1...level 2 but I was sure that the amount per use would increase bit by bit until I would probably be able to use it in combat...or just running away from something to stay out of combat. I lay there on my side under the bed for a moment to let the moment of weakness pass, and when that wave of energy passed through once again I bolted out from under the bed and after Pops. Not only to see where he'd went but to also try and give him a piece of my mind again. 

After all who said doing the same thing twice wouldn't work? 

After a few more minutes of running around the house, going downstairs through all of the rooms, and then down again to the gym/training area I found him just standing there with his back turned to me like a master-meeting-student-for-the-first-time kind of thing. Though in my case I didn't slowly walk up to him and instead went all out on trying to rip into his back with my claws. 

Of course: He disappeared again. Reappearing behind me in a classical kind of way and grabbing my neck. He held me up at eye-level, I was partially visible ever since coming down the stairs, and was met with my shit-eating grin while I whipped my tail towards his face. I swear his eyes showed a little amusement for a moment, but he just dropped me and reappeared at the original spot, facing me like nothing had happened. 

I went along with it, sitting down in front of him and acting like nothing had happened either and he started whatever it was he wanted to test me with. He reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a Purple Cube of Crystal and motioned towards me. "This is one of the highest grade of Identification Crystals that can be found on the market in the entire Human Empire. Normally masters would use these to get a grasp on their pupils' skills and resistances so that they know how to properly train them efficiently according to their fighting preference or magic build, but with you I am not going to be doing that." I tilted my head at that, but he either didn't notice or didn't care and continued anyways. 

"For those of your kind, not only is it extremely rude to use such a design to 'peep at their magnificence', a quote from one such dragon I was forced to fight in the past after using this exact Crystal on them, but it is also a really good way of pissing off a party that could be several times stronger than you. Instead I want you to first fight against the dummies in the Training Area, using all of your skills and then I'll decide on what needs to be done for best teaching you how to handle yourself in the city..." 

"...and when I say all of your skills I mean all of them. If you don't want me to teach you how to best protect Redline then I suggest you show me everything that you can so that I can prepare you for the various situations and potential enemies you may end up facing." He must've noticed that I was a bit reluctant on using my (Toxic Breath) in a closed environment such as this, but after a moment of staring at each other when he'd finished I caved and dipped my head in acknowledgement. 

"Great!" He clapped, causing me to flinch from the sudden explosive sound during such a quiet area, and he walked over to the dials in the wall. Pointing at each section and dial in turn, "These three rows are the setting of combat that are going to be faced: offensive, defensive, and balanced; which is a combination of the two, and the three rows that they all have are different settings that can be added to a combat simulation: speed, durability, and power output." He pointed from the top down and then left to right as he named each button and their specific uses. 

"Now I know that you are decently familiar with this, from seeing Red's morning routine no doubt, but what she doesn't know if that there is a tenth setting that I myself have encoded into this system; however, that isn't something that I am going to have you facing against until you are able to pass the twentieth level for each specific setting; and after that when you are able to beat that same setting while facing different mixed styles with differing levels of power, speed, and durability." He smiled daringly towards me and grinned. "I made this myself based off of my own invented style of combat, and it took me three years to pass the highest level for each setting active all at once." 

I paled: He wasn't thinking I was going to just go and surpass him that easily now did he? "No. I know what you're thinking: I do not expect you to be able to do this before two weeks, but I do expect you to be able to at least pass levels ten through fifteen on at least three different settings active at once. After all you've already proven capable of completely dominating level 4 of each combat setting with little difficulty, though the durability and speed settings gave you the most trouble." 

He was watching me that entire time?! It felt like every scale I had fell off and to the floor. I'd completely forgotten about him watching my whereabouts yesterday after Redline had left and he'd shown me around the meat-factory he had going on below. I couldn't help but look at my feet--and the drool pooling there--thinking about the massive amounts of meat just there. Right under my talons...

"Pay attention!" His sudden yelling snapped me out of my day-dreaming and there was a quick shine underneath me and I guessed he'd cleared out all the purple-colored drool I had pooling around my feet. Pops sighed and shook his head, "I swear I should call you Mr. Ferocious...and that you're only three days old. I'll explain everything else in a few moments and we'll continue after you eat something." 

My mood instantly improved at that and I pulled out four carcasses to plop onto the floor between us, staring at him expectantly. He chuckled and three of them disappeared, but the last one was left there before me. I shrugged internally, having three cooked was better than any less...and this way I'd get to have a little snack before a full meal. "I swear, if the amount of animals in my house increases..." 

-(If You're reading this anywhere other than Wattpad (Buddy227) or ScribbleHub (Dragons) it is stolen)-

I pretended not to hear him and tore into the carcass savagely, 'looking' at the planet of meats growing smaller and smaller by the day; every time I pulled out whatever amount I wanted to eat for that moment the planet would get at least 10% smaller...maybe more. I was going to either have to rely on him to feed me until I was let back into the city again, or I would have to sneak out sometime to go back to that one place and empty it out again, as well as leave a huge pile of money like last time...

That does make me wonder though...What did happen to them in the end after I'd left, and were they doing better or worse because of it? I'd hoped that the small pile of riches that I gave them was enough to set them over and resupply, maybe even upgrade a little from the small-but-decently-sized underground meat market they had going on there. 

...I guess worrying about that now wasn't really something that was at the top of the list, so it would have to wait for now.

I finished the carcass, bones and all, in a few minutes. It was a little strange at first to have the ability to crunch on bones so easily, but I'd found out yesterday that I was actually able to level (Bite) this way a little. It was only around level 12 now, but that's quite a bit more than it was than the last time I used it...fighting against the very dummies I was going to be forced to fight once again. 

I looked at the time to see how long I would have before the other three were done cooking: 


Just a few more minutes now...

...I wonder how Redline's doing?

Two updates in one night. Yes it is technically morning here now that it's past 12am, but I started writing around 2pm, got distracted with videos, reading, comments, Wattpad shit, shopping, and then more videos, so I only finished the last chapter around maybe 9pm so I think getting another chapter out in around 2/3 hours is perfectly reasonable with my horrible attention-span. 

Anyways I'm getting back into the writing mood again, now that one sad bit of the story is over with, and I've been refreshed by funny internet memes and a bit of YouTube chaos. I'll be going to bed now and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


Patreon Support: Nicolae, sselraef, ShadowOfShadow, EstenLyrics


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P.S. After this chapter (for the Month of July) I'll be putting out daily Chapters Mon-Fri with Weekends giving me some breathing room. The following month will probably go back to 3 per week (Mon, Wed, Fri)