Chapter 19 – Aftermath
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'What was that?' I thought to myself, 

< < Answer. Voice source has not been found > >

I looked at my surroundings many orc corpses were lying around but there were still many orcs left, 

"Emeric-sama, Are you okay" Vayu came before me in his Worgen form and asked

"Did we have any casualties?" I asked

"No my Lord, the ones who suffered the most were Orcs" Vayu replied

'is Aniki still fighting the Orc lord?'

< < Answer. The individual Geld has been evolved to Orc Disaster > >

'Ho, interesting. So, Aniki how will you defeat him?' I thought to myself

Aniki turns back into slime, trying to devour Geld, but he is tearing Aniki's slimy body, whenever Geld tearing Aniki's slimy body, Aniki's devouring speed increases.

He finally devoured him completely and turned back into his Human form. And then went to Aniki and people who are present there greeted me"

"So is it done?" I asked

"Yes" replied Aniki.

"As one would expect from Rimuru-sama, Emeric-sama, The promise was fulfilled splendidly" a voice heard Just then Treyni appeared.

She then said to the entire people "Upon the conclusion of this event, we will hold a meeting to discuss the management rights of the forest" and she continued "The time will be early morning tomorrow. The location is a bit south-west from here, in the open space in the forest, Races that wish to attend, please elect a representative, That's all"

And she continued ", I don't think anyone would object to this but the Chairpersons would be Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama"

After that, the Kijin approached us.

"Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama, I have a favor to ask," Benimaru said slightly bowing his head

"What is it, if it is related to you staying with us, you are posts and Titles have already been decided," I said.

"Thank you very much! We will continue to serve you until our last breath" They all said in unison


In the open space in the Great Jura Forest

The meeting participants are Me, Aniki, and Kijin (Benimaru, Shion, Hanzo, Kuroshi ), Vayu, Ranga from our village, The Lizardmen's Chief and his Royal Guards, and their leader. A few individuals from the Goblins were Gabiru brought along, Gabiru is not present here since he was being punished by their village for treason.

And the meeting organizer Treyni from Dryads who are the caretakers of the forest.

And then Ten representatives from the Orcs, and they had dreadful expressions on their faces, even though the influence of [Starved Ones] has been removed, they seemed to be recalling their sins.

[Family Link]

'seriously why do we have to act as the chairman?' asked Aniki 

'because you are easy to be manipulated?' I asked

'what??' Aniki screamed

'I'm Joking…' I said sheepishly

'Like ever I would give a chance to someone to manipulate you.' I said

'What's that?' Aniki asked

'Nothing, just start the meeting' I said

'How am I supposed to know how to clean up after a war?' asked Aniki

I just smiled.

'well, since it comes to this, I have no choice, I'll Just voice my opinion'

'Go ahead' I encouraged him with a smile

[Family Link ends]

"umm…This my first time doing this kind of conference, so I might not be the best chairman-" says Aniki

"Ehmm.." I coughed indicating to continue

"First of all, I would like to say that I don't plan to punish the Orcs for any crimes," Aniki said

All the people who were present in the group were shocked after hearing that, So I also continued to listen to what Aniki was about to say.

"I'm sure the Lizardmen who have suffered large losses you want to object, but please hear me out I will talk about the reason for their military uprising and their current situation"

"I saw a great famine and the existence of the Demon named Gelmud," Aniki said

I chimed in "So what Aniki was saying is the Orcs were in a great famine, at that time someone demon Gelmud, helped the Orcs and Manipulated them"

"so you are planning to let them go?" asked the Lizardmen chief

"Let's say Lizardmen, you were in the same situation as the orcs you didn't have any food, and if you have the military power, you also do the same thing as Orcs don't you? Not to mention your son Gabiru, he was also named by this Gelmud didn't he? I think based on his orders he betrayed you right?" As soon as those words came out of my mouth, all the lizardmen who were present there kept their heads down.

