Chapter 13 – Conqueror of Flames (Updated)
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As we are at the village entrance, I'm having a eerie feeling from Shizu, I don't know if Aniki felt it or not,

'Vajra, Evacuate all the people from the village,' I told him via thought communication

'Yes My Lord!'

Just then, Shizu who had been quiet until now, groaned loudly. Seeing Shizu in agony "SHIZU-SAN!!..." cried out Eren in deep sorrow

Cracks formed along the surface of her mask, and sudden surge of magical power emitted from her and black clouds started to form out on the sky, binding out the sunlight


A loud explosion occurred, Vayu and Ranga covered me and Aniki

From the explosion Shizu emerged engulfed in flames.

"SHIZU-SAN! SHIZU-SAN!" cried out Eren in deep sorrow seeing Shizu in flames

"Shizu..Shizue Izawa..?" exclaimed Kaval

"Isn't Shizue Izawa..Conqueror of Flames..? Gido also exclaimed

"Y-You mean the hero of the guild from about fifty years ago?....Shizu-san is her??" asked Eren

"Isn't she retired already.." said Kaval

"Rigurd…Evacuate the people." Said Aniki

"Its already done, I have given an order to Vajra" I replied

"huh..when did you?" Aniki Asked

"We will talk about this later..lets deal with this first" I replied

" are right.." Aniki Replied

"Rigurd! Rigur! You also leave this place!" I said to both of them

they both are worried to move

"Its an order, Now Go!" I said

"Yes, My Lord!" they both replied

Slowly Shizu began to rose up and began to mutter

A magic circle glowing in red formed on the ground, and two other magic circles which is similar to that were also formed

"Summoning magic??..... Oi oi, seriously? What rank she going to summon?" Eren exclaimed being surprised

"By looking at the scale of the magic, it's going to be monster with rank 'B+' or higher." Said Kaval

"Sigh..I'm not being paid enough for this.." said Gido

The mask which is on the face of Shizu fell down, The flames which surrounded Shizu, swallowed her and all the flames evaporated forming a creature,

< < < Summoning. Flame Ruler Ifrit. Success > > >

We heard the voice of the world.

The creature which is now known as Ifrit, let out a loud roar forming a loud explosion, three pillars made of flames formed around ifrit, from those pillars three flames Wyverns emerged.

"Oi Aniki are you ready?" I asked Aniki

"Yes.." he replied

I then transformed into slimy humanoid form and a long sword came into my hand,

"Vayu..protect those three humans, take them away from here.." I said

Vayu turned into his Tempest Worgen form and spoke " lord..-

"Now Go! Its an order.." I said

"As you command! I wish for your fortune in battle!" Vayu said

"We can also fight, ..Shizu-san is also part of out group" all of them said in unison

"Now Go! I don't have a habit of saying twice!" I spoke

'Vayu, after you take them away from here, strike them if they try to do anything to the people, I know they will not, but just in case' I said to Vayu via thought communication

'Yes My Lord!' replied Vayu

"Three of you come! You have to follow our Leader's orders" Vayu said

"Please be safe" said Eren and all of them started moving away from there

While three of them and Vayu are going to somewhere safe, the three Wyvrens started to release some flame particles and were about fly towards the village

"No, you don't" I jumped high and with a one single strike I sliced the Wyvren, with that strike the Wyvren vanished into thin air

"N-No way with one single strike..! Just how strong he is?" exclaimed Kaval in shock, all three humans were in utter shock

"That's our, Master!" said Vayu with pride

Seeing their comrade vanishing, the other two Wyvrens came flying towards me, I extended my palm towards the Wyvrens, a huge blast of frost particles shot from my hand, thus by freezing the Wyvrens, the frozen Wyvrens fell down from above and broken into pieces.

[Frostbite] I said in a low tone

"Just How broken are you?" asked Aniki

To that I just shrugged my shoulders

"Show off" said Aniki

"Now then, time to deal with you" I said

"Oy, Aniki will you deal with him or should I?"

"I'll take him down…shoot that frost towards me" Said Aniki

"Alright" I said and I shot a mini Frostbite aiming towards Aniki, Aniki devoured all the frost blast

"Ranga, I will take him down, now you go from here"

" lord..-

Aniki cut off Ranga's words, its words "Its an Order"

"As you command, please be safe" said Ranga

I moved a little far away, turned back into my slime form, 'I wish I had a popcorn' I thought

As Aniki moved towards Ifrit, ifrit surrounded Aniki with his clones, [Frost Bullets] a barrage of bullets made of ice shot all of the clones of Ifrit

"Not bad" I commented to Aniki's attack

'Sapient, copy the skill body double'

< < Notice. Acquiring Extra Skill [Body Double]. Success > >

"Now what will you do?" said Aniki

Ifrit then formed a magic circle on the ground where Aniki stood, and let out loud roar a huge tornado made out of flames engulfed Aniki

"AHHHHHHHH" screamed Aniki

"OI! Aniki cut the crap! You have Flame Nullification right?" I shouted

"Oh forget about that" said Aniki

An imaginary sweat drop formed on my slimy body

Ifrit thought Aniki is dead, and was about to walk away

A shot of sticky threads came from the flames, and tied Ifrit shocking him

All the flames which engulfed Aniki was dissipated

"Did you just do something to me?" Aniki moved forward speaking to ifrit

Ifrit tried to break free from being tied, even by shooting flames he couldn't do anything

"I underestimated you, but not as much as you underestimated me." Aniki said

Ifrit shot a [Flame Blast] towards Aniki, but nothing happened scaring Ifrit

"My Turn" Aniki said and used [Predator] on Ifrit

As Ifrit vanished, all the black clouds which blinded the sunlight also dissipated

Surprisingly, Shizu is still alive lying on the ground

"Shizu-san! Aniki called out to her worriedly, I then summoned Rigurd and Rigur and moved her into the village








In a void, Ifrit is confused where he is at exactly, he shot a flame, but it travelled for some distance and got dissipated

"Give up Ifrit" 

A deep voice heard by Ifrit, he looked at from where the voice came from, what welcomed him was a pair of glowing golden eyes staring him down from above.

"You cannot escape from this place" he heard the same deep voice again

"You are no match for Rimuru and Emeric"

"They both are my sworn brothers"

Hearing the same deep voice coming from the glowing golden eyes scared him even more

"I am the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest"

When Ifrit realized that the voice belonged to the legendary storm dragon, his eyes widened in fear, terrifying him and making him fear for his very existence.

"It would be my pleasure to face you"



A thunderous terrifying voice boomed in the void 








A/N: I hope you like this chapter.

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Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

And I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.