Chapter 16
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Soon Night came to an end and the sun rose, I also went into sleep mode last night, and in the morning I went to training fields to train the troops. As I was training them Aniki called me via family link it seems the Ogre came to a decision.

So I went to the hut where Aniki was staying, The red-haired Ogre stood before us and said "The Ogres are a warring clan. We aren't against taking to the battlefield in service to another" he continued "If our master is strong we all are more pleased to serve them."

"Alright.." said Aniki

And the Ogre asked, "However can our contract last only until we take out the Orcs leader?"

Before I could respond Aniki responded "No problem at all, you are free to go after that" I can also agree with that I'm dead sure that they won't leave as they have already seen what we are capable of, and I don't find any ill intentions from him at all, and I commend his guts to ask that, he might have thought a lot about it

The Ogre took a deep breath, Knelt before us, and spoke "We will herby serve under Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama"

"Lift your head up," I said.

"you all are accepted and call the others" spoke Aniki

Soon all the Ogres entered the hut and Aniki spoke "We will give you names to prove you all are our subordinates"

When Aniki said that all of the Ogres were shocked and the red-haired one exclaimed "All of us?" Aniki replied, "Well, having no name makes things tough, doesn't it?"

"But.." As the Red-haired one was speaking, the Pink Haired one cut him off and spoke "P-Please wait, giving names comes with greater risks, And to name such superior monsters-"

"It's fine," I replied

"But.." As the Pink-haired one was speaking, I cut her off and spoke "Or do you just not want us to name you?"

"That isn't –" the Pink Haired about to continue, and the Red Haired one interjected and spoke "We have no complaints, We humbly accept your names"

"So Let's Begin." Said Aniki

I decided to name the Old Ogre, the blue-haired and the Pink Haired one, Actually, I wanted to give them Indian names but I'm getting Japanese vibes from them so I decided to go with the Japanese names

I started with the Old Ogre, judging by his appearance and I'm getting samurai vibes from him 'What would be a good name for him?' I thought to myself and a nice name came to my head which has a nice ring to it.

"From now onwards your name will be 'Hanzo'." A golden glow shone upon the Old Ogre who was now named Hanzo

Hanzo knelt and spoke "I'm grateful to be bestowed such a wonderful name as Hanzo"

and now it's the turn of Blue Haired one, he looks like a shinobi, 'what would be a fitting name for him, as he looks like a Spy and an Assassin' I thought to myself, 'That one would be perfect'

"From now onwards your name will be 'Kuroshi'." A golden glow shone upon the Blue Haired Ogre who was now named Kuroshi

Kuroshi might be the fitting name for him as Kuro means Black and Shi means Death. This is the only name that came to my mind

"I'm thankful for the name which is given to me, I will live up to your expectations," said Kuroshi

And now it's the turn of Pink Haired one, well she knows magic, Pink hair…after thinking I got a name which would suit her, the name basically means Flower, as she has pink hair, let's go with that.

"your name will be 'Hana' ," I said a golden glow shone upon her and the Pink Haired one who is now named Hana spoke "Hana..such a beautiful name, Thank you so much for giving me this name Emeric-sama"

Aniki also completed naming them the Red Haired One is called 'Benimaru', the violet haired one is called 'Shion' and the last Black haired one is called 'Kurobe'

Its been a week since I named those guys. and all of the Ogres have been evolved to Kijin.

< < Kijin refers to a race of beings uncommonly born of Ogres, who are more powerful than Ogres > >

That's what sapient said when I saw them for the first time in the next day after they were named.

Until now the development of the village is going rapidly fast and smoothly, Hanzo is also training the troops, when Hanzo was named I put up a match between him and the strongest Hobgoblins and Tempest Worgens, and none of them were a match to him not even the Tempest Worgen, the only one who can match him slightly equally is Vayu.

