Chapter 17 – Torgs
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"Please come to our village and help my father and our village," said the leader. I didn't sense any bad intentions from them as I used [God's Eye] on them, so I agreed to go. When we got there, the village elders welcomed us, but one of them seemed unhappy.

"Young Lord! You know outsiders aren't allowed in our village, especially humans," said an elderly Torg.

"He's here to save my father and our village. So let us in," replied the Torg leader.

"We can't trust a human and an ogre," said the elder Torg.

Kuroshi, smirked and said, "You're not very smart, are you? I'm a Kijin, not an ogre. And my master is not human"

The elder got angry and shouted, "What did you say?"

I glared at him, feeling my anger rise and a dark sinister aura emitted from me. "Know your place, fool."

The elder fell to his knees, sweating. We moved inside, and the Torg leader took me to his father. His father had black spots on his hands and face.

'Sapient, can you figure out what this disease is?' I asked.

< < Yes, these are blisters that have turned into ulcers. It might be from drinking contaminated water. A full potion should cure it > > 

'So basically, it's Anthrax, right?' I asked.

< < Yes > >

I gave him a full potion, and he recovered quickly. Everyone was happy and grateful. The leader asked if I could help others with the same disease, so I went with him.

I used full potions on the others, and they all recovered immediately. Everyone was overjoyed, except for one elder.

"Is there a pond or river nearby?" I asked.

"Yes, there's one-" the elder started to say before he was interrupted.

"I'm afraid you won't be allowed-" he began, but I grabbed his neck and lifted him up. He struggled in my grip.

"You see, old fool, I know your intentions. I can do whatever I want and go wherever I please. I told you to know your place, and that place is in hell," I said firmly.

As I tightened my grip the elder Torg's head turned a bluish-purple hue, a bone-breaking sound reverberated through the air, followed by a sickening crack as his neck bone snapped. The skin-tearing sound accompanied the gruesome scene as his neck muscles tore apart. In a horrifying moment, the elder Torg's head and body separated, shocking everyone present with the gruesome sight.

"So can we go now?" I asked casually and make some one to clean this place. 

"Yes!!" the young Torg leader replied coming out from the shock

They led me to the pond, the surface of the pond looked blue, but something is strange I dived inside and found poisonous which would make the water poisoned. However, these are planted here, which must have been done by the fool elder, I have destroyed them and came back to the shore.

Kuroshi spoke "Emeric-sama, an envoy of Lizardman is on the way to the village"

"lets go then" I spoke

Before going I spoke to the young Torg leader "I have destroyed the cause of the disease, the pond might have been poisoned by this fool, now its your job to investigate further" I formed the dragon wings and left there and reached the village

Vayu welcomed us "Welcome back to the village lord" and I replied "How is the training of the troops going? We might need to go to war and prepare for the war. Though it might not be necessary, just in case be ready for everything"

"As you command Lord Emeric" Vayu bowed and left


In an unknown area,

"Hey, clan chiefs! Are there any other villages nearby?" asked a Lizardman who seemed like their leader.

The goblin chiefs looked at each other nervously. One lizardman urged them, "Don't test Gabiru-Sama's patience, just answer the question."

A goblin replied, sounding jittery, "Um... Well, there's not exactly a village, but there's a group of goblins living nearby..."

Gabiru was getting annoyed by their evasiveness. He pushed for more information, and they started telling him a strange story.

They claimed that some goblins were riding on Direwolves, which didn't make sense to Gabiru. Direwolves were powerful creatures that usually lived in packs and were a big challenge for the Lizardmen.

But then they said something even crazier: the goblins were obeying a slime, the weakest of monsters. Gabiru couldn't believe it. Why would any creature, even a goblin, follow a slime?

He decided to check if they were telling the truth. There had to be some trick to it, he thought. If he could figure it out, he might be able to control the Direwolves.

Gabiru was disappointed when he found out the village wasn't where they said it was. But he knew he had to stay calm and patient if he wanted to achieve his goals.

He realized that his main obstacle was not having enough soldiers. If he could command the Direwolves, the other Lizardmen would follow him easily.

He believed that with the Direwolves and his own army, they could defeat the orcs and become the true rulers of the forest. He was sure that Gelmud-sama would reward them for their service.

He had already sent most of his army back to Shisu Lake, but he knew they needed to act quickly. Time was running out.

When he received reports of tracks, he immediately ordered a group of his best warriors, including himself, to go investigate.

They rode their Over lizards towards their objective, not fearing the Direwolves because they were under the command of goblins, whom Gabiru considered weak remnants of a pack.


Back to Village.

and the envoy had finally arrived. Me, Aniki, Hanzo Rigur, Benimaru, Shion, and Vajra went to meet the envoy, and the troops stationed inside the village in case the war broke out

we went near the village entrance, And, with a somewhat 'different' attitude, a Lizardman dismounted a giant lizard.

'Would he be... their leader?' spoke Aniki via family link I replied 'If it is their village is doomed'

"Nice job welcoming me! I'll let you be my servants. Feel honoured!"

'Somehow... I have no words to say. What the hell is this idiot saying?' Aniki replied

"Huh. Did you hear? The orc army is coming towards the forest. The only one who can protect you weaklings is me!"

Huh! This Pest is getting on my nerves

"Oh, right. I've heard two people among you have tamed a Direwolf. I'll make them into officers. Bring them to me—" Before he could speak Vajra instantly dashed in front and pointed the tip of his dagger which was a centimetre away from the neck of the lizardman

"you dare badmouth our masters, take your circus troupe and go from here, if you stay here more than a second, your circus troupe will take your body without the head"

"you think that will scare me!" said the lizardman

Aniki shouted "Vajra!! Don't kill him yet!"

Before the lizardman can counter him, Vajra knocks him out cold. And told the lizardmen to leave.

They looked at us and said "WE WILL REMEMBER THIS!!!!!" in unison and ran with tails between their legs.










A/N: I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for the delay I took a very long time to fully heal and was able to put time to work on the story.

Thank you for staying with me until this time, I thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Here is the Discord link please join it if you are interested. if the comment is not popping up search for Athena_122 discord (

Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart