Chapter 14 – Shizu
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Its been a five days that Shizu is in unconscious state, and the three humans didn't do anything funny but I made sure they were in under watch. And Aniki was checking her daily. Shizu has become a old woman after Ifrit has been defeated, I guess she stayed alive only because of the spirit which is sealed in her, may be like Jinchuriki from Naruto series who knows?

< < Answer. Summoned individuals may not have stabilized magicules and only with the strong souls can survive after summoned. there is high of chance that summoned individuals dying sooner. They need spirits to be sealed inside them in order stabilize the magicules and keep the alive > >

I see, that means Shizu is summoned into this world, As Veldora said the Otherworlders might be summoned to be used as weapons or to increase their military powers. So Shizu was also been summoned as a weapon, but the question is who summoned her? If the Blumund Kingdom summoned her then why do they sent her here, aren't they supposed to use her as a secret weapon or something? Something is going on here, wait, does the humans said that Shizu is temporary member of their group? Does the Blumund kingdom know that Shizu is going with them? If they don't know there is a high chance of Shizu is not being summoned by them. And the humans also mentioned that Shizu is retired hero which would mean she was summoned by some other Kingdoms, if so why would they let her go? If she not summoned by a kingdom who would be powerful enough to summon her?

The only answer I could conclude is DemonLord, if dragons, hero's, Elves and dwarves exist then the DemonLords also should exist right?

< < Answer. DemonLords exists, there are currently ten existing DemonLords > >

If that is the case, there is high chance that she is sent here by that DemonLord, but why? Because of Veldora disappearance? Veldora sudden disappearance is too good to be true, so she might be sent here to investigate and she met these three humans on the way, wait! why would she became a hero? She should be a DemonLord servant, right? Unless she escaped from that DemonLord, I highly doubt that she had that power to escape unless someone helped her.

Whatever it is but I have to be really careful from now onwards.

Two days later, I have been training my troops but suddenly I heard Aniki is calling me via family link

'Emeric can you come here?' but his tone is filled with sadness

'Alright I'm coming' I replied and went to the tent where he is, but when I went inside there is no slime but a human


He turned towards me with teary eyes, Judging from his eyes Shizu might have passed away, Aniki might have consumed her

"So..She passed away?" I asked

"Yes, I consumed her as it her final wish" Aniki replied with a sad tone

"I see…..but cover yourself first!" I threw a cloth from my slime body.

"YES!" Aniki immediately covered himself

And he told about Shizu's past making my conclusions true, she is summoned by the DemonLord Leon Cromwell, and after a battle with a hero who wanted to kill Leon for some reason, and as the protector of that domain Shizu fought the hero and got defeated and the hero took her away and trained her, and one day she got vanished and gave Shizu her mask as a keepsake.

And one interesting a guy whose name is 'Yuuki Kagurazaka' who is a student of Shizu and Otherworlder told her about Veldora's missing and asked her if she could investigate before she is going on a trip to find Leon, and that's how she appeared here.

And apparently this guy is a Grand Master, which is overseer of all guilds. I should remember this guy's name.

As we are conversing the Rigurd and Ranga entered the tent and easily found out that this human is Aniki while can't be said the same for the three humans entered the tent later, and apparently they got to know about our Ranga's angry growl when Kaval questioned 

"Are you really Rimuru?" asked Kaval

"You think I wouldn't recognize my lord, just because he changed his form?" growled Ranga angrily at them

"u-uh I didn't mean it that way…it's just…well you look like smaller version of Shizu" said Kaval

"Its true" Aniki replied and changed back to slime form and he explained what happened not telling them about Shizu's past and only told that Shizu died and asked him to consume her.

And sometime later, the three humans left the village and Aniki gave them a equipment upgrade. 

As the three humans left the village 

So then I went into the forest to check on something while Beru and Vayu followed me






< < Use Skill [Mimic] to Mimic Human form. [Yes] / [NO] > >





In a place Shizu didn't recognize, she ran in a scared frenzy, shouting for her mom. Her voice sounded loud and worried as she desperately looked around for her. She felt lost and afraid, fearing she might be separated from her mom.

Then, out of the confusion, Shizu saw someone in the distance and realized it was her mother. Relief flooded her, and she rushed towards her, wanting to be close.

But something strange started happening as she ran. Shizu began to change. She could feel it—her body was getting smaller. She was becoming younger, like when she was just a kid.

Even though this change was happening, Shizu didn't stop. She kept running towards her mom, who seemed farther away now, yet closer at the same time.

Finally, in a moment that felt unbelievable, Shizu became a child. She sprinted towards her mom, who was now a familiar figure from her childhood. They both ran towards each other, and when they finally met, they hugged tightly.

The feeling of being in her mom's arms was comforting, like nothing could go wrong. Shizu felt safe and happy, like she did when she was a kid.

As they held each other, a sense of peace washed over Shizu. She knew that in this moment, everything was alright.

And thus Shizu spent her after life in peace



To Be Continued


A/N: I hope you like this chapter.

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Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

And I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.