Chapter 21
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After creating the Heavy Arms Unit, we need to take care of lot of other things, the first thing is constructions, we set up a conference on how to progress things further, the meeting attended by me, Aniki, Ranga, Vayu, Shion, Hana, Benimaru, Kuroshi, Hanzo, Geld, Thoric, Torin, Soren, Rigurd, Kaijin, etc.

I started the meeting, “So, this is meeting is about how we start our development of our village, the first goal is construction of the houses.”

I turned towards Kaijin “I will leave the construction work to you, but I have a rules & some limitations for that”.

“Rule?” Aniki asked.

“The thing is I want our city to look beautiful from every point of view, so these are the rules.

  1. If a house is an area is a single storey house and has one type of design, then all the houses in that area should have the same type of design and it must be single storey house.
  2. All the small houses should be one in area and all the big houses should be in another.
  3. The constructions should be strong and sturdy, no compromises in that aspect.

These are the rules for the houses. This way the houses will be in uniform, and it will look good.”  And I continued I have more plans too, I plan to make this forest as a nation, and I plan to construct two capital cities here, so what do you say?” I asked everyone.

“Emeric-sama, If I may?” Rigurd raised his hand.

“Go on” I replied.

“What might be the name of our nation?” Rigurd asked. “Good question, the name would be” Aniki interjected “Jura Tempest Federation, how does that sound?”

“That’s a splendid name Rimuru-sama!!” Benimaru said. “Then the capital cities would be ‘Capital City Rimuru’ and ‘Capital City Emeric’! Rigurd exclaimed.

I sighed, and said “well then, lets name like that”, and everyone cheered.

[Family Link]

‘You okay with those names?’ Aniki asked.

‘No, but look at their faces, they are so happy I cannot refuse’ I said.

‘Ha~ now you said that, when did you become so caring??’ Aniki asked.

‘Ehm!!’  I coughed looking sideways.

‘Answer my question!’ Aniki shouted.

[Family Link end]

I abruptly ended the family link, and said “There are few more things too, there will be villages according to each of your tribes, you can choose an area, where your village needs to be, you can have 3 days of time for that. And no fighting for the chosen land, got that?”

“Hai!!” everyone exclaimed.

I continued “Now coming to other plans, I’m planning to put currency system, so that we can also trade with other countries in the future, which will also be profitable for us. As every country will be interested in buying our products such as healing potions for example, since we can not sell full potion directly, we can make potions ranging from 10% and all the way up to 80%, it will be profitable for us. The currency would be Mithril being the highest and Iron being the lowest, their value would be like this.


100 Iron coins = 1 Copper coin

10,000 Iron coins = 1 Silver coin

1,000,000 Iron coins = 1 Gold coin

100,000,000 Iron coins = 1 Platinum coin

10,000,000,000 Iron coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Copper coins = 1 Silver Coin

10,000 Copper coins = 1 Gold coin

1,000,000 Copper coins = 1 Platinum coin

100,000,000 Copper coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Silver coins = 1 Gold coin

10,000 Silver coins = 1 Platinum coin

1,000,000 Silver coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Gold coins = 1 Platinum coin

10,000 Gold coins = 1 Mithril coin


100 Platinum coins = 1 Mithril coin

“And…” I continued “since our nation will be raising nation in the future, we must be very careful on our nation’s security, I will be handing over that to Vajra. Because he is the leader of Guardian corps”

[Family Link]

‘I will leave everything to you, whatever you come up with, its fine by me’ Aniki spoke.

‘Alright got that’. I replied.

[Family Link end]

“So, coming to our Army, we would be having Phalanx Division led by Vidhura, Archery by Varuna, Fencers by Vibhu, those are our regular divisions, our special divisions would be Samurai division led by Benimaru and Heavy arms led by Soren and Thoric, Goblin Riders led by Gobta, that would be our Army”.

“Benimaru, you will be taking care of my position, you will be the one who will command the army,”

“I Thank you for giving me this opportunity Emeric-sama” Benimaru bowed his head.

“Survey Corps will be in your hands Kuroshi and add the previous members to your Corps, I will tell them to meet you tomorrow, you can train them as your wish” I said.

“As you command” Kuroshi bowed.

“Hanzo, you will be training Samurai Unit, Goblin Riders, and also watch over the training of remaining divisions, and give them your insights, that would make you the Grand Master” I said looking at Hanzo.

“As you command, I will make sure to train them properly” Hanzo said in elderly tone.

“That concludes Army, so coming to our main object, which is food for that we will start agriculture, and for the meat we will raise animals, Aniki will take care of agriculture” I said.

“Leave that to me!” Aniki said.

“One more crucial thing…I plan to setup Academy for the kids” I said.

“Academy??” everyone asked.

“Yes, so they can learn all the basic things and they can choose their career path, we can also nourish the younger ones”. I spoke.

“Excellent Idea Emeric-sama” everyone cheered.

“That concludes our things we need to do,” and I continued “the left part of the forest would be Capital city Emeric, and the right part would be Capital city Rimuru. And after construction of Houses and the villages, we will the other Buildings such as Academy, Barracks, and Administration Building, we will plan it after completing the houses construction”.

“That concludes our meeting, you all are dismissed” I concluded the meeting.

“Benimaru” I looked towards him. “I will need to discuss somethings regarding the army meet me tomorrow.”

“Hai, Emeric-sama” He Bowed











A/N: I hope you like this chapter. If you think anything does not match with Tensura verse, please note that this is Tensura AU

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Sorry if the chapter is short, new chapters coming up soon


Please forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

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That's all... see you soon...