And Aniki Interjected "But even then acts of Aggression cannot be allowed after all, As you know in a time of crisis, they have no way to pay for damages, well..that's how it would normally be"

"Normally? Then would tell us your real motive?" Asked the Lizardmen's chief

"I will take on all of the Orc's sins, If you have any complaints, then I will gladly hear them" Aniki replied

At this time Benimaru came forward and spoke "There is one immutable rule shared among all monsters which is Survival of the fittest, the moment they faced each other, they were both prepared for that" 

Aniki interjected, "You also lost your home too, don't you have any complaints?" 

"I would be lying If I said we didn't, but if it happens again, we will not disgrace ourselves a second time."

"But there is one thing I must know." Said the Lizardmen's chief

"What's that?" me and Aniki asked

"What will be done with the Orcs?" Lizardmen chief asked a question and looked at the orcs, and He looked at us and spoke "By not charging the orcs for their sins, do you intend to accept all their survivors?"

I started speaking "Why don't we form an alliance between all the species living in the forest?"

"Alliance?" they all asked in unison

"For now I would like to spread the orcs around and have them help out with manual labor around the place"

"A-And you're saying we could also take part in this alliance?" the Orc representative nervously asked

"Well, you have nowhere else to go, don't you?" Aniki asked

"I have a place for you, so do some work. I won't tolerate slackers" I said

All the orcs knelt on the floor and bowed their heads and all screamed in unison "Yes sirs, Of course! Of course, we will! We will devote our lives to our work!"

"We have no objections either, we would love to have an alliance with you Rimuru sama and Emeric sama," Lizardmen's chief said kneeling in front of us and all the Lizardmen also knelt in front of us.

And All the Kijin also knelt in front of us. And Tryeni spoke "It's decided As the caretaker of the forest, I Tryeni hereby pledge…That I recognize Rimuru-Sama and Emeric-Sama as the new masters of Great Jura Forest"

Thus the Alliance of the Great Jura Forest was formed and the Meeting concluded

[3rd Person Perspective]

"Ogres…No, Kijin" a voice heard

"Do you need something?" asked Benimaru

And the Orc leader spoke "Even now I'm sure you actually want to eradicate all the orcs that attacked your village, Even if it is the survival of the fittest, Hatred isn't something so easily appeased"

The Orc knelt down and spoke "Could I possibly plead mercy with just my life? I'm full aware of how selfish I'm being, I would not even think of it"

Benimaru spoke "Before the conference, while we approached Rimuru-Sama and Emeric-Sama, to ask that we wanted to continue serving under them, They gave us positions and titles"

"I'm Samurai, Bodyguard to Rimuru-Sama and I'm also his secretary" Shion proudly said

"Hanzo is the Grand Master, and Kuroshi is the Spy, Hana, and Kurobe two who remained in the village have received titles as well. And I received the title of Samurai General"


[Benimaru Perspective]

"Benimaru, you will be Samurai General and will be in charge of the Military, Hanzo you will be Grandmaster, Kuroshi you will be the spy, Hana will be the Holy princess and will also be in charge of Clothing and Cooking, Kurobe will be in charge of Weaponry along with Kaijin" Emeric-sama said. 'I felt so honored, and I will never break their trust' I thought to myself

"I will be the Bodyguard and Secretary of Rimuru-sama" Shion excitedly said and Emeric sama, Rimuru-sama agreed to it

[Flashback ends]

"If you were to make an enemy of Rimuru-Sama and Emeric-Sama, I will spare no mercy and I will kill you myself, but If you take part in the alliance and respect them as your masters, then you are no enemy," Benimaru said

"Enemy? They are our saviors, it would only be right for us to obey. We would never think of opposition!!!" Orc said

Benimaru spoke "Then we are comrades serving under the same masters, Do your utmost effort to be useful to them, Instead, I will take that as an apology"

'I swear on the name of my king and father Geld' the Orc thought to himself










A/N: I hope you like this chapter. If you think anything does not match with Tensura verse, please note that this is Tensura AU

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Please forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

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That's all... see you soon...