Chapter 20 – Moving Further
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As the conference concluded,

[Family Link], I asked, "Are you sure you want to name all of them?"

"Yes, it would be better if they had names, right?" Aniki replied.

"Hmm... naming would make them evolve. They would also be in our army, and our army would be strong," I said in a tone that made a shiver run down Aniki's spine.

"What are you planning?" he asked.

"Nothing... Nothing..." I replied.

[Family Link ends]

(A/N: Emeric automatically uses God's eye every time he meets a new monster or anyone. I won't be adding it every time; I will add if he finds new ones or if the other party has evil intentions.)

We started naming the Orcs. The current leader inherited the name of the previous leader, "Geld." Among the orcs, I found one who seemed to have a lot of potential and strength, so I named him "Thoric." As I named him, I felt a good amount of magicules being used from me.

"I will live up to the name you have provided, my Lord," Thoric said, kneeling down.

"Thoric, I want you to select 8 people who you feel are stronger and more intellectual, and bring them to me," I commanded.

"As you command, My lord," he spoke.

Soon, Thoric brought 8 orcs with him and said, "These are the people I found who are stronger and more intellectual, My lord."

"Alright, now coming to your names," and I started naming them, "Valic, Eric, Alaric, Ruric, Ulric, Ivaric, Yoric, Jarec."

As I named them, they all shined in a golden color, and I felt a good amount of magicules being used to name them.

"You all will be in one unit. Your leader will be Thoric, and you'll follow his orders. Got that?" I ordered.

"Thank you so much, Emeric-sama. We will follow your orders to our deaths," they all said in unison.

A few hours later...

The naming of all the remaining 150,000 orcs had been completed. It was a very taxing task, and obviously, Aniki and I went into sleep mode after naming that many monsters.

Three days later, Vayu and I strolled around the village, and the construction of the village had yet to begin. As we strolled, we heard a commotion; it was the envoy of Lizardmen who had come to our village, including the fool Gabiru.

"Why are you here again?" Aniki asked in slime form, being held by Shion.

Then Gabiru laughed, "Yahahaha... I, Gabiru, have arrived. I hope that I may be of some help to you Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama!" he said with pride.

"You are so cool... Gabiru-sama!" exclaimed one of his attendants.

"Naturally," said the other one.

'This fool knows how to get on my nerves,' I thought to myself.

"Shall I cut them?" Shion asked. When Shion said that, I gave a thumbs up to her.

Then Gabiru and his attendants started sweating profusely. "Wait-wait-wait! We are hoping that you, Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama, would permit us to join your ranks!" said Gabiru with fear.

"Our ranks?" I asked.

They all knelt with fists on the earth. "We will surely be of use to you. Please let us serve under you, Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama," said Gabiru.

"Please... Let us serve under you," his attendants said in unison.

Then suddenly, we heard a feminine voice. "My brother has seen the error of his ways. Please grant him the opportunity to atone."

"The captain of the lizardmen guards is here too?" asked Aniki, and the female guard captain replied, "Unlike my brother, I have not been exiled."

"What??" exclaimed Gabiru.

"My father, Abiru, sent me here to gain more experience," she said while kneeling down. The lizardmen who came with her also knelt down.

"You didn't follow me because you missed me?" asked Gabiru.

"No!" she replied.

Imaginary lightning struck Gabiru. "D-Ohhhhh," exclaimed Gabiru in a comical way.

"I see," said Aniki.

[Family Link]

"What do you say?" asked Aniki.

"Well, it's your call. Whatever happens, it's on you," I replied.

"What...! Are you going to leave it on me??" exclaimed Aniki.

"It's a joke... It's a joke," I smirked, and I ended the Family Link abruptly.

[Family Link end]

"All right then, you are all welcome to the village."

So I decided to name the lizardmen who were sent by Abiru. "You all were sent by Abiru, right?"

"Yes, my father thought I would be useful to you and gain more experience," she said in a respectful tone.

"All right, now, stand in line," I said.

"Understood," they all said in unison and stood in line.

"Oye Aniki! You can take care of Gabiru and his brethren, right?" I said with a smile.

He reluctantly agreed.

The first in line was the captain of the Lizardmen guards. "So, your name would be Souka."

When I named her, she glowed in a golden color. "I will live up to the name you have given me, Emeric-sama."

I continued naming them. Their names are Toka, who has green-colored hair, and Saika, who has purple-colored hair. The two remaining males are Nanso and Hokuso.

Aniki completed naming all of Gabiru's brethren. Gabiru started to look at Aniki shyly, tapping his fingers.

[Rimuru Pov]

"Gabiru-kun, don't act so jealous. You already have a perfectly good name, 'Gabiru.'"

Suddenly, I felt some magicules move away from me. "Wait, did I just—"

Gabiru started shining in golden color. "Ohhhhhhhhhaaaaaa-----" Gabiru exclaimed while stretching his hands.

"Wait, can names be overwritten?"

"Thank you so much... I will follow you for the rest of my life," Gabiru started bowing multiple times.

'So I had no choice but to name all of Gabiru's brethren.'