I put him in charge of training the Hunting Corps which is led by Rigurd whenever they don't go Hunting, I did this because they also need to protect themselves. However they won't be trained regularly, they will be only trained whenever they don't go Hunting. I also created a group called Goblin Riders consisting of Gobta and the others, I haven't taken them into any troops because even though they evolved but they still look like normal Goblins, why not give them a chance, they are now being trained by Hanzo

And coming to Kijin I didn't give them any permanent posts yet, because they have asked that they only stay here until the Orc Leader is defeated, I'm sure that they won't leave, but I thought of waiting until that time.

Benimaru is also training with troops, and Kurobe is working with Kaido and Kuroshi is basically a spy and he is very good at scouting. Even though Survey Corps already exists, but Kuroshi moves in shadows like a Shinobi, he has one very interesting skill which is Body Double, the same one I have, but Body Double has a will of its own and he can command them from anywhere.

Hana is working on clothing and Food. She is really a good fit for that.

and one more thing happened, Shion declared herself that she would be the secretary of Aniki,

And that's how this one week came to an end,

And One Day, while I was overseeing the troops training, I heard Kuroshi's voice in my mind 'Emeric-sama, a group of Orcs is in battle with five Torgs, what's your orders?'


< < Answer. Torgs are a Demi-Human race with a Bull Head > >

'Kuroshi, how many orcs are there exactly?' I asked him

'Around Hundred Emeric-sama' He replied

'So How is the battle going?' I asked

'Emeric-sama, The leader of the Orc is fighting the Leader of the Torgs, and Torg Leader is in a losing position' Kuroshi replied

'Engage in the battle only if you think the Torg leader is gravely injured, I'm coming there' I said

'As you command' Replied Kuroshi

"Vayu! I will be out for some time, take care of the troops while I'm gone" I said

"Yes My Lord, I will also come with you" He replied

"No, Stay here," I said

"As you command, My Lord" replied Vayu

I formed wings and flew towards the location of Kuroshi, It only took a few seconds to reach there as I flew really fast

Sensing me Kuroshi came and knelt, "Emeric-sama, should I deal with them?" he asked

"No, I will take care of them" I replied

The battle between the Torg Leader and Orc Leader is still going on,

The Orc leader is about to deliver a strike with his giant cleaver, the Torg leader evaded it in a nick of time.

Only the Torg Leader is fighting the Orc Leader, the comrades of the Torg Leader lay unconscious on the ground, I jumped in the middle when the Torg leader was about to deliver another strike

And I gave the Torg leader full potions and said to him to use them on their comrades, without thinking anything he used the full potions on his comrades, and with a second they are completely recovered, the Torg Leader spoke "Thank you for saving my comrades, please leave from the Orcs might kill you"

Controlling my anger, I said to him "Don't worry, I will take care of them, you guys can rest easy"

"But there are hundreds of them" While he was speaking the Orc leader laughed "What! a puny human is going to defeat us-"Before the orc leader finishes his entire jaw was decapitated, with a swift moment which is not visible to naked eye

All of the Orcs and Torgs were shocked,

The Orc leader screamed in agony,

"Oh, you are saying something, I didn't hear it, could you please say it again?" I spoke a low tone while smiling which gave chills to them

"Ah! I forgot you can't speak right," I spoke in the same tone, the Orc leader raised his hand to deliver a strike

"You never learn don't you?" I spoke with a swift movement I decapitated the Orc leader head.

Seeing the death of their leader all the Orcs rushed toward me,

I smirked..and ran toward them in the span of seconds numerous orc heads flew in air with purple flashes, and its a pure bloodbath, all the Orcs were now lying dead with their heads decapitated

"You were not even worth of using magic," I said

When I looked towards the Torgs they were completely shocked and scared and in an instant, all of them kneeled down, which meant that they were no harm to me.

And they led me to their village, apparently, the Torg leader sensed that orcs are approaching their village, and the leader came to stop them before the orcs reach their village.










A/N: I hope you like this chapter.

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Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

And I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.