Chapter 27 – An Old Report
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You thought it was required to post the second part to a first immediately? 
Well too bad...I like causing chaos. 

Shout out:
Thanks to luis antonio for joining Soft Padded!

~Capital of The Dragon Empire: Aerethelia. Day of Fire, First Season, 3005th Year after The Fall in the Human Calendar~

The Humans are planning something again, or at least their Templar is: colluding with those arrogant gods and their folly plans to try and retake this planet. It's bad enough that, on-top of dealing with my beloved just getting over her nesting phase--I have to deal with the constant threat the other dimensions opening fissures deep in space, threatening the entire Galaxy depending on whatever comes through...

Not that anyone else other than the Star-Crushers and myself know of this existence that is.

...and I have to deal with the Demons making portals here from a super system thousands of systems away because 'they want fresh meat'--Grrrrr, those vile creatures just shouldn't even exist here: always going and causing the most chaos and death as they possibly can, as well as being such a pain to kill--And even then it's only a temporary thing!!

Calm down Lua, there is no point in getting upset over something that's been going on for the past ten thousand years for you now...if there was a way to push back against the Creatures in the Stars there would be plenty of time to focus on the Demons and their Realm...but there isn't; We've been at a stand-still in both areas for the past five generations of Eternal's, and it looks like that's not likely to change before my retirement age.

Why is Ruling an Empire so hard? It was so much easier when my Empress was handling all of this social stuff, but I guess this is what I asked for with all our 'nightly activities.' I knew it would come soon enough because we were trying so hard for it...but I was hoping for at least another four-hundred years...

Thankfully I didn't have to continue checking the weekly logs as the doors to my 'office'--and I use that term lightly--suddenly opened and a trio of dark-clad Dragons were let into the room by one of the four guard stationed at the doors along with plenty more in surrounding entrances... I remembered these ones: they were sent out to the Human Empire after a Squad of World-Breakers failed to apprehend the Egg-napper that had snuck into the palace and fled South once discovered. 

I still wanted to know why he did it; one of my closest friends and an early ally in keeping relations with the Humans before they had their civil war causing everything to fall apart around them, simultaneously abusing the pact they'd made with me and sullying their race's name in both our eyes and the surprisingly Long-lived Elves' eyes too. Now that was a good laugh shared with dad about...

"I hope you bring good news..." I said dismissively, hoping to come across as playful, but that only seemed to unsettle them further; the middle one stepped up, bowing deeply: horns touching the floor, lowing into a laying position--the other two following--and going deathly still. 

Unfortunate..."What news do you bear?" 

"Emperor Indominus Eternal, please forgive us but we come being the bearer of bad news..." 

"I assume there is more than one piece of such information?" There was no reaction from any of the three, sometimes it was surprising how valiant they were in their loyalty toward their station...I sighed and asked them to stand, "Please. Get to your feet. I don't strike those down as the bearers of bad news...much." 

I was just joking but saying the last remark might've been a bit too much with all the stress that they were no doubt hiding, as they all couldn't restrain the slight flinch showing through their tails, "Alright." I sighed, "Give your report."

"Emperor I regret to inform you that we were unable to locate the missing egg and it is unknown as to the unborn (Young)'s location as of current!" I couldn't help but dig my claws into the table and  floor under me as they uttered this report. I'd been really hoping that he wouldn't have been able to hide from even the Scavengers but it seemed my former friend was as resourceful as ever in his schemes...

I took a moment to take a few deep breaths. In, then out. In, and out..."Continue." 

"It also seems the Humans are planning to delve into the 'Plane of Dimensions' to retrieve a group of "Talented Otherworlders"  with "Specific Directions from Beyond" toward that Templar of theirs..." The Scavenger Squad's Leader paused for a moment when they looked at something on my table worriedly.

...What? What was possibly of such importance there as to stop--I looked down and it turned out that I had utterly crushed the edge of the table. The fissures caused by my Strength split the table right down the center: a large trench of a crack threatened to split the table in two and I was surprised it hadn't already failed to stay upright...

I carefully removed my hand from the top of the table and tried not to show my anger induced embarrassment as I motioned for them to continue, "Continue. How long will it take for them to finish this 'Project?'" 

"It will complete at the start of the Second Season in Forty years, and unfortunately, there is no way we were able to stall or stop it in it's entirety."  The Leader stepped back in line with the other two and I held in another sigh of annoyance. Damn Humans and their inability to resist the Gods' Meddling... 

"Is there any good news?" I searched, "Anything at all?" The three were silent for a few minutes, but eventually the only female of the Group stepped forwards into a deep bow once again, despite the other two freezing in shock at her actions. 

"I am proud to announce that I come Bearing and will be laying a clutch within the next three or so decades..." 

I smiled genuinely, "I am happy to hear that and wish you a healthy and strong Clutch in your retirement..." 

"Emperor I apologize, but I must refuse." She dug her claws into the ground defiantly, "I must ask that His Greatness allows me to continue to stay with the Scavengers for at least another Century! I cannot go through your request in good faith before locating and returning your remaining child lost under our care!"  

"This is not a punishment Gri'th'lysn it is an honor that you should take." I stated firmly, she knew not to interrupt again, even Bearing it would only bring future hardship, "I highly advise you take this chance and retire when it is time to Lay."

She shook her head again peeking up at me determined and I sighed, I would never understand females and their dedication towards (Young) even not of their own..."I apologize, but I must refuse..."

The Leader stepped forwards as well, "I must also decline my retirement coming up in a few Decades...I promise you that me and my team will not rest until your Lost is found!" 

Both him and the other male next to him slammed their horns into the floor beneath them in a show of loyalty and determination and I sighed, "Alright. But I want you off duty for at least 20 years after seeing your Hatchlings for the first time, and if you still feel like pursuing this-- hopefully they will have been found by then--I will reinstate your status and let you rejoin your team until the Lost is found." 

"I understand and agree to your terms wholeheartedly..." 

"And you will come back with an honest answer by that time, and there will be no thinking about anything other than your (Young) until this point." 

"...I--I agree." She was a rather stubborn one but this would be her first Clutch and I was sure her mind would change once seeing her own (Young) and how much change in those twenty years while they grew up...

I nodded approvingly and ordered them all to stand once again, they did so, "Alright seeing as that is all you seem to have for me this current moment I want you two to continue carefully monitoring the things happening around the Human Empire and it's various cities. Hopefully you'll be able to uncover more information about things by that point, even if it means blending in among them I give you full autonomy in any action taken till something happens requiring intervention. 

"Gri'th'lysn, you are off duty from now till the point discussed about. I want you taking it easy from now on. Go do things around the Empire, visit family, tell others the news, celebrate, I want you at full strength while the eggs develop...That means no Scavenger work from now until that point, understood." She seemed extremely reluctant to do so, but two nods and a look later, she acquiesced and nodded in acceptance. 

The three of them departed not soon after, and the guards opening the doors for them had slight smirks shown towards Gri'th'lysn with a nod (blessing) of good luck and health directed her way.

Now all that could be done was hope and pray: that my mate wouldn't decapitate me once telling her the news...and that that Lord wouldn't cause too much trouble in the Human Kingdom. 

I'll probably be changing the title of this chapter in the future but for now that's what it's going to be staying as...

If anyone wants to guess as to what might happen in the future, in regards to this, please write any and all predictions in the comments ;)

Thanks for Reading and I'll see you in the next one!

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