[Rimuru Pov end]

After naming all the Lizardmen, they have evolved into Dragonewts, but they had evolved instantly. However, the ones I named had taken human form with dragon wings, and the ones Aniki named were still in their original forms.

"Aniki, leave that Gabiru to me," I said with a smirk.

"Of course," Aniki said, and he turned towards Gabiru and spoke. "Good luck, Gabiru-kun."

"I, Gabiru, will do whatever task you give me, no matter how hard it is, right, you guys?" Gabiru exclaimed.

"Naturally," his attendants said in unison

"All right, stand by that oath," I commanded.

"Huh?" Gabiru looked at me and Aniki with a confused face.

"Vayu, bring Vidura here," I instructed.

Soon, Vidura came and knelt before me. "You called me, My Lord?"

"Hai, I remember, this is the fool who thought of controlling us and looked down upon you," Vidura said in a tone that could be heard by everyone.

"Now, these four guys are yours. Take them to your squad for now, train them how you want... And do not hold back," I said to Vidura.

"As you command," he said and started cracking his fists. When Gabiru and his attendants saw that, they gulped in fear.

"Kuroshi!" I called, and then he appeared and knelt before me.

"Order, my lord!"

"These guys want to join our ranks, so take them and create your squad, train them however you see fit," I said.

"They want to join our ranks? May I use them as I wish?" Kuroshi asked.

"Sure, bring out their full potential," I replied.

"As you command, Emeric-sama," Kuroshi said.

"Rimuru-sama! Emeric-sama!" Rigurd came running towards us. "What is it, Rigurd?"

"Torgs and Goblins came to our village seeking refuge," said Rigurd.

"So, how many are there?" I asked.

"There are around 50,000 Torgs and 10,000 Goblins," Rigurd replied.

"What!! That many?!" Aniki exclaimed.

"What are your orders, Rimuru-sama, Emeric-sama?"

"Alright, let them in," Aniki said.

"Understood," he bowed and left.

"Now, you would want to name them also, right?" I asked Aniki.

"Yes, it would be easier if they had names, hehe," he replied with an awkward smile.

"Sigh, I will name the Torgs, and you name the Goblins," I suggested.

"Is that okay for you? Naming that many Torgs?" he replied.

"No problem at all," I replied.

We reached where the Goblins and Torgs were present, and I went near the Torgs, calling upon their leader.

"So, why did you come here?" I asked.

"After seeing your strength, we thought to serve you. There is no better leader for us, except you, my Lord," he replied.

"What happened to that elder? Did you solve your internal conflicts?" I asked.

"We solved all the problems. We killed all the elders who orchestrated that incident," he replied.

"Staying here means you would have to work in developing this city, hunt food not only for your tribe but for all tribes here, and you should also cooperate with other tribes. You should not only protect your tribe but also others. No more fighting amongst yourselves and other tribes; that is strictly forbidden. You are welcome here if you agree to this," I said.

"We planned to serve you no matter what. We will abide by these rules," he replied, kneeling down.

"Got that. Now, I will name all of your people," I said.

"Name all of us?" He asked.

"What, you don't want any names?" I asked.

"But naming all of us at the same time?" he spoke. I interjected, "No problem at all."

"We will gladly accept, Emeric-sama," he replied.

"Your name would be Soren," I named the young Torg leader. I named him, and a golden glow shone upon him. The elder Torg leader's name is 'Torin'.

Soon, I named all the Torgs. Even though I named all of them at once, my magicules were not depleted as much as before.

<< Answer: Your magicule count has been exponentially increased, that's why you are not feeling any fatigue. >>

Like orcs, I also asked Soren to select the 8 strongest and most intellectual Torgs. And I named them. Their names are "Joran, Halden, Orjan, Elgan, Valtin, Haaken, Rolen, Maven."

"You all will be in one unit, and your leader will be Soren. Follow his orders, got that?" I ordered.

"Thank you so much, Emeric-sama. We will follow your orders to our deaths," they all said in unison.

It took 3 days for everyone to settle in the village. Our main task, which is housing, we have yet to plan and start the construction. All the Torgs have evolved into Taurens, and the Orcs have also evolved into High Orcs. Among the Orcs, Geld has evolved into an Orc Lord, and Thoric has also evolved into an Orc Lord, along with his unit evolving into Orc Kings. Concerning the Taurens, Soren and Torin evolved into Tauren Lords, and the Soren unit evolved into Tauren Kings.

I called both Thoric and his unit, and Soren and his unit to the training ground. I spoke, "The reason I have called upon you is that I will be merging your two units, and you will be called the 'Heavy Arms Unit', which specializes in the usage of Poleaxes and Glaives (naginata). Now, choose which weapon you want to use."

As I said those words, Thoric and his unit chose Poleaxes, and Soren and his unit chose Glaives.

A new unit in the army has been created today, which is the '18-member Heavy Arms Unit', led by Thoric and Soren.










A/N: I hope you like this chapter. If you think anything does not match with Tensura verse, please note that this is Tensura AU

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Please forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...